Loving and Loved ( Neymar Jr...

נכתב על ידי _clovermoon

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What was over is over
Get Over Him
Me and My Broken Heart
Willing to wait
Not Just You
New Life
Neyra Couple
Hello,New York!
warm welcome
The World Cup
The Match
Taking Care
Boyfriend Tag
Hollywood Life
Los Angeles
Don't Say Unless You Mean It
Sadly Match
Last Match
Parents' permission
Family Gathering
Farewell Party
This is not good bye-Part I
This Is Not Good Bye - Part II
Long Distance Relationship
Busy Week
Broken Promises
Haters gonna hate
New Career
Gone (Last Chapter)
Loving and Loved


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נכתב על ידי _clovermoon

Clara’s POV


I was arrived to the Brazil on 3 p.m , I saw two guys lift a paper up with my name on it, That’s Dani Alves and…. I don’t know who he was yet.I walked over to Dani and gave him a hug, Anto already told him what was happened between me and Neymar last night.

“Clara, I’d like you to meet my friend. Here, He’s Oscar, player of Brazil national team, he’s on Chelsea club. He’s Neymar’s mate too,he’ll help you since he’s the one who Neymar always told about his love story ” Dani introduced him to me.

“Hey,I’m Clara, it’s nice to meet you” I said gravelly, reaching out my hand to shake.

“It’s nice to meet you too,how are you?” he returned my hand and asked me as he’s smiling.

“it wont be any better if I haven’t meet him yet” I replied as we walked to the airport’s parking lot.

“calm down Clara, I think you need some rest thought. Oscar will take you to his house because I’ve already made a promise with my children, so sorry I cant accompany you” Dani said.

“It’s okay though, sorry for bothering your time Dan” I said,giving him a hug then he walked off to his own car.

“it will be okay Clara, promise me” Dani said and waved at me, I waved back to him and smiled, a fake smile I though.

I get in to the Oscar’s car and heading to his house.

“I’m sorry..” I break our silence in the car.

“Sorry? What’s for?” he turned to me and gave me confused look.

“sorry for bothering your times, I’ve should done my own problems by myself” I apologize to him.

“hahaha no, I’m glad if I could help my friends” he chuckled.

“so , did Neymar already tell you?” I asked him.

“ he hasn’t told me about you both fight yet but 4 hours ago before you landed he texted me and said that he was landed to Brazil and planning to meet me tomorrow” he said as he focused to the road.

He parked to the garage of a big house with blue and yellow colors around. He helped me to take my suitcases then heading to the house.

“are you alone in this big house?” I asked him while following him to the room I guess that is guest room for me.

“No, I’ve been married by the way. I’ve told my wife that you’ll stay here ,she’s on her parent’s house and will be back tomorrow morning” he’s smiling to me as I put my sunglasses off.

“so you want to take a rest or wanna get late lunch? I could ordering pizza though” he asked me.

“I’d rather take a rest since I’ve got burger on the airplane lately but I just want to meet him right now, Can I ?” I asked him, sitting on the edge of the bed,actually food on the airplane is suck but I’m not in the mood to eat right now though. 

“calm your mind Clara, we will meet him tonight, just take a rest, I know you’re tired” he said and closed the door.

I took my tshirt and a short shorts then heading to the bathroom to take a shower to calm my mind.

After took a shower, I’m laying on the bed and trying to sleep, but sadly I couldn’t sleep. I took my phone out and checking there were 6 messages, 3 from Anto,1 from Als,1 from Cody and 1 from Marc. Nothing from Neymar

Anthonela’s messages

‘Have you landed safely?’

‘Dani told me that you will stay with Oscar, sorry I can’t be there for you though, hope I could see you right now and hug you. right now, I’m begging to you to not thinking about that jerk anymore. Please learn from these mistakes, you aren’t wasting your time to learn from your mistakes, you’re wasting time if you still thinking about that jerk’

‘good news, we’re from Argentina will be fly to Brazil next week, I missed you!! xx

I ignored her messages, I’m gonna call her later after I read the others messages.

Alli’s message.

‘I’ve heard bad news about you got fight with Neymar because my stupid brother, how are you right now? I’m so sorry for my stupid brother bothering you both’

she texted me like that then I replied her.

‘I’m on Brazil right now and I will try to work it out with him tonight , hope I can make it better.xx

Marc’s message.

‘Spain National Team will be fly to the Brazil next week and I will be there on the first Spain match that will be held on second day of World Cup. I’ll catch you there! Miss you Barbie,xx

He didn’t know about my fight, if I told him he will be mad at me so I ignored his messages.

Cody’s message

‘Sorry, I’m not aiming to make you both fight, I just missed you really. Please tell Neymar my apologize to him, I just want to be your bestfriend like we used to be at least.’

I’m ignoring this one though , I’m going to Anto’s number and calling her.

“Clara,How are you?” she answering my phone and asked me directly.

“it hasn’t better yet, I’m staying on Oscar’s house. He told me that we will meet Neymar tonight” I’m sitting on the bed and playing my fingers to the pillow beside me, it must be Neymar’s hair I played with like we used to be.

“take a rest Clara, I know you’re tired, I could feel by your voice. Take it calm, fix it with him tonight and make it all clear, say what you want to say to him but don’t hurt him again, apologize to him, I hope I could be there for you right now , I just wanted to hug you right now” I leaned my body to the bed’s head.

“sorry I was made you upset for my stupid action last night , promise me I will make it clear tonight , just give me the best though. I missed you sis”

“ I missed you too sista, Daddy,Mommy,Paula,Leo’s Parents and the whole another family will be fly to Brazil next week,see you next week, please tell me whatever happens on there”

“yes captain! I’m gonna sleep,my eyes is so heavy since I didn’t get sleep on the plane, love you Anto”

“love you too baby sis” I hang off and put my phone on the lamp table beside my bed then I’m going to sleep.

On 7 p.m I felt someone shake my body and wake me up.

“Clara go get ready, we’re going to meet Neymar” I heard Oscar’s voice as I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.

I nodded then heading to the bathroom to wash my face and then go get shower.

I’m taking out my tshirt, jeans trousers and Neymar’s jeans jacket, lastly I took my blue vans on. I’m getting out from the guest room and saw Oscar already ready to take me see Neymar.

He was on his adidas tshirt, jeans trousers, and adidas shoes, he look swaggy though in his snapback on.

I jumped to his car and sitting on the passenger’s seat.

“where will you gonna take me to see him?” I asked him and tied my shoes.

“first let us try to his house” I just nodded following where he will gonna drive me.

“you want to get dinner first ?” he asked me.

“I’m not hungry , I don’t want foods I want to meet him” I’m still not in the mood to eat and I’m not hungry though , I ignored the worm inside my belly thought.

Arrived to the Neymar’s house , Oscar parked his car in front of his house. “Just stay here, I’ll check out first if he was here or not” he get out from his car and I nodded.

After 5 minutes alone in the car , Oscar come back get in to the car.

“he isn’t here. I know where he always goes when he got stressed” he starting to drive again to the………………….night club.

We got out from the car and I followed him behind, I’m scanning my view looking for the Mohawk man with blonde colored ombre on his front hair, yeah Neymar just colored his hair before he went to the Brazil.

And I was shocked when I saw Neymar on the corner with a drunk face , a lot of bottles around him and I saw a girl beside him.

“Oscar, is that Neymar?” I asked him pointed to my man in the corner.

“who is she?” I asked him again.

“she’s Bruna , her former girlfriend. Don’t be negative thinking first, let us see” Oscar take my hand to the Neymar.

I saw him in worst condition, with his messy hair ,eye bags under his eyes and drunk.

“Neymar” I said concerned.

“my girlfriend is having time with her ex boyfriend , her ex boyfriend is a jerk but she loves him. She wasn’t going call me,maybe she was having fun with his jerk ex boyfriend but I love her, I love her so much. Bruna please help me” Neymar said in alcohol around him,I glanced over the girl beside her, she tried to make Neymar calm by caress his chest.

“Bruna,what are you doing here?” Oscar asked her and she standing up.

“Oscar please take Neymar to your car, and you're Clara right? Please follow me, I need to talk to you” I nodded in confused then followed her outside so we could talk without yelling each other because it was so noise inside.

“what do you want?” I asked her confusedly.

“relax Clara, I’m not gonna murder you or kidnapped you or hurting you or etc.I’m here to help you,I just wanted to tell you about Neymar. Don’t gave me negative thinking first, lemme explain this” she begged.

“go on” I asked.

“I saw Neymar was got in to the club tonight, he ordered some bottles of alchohols and sat on the corner, I saw him like thinking about something, got frustrated after that I saw him cried, then I came over to him then he told me everything about you, he said that he loves you so much” her words made my heart break into pieces, hearing he was broken and frustrated because of me I feel so horrible.

“you couldn’t  talk to him right now till he gets sobber”I cried and put my head down, thinking this girl is better than me. She’s prettier, nicer and have a big heart.

“you’re better than me to get him, I didn’t deserve him at all” I said then she hugged me.

“don’t mention it, he loves you so much ,he needs you. I’m not interesting on Neymar anymore,we just friends,you don't need to worry i have boyfriend” she said letting me go of her hug.

“now get him, maybe tomorrow you can talk to him, I hope you both the best. Don’t worry,it will be okay. I’m supporting you both, you changed Neymar to be better” she added.

“thank you” I wipe my tears then waved at her and heading to the Oscar’s car.

I saw Neymar already laying on the back seat, Oscar on his seat on the driving seat.

“let us go home,he’s asleep on the back” Oscar asked me to get in the back seat to accompany Neymar, I put his head on my shoulder and I hold his hand, I could smell his alcohol.

Oscar helped me to take Neymar to the guest room where I stayed, then we’re laying Neymar on the bed , I take off his shoes , snapback and jacket.

“mind to tell me what was Bruna said to you?” Oscar asked me as he standing on the door.

“yes,but not here or we will disturb him” I pushed Oscar out from the room and pointing to Neymar.

We both sat down on the couch,I told him everything what was Bruna told me.

“are you believing on a boy with his ex girlfriend could be friends?” I asked him.

“yes it could, if they already have their own couple. You don’t need to worry, Bruna already has a boyfriend” he smiled and calmed me down with his explanation.

“Clara...............Clara...Clara” I heard Neymar called my name, I run quickly to the room and I saw Neymar groaned my name with his eyes closed and looking worried, Oscar followed me behind.

“Neymar” I’m holding his hand then kissed his cheek, thankfully it makes him calm.

“I’ll give you both alone time” Oscar said and smiled. 

“Thank you Oscar!” I replied and gave him smile as he closed the door.

I climbed to the bed and laying on beside him, I caress his chest, sad to saw him like this, he doesn’t deserve it all , he makes me happy but why the heck I made him sad?

“Neymar, please forgive me. I’m sorry to made you like this. I love you,I love you so much”I murmured to him and placed my head on his chest , I miss his hug , I miss him so much, I kissed his cheek again then sleep on his chest.

Next Day

I felt his arm was moving, waking me up, looking up at him then he looking at me in confusedly.

“Neymar” I woke up and sat down beside him.

He gave me quick gaze then waking up , he rubbed his eyes then standing up beside the bed,I grab his wrist not wanting to let him go again.

“Neymar please don’t go, gimme time to talk to you” I begged to him.

“aren’t you talking to me right now?” he said without turning to see me.

“ sit down, please” I patted bed side next to me, I pulled his hand closer.

“what do you want?” he asked me and still without looking at me.

“I’m so sorry, i couldnt thinking straight yesterday. i know it was my fault. i couldnt thinking straight,i shouldve ignored him. you have your right to mad at me but dont take it too long. i cant hold it anymore,you can do anything you want to punish me. now you have to know something. i'm over it and i'm not living on my past anymore. you are my future now and you are  everything i want. Please dont leave me angel. I love you ney ” I cupped his face with my hand to see me, I’m looking deep to his hazel eyes, he needs to know it was true.

“I will forgive you if you won’t do it again,okay I’ll give you second chance, but please don’t do it again, I love you so much. I’ve been messy without you. but I didn’t want to be an over protective boyfriend so if you want to be friend with your ex,I’ll let you but not more than a friend, just like me and Bruna, we’re just friend and no more, we’re supporting each other with our own relationship” he hold my hand and intertwined it.

“pssshhh I love you being an over protective boyfriend” I wrapped my arm around his neck and he hugged me.

“aww a couple already getting back together again” I heard Oscar’s voice echoing in the room making me pull away from Neymar’s hug.

“oh hey bro!” Neymar greeted Oscar and gave him smile, I love seeing his smile getting back to him.

“hey good morning you all. Clara I’d like to introduce to you, this is my wife Ludy and this is my daughter Julia” Oscar introducing me to his wife beside him, I offered my hand to shake.

“Hey, I’m Clara. uhm I’m sorry I was bothering your husband” I grinned while scratch my back.

“and hello Julia” I waved to the little girl on Ludo’s arm.

“Don’t worry Clara, you weren’t bothering us at all. We’re glad you’re here” she said nicely, she has slant eyed though look like an Asian girl.

“uhm by the way, I already made a breakfast,so let's get some breakfast!” Ludy asked us to get breakfast.

“but first let this boy take a shower,he still smelled alcohol and it's not good for Julia” I punched Neymar’s arm.

“but I don’t have any cloth?” Neymar shrugged.

“I have your cloth which you left on my apartment, that’s on my suitcase, you can take it.” I pointed to my suitcase where Neymar can get his cloth.

We left Neymar on the room so he could take a shower, I don’t like the idea of him being drunk even I know that was my mistakes brought him to that.I’m promise to my self not to doing that again, I don’t want to make him being hurt again.

“How is it going Clay?” Oscar asked as he settle down his daughter sat on the baby’s seat.

“It’s going well, he gives me second chance. Thanks for your helps anyway”

I thanked to him for helping me met Neymar, without him I wouldn’t meet him and make it all cleared.

“No need to thanks, that’s what Bestfriend used for” He replied as he gave smile to his wife, they were looking lovely family though.

“Stop talking about me” I heard Neymar’s voice coming from the stairs, I turned my look to him and I saw him smiled at us. I’m glad he’s back to me and I won’t let my cute boyfriend leave me again.

“aw thank you!” I'm throwing apple to him and catch it perfectly.

“Oscar,thanks for brings up my pie back to me” he come closer to us, stroke my hair, sitting beside me and I’m grinning to him.

“True love will come back to where it should come back, that’s not herself finding her way to you or  you finding your way to her, that’s love leading you both to get back together. Like me and my wife, our love leading us to the this way” Oscar said as he hugged his wife.

“but can I take her to stay with me on my own house?” Neymar asked and stole a glance at me.

“that’s all up to you bro, she’s yours. I don’t have any permission of her” Oscar chuckled replied his question, that’s such a silly question though.

After we got breakfast, I packed all of my things preparing to stay with Neymar, Ludy is helping me to pack my things.

“would you joining the wags on the world cup soon?” Ludy asked me.

“yes,of course it’s pleasure to meet the Brazilian’s wags” I said excitedly. I just can’t wait to see Neymar kick ass on the world cup, this is his biggest dream come true. I love seeing people reaching their dreams.

Author's Note

Sorry, It's kinda short chapter thought :( I will update next chapter asap.

I have two questions to you all,

Btw, what do you think the best nick name to Antonela? Anto or Tony?

and do you guys already watch The Fault in Our Stars? What do you think about the movie? I inspired something from that movie and I think I will put on my next chapter.

thank you guys for your all votes,love you guys to the moon and back

if you guys have any suggestion to my story you can comment or send me a messages,I will gladly to hear that:)

follow me on askfm: ayupawidya 


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