You're Mine// Jason McCann Fa...

teenwolffx tarafından

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You're mine forever... Daha Fazla

Please Read.
chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9
chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 22.
Please Read

Chapter 21.

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teenwolffx tarafından

Mason's pov

Seeing the looks on all their faces was liberating.  Being able to take something away from them that meant so much was needed.  Soon that will be all of them.  All of them will be dead.  Before I can kill them, I have to finish this once and for all.  During the chaos, I was able to get my hands on the drug.  Now, I'm on my way to California.  They still think I'm stupid. I know that's the place where everyone was taken.  I just need to show up there and get what's mine back. 

I walk to the back of the jet and see Carter and Hayes.  They're multiplying the drug.  Making more of it.  We brought everything we needed to do so.  We need enough for everyone. "How's it coming along?" I said.

"We should have enough." Hayes said.

"perfect" I said.

"What's after this? We have nothing to go back to" Hayes said.

"We don't need to go back to anything. We'll takeover Jason's warehouse. Everyone will turn to us...or they'll fear us. No one will dare to go against us." I said.

The jet starts to land and I look out the window. When we reach the ground, I grab the brief case filled with the drug and we all exit. My pilot comes off the plane too and walks up to me. "I ordered for a car to come. It should be parked up there" He said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Good luck" He said.

"We don't need luck" I said. He got back onto the jet and left back for Italy. I'm gonna miss being in Italy but it looks like California is my new home.

"I think that's the car" Hayes said. We see a black car and we walk over to see a man standing there.

"You must be Mason" He said shaking my hand. "Here's the keys" He said and I nodded. We all hop in and I pull up the information I found which has the location of the warehouse.

Time to finish this.

Nova's pov

I've never felt so dull before. So helpless. So lost. I can't comprehend anything. I can't understand. We do we keep losing people? Why does everyone have to end up dead? Why did Hannah have to die? Why was her life taken away? Hannah didn't deserve any of this. From the beginning, all she wanted to do was help. Now...she's gone. It took everyone by shock. No one was expecting this at all. We all feel somewhat guilty. Everyone has just been quiet. No one can help but cry. Cry over our loss. Out of all the emotions we're feeling, anger is the top one. At least for me. Half of this plane ride I spent crying. It's horrible. I lost one of my best friends. I lost someone who's always been there for me. It kills me. It took a piece of me, but now I'm angry.

Im going to make sure we win this. Mason is going to get what he deserves. I don't have any sympathy for him. He's going to die. If I have to kill him with my bare hands I will. I'm done living like this. I'm done having people ruin my life and take people away from me. It started with Carter and now it's going to end with Mason. I guess it doesn't just end there though because Carter is still left. Just the thought of him makes me go insane. It brings out a side of me I don't like. I want to end Carter. I want him to suffer the way he made me suffer for so long. I want my revenge.

Jason hasn't said anything to me since it happened.  I can only imagine how he feels.  He keeps losing family members.  Hannah and him were getting close again.  They were forming their relationship back and now she's gone.  He lost his only sister.  My heart broke for him while he was crying in my arms.  I've never seen him like that.  I've never seen him so hurt.  He's been there for me through so much and nows the time I need to be there for him.  I need to support him and build him back up.  Although loosing Hannah destroyed me, I need to help him.  It's different for him.  She was his family. 

I get up and walk towards the back of the jet going into the back room.  I open the door and I just see Jason sitting there with his head in his hands.  I close the door behind me and then I walk up to him and kneel down in front of him.  I grab onto his hands and I slowly pull his hands away from his head.  I can see his eyes puffy and notice some tears.  He looks up to me and I just stare back with sad eyes.

"Jason" I said.

"I thought he was going to shoot you.  I jumped in front of you when I should've jumped in front of Hannah.  I could've saved her" He said.

"No one knew he was going to shoot her." I said.

"We should've killed him when we had the chance" He said.

"We never had a chance.  But now, we do.  Now we have a chance" I said.

"It won't bring Hannah back" He said.

"You're right, it won't.  Nothing we do can bring her back but we can prevent this from happening to anyone else.  We can end this here.  Mason won't get to live.  He'll pay for everything's he's done. We can't give up now.  Hannah wants us to finish this" I said tearing up a little. He just stayed quiet for a minute and then he looked me in the eyes.

"It's me" He said.

"What?" I said confused.

"I'm the reason all of this is happening. I'm the reason people keep dying. I'm everyone's enemy and because of that you guys suffer." He said and I just stared at him. What's he trying to say? "Whatever happens from here, I'm doing for you guys. Just know I love you" He said.

"Jason, what?! What are you saying?" I said.

"I'm going to take Mason down. I'm going to take Carter down too for you. In the process, I don't know what's going to happen to me. I'm okay with dying though" He said and I just sat there in shock. Why is he saying this? He can't be serious.

"Jason, no. You're not dying" I said.

"Maybe I need to in order for all of this to really be over. Maybe I'm the last step" He said.

"Don't say that. That's not true. We need you, okay? We all need you. How would everyone else feel if you died? They'd all be crushed. You're their leader. You're who they look up to. Grayson...he looks to you as a brother. Caleb has been there supporting you. Jade...she's your right hand. She filled a void while you and Hannah weren't speaking. Your mom? She'll have no one left. She's here to get back a relationship with you. She just lost her daughter, she can't loose her son. And me? What about me, Jason? You're just going to leave me? You promised me, Jason. You promised nothing would happen to us again. What about our happy ending? You can't leave me...not again" I said and he just stared at me with tears coming down his face. He put his head down and I just let tears flood down my face.  He looks back to me and then he leans in and kisses me.  I kiss him back passionately and I pray this isn't the last time I get to kiss him.  He can't leave us. 
He can't leave me.

"I'm sorry" He said pulling away.  What does that mean? Does that mean he's going to do it? No, he can't.  He can't do this.  "Im so sorry...I'm not leaving you" He said and I looked up to him.

"Promise?" I said.

"I promise, Nova" He said and I just hugged him. 

We're doing this together. 

Tanners pov

I have everyone gathered in the gym of the warehouse and I'm watching them all.  They're all trying to recover from what's been going on.  We passed out waters and blankets for them since they'll probably be here for awhile.  At least until this is all over. 

"Thank you" I heard and looked over to see Cameron walking up to me and Sheriff.

"No problem, kid" Sheriff said.

"Will I see Jason and Nova?" He said.

"Soon. They're finishing this up" I said and Cameron nodded.  He shook my hand and then he went back to go sit with others.

"Where exactly are the others?" Sheriff said.

"Last time I heard from them, they were on their way to the vault." I said.

"You haven't heard from them since?" Sheriff said.

"No, I should probably call them.  See what's going on" I said and then left the gym.  I go out into the hall and I dial Jason's number.  I wait for him to pickup but hear Nova's voice.

"Nova?" I said.

"Tanner" She said.

"What's going on? Did you get the drug?" I said.

"It's complicated" She said.

"What? Are you serious?" I said.

"We got information that Mason is coming to the warehouse.  We're on our way there now" She said.

"Nova, I got everyone here" I said.

"Already?" She said.

"Yeah....shit, this is bad" I said.

"Tanner, just get everyone somewhere safe.  We'll be there soon.  If Mason shows up, hold him off" She said.

"Okay" I said and then hung up.  I rush back to the gym and I pull Sheriff, Brendon, Amber, and Jessie aside.

"What's going on?" Amber said.

"I just talked to Nova. Mason is on his way here now" I said.

"What?! For what?" Amber said.

"I'm guessing for them. I asked Nova if they got the drug and she said it's complicated. He's probably coming here to finish what he started." I said.

"We can't tell them" Amber said.

"We have to. We have to warn them" Sheriff said. I look over and see Cameron looking at all of us concerned and I signal for him to come over. He walks over and then he looks to all of us wondering what's going on.

"You guys seem to be having an intense conversation" Cameron said.

"Mason's coming here" I said and his eyes widened.

"Right now?" He said.

"Yes. Look, we're gonna guard this place. You need to warn all the others and keep everyone in here." I said.

"I wanna help you guys" Cameron said.

"You can help by staying here and doing what I said. They need you to be their leader, Cameron" I said and he nodded.

"Okay" He said.

"Good. Now, we're gonna go start locking this place up. Keep everyone quiet" I said and he nodded walking away.

"Alright guys, let's go" I said and we all left the gym. I type in the code on the door and it locks shut.

"Amber, lock the warehouse down" I said heading towards the front door.

"What are you doing?" She said.

"Waiting for Mason. Lock this place down. I'm going out" I said.

"I'm going with you" Sheriff said.

"Okay, everyone else stay here" I said and they nodded. "Be prepared for anything" I said.

It's about to be a war.

Mason's pov

I'm sitting in the car staring at the warehouse from a distant.  I'm grinning to myself knowing it's all about to be mine.  Everyone on the inside won't be expecting what's to come.  I'm here to finish this once and for all.  I'm here to make my army. 

"It's finally time" Carter said.

"The moment we've all been waiting for" I said.  I've spent a lifetime planning this out.  It all started with those drugs and now it ends with this last drug.  It's the key to victory.  The key to power. "Let's go, boys" I said. 

We all get out of the car and start walking towards the warehouse.  Soon, I'll be the most powerful.  Soon, I'll have everything.  We get closer to the warehouse and I start to see two guys standing there.  I'm not showing mercy to anyone.  If you're in my way, I'll kill you.

"I heard you'd be showing up" He said.

"And who may you be?" I said.

"Tanner...and this is the sheriff" He said.

"Is that supposed to intimidate me?" I said laughing a little.

"It should.  Just so you know, you're not going to win this" Tanner said.

"I already have" I said.

"Really? Because so far 99% of your plan isn't in your reach anymore.  I have them all.  They're safe now.  Without them, you're nothing.  I'll be taking that drug back too" Tanner said.

"You're bold" I said.

"People like you don't scare me" Tanner said bringing a gun out along with the sheriff.  I grin and then Carter and Hayes pull out their guns too.  I stand there holding onto the brief case and just watch.

"Everyone always wants to do things the hard way" I said.

"Open the doors" Carter said.

"You must be Nova's ex.  Heard a lot about you.  Piece of shit." Tanner said and Carter clenched his jaw.

"You're gonna pay for what you put her through" Sheriff said.

"I suggest you guys move out of the way" I said.  We hear a gunshot go off and we all look over to see Jason and the others walking towards us. 

"Fuck" Carter said.

"Make your dogs drop the weapons, Mason" Jade said.

"You guys just don't know when to give up, do you?! Was me murdering Hannah not enough  for you?! Taking her pathetic life!" I said and they all pulled out guns aiming then at us.  They all form a circle around the three of us cornering us.

"It's time to give up, Mason." Jason said.

"It's not over yet" I said.

"Oh, but it is. You see, whatever is in that brief case isn't legit. It's a fake. Dave McCann was smart. He put a fake in the vault along with the real one. This right here, is the real version" Bryson said holding up a glass.

"They're lying" Hayes said.

"But we're not. What you have isn't real. You should know, you only worked with Dave for years. Don't you remember he always made a fake copy. Oh, well maybe you didn't know since he kicked you out" Marie said and I clenched my jaw. How the fuck did I not realize?!

"It's game over" Nova said. Bryson threw the glass on the ground shattering it and then Nova grabbed a match. "NO!" I yelled. She lit a flame and then through it on the liquid and faced me.

"Put the guns down" Sheriff said and I faced him. "I SAID PUT THEM DOWN!" He yelled and they all took a step closer aiming their guns at us. I laugh a little to myself and then I signal for them to put the guns down.

"Are you serious?!" Carter said.

"Do it. It's over" I said. Hayes lowers his gun and then the sheriff rushes over to him and takes it. He then cuffs him and I shake my head.

"fuck this!" Carter said. He turned around and aimed the gun at Nova. "I should've done this a long time ago" He said. He went to pull the trigger but was shoved to the ground by Tanner. He punches him and then takes the gun away from him. Sheriff rushes over and handcuffs him and I just stand there. The sheriff looks to me and I just drop the brief case and put my hands ups. It's fucking over. He comes over handcuffing me and I don't even fight back.

Game over.

1 week later

Nova's pov

What can I say other than it feels great. All the hard work payed off. I knew from the beginning I had to find a way to escape that place. I was going to do it no matter what. Finding out about Mason's plan made the stakes higher. I was determined to stop him, and we did. All of us together. We caught them. There's nothing they can do now. We won. Mason and his mafia are going to suffer.

Im currently sitting in front of sheriff in his office. He wanted to talk to me alone about Carter. "It's over, Nova. The constant nightmare of him can come to an end. I'm giving you the choice of what happens to him. This is your battle. Now, either he can stay alive and he'll be locked up the rest of his life or..." Sheriff was saying and I cut in.

"He can die?" I said and he looked to me.

"He can" He said. I take a deep breath and I just think for a minute. You think I'd immediately choose for him to die. That would be the easy way out but I don't want this to be easy for him. I want him to suffer like he made me suffer.

"I want him to stay alive. I want him to stay locked up for the rest of his life and rot. I want everything to be taken away from him." I said.

"Are you sure?" He said.

"I'm sure" I said nodding.

"Okay" He said.

"What about Mason?" I said.

"Mason is getting the death sentence. I'm not letting him walk this earth anymore" He said.

"It's what's best" I said. I sit there for a minute and then I speak up.

"I wanna talk to Carter. Before you lock him away, I wanna talk to him" I said.

"Nova" He said.

"Please" I said and he paused for a second. He sighed and then he nodded standing up. "Follow me" He said. We leave his office and then he takes me down a hallway to a room. He unlocks it and I walk in to see Carter sitting chained up in a chair. He has his head down and then he looks up to see me.

"Great" He said.

"I'll be right outside the door" Sheriff said and I nodded. He left and then I walk over and sit down in front of Carter.

"What do you want?" He said.

"I wanted to see your face one last time before you're locked away for life. I wanted you to see my face knowing that you lost and I won. I get to live my life. I get to have a happy ending. You? You get to suffer. I should've never stayed with you. I should've left but I didn't. Now, I get to escape from you. I hope you realize and understand the damage you caused while you sit alone everyday. I hope you suffer as much as I did. I'm glad I didn't kill you that day because this is way worse than death. You'll have no one. Nothing at all. Just you and an empty room. I won't ever have to see your face again. It must suck. Sitting there chained up while I'm here free. You deserve every bit of it. You deserve to rot in there" I said. He just watched me the whole time with eyes ready to kill me. He doesn't say anything. I grin and then I stand up from the chair.

"Goodbye, Carter" I said leaving the room.

The nightmare is over.

Chapter 21of my book is completed. Hope you all enjoyed it! If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll always respond. Thanks for all the support.
Love, K

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