Breath K2 (Kenny x Kyle)

Von NanixNekosawa

5K 104 65


Part 2

Part 1

3.8K 65 58
Von NanixNekosawa

Some times I look back and think about everything I've been thrue.

It all seems so unreal.

Death had finally given me a chance to give up my immortality or to live with death as my only alliance.

Apparently I had been stuck in thought for to long because soon I saw Kyle's hand in front of my face.

"Hey earth to Kenny" said Kyle

"Uh... What's wrong?" I asked not knowing what was going on since I wasn't paying attention.

"What's wrong Kenny you seemed to be lost in thought is there something wrong?" Stan asked

"Nah... It's nothing don't worry" I said

That seemed to calm him down but that certenly didn't work on calming Kyle down. To be honest that did the complete opposet.

After school we went to Stan's place and played video games.

After that we all went home but before that Kyle asked me if we could meet at the park later.

"ok" I responded

"Well see you there" he said

Honestly the only reason I had yet to give my answer towards death was the little red head himself. I knew from the bottom of my heart that even though Kyle acted rough and strong he was actually pretty scared. Kyle was afraid of failing of beeing alone with nobady there. Sadly I know how that feels all to well and I really didn't want him to suffer that. I had promised myself that I was going to stay by his side until he didn't need me anymore. Until then I would always be by his side no matter what situation we were in.

I walked towards the park were we had promise to meet up.

"Hi Kenny" Kyle said

"Oh hi Kyle how are you?" I asked

" I'm fine but Kenny I wanted to ask you something very important" Kyle said

"Well then tell me Kyle you know you can tell me anything" I said getting close to Kyle

I could clearly see a bright red blush cover his face.

"Kenny its not a good time to play games I'm being serious" Kyle said

"Ok Ill take it seriously" I said

"what's going on with you?" Kyle asked

"What do you mean?"I asked. Although from the look on his face I could clearly see it.

"Don't play dumb that's Cartman's job" Kyle said

I smiled slightly the thought of how Cartman and Kyle would have started fighting over that little comment kind of made me laugh a little.

"So are you going to tell me?" he asked determend to not leave me alone until I told him everything.

Honestly speaking that was one of the things I hated and loved about him.

"If I tell you. Theyre is a big chance that you won't believe me"I said looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

"Try me"he said daringly

"Kyle I would love to believe you would understand and it's not like I don't trust you it's just that I've told you a lot of times in the past and you never believed me"I said

"Kenny we're older know maybe if you explain it to me I would understand" he said still not giving up. He really wanted to know and I didn't want to make him suffer anymore.

"Ok I'll tell you. Kyle I'm immortal and have been since the day I was born or better to be said aborted" I said

Kyle's face changed from serious to slightly worried and scared. He didn't want to believe it but I could clearly see he found some logic in what I was saying.

"So wait you're immortal Kenny but how?" he asked alot more curious now although he was still pretty scared.

"Honestly I don't know myself but what I do know is that everytime I die I wake up back in my bed like if nothing ever happened and everyone forgets even seeing me die"I said

"So that explains why even in the home videos we tapped as children you died like 20 times. We just supposed that we must've had been playing a prank for our future selves to see"he said. But to be frankly the way he said that made it almost seem like he just figured the cure to cancer or the bones of some dinosaurs.

"Well now you know"I said

"But that still dosen't explain why you've been acting weired latley" he said recovering his serious face.

"Well see this is when things get complicated and you might want to sit thrue this long explanation"I said

"Ok" he said

We walked to a bench that was pretty far from anyone who may over hear our conversation.

Yah it might be 8:00pm but we were still in South Park meaning that at any moment someone might over hear what we were talking about take the wrong message to the wrong person in the worst time and cause a panic. Seriously don't people here have jobs or anything?

"Ok now spill it" he said sitting on the bench.

"Well were do I start?" I said sitting next to him

"Probably from the beginning"he said. He looked like a child waiting for it's grandfather to tell him how it was when he was young. Great now I feel old.


I was in my room when out of no were death apears in front of me.

"Death? What are you doing here? Im still not dead" I said laying on my bead.

"Well I guess you don't want to hear what I came here for" he said about to leave

"Wait what did you say?" I said sitting up.

"Oh nothing it's just that I thought you wanted to know a way to reverse you're curse but it seems you don't want to" he said heading towards the door.

"Wait you know how to reverse my curse?" I asked. I didn't believe what he said but it didn't hurt to ask.

"I don't but I know of some one who does" he said returning back into my room

"Who?" I asked

"God" he said

"But isn't God in heaven? I'd have to die and I don't know if you know but I don't percisly go to heaven when I die" I said

" I know that and that's why I will open the gate to heaven but only for a moment that will give you inoff time to go there talk to God and come back out" he said

"But what will happen after I loose my immortality?Will I die?" I asked

"Sadly yes remember your mother aborted you technically we shouldn't even be having the conversation. But don't worry I'm not cruel I will let you live for two months once you've givin up your immortality" he said

"I don't know what to say" I said.

Was I willing to leave everything behind? Was I that selfish? My mom and dad might not care but what about Stan and Butters. Cartman might be an ass but even then he was still my friend. And Tweek even though I barley spoke to him he was still a good friend. Even Craig had helped me when I decided that I wanted to be a princess. And most importantly Kyle my little Jew friend allways there to give a hand and scowl when you do something wrong. Such bravery and cowardly in one person might sound stupid but that's how he is, an annoying know it all but a sweet and kind friend who is there with you thruway thick and thin.

"Well you don't have to decide today. I will give you two weeks to decide and when I come back you better have made up your mind"death said before leaving


"So that's what happened"I said

Kyle was in shock he didn't know what to say.

He had such a mix of emotions that he didn't know which one to express.

He was mad, sad, scared, worried and in his eyes I saw pain. Such pain that he even let out some tears.

"If what your telling me is true then... What are you going to do?" he asked

"I don't know. It's funny though all my life I always said that if death ever asked me to give him my immortality I would say yes but for some reason; I just can't" I said

"Why not?"he asked

"I still have someone who needs me to be here" I said looking at him.

Kyle stayed silent well we both did. We stayed in what seemed to be eternal but actually was just two minutes in silence.

"Hey Kyle!!!" screamed Ike running towards the park

"Ike?" Kyle asked

"Mom and Dad told me to tell you to get your ass to come home that dinner is ready" Ike said trying to catch his breath he must've ran here.

"Hi Ike" I said

"Oh hi Kenny" he said

"Ike tell mom I'll be there in a second" Kyle said

"Well hurry up and make out; we don't have all night" Ike said.

After he said that I looked at Kyle and I could see his face trying to get reder then his hair and surprisingly wining.

"Uh...uhm..." Kyle didn't know what to say. His face already surpassed his hair in redness by a long shot.

But then he just clenched his fist and ran after Ike but no before yelling goodbye and that our conversation wasn't over and that I'd better tell him the rest in some other occasion or he would make me suffer something worst then death.

Seriously he has to stop hanging out with Daimon he's starting to threatened people just like that bastard.

Well after that I walked home. I didn't want to get run over again.

When I got home my mom was starting to set the table.

"Kenny dear hurry up and clean your hands were going to have dinner in a second" my mother said.

Oh yes dinner that's what were going to have although we've only had waffles for the past few months but yeah lets call that dinner.

"Ok" I said walking up stairs ti wash my hands.

After that I went to the living room to only see my little sister clenching to her doll like if it were her very own life. And my father and older brother drunk fighting on the floor.

"Hey get up... Dinner is ready" my mother said

"Don't you mean the pathetic excuse for food you declare every time even though there just plain frozen waffles that we have to share" my father said

"Well we would have more food if you would get your lazy ass of the couch and get a job" my mother screamed.

Oh here it comes again. Really if I hadn't have a crush on Kyle and if Karen wasn't here I would've already be begging God to take my immortality along time ago.

"Kenny are you ok?" said my little sister

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"ok" she said getting back to her seat

After that little episode I went to my room and slept on the futon that Kenny had given me last christmast after he had stayed here.

The next day~

It started out like any normal day my mother fighting with my father. My brother had already left and by the looks of it he took Karen to school early so she wouldn't have to see her loving mother and father insult the very shit out of each other.

"Kenny hury up or you'll be late to school" my mother said

"Ok" i said

I walked toward the bus stop and right in front of it were Eric (fatass) Cartman, Stan and Kyle.

"Hi Kenny" said Stan

"Hi Stan" I said

"Hi Kenneh" said Cartman

"Kenny" said Kyle looking down

"Hi guys" I said

For a moment i thought Kyle was about to cry but then he just smiled.

School was a bore like allways. Mr.Garrison beeing the best stalker known to mand kind has fallowed us to High school and shall continue until univercity.

Chef following Mr. Garrison's footsteps and has also started working at our highschool. Oh and don't wory Mr.Mackey would follow us to the ends of the world if he could.But luckily it was lunch time.

"Guys go ahead i will catch up later" Ktyle said still looking at the ground with the same sad exprection he had early today.

"Ok" we said

After he left we went to the cafeteria, got our lunches and went to a table Cartman thought it would be funny to pick on Pip little did he know that today was "Daimens molest the shit out of Pip day"

And with one little insult that Cartman gave to the brit. The anti-christ beat the ever leaving out of him.

"Uhm... Sorry Cartman. It's just that Daimen is a bit overprotective some times" said the small brit giving Cartman an icepack

"Its...cough...Ok" he said trying to speack between blood coughs

"Wow Kyle's taking his sweat time in the bathroom" said Stan

"I'll go check on him" I said

"FAG!!!" Screamed Cartman

"Did you call Pip a faggot?" said Daimon covered in flames looking straight at Cartman

"No" Cartman said

"Oh good because if you had i would've had to KILL you" said the anti-christ with a big and creepy smile.

"Ok" i said.

I walked to the boys bathroom and for my surprise the only one in there was Kyle and he was crying.

I hid myself I didn't want to bother him but I also knew that if he saw me he would wipe his tears, fake a smile and pretend that nothing happened.

"Why?" Kyle said between sobs "I don't want it to be true but..." he continued

After that all he did was cry, I had never seen Kyle cry like this before. It was like if someone had grabed his heart and broke it into a thousand tiny peaces.

"I hate myself so much...sob*... I shouldn't be selfish but why ....." he said

I couldn't handle it anymore. I got out of my hidding space.

"Kyle are you ok?" I asked

"Ke.....Kenny. How long have you been here?" he asked

"Long in of" I said "But tell me why were you crying?" i asked

"It was nothing don't worry" he said cleaning his tears preparing to get up.

"Kyle" I said grabbing his hand "Tell me" I said looking at him in the eyes.

From shock to complete sadnes in a secound.

"Kenny promise you won't laugh" he said

"Why would i laugh?" I asked

"Just promise" he said

"Ok i promise" I said "Now tell me" I said

"I had a nightmare. You died but this time you didn't come back. You were gone you left me alone. Completly alone. I begged everyday and night for you to return but you never did it was like you were truley gone. And that hurted me alot knowing that I would never see you again knowing that you will never be here and that one day that will happen..." he said before tearing up and crying again.

I hugged him. I knew how much it hurted him I knew it too well. I had and still am in that position. Knowing that one day he will no longer be there, that one day Kyle will die and that there is nothing i can do about it.

I hugged Kyle so hard but not hardinoff to hurt him. I knew that one day we will never be able to give each other another hug.

Two weeks past and the memory of Kyle's face was still on my mind.

"So KenKen what do you decide?" said Death

"Wait I still need time" i said

"Look Kid it's not that i dislike you or anything but do you honestly think I have all the free time in the world to just open the gate way to heaven when ever you feel like it?" Death said

"I know you don't but.." i stared

"oh i see it's because that kis Kyle right? The promise you would be by his side until he didn't need you anymore. Well honey as much as it hurts you. You have to remember this chance comes once in a life chance you will never get a chance like this ever again" said death

"I know but wouldn't he suffer. And not just him, my sister Karen and my other friends they would suffer so much even that fatass of Cartman would cry. I have seen him cry for some of my death even though he would never admit it" I said

"Ok i'll give you three more days but remember the big guy is watching and if he decides that you have lived long inoff he will forget all about the three day expand" Death said before leaving.

Wait had death alredy spoken to God? AMD it he had then what did i have to go there forma. And was decision evento going to be worth anything?

What it God said yes and i said no? Who will death listen to? Would he do as God commanded por will he respect muy decision?

So many questions crosed my mind. And that's when i noticed what if God planned this? It it's true that heknows everything maybe he already knows what decisión i will take then al of this. What is it?

The next day was the day none of us had clases and also the day un which Kyle decided to become a detective/stalker forma the day.

He literatly followed me everywere. And cuestiones everything i did. The only good thing that came out of having Kyle as a stalker was that he bought me food and that i got to see him al day.

We decided to go hang out at his house since his parents weren't there.

"So Kenny will you answer now?" asked Kyle (The detective. Who new detective Buters had competition?)

"What is it that you want to know?" I asked

"Seriously stop trying to steal Cartman's job" Kyle said scoling me

"Look who's talking. I thought Butter's was the only detective" I said

"Stop staling and tell me who is so important to you? Who is the person that you promised you will be with forever?" Kyle said starting to tear up.

Suddenly the image of Kyle crying came into my mind.

"Kyle don't cry" I said " I will tell you but don't cry" I said

he looked at me and nodded.

"The person I promised to be with forever" I said

His eyes widened so much for a moment I thought they were going to pop out. And his face had beaten his hair in redness by so much he looked like a tomatoe.


Kyle still in shock slowley looking like a tomatoe statue aparenty didn't know what to say. Seriously if it weren't for the fact that he was breathing and blinking I could've sworn some body had left a tomatoe statue in my room.

"Kyle.... You still there" I said waving my hand infront of him.

"Huh... Wait so does that mean" Kyle said.

Kyle's exprecion is almost like if he was discovering the wrong digit in Einstein's theory.

"Does that mean you..." he started

"Continue" I said.

"Your gay!" He said


"And then you say im the one stealing Cartman's job" I said.

Seriously were did all his smarts go. Or did he really turn into a tomatoe statue?

"Oh shut up. So it's me?" he asked

"Yes" i said

"When?" he asked

"Does it really matter? Even if I tell you. You won't remeber anyways" I said looking down

"Kenny just spill it" Kyle said.

"I promised that the day I died infront of you. You had fought with Stan over something. You were crying. Aparently Stan had said something that really hurt you. I remember that you begged me to stay with you but I wasn't in my body anymore. I was a spirit floting over my lifeless body will you asked me to stay with you forever" I said

"So that's when you promised" he said

"Yes" I said

"Wait so that wasn't a dream? That really happend?" he asked

"Unfortantly it wasn't" I said

"But shouldn't the memory of your death disapear? You said that everyone always forgets if I dreamt of one of your deaths dosen't that mean that subconsciently I remember?" he said

"Wait if you remeber then what about the rest" i said

If he remembered my death even if it was subconsciently then does that mean the rest do? But think it's a dream.


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