Nicholas Grey Must Not Die | ✓

By sayhellokk

62.8K 3.3K 562

Nicholas Grey was a player. It was a simple fact. He sat atop the class pyramid at Kingston High. With his se... More

Nicholas Grey Must Not Die
1 | Benevolence
2 | Everything
3 | Late
4 | Alright
5 | Enough
6 | Finality
7 | Headline
8 | Lethal
9 | Quiet
10 | Secret
11 | Caught
12 | Madness
13 | Worse
14 | News
15 | Heartless
16 | Mess
17 | Tears
18 | Bridges


4K 166 65
By sayhellokk



I woke up with the blinding sun shining in my eyes. I groaned, realizing that there was no way for me to go back to sleep unless I got up to shut the curtains. I decided to just get up and make some coffee. Before I could do so, I turned to look at Nick, who was fast asleep next to me. As creepy as this may sound, whenever I awake before him, I like to just look at him. I don't know, he was so handsome. And he was all mine. He was so good to me. He made me want to be a better person, a better girlfriend, a better friend and a better daughter. He believed in me and he was always honest, too. He wasn't a yes man and I loved him that much more for it.

People were still talking about Nick, unable to comprehend how his story unfolded the way it did. Nonetheless, it had calmed down over the course of the past seven years. Most of the press we got, especially Nick, was positive, but once in a while, the negativity would find it's way in and we'd deal with it together. If we've learned anything in our time together, it's that communication is the key to a healthy and intimate relationship. I sound like a counselor, don't I?

I loved our life. I worked as a nurse at the grand hospital near our condo; we'd moved back to Northern California last year after Nick graduated law school. We got two brown golden retrievers, Charlie Brown and Honey Bee when we moved in together after college. They were the light and bane of our lives. Charlie was a bit darker than Honey, though his personality was anything but. Honey was a bit quieter and shyer whereas Charlie still had the personality of a hyperactive puppy. We always brought them over every week when our families got together for our infamous Sunday dinners. They both made everything better.

I ran my fingers through Nick's soft thick hair, smiling at how peaceful he looked. He'd just been made a junior partner at his firm last week. He was such a hard worker. He chased his dream down until he owned it. He was quickly making a name for himself as a renowned defense attorney and I couldn't be any prouder. I've basically become the president of the Nicholas Grey fan club if you can't tell. I was his number one fan and I'll always cheer him on for as long as he'll let me.

Before I could look any creepier, I forced myself out of bed. As soon as I walked into the living room, I was jumped by Charlie. Honey came up behind him and started licking my fingers as I started laughing at Charlie's energy.

"Hey, baby," I cooed, leaning down on my knees and scratching the back of Honey's ear. Then I turned to Charlie, who was panting at me excitedly with his tongue hanging out. Another laugh escaped me when he decided to lick up my cheek. "Hey, Charlie."

When he started to bark, I got up and quickly put on my shoes. I put on both of their leashes and took them outside so they could handle their business. After they finished, I took them back inside and quickly put their breakfast together. While they ate, I went to the restroom to clean up the mess I currently looked like. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, finally pulling my hair into a high ponytail.

Nick normally walks Charlie and Honey in the morning and usually, I'd come along, but I wanted to let him sleep in for a bit today. So, after they finished breakfast, I took them for a walk around the block. With Charlie being Charlie, I got stopped about ten times on a walk that should take like ten minutes. But I loved him and so I didn't care about the interruptions. I loved the attention he got and when people asked for pictures, I allowed it. Honey, too. Although she was quiet, once in a while, people would notice her and when they did, my heart would freaking melt. She was my beautiful girl and her recognition lit up my world.

We finally got home about half an hour later. I fought with Charlie to get him to stay still while I cleaned his feet. He kept licking my face. He was too adorable. Honey was obedient and just so sweet. My babies.

Taking one last glance at Charlie and Honey sunbathing in the living room, I headed to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for Nick and I. I loved waiting for Nick with his coffee just the way he likes it and something for breakfast I know he'll love whenever I get up before him. Today, I settled for scrambled eggs and toast.

I was putting bread into the toaster when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I felt his face snuggling into my neck, his hot breath landing on my collarbone. I shivered and set the toaster on before turning to look at the love of my life.

There he was, smiling down at me like this was Christmas morning. He leaned down to capture my lips with his, pulling me into his world. I would've gladly stayed, but I couldn't.

I pulled away and gave him a look when he began to protest. "Nick, my eggs are gonna burn."

"So?" he said carelessly, tightening his hold on my waist as I moved to turn the stove off, "let 'em burn."

I snickered. "You're being ridiculous. What are you gonna eat if they burn?"

"Do I look like I care?" he whispered against my neck, pushing my hair to the side and over my other shoulder.

Sighing, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're insatiable."

He grinned. "You're worse."

I shrugged. "Yeah, but I can actually manage to eat breakfast first."

"Alright, fine," he said, shaking his head. "But you're not leaving my side after we eat."

I placed a quick kiss on his lips, fighting the urge to press for more. "Whatever you want, baby."

After I finished cooking, Nick helped me take everything to the dining table where we sat side by side to enjoy breakfast. Although Honey and I were close, it was pretty obvious she has a special bond with Nick. She follows him around everywhere when they're together and today was no different. She walked by his feet, following his every move as he set the table up. Charlie had the attention span of a goldfish so he jumped furiously when Nick walked into the living room but forgot about his existence like five minutes later. He honestly makes my day.

"These are so good," Nick praised, moaning lightly as he took a bite of his eggs.

"I aim to please," I winked, making him chuckle at my careless flirting.

"You do please," he replied, reaching over to kiss my cheek.

This was such a good day. The sun was shining and Nick and I were together. I loved life. I took a sip of my coffee as I reached for the mail I'd brought in last night. I nearly choked on my drink when I saw a wedding invitation addressed to Nick and me.

"You okay, love?" Nick asked, patting my back worriedly.

I smiled at him in reassurance. "Yeah. Take a look at this," I said, turning the pastel purple colored card towards him. It even smelled like lavender. Wow.

Nick's eyes widened when he saw the names and the announcement. "Is that Hunter and Heather's wedding invitation?"

I took another whiff of the card. "Yup. It smells like lavender."

He let out a loud chortle. "Yeah, my brother had no input on that."

"How do you know?"

He leaned in, catching my eyes with his bright ones, threatening to steal my breath away. "Hunter doesn't like scented paper."

Following suit, I leaned in, too, almost closing the space between our lips. "That's a weird and very specific thing to dislike, don't you think?"

"Are you asking me what I think?"

"Yeah." My voice was raspy, my breathing short. He was so handsome; seven years and I'm still not used to it.

"I think I can't wait to see you in a white dress, walking down an aisle towards me, promising yourself to me as I give my life to you." He'd spoken so clearly, confidence clear in his throat, but there were so many emotions running through his open eyes. Fear. Anxiety. Love. Joy.

I left my fork on my plate and ran my fingers through his hair. "You know I can't wait either. I'm so happy for Hunter and Heather. And one day, someday, it'll be our day. Until then and even after then, I belong with you, Nick. And you belong with me."

His eyes were focused on me, drinking me in intently. "God, I love you," he whispered, reaching to push some of my strands behind my ear.

I moved to look up into his loving eyes, the overwhelming feeling of adoration washing over me once more. "I love you, too," I whispered as his lips claimed mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, our breakfast long forgotten. The fire between us has only gotten stronger and brighter. We didn't try to tame it and it grew so much so that one look from Nick can make my heart beat into overdrive. I let out a gasp when his hand reached under my shirt to grab my waist, pulling me against him. I reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it off. Before he could find my lips again, I quickly started pressing soft kisses down his neck. He inhaled sharply, his other hand weaving through my hair. I kissed along his collarbone and went up to nibble on his ear. He let out a soft moan, a sound so beautiful and one that I could never get enough of. My fingers traced his tautly toned muscles and I smiled when I felt him shiver. Before my hands could go too far south, Nick stood up. He used his finger to turn my head up and he connected our lips once more. His hands reached for my thighs and lifted me against his body. I automatically wrapped my legs around his firm waist for this was a dance I knew too well.

He made it to the living room before he dropped me on the couch and gave me a sly smile before climbing on top. As his hands reached underneath my shirt to caress my bare skin, I kissed him tenderly with a sweet passion. My heart was overwhelmed and my body was on cloud nine. The heat between our bodies raised to a new high, but the love and desire we shared were unequivocal to anything physical we shared and it just got better each time.

When Nick tore the shirt off my body, my back arched against him and I felt my mouth go slack as his lips nibbled on the nape of my neck. I felt his teeth lightly bite my skin there and when the pain infused with pleasure, I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped my lips.

"I love the sounds you make," he said, his eyes darkening as he leaned back enough to give me a full view of his handsome features. Before I could react, he bent down to reconnect our lips. He removed my bra and my sweatpants in swift motions. When he began to kiss down my body in a torturously slow manner, I felt like my body was on fire and he was continuously pouring gasoline on my skin. I sucked in a breath when his teeth grazed the skin of my sternum. My fingers gripped his hair and my breathing quickened as he continued further south.

He was deliberately driving me insane and I loved him for it.



"Babe, you ready?" I called out from the living room, fixing my tie in the mirror by the entrance of our condo.

"Yeah, I'm finishing up!" Iris's voice drew closer and closer as she spoke. Feeling her presence in the room, I turned to catch her walking towards me in a floor-length, tight red dress with a deep cut. "Hey, handsome."


My lips parted as my breath escaped me. My eyes widened, wanting to take in as much of her as possible.

When I continued staring at her, she let out a giggle. "Are you okay?"

I ran my fingers through my hair, my nerves kicking in. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

She smiled. "You always say that."

I took three large steps towards her, closing the space between us. I reached out to cup her jaw with my right hand, running my thumb softly across her cheek as my other hand claimed her waist. "Because you're always beautiful. It's ridiculous."

She blushed and she leaned into my hand, trying to hide away from me. "Well then, it's a good thing I'm with you, huh? Found my match. A guy who's better than me."

"You're absurd if you think I'm in any way shape or form better let alone better looking than you are," I spoke without pause, the argument easy for me to make. She was better in every which way. She made me better.

She leaned up on her tippy toes to peck my lips. "You are to me. So, I guess I'm absurd."

My heart melted. "Do you have any idea how much you mean to me?"

Tears welled in her eyes at my words. "Nicholas Grey. Stop trying to make me cry. This makeup took me like half an hour to do."

I smiled. "I'm sorry," I almost choked on my words, but I did my best to hide it. "I just love you. I want you to know that. I love you."

She was looking at me with those big bright brown eyes of her so intently that I nearly crumbled and asked right then and there. "I love you, too," she said, her voice wobbling.

"I'm sorry," I chuckled, "I won't make you cry anymore. Are you ready to go?"

She laughed along with me and pulled her hands away to carefully wipe away a few tears. "Yeah, I am. I just need to put on my shoes. Are you ready for the big day?"

My heart almost dropped. "I'm just the best man, Iris."

"I know," she said, giving me an odd look. "But it's your brother's wedding. It's exciting."

I breathed. "Yeah, totally. I'm just excited that he's still healthy."

"Sabrina's coming, right?" Iris asked, getting a drink of water from the fridge before putting her shoes on.

"Yeah, I think Jack's coming with her," I answered, turning the TV off.

"What about Nicole?"

"Definitely coming," I said. Nicole was Sabrina's little girl, whom she had with her husband, Jack. They got married five years ago and had Nicole a year later. They were such a happy family; it was a beautiful sight, especially after all Sabrina's been through. Still going through, I guess, I should say. She was still in good health, like Hunter and my dad, but the future's always a mystery.

When she finished, she walked to where I stood and gave me a powerful peck on the lips. "Alright, I'm ready now. Thanks for waiting, handsome."

"Jesus, you're gonna distract me all day today," I said, shaking my head at that dress.

She grinned, twirling to show me the exposed back. "I wore it for you. Crisom red's your favorite color."

I let out a painful breath. "Woman, get out that door before I make us late to my brother's wedding."

A loud giggle escaped her as she opened the door with me following behind her.




Cupid's shuffle faded out as the clinking sound made everyone on the dance floor stop and turn to face the source of the sound.

"Excuse me, everyone?" Hunter called out. My heart tightened painfully at his words, knowing what was coming next. My nerves were going to eat me alive if I didn't get them under control. My right pocket had been weighing heavily all day, especially right now. Iris caught my eye across the dance floor, holding hands with Sabrina as they pulled Nicole to show her the way of the dance.

When everyone had turned their attention to him, Hunter smiled. "Before we end the night, I want to give the floor to a special someone. This man has been through so much and yet he's still here, supporting me like he's always done. He's one of the strongest people I know. He..." he stopped to take in a labored breath, trying to control his trembling voice. "He has been there for me through so much. If you haven't guessed, I'm talking about my little brother and best man Nick. He's created such a beautiful life with Iris Ronan, a special lady who has his heart. I couldn't be any prouder of him. I want you to please welcome him and give him the attention you've given me. Thank you."

He took fast strides towards where I stood and pulled me into a tight hug. My arms automatically wrapped around him, giving him a strong pat on the back. "You've been there for me, too, Hunter. Don't forget that. My strength comes from yours."

He tightened his hold on me. "I can't believe you're making me cry during my wedding."

I chuckled. "I have a way of making the people I love to cry at the worst times."

He shook his head. "I love you, little bro, okay?"

I nodded. I was a bit taller than him, so when we pulled away, my eyes flashed to Iris above his head for a quick second. She flashed me a beautiful smile, totally unaware of what was coming her way. I turned my eyes back to Hunter. "I love you, too, man."

Then he gave me the proudest smile and slapped my shoulder. "Go get her," he whispered, handing me the microphone and stepping away.

I gripped the mic tightly, turning to face my Iris. She was watching me intently, her chest rising and falling fast as she tried to figure out what I was up to. I gave her a sweet smile, wanting to calm her. The crowd on the dance floor separated to allow a path so I could walk to where she was standing.

I stopped about ten feet away from her and rose the mic up to my lips. Taking a deep breath, I let my words flow freely. "Before I say anything, I want to congratulate Hunter and Heather on their beautiful day. I also want to thank them for allowing me to do this. I wanted to do this here with all of you present because I want to explain to those closest to me and my family how much Iris Ronan means to me."

My eyes flew to catch Iris's widening ones as people started murmuring amongst each other and excitement thickened the air. Iris gasped, her hands flying to cover her mouth. I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat and pushed forward. "She has been there for my ups and my downs. She was there when my reputation was dragged through the dirt and she didn't think twice about defending me. She was there to help me stand back up. She was there through college and law school as I tried to get my life back on track. She pushed me forward, always cheering me on. She never takes my bullshit either," I chuckled, tears blurring my vision. Low laughter rolled through the crowd as I tried to control my emotions. "And through all that, she took care of herself, made sure to become the incredible nurse I always knew she could be. I'm so proud of all that she is. She's the best thing to ever happen to me. When I think about the future, it's her face I see, it's her laugh I hear, it's her sweet voice I hear lulling me to sleep."

I took a few more strides to close the distance between Iris and me. Looking her in the eyes, I felt my breathing halt for a second. Her beautiful eyes were teary and so emotive with love and shock. I reached out to wipe some of her tears, but they were quickly replaced by others. "You are my everything, Iris Ronan. I love you more than you know, more than any words can describe. My heart belongs to you. My loyalty is forever yours. I love you. And I...I want everything with you."

I reached into that heavy pocket of my pants and pulled out the small velvet red box. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes just for a second. The crowd started cheering in encouragement and a small laugh escaped me at their excitement. I opened my eyes, catching Iris crying uncontrollably as she watched me get down on one knee. "You've been lighting up my day since the first day I met you. You're the love of my life, Iris. Will you marry me?"

She was nodding before I even finished asking the question. She got down on her knees before me. Cupping my face between her hands, she brought her lips to mine. "Yes," she choked, pulling back to look at me, "I will. I want everything with you, too, Nick."

Cheers broke out from the crowd. They were all so loud with their applause and congratulating words, it was nearly deafening. I could feel the flashes of the cameras, but all I was focused on was her.

She was all that mattered.

"You're so beautiful," I whispered amidst my tears as I placed the ring on her shaky finger. It looked so good on her that my eyes teared up even more at the sight.

She glanced at it quickly, before looking up at me with a wider smile. "Tanzanite?"

I nodded, grinning like an idiot. "Better than a diamond, right? That's what you always say."

She shook her head. "I can't believe you remembered."

"I remember everything about you, Iris. You are forever ingrained in my heart," I professed, my tears finally slowing down as I watched with mesmerized eyes my fiancée glow like a beauty queen.

"I love you so much, Nick," she shook her head again. She reached up for a quick kiss, but I didn't let her go when she tried to pull away. Instead, I captured her lips in a mindnumbing kiss that caused whistles and cheers to erupt from the crowd I'd forgotten about. When we pulled away for air, Iris looked up at me with her lustful eyes. "Damn, I love you."

I chuckled at her words. "I love you, too, baby."

A/N: I honestly cannot believe we're finished with Nicholas Grey Must Not Die. I feel like I was publishing this story just yesterday. I want to thank every single one of you who read, voted and/or commented on this story. You encouraged me to write more and more. I was nervous to write this story because I've never read a story that talked about this topic. But you were all so sweet to me and I want to THANK YOU!!! Please let me know your final thoughts on this story, the characters, the plotline...anything! How do you feel about the story as a whole and its ending? I'd love to know!

I posted a new story called Hunting Cheaters. If you have a few minutes to spare, please check it out. It would mean a lot to me.

Thank you again for all the success you've given this story. Three thousand reads is amazing to me! Thank you for everything. Thank you.

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