I Will Save You

Von writer219480

24.9K 1.1K 334

WARNING : CONTAINS INFINITY WAR SPOILERS This story takes place after the events of Infinity War. The remaini... Mehr

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

4.8K 150 52
Von writer219480

Hey everyone! This first chapters kinda boring but I promise it gets more exciting in the future
- M


Loki had been sitting in the same stupid fucking cell for ten days. Ten days. If he was honest he'd had it much worse. The thing that made it so bad was the fact that Thanos didn't even consider him a threat. He was the god of mischief goddammit! And here he was being sat in a little cell like a child in a timeout. There were literally plain metal bars holding him in and one guard posted outside his cell. It was insulting.

    To make matters worse was the fact that Loki had no idea what was going on in the universe outside. He had just recently discovered that Thanos collected all of the infinity stones which was quite honestly very bad. That meant that the Avengers had lost, which to be honest wasn't very surprising. Loki had always thought they had a little too big of heads.

   Though if the Avengers had lost than that meant that most of them were probably dead. Though the thought of some of them dying was slightly pleasant, such as the moralistic Captain America, Loki had to admit he didn't really care what happened to the others. Except then there was Thor. And that was not worry pooling in his stomach.

   Loki pushed the feeling away and decided to blame it in the fact that he'd died trying to save Thor and if Thor had gotten killed it would have been a complete waste. Well fake died. But still the act had been exhausting.

   A noise from the stairs leading down to Loki's cell shook him out of his thoughts. Normally the only exciting thing that happened was Loki's daily meal and guard rotations. However it was time for neither of those things and Loki could sense something was about to happen.

   The entering guard whispered something to the other guard but Loki couldn't make out what was said. Then the guard unceremoniously unlocked Loki's cell and opened the door. For a second all Loki could do was stand there. With a raise of his eyebrows and stated,

   "Wow. You people are even stupider than I imagined." The guards merely frowned at him and the newest one announced,

   "Mr. Laufeyson, Thanos demands your presence." Before he could stop himself Loki sneered at the guards. Honestly who the hell did they think he was? However with a very impressive force of will, Loki cleared his throat and murmured politely,

   "Of coarse." With that, the guards beckoned him out of his cell and escorted him up the stairs.


"We have to go get Tony." Natasha had been obsessively staring at a point on the ground and listening intently, though to what Thor had no idea.

   "Where is he?" The question flew from Steve's mouth and Thor found it a little odd that he cared considering last he knew Steve and Tony "weren't on speaking terms." Humans. They were so weird and petty.

   "He's on some plant with a long ass name I can't remember."

   "What? Than how in the hell are we supposed to find him?" The rabbit who Thor had found quite enjoyable company was staring at Natasha like her brains were oozing out of her ears.

   "Hey, have some manners, don't talk to her like that." Natasha simply rolled her eyes,

   "Thanks Brucey but I'm a big girl, I can
handle a furry raccoon. And I'm not stupid, wait what's your name?" The rabbit looked mildly insulted,

   "Rocket. My name is Rocket." Wait the rabbit had a name? In Thor's opinion rabbits didn't deserve names. Like who gave animals names? Admittedly though it was a rather unusual rabbit, in Thor's experience rabbits were usually much cuter and stupider.

   "Well Rocket," Natasha continued, "I have the conversation saved in my brain so it'll be fine." Saved in her brain?

   "How does one save a conversation in their brain?"

   "It's in this handy little chip Tony had installed. It's how he reached me just now." Oh. Human stuff was weird. Thor would never understand.

   "Right okay so what's our plan?" Thor wasn't sure why Steve always insisted on having a plan, they'd had a plan before and they'd still failed so honestly why not just wing it. Oh well it's not like Thor knew what he was doing anyway, he was just the god of thunder, nothing special there.

   After the remaining Avengers argued over their plan for at least an hour Thor felt like taking a nap. Or punching something, yes punching something sounded better.

   "All right!" Thor declared loudly, trying to finally get moving so they could actually do something. "Let's commence." It has been an emotionally exhausting day and Thor was fairly certain that if he was left to his thoughts much longer he would have an emotional break down. Thor had never actually had an emotional break down and he didn't feel like starting that trend now.

   "M'Baku and I are going to stay here and look after the small amount of our people remaining." It was the first thing Okoye had said and all the rest of the group could do was nod. Thor bowed his head in respect and murmured,

   "I wish the best of luck to you and your people." Okoye murmured her thanks and went on her way.

   Thor glanced around the small group that was left, Bruce, the rabbit, Steve, and Natasha all had similar looks of defeat on their faces.

   Finally Steve cleared his throat and began to speak,
   "We lost a lot of people today. But let's not make their lives a waste. Now is not the time for mourning, we can mourn later. Now let's honor their lives by staying strong and seeking the justice we and they deserve." Loki's face flashed through Thor's mind and he felt his heart contract. He would not have an emotional break down. He would not have an emotional break down. He would not.

   When Thor spoke he was fairly surprised that his voice came out steady,

   "For Loki." There was a pause and than the rabbit spoke,

   "For Groot." All through the group the names of the people they'd lost were murmured. Then Natasha cried out,

    "For everyone!" And Thor and the others screamed it back with all their might. The weight lifted from Thor's chest and for a moment he almost felt as if everything was okay. Of coarse that moment was ended when Bruce cleared his throat softly and murmured,

   "Um Guys? Where are we supposed to get a
ship?" For a second Thor's mind went blank. And then,

   "Oh shit."


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