Rose sister series Book 1 - R...

Autorstwa crazyshana

273 23 1

Raven was a girl born to a father who was abusive and harsh. He believed everything needed to be done through... Więcej

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

17 2 0
Autorstwa crazyshana

Raven’s Chains looks like the picture but longer and thicker…… ------------------>

Today Raven meets her new house mates <3 Isn’t that grand?


Quickly my foggy brain scouted the area; optionally I choke on the smoke. I shot upright trying to figure out what the hell was happening. I realize that the floor was smoking and the bed room’s temperature was higher. I was all sticky and sweaty; I poked at my mind to figure out what happening.

It was through a window over the bed. I couldn’t make it through the smoke clearly to the door so that was out of the picture. So the window above my head was my only way out. I felt the smoke choking me, I was panting at this point, trying to get air in my lungs.  Am sure it is easy that I could get to the window, I mean it was just above my head.

 Easy ………..right?

 Wrong, the fire on the floor made it weak the moment I shift I will be through the floor and into the basement fire.  The wood began to become black and rotten as the floor towards the door fell and I saw the flames eating away coming towards me.  Anymore pressure would have sent me into the flames.

I looked around and saw the chain at the edge of my bed, close to my toes. I hooked my big toe under the chains and pulled it to my hand slowly standing at the head of the bed looking up. I was suffocating, I needed some O2 or I would die in here at this moment.

I threw the end of the chain into the window and the heat and the hard hit I gave it broke the window completely. The smoke stormed out of the cabin and I gasp trying to breath better, thank the lord I could. I heard the floor beneath the bed creaked signaling that it was about to give out. The wood began to darken and the flames seep through.

I held onto the chain pulling it and rolling it over my fist, I then jumped throwing the rows of hood making up the ceiling. The chain hooked onto the row and the bed went into the flames. I pumped my legs and swing sending my body through the window.

I let the chain go and slammed into the window’s opening. I sailed through the air exhaling deeply once I made it through. To my horror I sailed through the air falling onto my knees rapidly. As to break my fall I tuck my leg to my chest and ended up rolling in the dirt upon connecting with the ground. When I finally came to a halt I pushed my small frame upwards.

When I got on my feet I brushed the leaves and dirt from my clothing. I saw the flames roared at me through the glass and I smirked flipping the bird at them and stick my tongue out.  The cottage was completely covered in flames. I cheated death once again… I am not going to die until I see my twin bitches! A sting of pain shot through my leg when I tried to move but I ignored it immediately.

I noticed that most of the flames were coming from the lower area of the cottage. The fire couldn’t have started itself of that I was very sure. Curious, I moved around to see how the suspects could have gotten in without using the door since it lead to my bed room and I didn’t sleep dead at all.

I was far from surprise when I saw the cottage had a small entrance with a broken lock, I concluded that this was no accident. I couldn’t go any closer to the entrance with the amount of smoke and fire pouring out almost blinding me. I began to go around the front and kick at the leaves, something caught my attention and I paused. I found size 7 and I size 8 pair of foot prints in the dirt and frown. I thank John for his weird tracking teachings he gave me as a kid. Moving to the closest tree and sniffed it, it had its natural scent with the scent of vanilla.

So the person who set my cabin on fire liked vanilla, I will keep that in mind. I recovered the tracks I found and make my way back to the front of the house. I needed a bath, my hair desperately needed attention and I was still piss about my wake up call. I finally made it to the front of the house picking at the leave that was stuck in my black mane.

To my unwelcome amusement stood a group of teenagers and 2 adults, all the teenagers I saw looked like myself, pissed and in desperate need of a bath. I hault my grooming and kept my distance just in case they attack. After what happen this morning I was in no trusting mood.

The adult male held up a stop watch and clicked the button as I came into their view. I suspiciously watched their movements. If I ran I wouldn’t make it to the woods, if I attack I was out numbered best if I just observe.  The kids began to laugh and whisper to each other, all but one.

He was tall, with a slender built body. He had lean but very good muscles for an adult. He was approximately 6’2.  He had thin facial hair small patch of hair under his pink lips...He possess a barely thick fan of a mustache above his lip. His glossy brown hair tucked neatly behind his ears in soft gentle waves. His brown eyes sparkle and watched me with amusement.

My mind must have been really messed up if I was thinking about someone like that at a time like this. Man I think the smoke got to my head. The male adult approached me and stood in front of me but at a distance once he saw me tensed visibly.

“For the daughter of John, You sure are slow!” The adult male chirped “I THOUGHT YOU DIE!!” He gasped holding his chest dramatically.

The female adult made her way to his side and elbowed him in the ribs. “Pardon him he is a bit rough around the edges. Why did you take so long dear?”  she sounded concern until she added a sarcastic      ” Did the fire slowed you down that much?”

I assumed at this point that because I exit the building at the side (where my bed was and the window…) no one saw the time official I came out of the building. I gave no answer to her just stared at her as if she had two head.

Her eyes went wide and she let out a gasp. “OH MY GOSH YOU GOT HARMED!!!” She cried out in shock. “This will not do!” she paced the area staring at my leg as if she was willing it to go away or repair itself.

I brought my gaze to my leg I saw the blood sticking to the small wound already healing. Damn they where annoying “It’s nothing I will survive.”  I grunted out.

“Since you burn my place to stay where do I go next?” I questioned.

The male and woman grinned and enclosed their arms around each other and smiled brightly before saying in union. “The main house!”

I didn’t think I had much say in this from the looks of everyone’s snickering and malicious grins. The teenagers looked at me like a piece of meat they wanted to devourers I felt royally fucked. Pardon my French.  One male stood out visibly to me.

He was tall, with a slender yet athletic built body. He had lean muscles very define for a teenager. He was approximately 6’1 way taller than my 5’4.  He had peach plump pink lips and they pressed together themselves in a thin line. He had a small button nose that was so cute I wanted to kiss it. He had no facial hair and his face was clean with no stray hair. His glossy brown hair was not very long was comb neatly in a classic style. He was spectacular despite a few dirt marks on his face. His brown eyes sparkle and watched me with distant coldness as if assessing my features, not even the lens of his glasses could hide the look he was giving me. I blushed under his gaze no one ever looked at me like that before and what was worse was the stoic face he kept up with that heated gaze.

I averted my eyes, sure I could jump out a burning building, ignore the pain when I cute myself, track and find the scent of an attacker but I most definitely couldn’t hold his gaze. I tried desperately to get his face out of my head shaking it furiously earning several strange glances from the group of teen.

The two adults who I assumed where the instructors turned and motion for the group and I to follow them. I kept a low profile trying to blend in with the trees while I followed hoping to be unseen. The main house (I assumed) looked more like a barn.

It was fully read with mud stuck to it and I realized it was indeed an actual barn and not the main house. The roof was grey and made in the typical barn yard style. The windows and doors were marked with white wood going around creating a spider like pattern. There were smaller windows but however they were shattered and broken.

When we entered we where greeted by the stench of dead rotting flesh, flies, maggots, hay, feces and vomit. I choked trying to adjust to the fowl odor. Everyone groaned, well almost everyone, the boy kept the same bored stoic facial expression he had since I laid my eyes on him. My nose burned in protest bringing me back to my surroundings after spacing out on the hunk over to my left.

“Damn it stinks!” complained someone in the group and I crinkled my nose in agreement, so did some of the others.

“YEA!”  Shouted someone else voicing their agreement.

Don’t get me wrong it was horrible in here, I just didn’t want to open my mouth and gulp down a chunk of this air to voice my opinion. Then have the smell clinging to my tongue like a love sick puppy. No amount of Listerine could cure that bad breath.

Slowly we adjusted to the scent, yay the amazing human adaptive building mechanism. The male and female adults turned around to face us and I saw as the freaking bastards hand on some form of mask over their faces. I almost growled but kept my cool as the others whined. Even through the mask I could see their million dollar watt smiles they had as the male spoke up.

“Well this is where you will find your weapons! HUNTING STARTS HERE!” He shouted at us the confused teenagers. He then gave a thoughtful look and then hugged the female to his side. “ Oh the weapon is limited…anyone who makes it to this area with a weapon is safe otherwise no rules.”

“BEGIN YOUR SEARCH!”  they shouted in union.

Everyone shoved pass them but I walked pass them last to avoid being elbowed and trampled.  I swear I saw one girl use her perfectly manicured nail to craw at another girl’s eye ball. One girl before me stumbled over a box of old rusty tool and fell onto her face. She quickly squealed and I never thought I would see the day someone was excited about their face being crush. She pulled from under her belly a long sword with sliver handle and encrusted jewels.

It was magnificent and I envy her good fortune, she glared at me as if to watch if I wanted to snatch it away from her. I shook my head and held up my hand in surrender and she smiled and relaxed making her way over to the guardians.

Out of a corner I saw a wood came slamming into her face sending her to the side in a pile of dirty cloth. We saw her attacker, she was an ebony skinned, her hair messy in her face like a derange psychopath. Her deep chocolate brown eyes cold and unfeeling as a grin spread across her features and she showed her rows of pearly whites, contrasting with her deep brownish thin lips.

She grabbed the object she had used to send her unsuspecting opponent into the cloths.  Already hurting from her fall from before she struggled to stand. The ebony girl grabbed the wood tighter and I saw nails in it. I was transfix as I watch the girl tried to slash the ebony girl but failed as she got hit in the face with the piece of wood.

The nails impaled the female’s cheek and ripped into the thin flesh of her jaw, the ebony female dragged it with one swift pull and the female wailed in pain. I watched in horror as blood flew on the floor the girl sob loosening her grip on the sword looking at her murder with wide eyes as she lift the object again.

The ebony girl slammed the nails again into her jaw sending it over to me and I immediately ducked underneath it as some blood splattered on my face. The girl who had the sword fell on her knees reciving more blows to her head bashing it in leaving the nails in the hood covered in thin lines of flesh and hair fibers of her opponent.

Unaffected she lean over and took up the sword smiling proudly before inspecting it with a please smirk then ran off to finish the journey. My body finally willed itself to move, it may have not been my first murder but it was the first I have seen someone behave so cruel. John didn’t do such things in front of us it was always quick kills. I never witness such madness and I knew the memory was carving itself into my mind.

I was shivering trying to get away from the dead body, no one else was paying attention to what had happen nor did I think they cared. They were too busy with their own fights over other swords, mace and ax , even daggers where something to kill over.

I got into the darker parts of the barn trying to avoid detection and death. My stomach was turning and if I had anything in it I would be pouring it out onto the grounds to mix with the stench.  I began trying to find a weapon but I couldn’t only thing I manage to find was bones and urine covered hay. At one point even a tooth.  I could go back in the war zone but I was desperately trying to avoid the commotion. I was not as confident without my Jessica by my side.

My head snapped around when I heard a voice closer than I wanted and a shuffle.  “Hey, you should take this… “I twirled around closing my eyes bracing for an attack that never came. I opened my left eye to peek only to see the guy giving me a weapon.

I took it gratefully, then watched him turned around and sliced his golden sword into a male’s abdomen pushing the sword out his back before one quick flick of his wrist cutting the male in half. The cut male choked as his sides were ripped into like a carnivorous animal. The male who gave me the weapon continued to walk proudly through the mayhem and NO ONE touched him or looked at him as if they could feel the confidence he was proudly showing. If anyone attacked they would be dead so fast they didn’t even blink.

Heads flew by him, arms, legs, organs, hell I felt like I was one of those surgeon just look at him cutting away through the people. Very soon people stopped coming at him, I hid the whip that he gave me under my clothes. I tuck it into my belt and swing my hands stumbling and avoiding people so I couldn’t be so easily attacked. I started to sprint; I almost made it when someone grabbed my clothes.

I struggled and yelp but calmed when I realized the weakness of the grip and my attacker’s pained face. She was blond, the cherry blond type. She had deep green eyes and pale pink lips. She was amazing to look at but I could see that she was in trouble. Her pupils were dilating and her breathing uneven pants, tears wield in her eyes and I watched her lips moved.  She groaned and clutched her abdomen which was bleeding like a river.

She took a dagger from her pocket and I tensed immediately, she smiled weakly and rested it into my hand and weakly closed it. Her touch was cold and almost lifeless despite her movements showing she was alive. She seemed to have won her fight but was so badly injured she could not make it back to the safe haven.

I knew what she was asking but the thought made me want to hide. Watching her suffer was much worse. I sighed and bit my bottom lip. Killing the innocent was something I couldn’t do, but this girl would have killed me if she got the chance. She was not innocent as she look no one here was. I looked around being the last person there and the floor was painted in blood and people bleeding out some still alive struggling, they knew they wouldn’t make it and they couldn’t bring themselves to take their own life to ease the suffering.

She waited for me to impale her with the dagger she gave me. I lift it and plunge the blade into her heart with one swift blow and she spasm then went still under the blade immediately dyeing from my fatal blow. Seeing the coast was clear I removed my whip and took out her dagger wiping it in her clothing before pushing it into my shoe and covering it with my pants.

Everything else was body parts when I scanned the area, all showing the bloody massacre. It could match a scene from Wrong turn, hell those cannibals would be so happy it’s not even funny, free food already tenderize and cut. Order anything we have it. I shook the imagery from my head as I heard the adult lady talking and doing head counts.

I ran and stumbled into her. She shoved me off as if I burn her and frowned with a disappointed look on her face before smiling brightly. “Well then… You made it…” she said trying to sound polite but it was obviously strained as if she wanted to add something else.

The male adult turned and went out as everyone followed. From our first group before there was a few left I summarized it to at least 15, 20 at most. I frown clutching my whip for dear life. This place was hell, I was sure of it, but I had to survive. My father had tortured me physically but this place was breaking me more mentally. I did my first kill, kind of, and saw my first blood bath. I looked at the shoes on my feet that I had slept in, blood looked like a work of art on it by this point and chunks of l flesh clung to my shoes hardening themselves on the fabric. I had a feeling there was more to come and I better get used to it…

Trying to calm I looked at my shoes and frown taking it in.  Damn I am going to need some new shoes if I, waits, when I made it out of here. Everyone had large weapons they had swords and some that mace. I left like a weakling with my feeble thin whip.

I saw a figure and noticed the ebony girl made it, so did the glasses guy who met my eyes at that moment and winked. My paused looking around to see if it was me I saw no one and when I looked back he was looking forward and I guess I imagine it. I ran my thumb over the whip and wondered why would he give me a weapon and not kill me… Don’t get me wrong am highly grateful just not that trusting with the amount of people I saw die today.

He walked along with that same confidence and his blood painted blade over his shoulders. I realize also everyone else was confident in their stride with head high as we approached a new building in the woods. I prayed to the god that watched me that it was not another one of whatever they called it hunting or whatever. It was high noon by the looks of the sun and it was frying us like eggs.

Speaking of eggs, I was starving and my stomach growled its agreement to me. I began to chew on the inner corners of my cheek as we entered. I was too lazy to take note of the building. My feet was starting to hurt as well, the walking was taking a toll on me.  I assumed the house was what you would think of in the 80’s a white American style house.

The smell of food graces our presence and I flared my nostrils in delight almost moaning at that wonderful aroma. To my happiness we were instructed to go in the kitchen and eat. I washed my hands and went to take a plate when the woman stopped me. I frowned at the adult female who had died so much within the pass second in my head I thought it was a record. She was the cause of my discomfort and now she stood between me and food.

She pointed to how my clothes were dirty and messed up, the smell of the barn still lingering on us. “Your kind eats with paper plates not our china…” she smiled as she spoke but her eyes was cold, she gave me a paper plate and moved to pack away the china. Others had their plates as well and I took the plate to the chief and he gave us our meal. We saved all formalities and dig into our food like the omnivores we where. The pancakes, eggs, bacon, plantains and syrup was torn into and ripped apart.

We ignored the utensils and went caveman, hands only and not finger food hands I mean HANDS ALL UP IN OUR FOOD AND MOUTH.  Some hands where still blood and they where grabbing the pancakes and devouring it. Had I been in my right mind I would be applaud but am not so fuck it. When I calmed down enough I realized even Mr Stoic was behaving like an animal.

Yea….. I thought to myself… Better get use to it

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