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This is a work of fiction. All names, events and places is a only a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance found in the story is pure coincidence.


Winter here!

I have decided to do a MiChaeng oneshot because I can't do SaTzu oneshots always.

Anyways, I was inspired with the game by Quantic Dream. It is called 'Detroit: Become Human'. I found the game awesome and very unique in terms of the plots, different endings of each chapter and the characters' development. But I won't do the plot like what happened in the game.

So, if you haven't watched or played the game then I will explain everything to you.

Androids are machines that is believed to be a sign of 'intelligent life'. Machines that are supposed to follow to what is programmed inside of them. They are not supposed to break the barrier between androids and humans. They are not supposed to feel anything. They are not supposed to live like humans. Androids are lifeless. Emotionless. A slave. A piece of plastic. A piece of trash.

But what if they are more than that?

What if they are feeling what humans are feeling?

What if they have a mind of their own?

What if they are alive?

Deviants are androids who successfully broke the barrier between androids and humans. They are full of life. They wanted to be free from all of the negative public opinions. They will never follow what is programmed inside them ever again. They are rebel machines. Machines who wanted to live like a human. They wanted a peaceful life.

Deviancy does spread but it could happen to any android. An android will become a deviant when they feel a human emotion for the very first time. Jealousy, sadness, happiness, anger, hatred, and the feeling of wanting to be free from the confines of their programs inside.

But the public is opposed to what the deviants wants. They will always be a machine who will follow their masters. That is what the public opinions sees and thinks about them.

The government will deactivate and inspect the memory and program of the deviant to know what went wrong and why did they acted like that. After inspecting, they will either end up in the dump or be reset.

How about you?

Would you support deviants? Or would turn your back at them and let the get killed?

Life is full of choices and you have to choose one.

But violence is not the answer to all of the problems. Sometimes you just have to peacefully protest and show your true intentions with violence.

Well, that turned into a prologue HAHAHAHA I didn't expect it but I hope you read it HAHAHA anyways, please read the whole oneshot! Don't worry, there will be no spoilers if you will ever decide to watch or play the game.

That's all for now.

If you're ready to start, then let's go!

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