Picking up the Pieces of Our...


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My writing is gross and total cringe at the beginning but it gets wayyy better I can promise you that. --- I... Еще

Chapter One: Eighth Year
Chapter 3: New Dorms
Chapter Two: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: Unfortunate Roommates
Chapter 5: Stalking
Chapter 6: Hogsmeade
Chapter 7: The Map
Chapter 8: Blood, Cuts, and Suicidal Thoughts
Chapter 9: Disappearing and Reappearing
Chapter 10: Let's End It
Chapter 11: Let's Continue It
Chapter 12: Aftermath
Chapter 13: Harry's Woes
Chapter 14: Filler
Chapter 15: Talking
Chapter 16: Poison
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Friends
Chapter 20 (No longer split into 3 chapters)
Chapter 21: Luna is so Good You Guys
Chapter 22: A Very Drarry Christmas pt 1
Chapter 23: A Very Drarry Christmas pt2

Chapter 24: A Very Drarry Christmas pt 3/3

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The first thing Harry did when he woke up that morning was figure out what he wanted to get Draco as a gift. It was already Christmas eve, so that didn't leave much time for him to find something.

The Slytherin was a complex person, both seeming to love expensive brands and luxurious items, but only liking them because it was ingrained into his mind that Malfoys only care for material items such as those. Luckily, after being around him so long, Harry had picked up on things he's mentioned or enjoyed. One of them being muggle literature.

As surprising as it sounds, Draco really enjoys reading from famous muggle authors. Anytime Hermione visits, he asks her about any books she had recently finished and will pull a book from his trunk and exchange. 

There was also that thing with the notebook. He saw it so frequently, but never once did he ask the other boy about it. It seemed like his safe place so he didn't bother for it, well until now when he realized he needs to get something quick for Christmas. 

Slowly, he tries piecing together what it might be until he recalls the number of colouring supplies he kept next to the book. Then it all clicked.

It's for drawing! 

That makes so much sense now.

Harry knew then what he wanted to get for Draco, and he was positive that this would be one of the best gifts ever.


Three hours have already passed and still no sign of a normal sketchbook anywhere. There were dozens of magical ones that could bring paintings to life or would play music or something, there was also a screaming one, who wants a bloody sketchbook that screams every time you open it?! All Harry wanted was one normal sketchbook to get. Forget about books, just the sketchbook at least. 

He almost gave up hope on finding anything when suddenly he had come across a store that seemingly only sold muggle items. This was perfect. He scoured  through the items, making sure to leave no stone unturned. At last, he found the item he had been searching for. It was leather bound and brown in color. Unsuspecting and without magical trinkets. The pages felt sturdy and there must've been about a hundred total. Harry grabbed some fancy looking drawing pencils and a marker set then purchased the items. 

Soon later he had made it back to the castle, found some wrapping paper and carefully wrapped up the gifts. He put them all together and tied them in a stack like Hermione had taught him. Finally, Harry attached a small paper that read: To Draco, From Harry. It was complete and now all he was to do was hide it away until tomorrow. 

Meanwhile Draco had been planning a Christmas gift for weeks. He spent ages on a sappy little poem and wanted to give the Gryffindor one of his favorite books with a bunch of notes and doodles he wrote on the pages about the story. It was something so personal and intimate, he was happy that they were this close that something like this would be sweet instead of creepy.

Before dinner, all the eighth years were huddled together in the common room, some singing songs while others passed around chocolate drinks. This was a sight that made Draco glad that Harry Potter and his dorky friends had saved him all those times. He was angry at first for it - he wanted nothing more than to perish, but life has so much to offer. So much to see. 

The blond Slytherin boy sat huddled up next to the boy-who-lived, they were laughing, talking, and joking with the others. They all moved to the Great Hall to eat food and talked even more. Ron was cramming so much food into his mouth, Hermione had to force him to slow down in fear he'd choke and die. They all burst out in loud laughter when not even ten seconds later he did choke and drank his entire glass of pumpkin juice to stop coughing. Of course he was fine, his ego might've been just a little bruised, but he chuckled along too.

Luna smiled at Draco all knowingly and offered him a white rose pendant. She whispered something to him, but with all the chatter, he could only make out a few words. He took it and thanked her. Luna was one of the kindest and most understanding he would think to himself.

All night, Harry and Draco had sat side by side, their fingers intertwine when they returned to the common room with the others and let the soft glow of the fireplace light up the area. Each exchanged stories from their pasts and all he could think about was the warmth radiating from the Gryfindor's hand. Eventually, they had to go to bed.

Yawning goodbyes, they returned to bed. They all slept easy that night.


"Draco, wake up" a soft whisper called him

"Mm, no. I want sleep" he mumbled and hugged the sheets closer to his body.

"Come on! Don't you want to see what you've gotten?" the voice had gotten a little louder but was still quiet

"Didn't get gifts" Draco explains sleepily, trying to fall back into that nice dream he was having before.

Suddenly the curtains on his bed were pulled back and light shone through his closed eyes "Hey mate, you should get up before your boyfriend dies of excitement" he tells him bluntly with no indication of emotion other than the smirk he wore

The Slytherin groans and pushes back the sheets and gets up. Harry grabs his wrist and pulls him excitedly to the middle of the room where three piles of presents all stood. One for Harry, one for Draco, and one for Ron.

"Open them up!" he practically jumps up and down from pure joy, it reminded the blond of a puppy.

He was astounded to see so many different boxes, it made him feel so happy. He wishes he could capture this moment and keep it forever, but Ron was probably right, he should do what Harry tells him before he explodes.

Hastily he unwraps three different boxes that were all together and opens them up. Draco is surprised, its a normal muggle sketchbook and some supplies for it. How did...

"Do you like it?" he looked at him anxiously

Draco's surprised look morphed to a soft, genuine smile. "I love it. Oh! I got you something too!"

He rushes to his trunk that sits before his bed, grabbing a neatly made gift wrapped in emerald green paper with a bow of red and gold. He also pulled out two other boxes to give to the others.

"Here" he hands the present wrapped in green to the boy. Draco also turns to give one of the boxes to Ron.

Ron opens his first, it's one of those personalized chocolate assortments from Honeydukes and was filled with candies. "Woah, how'd you even know I liked these?"

"Hermione told me" he answered easily "Which reminds me, I want to give this to her too" he gestures to the other item.

While they talked for that brief moment, Harry had already opened his gift and was reading through the book. The poem was wedged in between some random pages, so he wouldn't find it just yet. 

He smiled so happily, Draco curses himself for not owning a camera to take a picture of his face "This is so sweet" he moved his eyes up and down from the book to Draco fondly "I might just read all these little notes instead of the story itself" 

They continue opening up gifts, Draco got a large looking box and upon opening it, had to stop tears from falling when he saw the letter 'D' hand knitted in one of Molly Weasley's infamous sweaters. He ultimately failed and cried a bit, putting on the green sweater and being told by Ron he was now one of them.

A few more minutes they spent in their room before deciding to meet the rest and hand them their gifts. It was great and they made it down to breakfast all wearing their matching sweaters. This was the most perfect day ever, and when Harry and Draco got caught by levitating mistletoe, there was no way it could get any better.


Q and A Time


fifth_marauder101  Hello Draco!!👋How are you now? Oh and congratulations on letting Harry know you like him. The fandom is so proud. Also I am glad to see your feeling much better. My question was, would you ever show anyone your drawings that you drew? I'd love to see them and I'd bet Harry would too! Just letting you know that you always have a friend, which is me, to talk to. Love you❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hi there, I'm doing pretty well actually and thank you, but I didn't actually confess anything, more like we kissed and then I panicked but it was okay because Luna told Harry I wasn't mad at him and we fixed things. Oh, and I do debate whether or not showing people the things I've drawn, but I'm always afraid of their reaction. Maybe soon. Thank you!

fifth_marauder101 Draco how are you and apple doing now, that you told Harry that you like him?

Shh! I still haven't broken the news to apple, I don't know the best way to tell them I'm in love with someone else! I still hope the two of us can be friends, but it might break apple's heart

Draco what color would you dye your hair?

Interesting question. I think maybe a bright blue or pink. Something outrageous, but I don't really know. I haven't put too much thought into it.

fifth_marauder101 Draco what color would you dye your hair?

Interesting question. I think maybe a bright blue or pink. Something outrageous, but I don't really know. I haven't put too much thought into it.

trashh- top or bottom?

*coughing after choking on tea* What? Uh, I don't - *sigh* bottom.


fifth_marauder101 Harry where are you going to take Draco out for his next date

Not sure, I'm thinking of going out to eat again, but wherever Draco wants to go really. Whatever makes him happy makes me happy.

fifth_marauder101 Harry what color would you dye your hair?

Hm, maybe some bright colour. I don't really know much about hair so I'd have to ask Hermione for help with that.

trashh- top or bottom?

Top or bottom for what? Bunk beds? I think the top bunk is fun because you can climb up there and look around the room and stuff, but then if you want to get snacks in the middle of the night, its difficult to be sneaky. Either is really fine I suppose.

fifth_marauder101 Ron what color would you dye your hair?

Dunno, I rather like my hair colour now and I know that dying your hair is a lot of work and can get expensive. 


fifth_marauder101 Hermione what color would you die your hair?

To be honest, I've wanted to colour it for a while now and if I could, it would probably be purple. Dark purple though because I wouldn't want to spend so much time bleaching my hair and then dying it after. My hair is already kind of dry and frizzy so I would need to invest in a lot of conditioner. 


trashh- how are you so cute and precious luna??

I'm not sure, I have a theory that maybe a cousin to a Wrackspurt could momentarily change a person's perception of others, but seeing that Ginny is completely protected against them and all other creatures and still sees me the very same and others think so too, it might just be because of my personality. I got that from my mother's example and how my father raised me.

fifth_marauder101 Luna, you are so cute and sweet, do you want a hug? Also can we be friends? ❤️❤️

I would never decline the offer for a hug and thank you for the compliment. We can always be friends!

fifth_marauder101 Luna what's your favorite animal/creature so far

Thesrals are beautiful creatures, but I could never pick a favourite.


trashh- adopt me pls

I would but I'm prob not suitable as an Adult Parentand I could burn down my house trying to make cereal bc I'm that much of a mess 

fifth_marauder101 Could you maybe check out my story, it's a Marauder time travel story. (It's HP obviously) thanks and I love your story!!!❤️❤️❤️

Yes!! Of course!! I'll check it out soon! Thank you so much by the way


A/n Hi yea so I'm garbage with updates, and like, I have another account where I post fics for other fandoms on Ao3 bc I get sidetracked a lot and then I forget to write stuff for this but hey, I didn't make you guys wait like 6 months for another update this time so I'm getting there. 

Ask Draco -------->

Ask Harry--------->

Ask Ron----------->

Ask Hermione--->

Ask Others------->

Ask Me------------>

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