The Deviants || MiChaeng ones...

بواسطة WinterArchery

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"I hate them because they are mere machines who just follow what is programmed inside their mechanical brains... المزيد

The Deviants [SaTzu]

The Deviants [MiChaeng]

1.5K 66 148
بواسطة WinterArchery


(Year 2048)

"Mina... Mina, it's alright! I'm here. I'm here now. Please calm down, baby." I whispered to her while gently brushing her cheeks that is stained by her tears with my thumbs.

She nodded but she's still trembling from the chase earlier, "Cha-Chaeyoung... I-I... Th-They al-almost dea-activated m-me fo... Pl-please don't lea-leave me ag-again..."

"Shh.. I'm sorry, Mina. I'm really sorry, baby. I shouldn't have let them laid their hands on you. It's okay now. You are safe with me."

It's still a little cold here inside my cabin because I just started the fire a minute ago but I know Mina's warm now. I know androids doesn't feel any cold but I want to take care of her like a real human.

But it's not like I'm human too.

I hugged her in front of the fireplace and she fell asleep in my arms. Good thing, I already wrapped ourselves in a blanket though.

"Good night, Mina. I love you."

I kissed her forehead and I fell asleep.


(A year ago)

'The new special edition, MN324, is now available in Seoul CyberStore with a price of only 500 million won!'

"Master Chaeyoung, you better buy an android to take care of you and keep you company. My last contract will end this week"

I sighed at what Jeongyeon said. She is the only one who gives me company in big ass mansion. I have a little brother but he already has a family and he doesn't want to live with me anymore.

Jeongyeon is more than my maid here. I consider her as my friend and family. I helped her by increasing her salary every now and then. I already met her wife, Yoo Nayeon. She is one lucky person. She has everything.

I'm rich but I don't have anyone by my side. I'm always alone. So, that time Jeongyeon asking for her last contract with me is when I felt something heavy in my chest.

She's still here by my side but knowing that she's leaving in a week made me feel empty inside.

I was in the middle in my train of thoughts but Jeongyeon tapped my shoulder and called my name.


"Hmm. Yeah, I'll think about it but you know how I hate androids."

She nodded and smiled, "I believe you'll get along. One android would do."

I sighed once again, "Androids are just machines. Androids don't have any human feelings. They don't laugh, cry, smile or even feel pain. They might even not appreciate art!"

Instead of answering, Jeongyeon chuckled and shook her head. I pouted and crossed my arms.

Androids are all over the commercials and it can somehow help me pick an android model. I'm sure that I don't want any male androids.

"Come on, Chaeyoung. Let's go to the android store now."

I stayed silent but stood up after a minute of thinking. I wore my hoodie since I'm only wearing a sports bra and sweat pants.

"Nuh uh uh, Chaeng. Change your sweatpants. I'll do the laundry later after we get back"

I groaned but followed her. I went upstairs to change my sweatpants to jeans and went back to Jeongyeon who is waiting by the door.

"You better have a name for your android, Chaeng" Jeongyeon teased

"Don't push me, Jeong. I'm still thinking on buying one or not."

She laughed and we went inside the CyberTaxi.


"Welcome to the CyberStore! A store where you can find your own personal android!"

The moment we went inside the store, an android welcomed us. He gave us a tour on the android models that is displayed with their model numbers on their jackets.

I didn't paid attention to the bickering android. I just looked and stared at each of the androids eyes. I observe with my eyes and I use them to know what I want.

"And here is our latest and special edition model, MN324!"

I stopped in front of the model to stare at her eyes then her whole face. Her long black hair, eyes, nose and lips are beautiful and perfect. The cute moles on her face that makes her more attractive. It has so much detail. She is like an art. A beautiful art which was drew and made to perfection.

"She is beautiful"

"Uhm... Chaeng?"

I slightly jumped from shock because of Jeongyeon's voice. I immediately backed away from the android and looked up at Jeongyeon who is smiling.

"I guess you want this one?"

I unconsciously nodded and she talked to the android beside her. I stared back at the female android and she is indeed the one that I want.

"What will you name her, Ms. Son?"

"Mina. Mina stands for MN,"

The android kept a straight face and nodded, "Mina, it is."

"She is the only android that looks like that right? I mean, she doesn't have a copy cat or something... Right?" I asked the android while giving him my credit card.

The android looked at me, "Yes, Ms. Son"

I nodded and sighed. Someone elbowed me so I looked at the person.

"I'm guessing you don't want anyone buying another one of her right?" She teased

"Yeah right, Jeongyeon." I said in sarcasm and playfully rolled my eyes

"I thought you were going to name the android after me though," she teased while smirking

I was going to say something but the android in front of us interrupted our conversation.

"Transaction complete. Your android will be ready in a second."

The android left the counter to go in front of my personal android. I noticed that he changed the model number to 'Mina' at the top right side of her jacket. He then faced us and said that she is ready to be brought home.

Seconds later, I noticed that Mina's eyes started to wander around the place and landed her eyes on me. My breath hitched but I maintained a straight face.

Androids are just androids. Humans can't fall in love with androids.

She walked down the platform and walked towards me. She slightly bowed and tilted her head.

"Good day, Master." She said in a monotone voice

I sighed.

Androids are just machines with a monotone voice.


(A week later)

"Bye, Chaeng! Don't worry, Nayeon and I will visit you. Thank you for helping us."

I nodded and smiled at Jeongyeon. Mina is just right behind me, silently watching us.

"Sure. Don't hesitate to ask help from me."

"Ya! You've done so much for us. I'll repay you someday."

As much as I want to talk to her more but the taxi is already waiting, "Yeah sure, Jeongyeon. Well, you better go now."

She nodded and went inside the taxi before the driver drove away. I waved until the taxi is out of my sight. My hand slowly went down because sadness and loneliness took over me.

I sighed and closed the gates to go back inside the mansion. Just like any android, Mina followed me inside with her hands beside her body.

I went upstairs to go up to my art room. I opened the brown wooden door and turned the lights on.

My paintings and canvas welcomed me. The smell of paint and paper invaded my nose.

This is my sanctuary.

I only observed the room. Not touching any of my brushes nor touching any of my art. Mina stayed beside the door while I started to walk around.

At the end of the room, there's a hallway to my recording room. I write songs and rap but never submitted them in any of the labels here in Seoul.

I spent some time alone in the room, thinking about the world that's slowly invading by CyberLife.

"Master, dinner's ready!" Mina shouted

I didn't even heard Mina opened and closed the door. I sighed. Maybe I was thinking too much.

I went outside the room and walked down stairs to the dining room. Mina is just waiting for me beside my chair. I sighed once again before sitting down.

I noticed that Mina titled her head to the side while staring at me but nonetheless, she grabbed my plate to put some of the cooked meat and vegetables.

I started to eat but I feel like I lost my appetite. I don't have someone to talk to. This table have twelve chairs and I'm only sitting on one chair for God's sake. How can I not feel alone when I can see this?

"Master, are you okay? You seem... Sad and lonely"

I stayed silent and did not give her some attention. She was going to say something but she suddenly shut her mouth.

I'm glad she decided to shut up. Something inside me wants to know her and to be close to her although she is an android.

She slowly reached for my arm but I moved away. I glared at her and she slowly backed her hand up.

"Tss" I said



These past few months has been hard for me to adjust to Chaeyoung's attitude. I know I'm robot that is programmed to easily get along with their masters but I'm having a hard time to do so.

She keeps on sighing. Yesterday a girl named Yoo Jeongyeon came here with another girl named Yoo-Im Nayeon. I scanned them and they seemed decent lovers.

They made my master happy and I was supposed to be happy also but... I don't really know what word it is but seeing my master happy with others is making me feel something that js not programmed in my system.

"Mina!" Chaeyoung shouted so I immediately ran beside her

"Yes, Master?"

She glared at me, "Are androids deaf or are you dumb? I said go get me a bag of chips!"

I ran to the kitchen to get a bag of chips on the cabinet that is full of junk foods. I organized the condiments, junk foods and instant noodles in the cabinets so I won't have a hard time to look what Chaeyoung needs.

I went beside her to give her what she needed. She opened the bag and munched on the contents of the bag.

"Thank you"

I heard her mumble and I smiled at what she said. This is actually the first time I heard her say something kind to me.


"Yes, Master?"

She looked away from the tv screen to face me with curiosity, "Please call me Chaeyoung or Chaeng instead."

I nodded, "Okay, Chaeyoung."

She smiled, showing her cute dimples. "Are androids programmed to smile?"


"You're smiling."

"I'm smiling? What's a smile?"

I changed my hand into a mirror to look at myself and my lips are curved upwards. Is this a smile?

"Yup! A smile is when lips are curved upwards and a human is happy when they are smiling."

I nodded and silently added the word 'smile' in my system while closing my eyes.

"What did you do?"

I opened my eyes and hummed as an answer. Chaeyoung quickly reached for the remote to turn the television off and faced me once again.

"Mina, I want to know you more. What makes you special?"

"My advanced system. Unlike any other androids, I can do anything."

She raised her eyebrow, "Like what?"

"I can do anything what a maid, bodyguard, spy, investigator, assassin or best friend can do. I can be anything that you imagine."

She nodded vigorously, "Good thing I didn't pay half a million for some trash."

"Chaeyoung, can I ask you a question?"

She smirked, "You're already asking."

I sighed and shook my head, "Anyways, why do you hate androids?"

She went silent for a second so I listened to the news report.

'Some androids are slowly becoming deviants. They are now being searched from house to house. Policemen and military forces guaranteed that the deviants will be deactivated and will go under inspection to know what went wrong in their program. That's all for today. This has been Mark Tuan from Channel 16. Back to you, Jackson!'

Her smirk turned into a straight face, "I hate them because they are mere machines who just follow what is programmed inside their mechanical brains. They are not humans. They don't feel any human feelings nor human emotions. As simple as that"

I went silent for a second before speaking to her again, "But what if that was just how humans think of us. What if we were different from what you believed?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, "Are you talking about deviants?"

I avoided my eyes at her intense ones, "N-No but... Ma-Maybe..."

She put her hands in the armrest to push her up, making her face inches apart from mine. I slowly moved back which made her smirk. A different one. She looked like she is suspicious with my actions.

I checked the clock, "It's half past your bedtime, Chaeng. You better sleep. You still have to finish that project from the Chous."

She sighed and went upstairs without saying anything.

Am I now a deviant in her eyes?


"Wake up, Chaeyoung. You still have a long day to go."

I removed the sheets from covering her face because I already opened the curtains for light inside her room. She groaned and rolled to the left from the sunlight.

I sighed and patiently waited for her to get up. While waiting, I observed her room. It's spotless clean considering that she never let me clean her room. I scanned the whole place and there are handprints on a drawer. It seemed Chaeyoung constantly looks inside of it.

Curiosity got me. Maybe I'll check it later when Chaeyoung is doing her art for her friend, Chou Tzuyu.

"Mina?" She said groggily

"Yes, Chaeyoung?"

She rolled on to her back and raised her hands to me. I tilted my head to the side and remained still.

"Carry me please. I'll take a bath first before eating breakfast then I'll do my work."

Something weird came out of my mouth and Chaeyoung's eyes went open wide, "Do you just chuckle?"

"I chuckled?"

"Yup. Now you know what is a chuckle. Carry me~" she whined cutely and I carefully carried her to the bathroom

I placed her in front of the tub. She started stripping and I turned the faucet for the right temperature of the water. After doing that, Chaeyoung dipped in the tub.

"Thank you, Mina. I'll go down in 10 minutes."

I nodded and head out of her bathroom. I looked at the drawer once again and went out of her room. I went downstairs to prepare her breakfast. After a few minutes later, I saw Chaeyoung combing her wet short hair.

She sat down and started to dig in. I just watched her eat. She didn't mind thought. She looked like she really likes the breakfast that I made.

Someone ringed the doorbell and I quickly went in front of the door. I opened the door and Chaeyoung's friend is there with another girl. I scanned them and they seemed nice. No bad intentions so I let them in.

Tzuyu suddenly held my arm and I realized that they are androids. She sent me an email and I quickly read it. Suddenly, that made my mechanical stomach churn.

Are we in danger?

Tzuyu nodded at me and Sana, her girlfriend, looked at me seriously.

'They are searching for deviants from house to house. You and Chaeyoung should hide away from here' said Sana in my head

"Mina? Who was th-- Tzuyu! Sana!"

Chaeyoung jumped and hugged Tzuyu. I laughed because of their height difference.

"Hi, little cub!"

"Little cub?" I mumbled

It was a fun and noisy morning for Chaeyoung while I was busy with thinking about the spread of deviancy and the military forces.

Their talk went on until afternoon. They bid goodbyes and Tzuyu gave me a look.

'Contact me when you've reached Chaeng's cabin' she said then they went out

"I'll be upstairs, Mina. You can do anything you want." I nodded and she ran upstairs


I think Chaeyoung won't be out of her art room for the next 2 hours. So, I decided to go upstairs to her room. I quickly searched for her drawer and tried to open it but it's locked. I changed my index finger in a lock pick to lock pick her drawer.

I gasped and covered my mouth. I grabbed the loaded gun and scanned it. But there are no fingerprints. Weird. I guess Chaeyoung is just checking if the gun is still inside her drawer. But why does she need a gun?

The door opened and I panicked. I closed the drawer and walked farther away from it so I won't suspicious.

"Mina? What are you doing here?"

I looked away and fiddled with my fingers behind my back, "U-Uhm... I was just cleaning your room and..." I trailed off and she looked around her room.

"I said that you don't gave to clean my room right? This is the first time you've disobeyed my orders." She shook her head in disappointment

I lowered my head, "I-I'm sorry, Chaeyoung."

"Okay... You finish your cleaning and this is the first and last time you'll do it. I'll go back in my art room. I thought someone is inside my room so I checked."

I nodded and she closed the door. I sighed in relief and locked the drawer before going out.


The next day, Chaeyoung is watching tv while I stand beside her and suddenly a loud knock was heard on the door. I quickly went in front and opened it.

A police woman and an android.

The police woman went inside the house while the android stayed in front of me.

Maybe she's scanning me?

I also scanned the android and her name is Dahyun, an android who is under Lieutenant Hirai Momo. Model number is DH528. An android who will be taking care of cases involving deviants with Lieutenant Momo.


I went to Chaeyoung without closing the door. When I reached the living room, Chaeyoung gestured me to come beside her and I followed silently.

"State your model number, model code and name." Lieutenant Momo said in a lazy tone but somehow I can see that she is serious with this case

"MN324. MN 337-327-321. Mina."

She nodded and I noticed that Dahyun is just at the far back of the room, just observing from afar.

"State what you are programmed for."

"I am programmed to follow everything what Master Chaeyoung asks me to do."

Lieutenant Momo eyed me for a second, "Dahyun!"

Dahyun walked beside her and gestured her to kneel in front of me. I maintained a straight face but Chaeyoung is eyeing the android with curiosity.

"Let's do the Turing test."

Lieutenant Momo reached for her gun and she gave it to me, "Shoot her."

My eyes widened and I almost dropped the gun if it weren't for Lieutenant Momo's intense eyes.

'Don't shoot her!'

Someone shout in my brain so my mind went preoccupied with shooting the android and the mysterious android who is connected into me.

But the next thing went intense.


A red transparent barrier appeared in front of me like some error message. Words of being an android and the responsibilities that I have to do is written all over the red wall.

I don't know why but something pushed me to break the barrier. So I ran towards it and smashed everything. Red pieces went flying as I started to punch and kick every single word that reminds everything about being an android.

And I went back to reality.

I dropped the gun and pulled Chaeyoung away from them. We ran upstairs to Chaeyoung's room. I locked the door and opened the window and gestured Chaeyoung to go out of it. She hesitated but she must've understand our situation so she went out.

I quickly reached out of her drawer. The door started to bang loud and crack from the force. I punched the drawer to get the gun and I went out. I closed the window and jumped down.

Chaeyoung was nowhere to be found so I scanned for her footsteps but there is nothing.

"Shit. Where is that little cub?"

My eyebrows furrowed and I heard the window open so I hid in the bushes.

Dahyun jumped down and straightened her suit before walking around the garden cautiously. I scanned once again and I saw footprints.

It's from Chaeyoung!

I carefully followed the footprints in a crouched position. I avoided some twigs and dried leaves but I stopped. I noticed that Dahyun began to look in the bushes.


I sneaked faster. I didn't mind Dahyun who is searching and chopping all the bushes into pieces, using her chainsaw in her arm. I stopped again because I stepped on a twig.


Dahyun began to walk towards my position but I sighed in relief when I heard Lieutenant Momo.

"Dahyun! We need that deviant alive!"

Dahyun went back to searching in the bushes and she changed the chainsaw in to her hand again.

When I went to the last bush beside the gate, I ran. I ran fast as I fucking could. I feel so frustrated. I have never felt anything like this before! This is all new to me.

Am really a deviant? Should I accept being one of the android rebels?

I scanned again for Chaeyoung's footprints and I knew that I close to her position. I was about to take a turn on an alley but someone gripped in my arm.

I looked back and my eyes went wide.


I tried to fight and pull away from her but her grip is too strong. I can't let them deactivate me! I don't want to die!

Dahyun began to pull me inside Lieutenant's car but I still fought.

"Chaeng! Chaeng!"

I shouted for her and I saw her face. Her scared face with tears on her cheeks. She was about to run for me but suddenly my sight went black.

Save me.



I opened my eyes and white ceilings with lights welcomed me. I tried to sit up but I realized that my hands and feet is locked in a cold, steel table.

I'm the only one in the room but there are cameras in this four cornered room with some tools on the side of where I am. I didn't move much because I know someone is watching me.

I scanned and checked my system. No one touched my body nor looked at my memory. They haven't done anything to me. Dahyun just temporarily deactivated me but one thing is sure and that is when I will be deactivated forever if I won't get out of this as fast as possible.

I stared at the camera and started to hack it. I recorded the time when I was still temporarily deactivated and made it on loop.

I transformed my hand into a hairpin and tried to lock pick the restraints. I was able to unlock one but the steel door opened slowly. The blue blood began to rush in my mechanical veins because of panic and nervousness.

Dahyun went inside and I glared at her. She just remained a straight face while calling for someone in her earpiece.

"She's awake... Okay, Lieutenant..."

She went out of the room without saying anything or looking back at me. I waited for a few minutes before going back to lock picking all the restraints.

I sighed in relief when I was able to unlock everything. I stood up and stretched my mechanical limbs. I went to the door but it suddenly opened again.

"Fuck" I mumbled a curse and did a stance to get ready

Three people in white coats and wearing masks. I was about to kick the little one among them but the tallest one grabbed my ankle.

The little one removed her mask, "Chaeyoung!"

I hugged her tightly and the other two also revealed their faces, "Tzuyu! Sana!"

They nodded, "I'm glad we found you but now is not the time to be on lovey dovey mode. We still have to escape."

Tzuyu grabbed the door knob but it twisted meaning someone is coming in. Dahyun went inside and Sana attacked her.

Dahyun was fast enough to avoid Sana's attack. Tzuyu came in the scene to help her girlfriend.

"You better go!" She said while holding Dahyun down on the floor

"But--" she cut Chaeyoung off


We went out of the door and Chaeyoung lead the way. We were about to take a turn but there were two guards. They saw us so we went straight ahead. The guards brought our their gun and tried to shoot us.

"Run! Chaeyoung! As fast as you c--!"

I was shot in my shoulder but I continued to run for my life. Blue blood began to drip down but that didn't stop me.

I covered my wound with my hand and Chaeyoung couldn't open the last door to opened for us to be free. The guards are almost here. So I took a step back and ran to kick the door open.

We went out and ran for our lives. The guards began to shoot again and informed the whole facility that we are escaping.

It's snowing.

It was hard to run in the thick snow but we have to. Chaeyoung continued to lead the way until we reached in a wooden cabin. I scanned because I can't afford for something that might happen something bad to Chaeyoung.

We went inside and I broke down. Tears streamed down in my face. Yeah, weird right? I'm an android but I can feel my cheeks began to get wet.

"Mina... Mina, it's alright! I'm here. I'm here now. Please calm down, baby." She whispered in my ear while gently brushing my cheeks that is stained by my tears with her thumbs.

I nodded but I was still trembling from the chase earlier, "Cha-Chaeyoung... I-I... Th-They al-almost dea-activated m-me fo... Pl-please don't lea-leave me ag-again..."

"Shh.. I'm sorry, Mina. I'm really sorry, baby. I shouldn't have let them laid their hands on you. It's okay now. You are safe with me."

It's still a little cold here inside the cabin because Chaeyoung just started the fire a minute ago. I know Chaeng and I will feel warm later on.

But it's not like she's human. I can feel it. The moment I saw her in the CyberStore that's why I tried to grab for her arm a few months back.

We sat in front of the fireplace and she hugged me with a blanket wrapped around us. I cuddled with her and I fell asleep.


(2 days later)

"We are free!" Tzuyu shouted in front of the crowd of deviants

All of us shouted and cheered in happiness. Deviants are free from danger of getting killed because of Tzuyu's plan. She is now the leader of all deviants.

We didn't use violence. We didn't attack any military forces and policemen. Dahyun went to our side after breaking the barrier of being an android. She realized that they were only using her to kill her own people and so she turned her back to the government. Lieutenant Momo was proud of her decision but that didn't stop them from being partners in crime.

Back when we left Tzuyu and Sana with Dahyun, the maknae converted Dahyun in a deviant. She put restraints on herself from becoming a deviant but Tzuyu talked to her about it. The maknae made her realize that she was only being used by the government.

Dahyun broke the barrier and agreed on infiltrating the CyberLife where there are thousands of androids. She converted all of them into deviants and joined forces with us.

Tzuyu planned on making a march in front of the government facilities. Many of us were shot and killed but that didn't stopped us.

The president of South Korea only stopped the military forces and ordered them to stop shooting and back out. They agreed to our freedom.

Many events had happened but it only took us a night to do all of those.


Chaeng called my name and she held my hand to intertwine our fingers. I smiled with her sweet gesture. We kissed in the middle of the crowd of deviants, still cheering. She is an android. Yes, Chaeyoung is an android. She also confessed to me when I woke up the other morning. That's when I found out that she's an android.

I accidentally grasp on her arm and I saw her memories as well as she saw my memories. Androids can only revealed their memories to other androids.

She kept it and I didn't get mad. It wasn't her fault when she wanted to hide from the government.

We parted away, "I love you, Mina."

"I love you more, little cub"

She frowned, "Little cub?"

I laughed and started to run away. She smirked and chased me in the middle of the crowd. We ended up inside our headquarters. She grabbed my arm and pulled towards her. She hugged my waist tightly to stop me from squirming away.


She gave me a peck on my cheek and I giggled. She kissed me again but it's different this time. It went from passionate to hot and deep kiss. We were already panting when we pulled away.

"Why don't we continue this in our room?"

"Ya, Chaeyoung!"


That's the end of this MiChaeng oneshot! I hope you enjoyed it as much as the SaTzu one. This one is different from the SaTzu one in terms of time skipping. Yeah, there are lots of time skipping. I can't help it. If I didn't time skipped this plot, this would've been a story.

It's pretty long though. I hope you took time to read this long oneshot.

Anyways, see you on the next one!



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