Queen Clumsy


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One clumsy girl, an old love, and an annoyingly attractive neighbor. Who will win her heart? * * * Adrienne D... Více

Queen Clumsy ~ Author's Note
Chapter 1 ~ My new Neighbor is a Creep, how Awesome is that?
Chapter 2 ~ Adrienne, you are Screwed
Chapter 3 ~ I'm going to have a Panic Attack for God's Sake!
Chapter 4 ~ Oh my God! It's my First Party!
Chapter 5 ~ Why are you Back?!
Chapter 6 ~ Wait, When did I End up Here?!
Chapter 7 ~ Blast from the Past
Chapter 8 ~ Why did I do That?
Chapter 9 ~ The Picture in Alec's Room
Chapter 10 ~ Guys who Cook Food are Hot
Chapter 11 ~ I look Great when I'm Sparkly
Chapter 12 ~ STOP! Bullying is Repeated, Negative, On Purpose, and Mean!
Chapter 13 ~ I Hate Hospitals Because They Smell like Chemicals
Chapter 14 ~ If I'm not Cool, well That's Okay Because That Means I'm Hot
Chapter 15 ~ Why Alec-Freaking-Raux is Scared of Relationships
Chapter 16 ~ Two Confessions in Two Days?! #SHOOK
Chapter 17 ~ The Truth Kinda Hurts, Doesn't it?
Chapter 19 ~ Back to Square One
Chapter 20 ~ Breezy Hair and Salty Tears
Chapter 21 ~ Friends with Benefits... but not really
Chapter 22 ~ Less Friendly, More Romantic, and Even More Jealous
Chapter 23 ~ It's Too Late
Chapter 24 ~ The Aftermath of the Disaster
Chapter 25 ~ For a Guy who says that he Doesn't Love me, you get Jealous easily
Chapter 26 ~ Kinda Irrelevant but Okay
Chapter 27 ~ I Don't Know why you still Think I want to Talk to you
Chapter 28 ~ Drama? Thank you, Next
Chapter 29 ~ Spring Fling, Bling Bling
Chapter 30 ~ Daily Reminder: Always Bring an Umbrella
Chapter 31 ~ I Don't do Well with Confessions
Chapter 32 ~ Some People Never Change
Chapter 33 ~ Crying Gives you a Headache, Trust me, I Would Know
Chapter 34 ~ Best if you Don't Assume
Chapter 35 ~ The Weight of the World
Chapter 36 ~ By Your Side
Chapter 37 ~ As Time Passes
Chapter 38 ~ Low Key Regret Coming Back
Chapter 39 ~ Guess the Drama isn't Over just yet
Chapter 40 ~ Tying up Loose Ends
Chapter 41 ~ What Would it take for this Happiness to Stay?
Chapter 42 ~ It's Mine
Chapter 43 ~ Cheers to Officially Being an Adult
Chapter 44 ~ Jealousy Under the Sunset
Chapter 45 ~ Your Forever Queen Clumsy
Other Stories!!!

Chapter 18 ~ Jealousy is not a Good Look on You

103 9 2

we hadn't had an alec pov for a while so...
ur welcome <3

*not edited*

[ ALEC ]
Queen Clumsy, Chapter 18 ~ Jealousy is not a Good Look on You

Earlier in the day...

"We're not dating, Alec. You have no reason to be pissed at me." Adrienne snaps. Before I could say anything else, she stands up and storms out of the cafeteria. Great going, Alec. Deciding to chase after was basically second nature to me. I had to talk to her. As I stand up, Mia approaches me.

"Alec." Mia states. I turn to face her.

"You're going after Adrienne, aren't you?" She asks. Apparently the look on my face gave it away because I didn't even have to say anything to let Mia know that I was going after Adrienne.

"Be careful, Alec, and please don't hurt Adrienne. She's already gone through much." Mia answers solemnly. Before I could respond, Mia says, "She's outside, running." Then, Mia walks away, leaving me confused.

Shaking my head, I leave the cafeteria and head for the double doors that led to outside. When I was outside, I walked around the school so I could get to the field at the back of the school. The moment the track becomes visible to me, I run forward. It wasn't that difficult to spot Adrienne tearing down the field.

Using the wall as a cover, I spy on Adrienne from afar. I watch as she sprints around the track at a really fast speed, hoping she wasn't going to push herself too much. When she collapsed on the ground, I was about to bolt straight towards her and help her up.

That was, if Kai didn't get to her first.

As Kai converses with a panting Adrienne, I watch from afar while clenching my jaw. I would've been lying if I said I wasn't wishing that I wasn't in Kai's position. I wanted to be the one talking to Adrienne and helping her. I wanted to be the only one for Adrienne.

Before I knew what was happening, Kai swooped up Adrienne in one swift move. As Kai brings Adrienne back to the locker room while carrying her bridal style, I wished that I was the one who could have Adrienne in their arms. The moment Adrienne disappeared into the locker room, I approached Kai with a newfound fury in my veins.


"Alec, what's up?" Kai asks as he turns to face me with a confused look.

"What the hell was that?" I snarl.

"What was what?" He asks in a calm voice. The fact that he was so calm pissed me off even more.

"What was that?" I growl as I gesture the locker room door with a sideways nod.

"Oh, Adrienne." Kai smiles when he says Adrienne's name. This makes me clench my jaw even more.

"Yes, Adrienne." I respond. Anger was flooding my veins and adrenaline was flowing through me.

"What about her?" Kai asks.

"Simple: stay away from her." I shrug, getting straight to the point.

"Why? Are you her boyfriend?" He responds with a raised eyebrow. God, I just want to punch him in his face.

"No, but-"

"Then you have no reason to be telling me to stay away from her." Kai cuts me off with a Cheshire cat-like grin.

"What is your problem?!" I suddenly shout, my fuse going off. I didn't like how Kai won't listen to me.

"I can ask you the same thing! What is your problem?!" He fires back, losing his calm and collected face real quick. It was as if my anger was contagious.

"I don't have a fucking problem!" I yell. I watch as Kai flinches from my anger.

"Yes, you do! You say you don't feel anything for her and then you go and tear her away from me!" Kai yells, getting really close to my face. For the second time, I really, really wanted to punch his face and break his nose or something.

"So? That doesn't mean anything!" I grit out, my teeth gnawing against each other so hard that I'm surprised I hadn't broken them or anything.

"Then let her be my girlfriend." Kai replies calmly. It was as if he had an anger switch, and it was just switched to "Calm Mode." However, when Kai became calm, I became livid.

"NO!" I growl, clenching my fists together so I don't punch something (aka Kai).

"Why not? It's not like you have any feelings for her, right?" Kai asks, emphasizing on the last word. His eyes glittered with mischief while a smirk was painted on his lips. Dang, you would've never expected that a guy like Kai could have an evil side, too.

"Why do you care?" I glare, ignoring how his question was a stab right at me.

"Because you stopped Adrienne from becoming my girlfriend this morning, that's why." Kai answers casually. His sentence reminded me of what happened this morning, which caused me to grit my teeth once again.

"So what if I have feelings for her? It's not like it matters." I say while lifting an eyebrow at Kai suspiciously.

"Actually, it does. Like I said, you stopped Adrienne from becoming my girlfriend." Kai points out. I hate how keen this guy is. What does Adrienne see in him?

"What do you want me to say?" I ask, sensing a feeling that Kai wanted me to say something, and he was waiting for me to say it.

"Admit it, Alec. Admit you like Adrienne." Kai demands with a cheeky look. I bite down on my bottom lip as I contemplate my answer. 

No matter how many times I tell Adrienne that we're just friends, there's a small voice in my head that keeps screaming "Liar! You want more with her, don't you?" but then there's another voice that hollers "Remember what happened with Alexa, Alec? You don't want to end up like that and cause Mom more pain, do you?"

In the end, the second voice always wins.

But not this time.

"Fine, you're right," God, I hate this, "I do like Adrienne, but only a bit." More like a lot.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Kai responds apathetically.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I growl.

"It means that you like her a lot more than 'a bit.'" Kai answers. God, what is it about this guy who just makes me want to rip out his hair one strand at a time? Is it his cocky smile, or is it the fact that he always shows up where I don't want him to? Or maybe it's the fact that he's almost always right.

"Just stay away from her." I roll my eyes.

"And why should I?" Kai fires back with another cocky smirk.

"Because I like her, okay? And you already had a chance, and you fucked up!" I shout. Without thinking, I push him and walk away.

I guess jealousy can make you do things you're not exactly proud of.

* * *

The moment the bell rang, I was bolting to my car. I didn't want to talk to anyone, and I had a lot on my mind. Before I knew what was going on, I was driving to a familiar place: Sasha's house. I knew that she was home already because she left early from a "stomach flu." When I pull up to Sasha's pristine house, I park my car in her driveway and step out.

Not thinking twice, I walked up to her door and ran the doorbell exactly 3 times. Not even less than 30 seconds later, the door opened and revealed Sasha wearing a very revealing, purple romper. What is her obsession with purple?

"Hey, Alec." Sasha purrs. Sasha stood in a way that made her ass and chest look way bigger than it actually was.

"Hey." I say.

"Come on in." Sasha winks as she leads me through her door. Her parents were famous fashion designers, and they were almost always traveling, resulting in Sasha inviting people to their house all the time. As Sasha pulls me up the stairs, I look around her immaculate house. It was too plain.

The walls were white with nothing hanging on them. There was only furniture that was needed. There were no decorations or plants and her house seemed rather empty than clean and neat. My view of her living room disappears as we reach the top of the stairs. In a second, Sasha pulls me into her room, which is also purple (surprise).

The moment we step into her room, she shuts the door and locks it quickly. Taking control, she pins me against the door and began to kiss me roughly.

"God, I missed you, Alec." Sasha moans against my lips. Without responding, I continue to kiss Sasha as rough as I can, wanting this to take my mind off of a specific someone. When Sasha reaches to pull down the straps on her romper, I do it instead. When Sasha's expensive romper falls on the floor, it left her in all of her naked glory.

"Kiss me, Alec." She purrs. Nodding, I take her mouth in mine again. Kissing Sasha took my mind off of her, that is, until I realized that she wouldn't want to be someone who slept around. That thought causes me to pull away from Sasha.

"Why'd you stop, babe?" Sasha asks, a confused look on her make-up caked face.

"This was a mistake." I state. I see Sasha's face twist in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Me coming here was a mistake. Me kissing you was a mistake. Me thinking that doing this will stop me from thinking about Adrienne was a mistake." I rant as I turn around and unlocked the door hastily, trying to get away from Sasha as fast as possible.

And that's what I did, I left Sasha naked in her room.

Call me a jerk or whatever, but some part me was telling me that this was the right thing to do.

* * *

I pull up into my driveway with hazy thoughts. My mind was cluttered as I open the door to my house and step into the quiet house. Knowing Mom, she was already asleep. Even 2 years after the divorce, she's still exhausted. Quietly, I step up the stairs and enter my room.

I flick on the lights and hear a surprised voice.

"AH! LIGHT!" Someone screams as I freeze. The thump of something falling was barely audible. I scan my windowsill and see Adrienne scooping up her phone that she dropped on the floor. God, she has to be more careful next time.

"What the hell, Adrienne?! You scared me!" I shout.

"Shhh! Keep it down or you'll wake your mom up!" She hisses. I hold back the chuckle that was rising to my throat.

"What the hell are you doing in my room, Adrienne?" I ask, much calmer. Quickly, I take another step into my room and close the door behind me, to decrease the volume.

"So, a little birdie told me that you like me, and I'm here to confront you." Adrienne bluntly tells me. She may not realize it, but she was batting the hell out of her eyelashes.

"Well, that little birdie is wrong." I lie, hoping Adrienne couldn't catch my lying.

"Does that mean we're not friends anymore?" Adrienne pouts in a way that made me want to squeeze her cheeks. Shaking my head, I decided to be the serious one here.

"Of course we're still friends, but I know you're talking about the romantic like, not the friendly like." I respond solemnly. Then, I lean against the wall while crossing my arms as if it'll throw off Adrienne from catching my lie.

"True, true." Adrienne nods. She didn't know that her uncaring attitude didn't help me figure out what she was thinking either.

"But that's the problem, isn't it," Adrienne says before I could say anything, "That little birdie is right."

"Oh, no, the little birdie is definitely wrong." I respond quickly. Did she really know something that I didn't want her to know?

"And why would the birdie be wrong?" Adrienne asks innocently.

"Because I don't like you in that way, Adrienne. We're just friends, nothing more." I answer with the same bullshit excuse I've used since forever. Maybe if I say it enough times, I'll actually believe it. Suddenly, Adrienne hops off of the window sill with a determined expression.

"Really? You sure you don't like me?" 

"Y-yeah, I'm sure." I stutter. Adrienne closing the distance between us faltered my thoughts and made me stutter.

"But that's the thing, Alec. You may be good at lying, but I'll always get to the bottom of things." Adrienne says.

"I'm not lying-" I start, but Adrienne cuts me off.

"I heard what you told Kai today. You like me, Alec, so stop lying." Adrienne states. Shit.

"I don't, Adrienne. Remember Alexa? I don't want to-" Once again, Adrienne cuts me off from lying my ass off.

"I know what happened to your sister, Alec, but you deserve to be happy. Don't let that control your life. Don't let that decide your actions or your emotions." Adrienne tells me. If this wasn't such a serious topic, I would've hugged her. However, her sentence left me speechless and left one question in my mind.

"Do you like me?" I ask while trying my hardest to keep my voice as stable as possible. That was a fail when my voice comes out extremely wobbly.

"So what if I do? You're too afraid to make it official, so why should I waste my time?" The moment those words left Adrienne's mouth, my heart ached as she turned around and climbed back into her room.

And for once, I wished that I had the guts to stop her.

Man, Alec, you screwed up bad.

* * *

so this chapter was basically a repeat from last chapter
but of course in alec's pov ;)
to all y'all ritzy shippers, next chapter will basically be hell for you, soz
to them kaidrienne shippers, there's hope for you next chapter

published: september 19, 2018

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