The Elements of Forbidden Love

Od shaelydawn75

1K 68 55

Nixie Caldwell lives in a New Earth. A world that has mutated along with the people in it. A world with four... Více

Before You Read
The Prologue
Chapter 1: The Introduction
Chapter 2: The Beast
Chapter 3: The Courtship
Chapter 4: The Deal
Chapter 5: The Kiss
Chapter 6: The Little Princess
Chapter 7: The Story
Chapter 8: The Shadows
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 11: The Return
Chapter 12: The Message
Chapter 13: The Proposal
Chapter 14: The Land of the Unknown
Chapter 15: The Outsiders
Chapter 16: The Punishment
Chapter 17: The Decision
Chapter 18: The Wedding
Chapter 19: The Queen
Chapter 20: The End
The Epilogue

Chapter 10: The Meeting

33 2 0
Od shaelydawn75

I had been home in the Water domain for two weeks. It was finally the day that Aidan wanted to meet with me at the Fire and Water border.

I found the best day dress that I owned. It was a navy blue swing dress. I straightened my hair, and I met my father in his study.

"Father, would it be possible for me to go into the city today. I haven't been traveling in my domain on my own. I feel like that is something that all princesses should do," I complained to him.

He looked conflicted for a moment until he spoke, "I would make Naida go with you, but she's in the Air domain with Niall. I guess you can go, but you must be careful. Bryant Darnell seems to seriously think that these beasts are trying to harm you specifically, and I don't want you to be hurt. Stay in areas with a lot of people, and come home before it gets too dark."

"Thank you father! I really appreciate this," I told him with a smile before quickly exiting the castle before he changed his mind.

Dylan was directly behind me as I left the castle.

"Where are you going?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm going into the city," I explained.

"I'm coming too," he told me with a smirk.

"Dylan, you have to stay in the castle. Father didn't authorize you to leave," I told him crossing my arms.

"I don't want to be authorized to do anything. I can make my own decisions," he told me sounding annoyed.

"Listen Dylan, this is important to me. I need you to stay inside the castle while I go do this. Do you understand?" I asked him seriously.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "I guess so."

I watched as he went back into the castle before quickly walking down the stairs and into the city. I was stopped by many people asking for photos or autographs. I quickly gave them what they asked before disappearing behind buildings and into the forest.

I had studied so many maps in my lifetime that I knew the direction to go in. If I kept walking through the forest, I would eventually find a volcanic rock line on the ground separating the Fire domain from the Water domain.

I kept walking for a while until I eventually saw the line. I wasn't exactly sure where Aidan would be on the line, and I realized that we should have made a signal or something to let the other person know that we made it to the border.

I decided to wait where I was on a tree stump on the Water domain's side of the line. I was waiting when something moved in the corner of my eye. It looked like a person's shadow, but it was gone before I could really see it.

I stood up, and looked around. I called out Aidan's name. I didn't see anything, and I was walking back to the tree stump when I saw a young man on the Fire domain's side of the line. He had charcoal black hair and extremely tan skin. He was cute, but I was worried immediately.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Aidan! She's over here!" He yelled before turning back to look at me. He crossed over the line, and he took my hand in his. His kissed it lightly before grinning.

"Your Majesty, I am Ryan Underwood, and it is an absolute pleasure to finally meet you," he told me excitedly.

"Ryan? You're Aidan's friend?" I asked him confused.

"I wouldn't consider us friends exactly. It's more like I am his personal guard, and he's forced to take me everywhere he goes," Ryan told me with a laugh.

I smiled, "He seems to consider you to be his friend. He spoke very highly of you to me while we were in the Earth domain."

He smiled, "He speaks very highly of you now. Very highly."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks at his words.

He laughed, "Don't worry, he's like my little brother almost. I'd never tell anyone about this."

"Thank you, I appreciate that," I told him with a grin.

As Aidan came into my sight, I was completely shocked. He was wearing a simple shirt with a pair of jeans.

"Nixie, I was worried that you weren't going to show up," he told me with a smile.

"I'm here. Do your parents let you dress casually like that?" I asked him confused.

Ryan and Aidan both laughed. Aidan embraced me in a loose hug, "Princess, the Fire domain is a very relaxed place. It's much different than the Earth and Water domains."

I leaned my head against his chest comfortably, "I've missed you a lot more than I thought I would."

"I've missed you too, Princess," he told me softly.

Ryan excitedly squealed, and we turned toward him.

"I'm sorry, but you two are really cute together. Levi would be completely freaking out," he admitted to us.

"Who is Levi?" I asked Aidan confused.

"Levi is Ryan's husband," he informed me.

"Princess Nixie, would you agree that Aidan needs a haircut? It's getting a little too long, but he thinks it looks fine. I strongly disagree," Ryan asked me curiously.

I laughed, "It is getting a bit long and scruffy. He could use a slight cut," I told him with a smile as I ruffled his hair.

"See, even Princess Nixie agrees with me. Everyone agrees," Ryan told Aidan.

"I didn't bring you with me for you to get her to agree with you on everything. I brought you here so you can meet your celebrity crush, now be quiet," Aidan told Ryan with a smirk.

Ryan gasped, "You told her that she was my celebrity crush? How dare you."

"It's alright. I think it's sweet, and you're funny. Also I think you're pretty hot," I told him with a wink.

"Alright this was a bad idea. I should not have done this," Aidan decided.

I laughed as Ryan blushed and loudly whispered to Aidan, "She just called me hot. I don't know how to respond. I think I might faint."

"I am not carrying you home if you faint," Aidan told him crossing his arms.

"Would you say that I am more handsome than Aidan?" Ryan asked me curiously.

Aidan's interest in the conversation peaked. He looked down at me curiously. I laced my fingers through his before I spoke, "I think I'm too biased to answer that question."

Aidan smiled as he leaned down and lightly kissed my forehead. My skin warmed from his touch.

"You two are way too cute together. I don't see why you can't be a couple," Ryan admitted to us.

I awkwardly coughed a little, and Aidan responded, "Her parents hate me."

"That shouldn't be the only thing stopping you from being together. That's unfair," Ryan complained.

I sighed, "It's very complicated. My parents have to approve of my courtship. It's scandalous for them to not approve."

"Is this any less scandalous?" Ryan asked me with a curious smile.

I looked up at Aidan. He was looking down at me with a look that I couldn't quite place. He looked happy, but he also looked slightly upset.

"Ryan, do you think you could give us some time alone?" Aidan asked him curiously.

Ryan nodded before looking back at me.

"It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," Ryan told me softly.

I smiled, "Nixie, you can call me Nixie, but it was a pleasure to meet you too."

He bowed before looking up at Aidan.

"Where do you want me to go? I can't go back to the castle when they're expecting me to be with you," Ryan asked him.

"You can go home. I'm sure Levi will be surprised to see you. I'll meet you there when I am finished here," Aidan told him.

Ryan smiled and nodded before disappearing into the volcanic forest.

I laughed, "He's very interesting."

"He's never going to stop talking about the fact that you called him hot. I hope you realize what you have done," Aidan told me with a laugh.

"I'm not going to lie! He's very hot, but you're definitely more handsome. I didn't want to hurt his feelings while he was here," I told Aidan with a flirtatious smile.

He wrapped his arms around me in a hug, and I leaned my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair, and we stood in a comfortable silence.

Aidan sighed, and I looked up at him curiously.

"Do you think he is right? Do you think we should try talking to your parents about us?" He asked me softly.

"We can't. He underestimates how much prejudice my parents have toward Fire Elementals. They scolded me for dancing with you at the ball. If they knew that there was more going on between us, they'd force me to get married to someone else immediately," I explained to him honestly.

He frowned, "I just want us to be able to be together. I want to be in a courtship with you."

"I do too! I just wish that things were different," I told him with a frown.

We sat in silence again for a while until Aidan took both of my hands in his. He had an excited smile on his face.

"What if we have a secret courtship?" He asked me.

"Aren't we already doing that?" I asked him confused.

"I mean like an official courtship that's just not approved by your parents. Levi is ordained. He can marry us at the end of it if that's what we want. We can tell your parents together after we are already married. They won't be able to protest, and if they are the people I think that they are, they won't want us to be banished. They'll find a way to make it seem less scandalous. We could be together," he told me excitedly.

I grinned, "You're taking this Romeo and Juliet thing very seriously. Can we really get married in secret?"

"We are soulmates, Nixie. We are meant to be together, and I think that we will be. Even without your parents approval," he told me softly.

I thought about it for a while. Millions of thoughts were running through my head. Thoughts about Lance and King Darnell. Thoughts about my parents and Brooke.

"I want to. I just have to think about it. Being with Lance is safe. It isn't what I want, but it's easy. I can be Queen. Being with you is risky even if it is what I want. I know that I'd be happier because I actually care for you. I just don't know if I can risk everything like that," I explained to him honestly.

He frowned letting go of my hands, "I have to admit that's not the reaction I was hoping for, but I understand. I know that it's risky, but I also know that it's worth it. It's worth it for me at least."

He turned away from me, and he didn't say anything for a while. I didn't know how to respond.

He turned back around, and he took my hand leading me into the Fire Domain. I instantly felt the heat difference. I could feel the absence of the water in the atmosphere

"I want to show you something. If you start getting too hot, let me know, and we can go back," he told me as we walked through the Fire Domain.

I laughed to myself, and Aidan gave me a questioning look, "What are you thinking about?"

"I just am thinking about what my parents' reactions would be like if they knew I was actually here. Not only am I with you, but I'm in the Fire Domain," I told him with a smile.

"They'd probably kill me for taking you here. How are you feeling?" He asked me slightly concerned.

"I'm fine right now. I'm just a little warm," I told him honestly as we continued walking.

He nodded, "We are almost there."

We continued walking in silence for a while until a tall volcano came into my view. It was enormous, and there were several craters around it. Next to the volcano, there was a lava lake with Fire Elementals inside it.

"We can't get any closer to them. You'll get way too hot," he explained to me.

"This is amazing," I told him smiling as I stared in awe of all of the different landmarks.

"The largest part of the volcano was made by the original Incendio Elemental family, my ancestors. The other craters, fields, fountains, and lakes were made by each generation. In a few minutes, you will be able to see a lava fountain in action," he explained to me in detail.

I coughed a little from all of the smoke, and he grabbed something from his pocket.

I gave him a curious glance as he placed a small paper mask over my face.

"You're not use to the smoke. I brought this mask, so it wouldn't make you sick," he told me with a small smile at the corner of his lips.

I looked at the Elementals in the lava lake again, "So you guys just swim around in lava like it's water?"

"Pretty much. We don't have enough water, so we use lava as a water substitute. It doesn't burn our skin because of the adaptations. Water does more damage to us than the lava," he explained to me.

I scanned the area again when lava erupted from a crater of the side of the volcano. The lava was ejected into the air, and the Elementals in the lava lake cheered. I jumped backwards instantly frightened from the lava fountain.

Aidan laughed slightly, "The lava can't touch you from here. You're too far away. I wouldn't put you in danger like that."

I caught my breath before I spoke, "I wasn't really afraid of being hit with the lava. I was just frightened from it for a moment there."

I could feel my skin beginning to get warmer and warmer the longer we stood there. I could feel my throat becoming dry and wanting water.

"Your cheeks are pink. I think we should go back now," Aidan told me turning around and walking away from the volcano.

I glanced at it one last time before turning and walking to catch up to him.

We walked back toward the border when I started to feel slightly overwhelmed with heat.

"Are we almost to the border?" I asked him worriedly. My hand went to my forehead where small drops of water were building as I perspired. 

"We are almost there. I would carry you, but I'm afraid that my skin would cause you to be warmer than you already are. We should have left earlier, but you looked so interested that I didn't want to pull you away from it," he told me with a frown.

I shook my head, "I'm fine. I'll be okay as soon as I get to the water. There is a lake right at the border." I explained to him as we were coming up to the line.

We passed the line into the Water domain, and I immediately took the mask off and breathed in the water in the atmosphere. I continued walking into the woods a little until we came to the lake.

"I can't get this dress wet. It's an expensive material that doesn't dry well, and my mother would kill me if I ruined it. I'm going to take it off, but I need you to make sure no one else is around," I told him awkwardly crossing my arms.

He nodded looking around the edge of the forest where we were. I quickly pulled my dress over my head and placed it on a low tree branch. I quickly walked over to the lake, and I dived in.

When the cold water hit my skin, I instantly felt better. I sunk to the bottom and slowly felt the water comforting me. I could feel the heat quickly leaving my body, and I felt rejuvenated.

When I realized that I was feeling better, I swam to the top of the lake. I didn't see Aidan, so I climbed out of the lake. I used my powers to absorb the water droplets in my hair and on my body. I sent the water droplets from my undergarments back into the lake easily drying them off.

I went to walk over to my dress when Aidan came back out of the forest. He saw me and his eyes quickly widened in surprise before he placed a hand over them.

"My apologies, Princess. I thought you were finished," he admitted to me.

I felt my cheeks tingle in embarrassment as I put on my dress.

I laughed for a short second before speaking, "It's almost like you purposefully are trying to see me while I'm indecent."

He moved away the hand from his eyes, and his cheeks were covered with a red hue from his embarrassment.

"I... I swear I didn't mean to," he nervously choked out.

I sighed, "I believe you. It's alright," I told him walking back to the border line.

"Um... you... you're really..." he stuttered trying to formulate his words into an actual sentence. He was obviously flustered still, and it was the most uncomfortable that I'd ever seen him.

"You can just say it. What am I?" I asked him trying to help him out a little. It was making me slightly flustered watching him trying to speak.

"Beautiful. I wholeheartedly believe that you're absolutely beautiful," he told me softly.

I could feel heat rise to my cheeks. I wasn't expecting him to say that at all. I didn't know what to say in response.

We quietly walked back to the border. I laced my fingers through his, and I turned toward him.

"Thank you for everything today. The volcano and the other landmarks were absolutely amazing. I wish that I could show you the waterfalls and springs in the Water Domain," I told him honestly.

"We can meet in two weeks again. I can bring my Water Domain disguise," he told me with a laugh.

I smiled, "I'll be here."

"Nixie, I just have to say one thing before you leave. It's really hard for me to say. I've always had a really hard time with serious commitments and being vulnerable. I just... I need you to know that I love you," he told me nervously. His hands were fidgeting as he spoke, and his eyes were more fiery than usual.

I was shocked by his words, and it definitely showed in my expression.

"I'm not expecting you to say that back to me. I know you're still unsure about being with me, but I'm positive that it's what I want. I truly love you, and I just want you to be happy," he told me softly as he slowly leaned down and kissed my cheek.

I looked up at him as a tear trickled down my face.

"I just don't understand. Why do you love me? Why are you willing to risk everything for me?" I asked him confused.

He smiled, "You're my soulmate. Our parents' disapproval doesn't change that. I love you because of your personality, your smile, your laugh, your cute freckles, your kindness, your intelligence, your independence, your confidence, your passion, and everything else about you. I'm willing to risk everything for you because I love you. You're the only one that I need to be happy."

I felt another tear fall as he spoke. His thumb softly wiped it away. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, and he held me close to him.

"Aidan, I want to be in this secret courtship with you. I don't care about the risks. I just want to be with you," I told him honestly.

He smiled before leaning down and gently meeting my lips with his. As my lips moved against his, I felt soft water droplets falling on my face. I separated myself from him as a booming thunder sound shook the forest.

Aidan stepped backward into the Fire Domain part of the line while I was still in the Water Domain.

The rain picked up and it began to pour water. I could see the lava falling in the Fire Domain.

"I'll see you in two weeks," I told him with a smile.

"I'll be here," he grinned before turning and running back toward the Fire Castle.

I turned and ran back toward my castle. I was already drenched in water, and I was immediately worried about my dress getting wet. I went straight into the castle, and I quickly dried out my dress and hair. When the water wouldn't leave the dress, I sighed annoyed.

"Where have you been all day? I went into the city. I looked for you everywhere," Dylan explained to me confused.

I frowned, "You just didn't look in the right places I guess. I was in the city the entire day."

I walked past him to my room where I stayed the rest of the night.


Months passed and I met with Aidan every two weeks. I had also met with Lance a few times. We kept our plan for Neil to visit while I was in the Earth domain and Niall to visit when Lance came to the Water domain.

It was the last time I would be able to visit Aidan before the yearly meeting of the Council.
I had just gotten back from a long meeting with Lance in the Earth domain.

I had already gotten the approval I needed from my father when Naida stopped me by lightly grabbing my arm.

"Why do you keep leaving?" She asked me confused.

"I'm going into the city," I lied trying to move my hand out of her grasp.

"I'm coming with you then," she told me putting her other hand on her hip.

I sighed annoyed with her persistence, "I just want to be alone."

She laughed, "Too bad, I'm coming with you."

She started to pull me toward the city, and I didn't know what to do. I walked with her there in silence until people started coming up to us for pictures and autographs.

When Naida let go of my hand to sign a picture for someone, I quickly turned and disappeared through the crowd. I ran to the border trying to leave Naida behind.

I made it to the border winded and slightly out of breath. Aidan was already there waiting for me, and he quickly stood from the tree stump and came up to me.

"Nixie, what happened?" He asked me worriedly.

I waited a moment to catch my breath before speaking, "Naida was following me. I think I lost her in the city."

"Would it really be that bad if she found out about us?" Aidan asked me seriously.

"I don't know. She's my best friend, but I don't know for sure how she'd react. The rules are very important to her," I explained to him.

He reached out and took my hand in his.

"I think she'd be accepting. She has Niall. She knows how it feels to love someone. I think she'd support you in this," he reminded me.

I smiled leaning closer to him, "You always know the right things to say."

He closed the gap between us by gently pulling me into an embrace. His lips met mine as he kissed me softly at first and then more urgently. His usual warmth spread from my lips to my entire body. It wasn't until we heard a small gasp that we quickly pulled away from each other.

I turned toward the gasp as quickly as I could. I saw Naida standing there at the edge of the woods. She had a look of pure surprise on her face. She looked more pale than usual, and it seemed like she was in shock.

"Naida, I know it looks bad," I told her softly. There was still steam coming from my mouth as I spoke. I didn't exactly know what to say, but I knew that I had to calm her down somehow.

"If you would just sit down on this tree stump right here, we can explain everything to you," I told her lightly taking her arm and leading her over to sit on the tree stump.

She quickly moved away from my touch, "Your skin feels like it's on fire."

"I'm sorry. That happens sometimes," I told her honestly.

"Nixie, what is going on? You were just kissing Aidan Incendio at the Fire border. This is just crazy," she told me confused.

Aidan walked over and took my hand in his for support. I let out a shaky breath before I spoke, "I have been coming to the border to see Aidan every two weeks since we left the ball on the last day of the Council meetings. We are basically in a secret courtship with each other because my parents would never accept my feelings for him," I explained to her.

"What about Lance? I thought you cared about him," she asked me confused.

"I care about him as a friend. There is just nothing else between us. There is no actual attraction," I told her honestly.

"This is just all so insane. I knew that you two spent a lot of time together during the Council meetings, but I didn't know that you had a forbidden romance going on," Naida told us nervously massaging her forehead with her fingers.

I began to speak again, but Aidan spoke first.

"We need to know that you aren't going to tell anyone. I know you might not care about me, but you do care about Nixie. If anyone else finds out about this, we could be seriously punished. There's even a possibility that we could be banished or killed," Aidan explained to her seriously.

She sighed, "I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not stupid. I just don't understand why you would put yourselves in a position like this. Your parents will never agree to you two being together."

"I love Nixie. I love her very much, and I don't care if her parents hate me. If anyone should understand that, it's you, Naida," Aidan told her sincerely. My heart fluttered at his words, and I smiled.

"I do understand that. What are you going to do about Lance though? Niall told me that he's thinking about proposing to you," Naida revealed to me.

I was shocked by her words, "Why? I've been very distant from him. We haven't even kissed the past three times I've seen him. We've barely even talked."

"What would your response be if he asked you?" Naida asked me.

Aidan looked at me curiously waiting for my response.

"I'd say no. I don't want to marry him. I love Aidan," I revealed to them both.

Aidan grinned happily, "You love me?"

"Of course I do. It just took me a while to realize it," I told him honestly.

He loosely embraced me in a hug. I thought  about kissing him again, but I remembered Naida sitting on the tree stump. I glanced over at her, and she looked amused.

"I can't believe that you two are serious about this. It's so insane to even think about," she told us with a short laugh.

"Well, we are completely serious. We love each other, and no one is going to change that. Not my parents, and definitely not Lance," I told her honestly.

She smiled, "I'm happy for you. Even if you are in some crazy forbidden secret courtship. At least you are happy."

"Thank you Naida," I told her letting go of Aidan and hugging her tightly.

"If I find out that this is just some kind of ruse to win a vote, I will personally make you regret it. Also, if you hurt her in any way, I will make you regret it," Naida warned Aidan seriously.

"I understand, thank you for being accepting," Aidan told her with a smile.

"I don't care about ridiculous prejudices. I care about who people are inside. You're a good guy, and I trust you. You're not good enough for Nixie, but then again, there isn't a guy on the New Earth that I would consider good enough for her. You're pretty close though. Close enough for my standards," Naida told him crossing her arms.

"Did you mention these things to Lance?" I asked her confused.

"I gave him a similar speech when I learned that he was going to court you," she revealed to me.

"Lance is awful. He never should have been able to meet your standards," Aidan told her crossing his arms.

Naida laughed, "Someone sounds a little jealous."

Aidan scoffed, "I am not jealous of him. He's a terrible human being."

I wrapped my arms around him in a loose embrace, "You don't have to be jealous of Lance. You're my Romeo, remember?"

He kissed my forehead softly, "and you're my Juliet. I love you Nixie. Even when we go back to the Earth domain, we can still be together. We will just have to be a little more careful."

"I can help cover for you too," Naida offered.

"Thank you Naida, and I love you too Aidan. Everything will work out. I know it will," I told them both with a smile.

Aidan kissed me quickly as a goodbye before turning and walking back to his castle. I linked arms with Naida and walked back to our castle.

"I still can't believe that you've been making-out with Aidan Incendio," she told me with a suggestive grin.

"You've been making-out with Niall Moria. The only difference is that mine is a secret," I told her honestly.

She smiled when I mentioned Niall's name.

"You're right. I really am happy for you Nix," she told me with a grin.

"Thank you Naida. For the first time this year, I'm happy too." I told her as we walked back inside the castle together walking to our rooms to get our things together for our trip back to the Earth domain for the next Meetings of the Council of the Commonwealth of the New Earth.


A/N: I love this chapter! Ryan is hilarious, Naida is such a supportive friend, and Aidan is just Aidan. I hope you enjoyed it too! If you guys have any questions about anything at all relating to the book, let me know! It's officially the halfway point of my book, and I will respond to all of them!


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