Pokémon: Survivors

由 Xxspen10xX

4.5K 80 9

Survivors Description Master's of Pokémon have come and gone. With the disappearance of Ash Ketchum the worl... 更多

Survivors: War on Volt Part 1
Survivors:War on Volt Final
NOTE For Reader
Survival:The Golden man
Survival: Reds the Name!
Survival: Ribbon Memories!
Survival:Change of Pace
Survival: Identical Twins!
Survival: Living in an Aether Paradise!
Survival: Fighting with Family!
Survivors and Survival: Epilogue
Survivment : 250 years later
Survivment: Historic Dream
Survivment: Storys and Past Friends
Survivment: Battle
Survivment: Nuke
Survivement: Gods and Master Battles
Survivment: Past Evils Infulence New Evils
100 Views 1st Part + Should I Continue?
Rewrite happing along with a Prequel
Prequel Done and Being Rewritten.
Check out the Prequel! & Question for you Guys!
Thank you.

Survival:Champion of the Worlds

91 2 0
由 Xxspen10xX

Champions of the Worlds

Ash and Serena were getting restless because Red was taking so long to return with Pink and Gray who were held captive by team Volt

"I'm back!" Red Yelled

Serena ran over and hugged her son tightly "We were getting worried!"

"Well now is not the time to worry!" Gray said trying to cheer Serena up "we must keep fighting!"

"I agree... we must stop team volts expansion from going on any longer!" Pink said smiling at her joke she made

"Shut up Pink!" Gray Yelled

"Oh so it's ok for you to do it but I can't?!" Pink said

"Do what?" Gray said looking confused

"Your hopeless" pink said sweatdropping

"I'm going to get reinforcements from the non mega timeline, Gray send me over and then contact Dad and tell him to allow more humans to spend time here from our timeline" Ash said

Soon Ash walked thru a blue portal with Gray going back to their world

Lille and gladion were putting up a good fight, leaving Milotic and A-Ninetales who were both knocked out. This left Silvally and M-Blastoise. Lille ran back towards the place where Mash, Serena and Serma were and dialed a number on the home phone to a friend of hers

"Multiattack Silvally!" Gladion yelled

"Hydropump!" Gray Screamed 

The two attacks missed collision but instead hit the senders of the attacks knocking both Silvally and Blastoise out

"Blastoise Return!" Gary yelled

"Silvally come back!" Gladion said

"Go lycanrock!" Gladion yelled

"Umbreon it's attack time!"

Suddenly Gladions Lycanrock Eyes glowed Devil Red which umbreon moves back frightened. "Is that an intimidate N-Lycanrock?" DeDe Thought "how rare!" DeDe Smiled devilishly

Ash had just gotten back with some reinforcements and looked in the sky to see younger versions of some of his reinforcements. One of the reinforcements ran over to Pink and gave her a hug.

"Hmmm... This will be interesting how Dede reacts to this attack!" Ash thought to himself

"Alright new plan we all attack at once!" Ash Yelled and received a loud approval from everyone in the room

"Go Darkrai Time to make nightmares into reality" Dede howled "Darkrai shadowball That lycanrock!"

"You two umbreon!" Gary Yelled

Two shadowballs came flying towards Gladions Lycanrock and sent him flying into a wall knocking out N-Lycanrock on impact.

"Grrr..." Gladion growled

"Now give up Gladion, You can't defeat us! Nobody can defeat me!!!" DeDe said laughing

Mash and Serma walked into Dedes lines of sight

"But we can! Cause we never give up!" Serma and Mash said together grinning

Dede looked at who said that and growled in disapproval

"YOU... YOU EXIST IN THIS WORLD??!!!" DeDe snarled

"We exist in this world Alright!" Serma said

"And you won't be very successful in this world just like the previous attempt!" Mash declared "Giratina swallow that Darkrai!"

Darkrai was soon swallowed whole by a huge shadow with red eyes and soon reappeared fainted. Sadly Giratina Had taken substantial damage from swallowing the Darkrai and couldn't reappear anytime soon.

"HERE TWO?!!" DeDe said panicking "no matter I will simply end you here! Rayquaza Come to me and grant my wish of mega evolution!" DeDe Yelled and soon a loud roar could be heard along with a loud rainbow shining light in the sky.

"I have a legendary Child what do you have that can possibly defeat me?!"

"We have an army!" Mash Yelled

Suddenly a lot of footstep could be heard running towards the deck and the Reinforments flying in sky on their bird Pokémon  landed on the deck. The army was ready

First person to speak up was a dragon master from the Mega timeline

"My names lance and You have that Rayquaza controlled by Hate, I doesn't deserve to be controlled by the likes of team Volt!" M-Lance Yelled

Lance from the Non mega timeline spoke up "I agree with my younger self!" Lance yelled "we as the champion of Kanto and Johto are here the end your Threat!"

"Your controlling my regions Legendary Pokemon for your own Horrible Goal of world domination!" Brendan's of both timelines yelled

"I may not know of mega Rayquaza as much as the rest of you" M-Diamond said "But we as the Sinnoh regions Champions are here to put an end to team volt!" Pearl said

"Alder is my name and I have my fair share of powerful dragons" M-Alder said "But these dragons Are being used for wrong Just like team Plasmas imperfect goals!" Iris Yelled

Aria From the OG timeline began to say "Your Performance Career is over!" By was soon interrupted by her younger self of the Mega Timeline "this performance is rated a 0/10! Even team Flare got a 1/10 because they had style!"

"2nd Champion of Alolan League here to stop teen Volt with a crush claw at your service!"

Suddenly a Man and a teenager Started jumping up and down hyperactively "We are Aloha Regions finest trainers and the first ever Champions of Aloha!" Still jumping up and down they said the one thing that pissed Dede off "your a joke just like team skull!" The Hau's said laughing

"We of team Volt are not a joke!" DeDe said in a rage " You all are no match for me!"

"But me and Serena are..." Ash said revealing themselves to Dede

"Oh Shit That just happened!" M-Hau said with everyone staring at him from his word choice

"WHAT..?! How are YOU Here?!" DeDe said

"Same way you got here but with different motives" Serena Said

"Our motives are Pure... To save the universe is our destiny!" Ash said Chuckling

Everyone began to release their Pokémon

Mash Serma Ash and Serena
Go Pikachu



Pearl and Diamond

Iris and Alder

Hau MegaT-Hau Gladion Original-Gladion

Alolan Raichu

Were all released in order to fight the mega Rayquaza Ash and Mash Battle bonded with their respective greninja  and formed a massive hurricane which was sent towards the mega Rayquaza

"Rayquaza Use dragon pulse !" Dede screamed

A Large Draco Beam was sent towards the hurricane instantly evaporating the hurricane completely

Lance began to order His Dragons to fire hyper beams along with Dragon pulses at the M-Rayquaza who took some damage but not enough to severely injure the Flying beast. Dede responded with a quick Dragon pulse which immediately fainted Lances dragons on impact The Lances did about 6% of M-Rayquazas health

Brendan was up next and sent out Plusle and minon along with 2 Salamances

The Brendans used 2 helping hands on their Salmances who fired dragon pulses and Draco Meteors against M-Rayquaza dealing about 8% of its health before M-Rayquaza knocked out both salamances and the plusle And minon.

Diamond ordered his Infernape along with Electiviar to Use flamethrower and Thunderbolt alternating his attacks with Pearls Magmortors flamethrower and glaceons ice shard doing about 6% of M-Rayquazas health the dragon Roared and sent Diamond and Pearls pokemon back to their pokeballs

So far Rayquaza has only lost 20% of its health and still looked relatively healthy.

"Hyper beam boffulant" Alder Yelled

"Haxorus dragon pulse" Iris screamed

Rayquaza then used outrage on boffulant in response to a hyper beam it took to the face knocking it it out cold. Haxorus Dodged the attack and was soon helped by The Aloha Champions

"Haxorus Use Dragon Pulse Full blast!" Iris Yelled and with the command Haxorus began charging up a Full power Dragon Pulse
"Umbreon Shadow Ball quick!" Gladion yelled as umbreon launched
"Silvally Help out my younger Self! And use multi attack Fairy!" O-Gladion yelled as he threw his Fairy Type Memory disc to Silvally who absorbed it's typing and began to charge up a fairy type Multi-Attack
The Hau's saw their friends and allies begin to attack the Draconic Beast and smiled at each other

"Raichu come out and Thunder Bolt them away!" Both raichu Looked at each other and grinned.

Soon the raichus were having a competition seeing who could discharge more electricity. O-Hau was winning because his raichu is older and had more training compared to the younger Hau.

Rayquaza was getting angry due to how much health it was getting drained of which was 65% of Health remaining.

Dede was Screaming at Rayquaza.

"Rayquaza you incompetent dragon! Dragon Pulse all of those impuritys!" She Screamed

Rayquaza soon knocked out all the Pokémon in the battle field except for Silvally who was unaffected due to its Fairy Memory disc and was still launching attacks towards Rayquaza

"Lets finish this!" Serma and Mash said yelling as loud as their vocal cords would allow "Agreed! with Beauty—" Serena yelled "And strength!—" Ash continued " to save the Worlds from All threats!" They yelled together

"Braixen lets get pretty good looking for this competition!" Serma said "Flamethrower!"

"Ok Greninja Lets Get more strong then ever before! Stay strong and get stronger and stronger" Mash Yelled and the bond between Greninja and Mash multiplied Greninja strength by 3x the normal Mash-Greninjas attack power. "Use water shrunken!" Mash Yelled

"Delphox I believe we are in aloha but it's time for a Kalosin debut In the Tropics!" Serena yelled as her delphox stepped up into the battle field "Flamethrower And then use psychic to manipulate the flames into bursts of fire!" Serena said calmly

Ash simply nodded towards his greninja who was battle bonded with him already "Water Shrunken!"

The ninja frog was evenly matched with Mash's Greninjas power as they both were sending Water Ninja stars towards Rayquaza dealing a ton of damage

O-Gladion yelled at ash who approved the following message "Time for Silvally's signature Z-Move!"

Gladion Crossed his arms and mimicked a beast trying to shake a mask of his head and then he grabbed his head and pulled the mask off and yelled "Unparalleled Rainbow Savagery !"

Silvally shook his head mimicking his time as a Type:Null and then his eyes turned into the colors of a rainbow. Silvally opened his mouth and unleashed The Z-Move only this Pokémon could preform! the Z-Move was every single type combined with a little more Fairy type then all the rest and Shot a devastating Rainbow Beam towards Rayquaza who was blasted in the face.

When the smoke cleared from the Z-Move, Rayquaza was still flying about But it was moving A lot slower then normal because it had been paralyzed and was now confused. Rayquaza Was now Very hurt and had 35% Health Remaining .

"Damnit Rayquaza Use Dragon ascent on Silvally!" DeDe Yelled angrily

Rayquaza tackled Slivally With air currents following Himself, and Silvally flew into a wall knocked out from the attack  and while Rayquaza was flying back into the air. the Confusion status effect hurt Rayquaza leaving the dragon on 25% Health

"Hey Serena! Let's combine our flamethrower and you use psychic to Burst them into a water shrunken thrown at Rayquaza!" Serma said

"Let's do it!" serena Smiled as she High-Fived Serma
Delphox You heard her Flame thrower full power then psychic it all into a water shrunken thrown by Greninja!" serena Yelled

"Braixen Flamethrower!"

This gave Mash an idea He and Red  used before in battle

"Hey Ash!" Mash Yelled

"What?" Ash said

"Charge up your biggest Water Shrunken and wait to throw it until I say!" Mash said smiling

"Ok whatever your thinking do it quick!" Ash Yelled

Soon Ash-Greninja Began Charging up a Water Shrunken which Quadrupled in size and held it in place.

"Throw it now!" Mash Yelled

"Quick Greninja Use night slash on the shrunken as its flying towards Rayquaza!" Mash said smiling

Mash-Greninja Used night slash on the water shrunken turning the water a deep black and splitting the Ninja star into 4 Sections which was soon lit on fire due too Flamethrowers condensed by psychic.

Gray was watching this from the sidelines and was looking down at the ground as he knew what was next to come in the timelines in order to protect the Destuction of time from occurring ever again.

Dede heard the commands given and knew it was the end for Rayquaza, Her last pokemon. So as a last resort she order the final command

"Rayquaza Use Air Cutter On the Protecter of Time to prevent someone to knowing the future ever again!" DeDe said looking panicked 

"Goodbye My friends And Remember that Time will always continue even if I'm gone!" Gray Yelled his last words as his body was torn to shreds killing Gray whose body disappeared into a Blue portal lost forever in time itself.

Rayquaza had been hit and defeated from the Flaming Black Shrunken. Dede looked down in defeat as she thought she knew where she was going. She was quickly surrounded by the Team of Survivors. Who were About to order an attack to kill Dede but were stopped when they heard a voice in their head saying "I have a better punishment!" They all looked around as they saw the Golden Man Satoshi Ketchum walk out of a golden portal along with Arceus the Pokémon God himself.

"I am sending Her to a timeline created by Gray before his death, This timeline has no Pokémon existing in it This way she cannot escape this world known as the Creation Realm... She can never be a problem again!" Satoshi said with Arceus nodding its head in approval

A Golden Blue portal Opened up and was half walk done sucking Dede in when Satoshi said

"Goodbye, My Daughter. You will never trouble These timelines Again" DeDe was sucked in the portal and landed in a buildings office chair with a Pencil and Paper As she began to write the book you are reading now... Survivors...


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