Soul of the Cerberus [NEW]

Autorstwa AndieKlein

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Twenty-three-year-old Korina Varga, a young art major had it all figured out. She would paint and sell her ar... Więcej

Chapter 1- Homebound
Chapter 2 - The silver lining
Chapter 3 - It takes three to tango
Chapter 4 - Devil's advocate
Chapter 5 - Shadows in the dark
Chapter 6 - Blank slate
Chapter 7 - Love hurts
Chapter 8 - Sucker punched
Chapter 9 - Rat in the house
Chapter 10 - Locking horns
Chapter 11 - All guns blazing
Chapter 11-All guns blazing (Part 2)
Chapter 12 - Anything but you
Chapter 13 - Keep on smiling
Chapter 14 - Heart on fire
Chapter 15 - First mission
Chapter 16 - The climb
Chapter 17 - Not good enough
Chapter 18 - Dance
Chapter 19 - Unusual alliance
Chapter 20 - Pour it up
Chapter 20 - Pour it up (2 part)
Chapter 22 - Chaos (Part 2)
Chapter 23 - Chaos (Part 3)
Chapter 24 - Chaos (Part 4)
Chapter 25 - Don't let me go
Chapter 26 - Last farewell

Chapter 21 - Chaos

34 1 0
Autorstwa AndieKlein

I stepped into the canteen, heading straight for the table where Yannik and others were sitting. He was busy staring at the screen, not even noticing I was standing behind him. He looked at me in astonishment as I tilted his head back, plastering a tender butterfly kiss on his lips. I noticed the whole canteen went quiet as they watched us in wonder, but I couldn't care less. I brushed my fingers across his shoulders, sitting down next to him. When I looked up at my friends, some of them were grinning and some of them were watching me with disbelief.

"When did that happen? And where was I?" Sanna's mouth was hanging wide open as her eyes flickered from me to Yannik.

"Sorry, maybe I wasn't supposed to do that?" I whispered to Yannik who still looked stunned.

"No, I just never thought-" He started, but then he smiled, entwining our fingers on the table "Go ahead."

"Yesterday, after the party." I turned back to Sanna, who was smiling brightly.

"Well, I am assuming that we are now entitled to a small bonus, boss? Since Korina is our dear friend and all." Rob grinned at him, rubbing his hands together.

His smile slowly faded as Yannik glared at him "No?" He whined with a high pitched voice. "What about a day off?" He hopefully glanced at Yannik "No?" He shook his head "Damn it! I had to try!" He shrugged, his face grimacing.

"Actually, I do have something for you." Yannik said with a slow smile.

"Sure. Anything!" Rob's chest puffed as he was certain he will get the special treatment.

"Storage room is a mess. There are files lying everywhere and I am baffled at how one can find anything in there. So dear Robert, you have the privilege to clean it up."

"You are kidding right?" He let out a disbelieving laugh, looking around the room, expecting someone to back him up.

"I am completely serious. And if anyone else has similar expectations as Robert here, he can join him immediately."

There was a deadly silence since everyone suddenly appeared very busy with their food.

"I thought so." Yannik nodded in approval.

I laughed out loud "Serves you right!" I said with the wicked expression "I really don't envy you right now."

"Really honey?" Said Yannik with a sweet, innocent voice. "I believe you are free this afternoon, so I will arrange that you will join Robert."

"Sweet!" Rob laughed next to me, smacking my back.

I turned my head slowly back to Yannik, my left eyelid twitching uncontrollably "You wouldn't dare."

He leaned in, kissing me on the cheek "No special treatment Korina." He smiled maliciously.

"But I am not even on your team!" I complained, watching him in disbelief.

"It's just data filling, you can handle it." He squeezed my hand.

"You are mean!" I crossed my hands over my chest, turning away from him. I knew I was behaving childishly, but I couldn't help myself. He was mean.

"How is that being mean?" He asked me, his expression dumbfound. His hand found mine again, sending electric sparks down my body.

"Just wait! I will get you for that." I scowled at him, sending him one of my dirtiest looks.

"Is that really what I see?" Ria and others stopped by our table, starring at our joined hands. "Well dear God! Finally!" She yelled, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Hey! How did she know about this and I didn't?" Sanna accusingly glared at me.

"I am not blind? Or brainwashed by Elliot?" Ria shrugged, grinning at Sanna.

"I am not brainwashed thank you very much!" Sanna pouted, squeezing laughing Elliot around his shoulders.

"Good, it was about time!" Traxx waved Ria away, patting me and Yannik on the shoulder. "Just take care of my girl, all right?" He smiled, baring his sharp teeth.

"I will do everything in my power to keep her." Yannik respectfully lowered his head.

"Good boy!" Traxx smacked his back, knocking the wind out of him. I laughed as he clutched his chest, coughing to steady his breathing. But my smile suddenly faded as my eyes caught Daniels'. He was unusually quiet, his eyes brooding as he watched us.

He stepped backward, turning on his heel he headed out of the canteen as fast as he could.

My chest tightened painfully when I saw how hurt he was. I jumped on my feet, fully intending to go after him, but Yannik gripped my hand, pulling me back "What are you doing?" He watched me in horror.

"I have to explain!" I pleaded with him, trying to free my hand gently as I could.

"Don't! Don't go after him." He looked so frightened that I almost changed my mind.

"I have to, he is my friend Yannik. He was always there for me when I needed him. He deserves to hear this from me, not from someone else. You can trust me Yannik, I would never hurt you." I gently kissed him as he finally released his death grip, turning away from me. I had to ignore his pained face as I ran after Daniel.

I raced through the commons, wildly looking around to spot him. I forced my feet to move faster as I sprinted through the corridors, heading towards the warrior sector.

I barged into the gym, stopping short as I saw him sitting on the bench, blankly staring through the windows.

I stopped in front to him, nervously rubbing my palms "Daniel..."

His head snapped up "It's fine Korina." He said angrily.

"It's clearly not fine!" I stepped closer to him, carefully keeping a distance between us.

"So you are with him now?" He looked away from me, trying to keep his voice casual.

"Yes." I nodded "I didn't know you would be upset about it."

"Upset?" He laughed bitterly "You have no idea Korina."

"Then tell me!" I squeezed my hands into fists, painfully tightening them.

"You have no idea how much I want you." He whispered, lowering his head.

"You've told me that, but you've also said it was not that big of a deal." I confusedly stared at him.

"I lied! You think I enjoyed watching you looking at him like that? Like he is everything to you?" He glared at me, his mouth grimaced.

I stared at him in complete shock, absolutely at a loss for words.

Yannik was right after all, Daniel had feelings for me. But that was impossible, he couldn't care for anyone, Daniel wasn't the type of guy who would love. Was he?

My shoulders slumped in defeat "I am sorry I've hurt you Daniel, but I will never apologize for loving him."

"What an irony isn't it Korina? I deserved it after all. I hurt Samantha and after that the same damned faith awaited me." He said bitterly, shaking his head.

"We cannot choose the one we wish to love Daniel, it doesn't work this way and I am sorry for causing you pain. This is the last thing I wanted." I said desperately, my throat squeezing painfully as tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Don't cry for Christ's sake!" He sighed loudly "I am a big boy am I not?" He smiled forcefully. "I understand we were never meant to be, it was always him. But it doesn't hurt any less you know." He looked at me as I slumped down next to him.

I only nodded, not knowing how to answer him.

"I thought we could be perfect together." He smiled "Since we are both Cerberuses." His smile slowly slipped away "But after I saw you in the car, with his necklace around your neck, I just knew."

"Daniel-" I started, but he stopped me, lifting up his hand.

"No, it's all right. I do realize he is your other half, and that there is nothing I could've said or done to change that."

"I truly am sorry Daniel." I whispered "I wish you and Sam would find someone to be happy with."

"I never wanted to cause her pain Korina, you must believe me." He looked at me desperately, begging for understanding.

"Then let her go, Daniel. The worst thing you can do is give her hope, especially when you are certain you won't return her feelings. It will break her, but at least she won't live her whole life waiting for you." I knew Sam needed to move on and this wasn't possible if he still held all the strings, pulling her back every time she gathered the courage to distance herself from him.

"I will try. It feels nice‒the feeling of being truly loved it's like a drug I crave."

"We all care for you Daniel and we are all here for you. But you have to let her go." I whispered, encouragingly squeezing his hand.

"All right." He let out a harsh breath "It has to be done anyway."

"Good." I slowly stood up "You won't-"

Strong blast threw me against the wall, cracking the concrete under the force of my body. I was so shocked that I barely noticed Daniel pulling me back up.

"Get up Korina!" He yelled in my ear as I still stared at the gap in the wall "Something is wrong! Get yourself together damn it!"

Loud beeping of the alarm roused me from my stupor and I grabbed his hands, pulling myself to my feet.

"Warning! There's a detection of unauthorized access! All warriors gather immediately in the left wing. We are under attack! I repeat we are under attack!" Landon's panicked voice screamed through the speakers above our heads.

"No!" My voice broke, and I clucked my chest as I suddenly couldn't breathe anymore "That is impossible! They couldn't get through Yannik's system! Could they?" I choked in fear, looking at Daniel for insurance.

"They just did. They need us Korina! Move!" He grabbed me forcefully, pulling me after him.

We ran as fast as we could, trying to ignore the chaos that arose in commons. There were lesser demons everywhere, crowding every empty space they could find.

"Remember what I taught you!" Daniel screamed at me "And never lose focus!" He charged forward, exposing his sharp blades.

I looked around, horrified at the scene before me. There were blood stains on the floor, tables and chairs carelessly knocked over or completely destroyed.

I roared with anger as I saw the devastation in front of me, drawing out the katana blades that were safely tucked in my back straps.

Tears clouded my vision at the thought how these monsters dared to destroy my home, kill the people that became my everything. I swung the blades above my head, joining Daniel's side as we hacked through the mass of vile, rotting bodies.

"Korina! On your left!" He yelled, shoving demons out of his way.

I grabbed the creature that tried to slaughter me by its shirt, pulling him closer. I sank my teeth into his flesh, ripping his neck open. I felt familiar frenzy building inside my body as my Cerberus instincts awakened.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Maximillian and Kellan, fighting side by side, moving with deadly grace.

I let out a small cry as I watched Ria stumble and eventually lose her footing.

Stabbing the vicious monsters, I tried to get to her in time since she was heavily outnumbered. Her right leg was slashed open and there was no way she could heal in time to run.

But there were too many demons in my way, no matter how hard or fast I shoved, there was always a new creature jumping on my path.

"Ria! Run!" I screamed at her, hoping she would hear me. However, her scared eyes were plastered on the lesser demons, not paying any attention to her surroundings.

"Ria!" I roared, as I saw the look of surrender on her face. One of the demons raised his sword high above his head, thrusting it down at her.

A piercing shout filled the room, and I realized I was the one screaming. I watched in horror as my friend was about to be slaughtered while I frantically pulled demons out of my way, feeling their sharp teeth all over my skin.

Suddenly Traxx's blade clashed with Ria's attacker, sending him flying across the room. The unlucky bastard landed near my feet and I viciously bared my teeth at him.

"You really shouldn't have done that." I said with a threatening smile as I sank my katana blades into his chest. Blades cut through his skin like a butter, charcoal liquid spilling out of his severed veins.

Relief flooded over me as I saw Traxx lifting Ria into his arms, slashing at demons with his free arm, trying to move her somewhere safe.

I finally freed myself from the unyielding grasp of the vicious monsters, sprinting towards them. I grabbed the demon who was scratching at Traxx, trying to reach Ria's neck. I shoved one of my blades into his gut. He looked at me confused, gurgling, as blood filled his mouth.

"Get her out of here! She needs the time to heal properly!" I yelled at Traxx, my eyes flashing to Ria, surveying her body for any other less visible injuries.

"Cover me!" Traxx turned quickly as he could, sprinting out of the crowded mass of the bodies.

Running after them, I shielded their backs as best as I could. I ducked low, avoiding the death blow coming from the left. I spun my blades, beheading the two intruders as they tried to get through me.

I watched in horror as another mass of lesser demons burst in, hungrily charging at stunned warriors.

"Damn it!" I cried out as we were pushed into the corner, surrounded from every direction.

Traxx covered Ria with his body, preparing for an onslaught. She watched him with a hopeless look on her face, entwining her hands with his. "There is too much of them." She whispered with a barely audible voice, looking at Traxx.

"I am not letting them past me!" I growled loudly, taking my stance before them, firmly standing my ground. I anxiously ground my teeth, trying to find another way out of this mess. There has to be something, we cannot die because of these worthless creatures. There was no way I will lose everybody I loved. Not this day, not now.

And then I knew what had to be done. I tapped at my comm praying to God that Sanna was somewhere safe.

"Come on!" I nervously shook my hand, begging her to answer the damn thing.

"Korina?" Her panicked voice pierced my ears "What is going on? Where are you?"

"Now it's not the time Sanna! Listen to me very carefully. Open the back octagon doors, let the Braahi out! Did you understand me?" I said as fast as I could.

"What? But that's insane!" She said with amazement.

"Just do it! We are dying!" I screamed, ending the connection as new demons closed in. I prayed to God she would do as I told her because we were slowly losing numbers.    

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