Blood Moon ~ Klaus Mikaelson


180K 4K 356

Klaus falls in deep with a girl trained to kill him . Started : 2014 Finished : - ©️hakyeonaesthetic Еще

Blood Moon (TVD Klaus fan fic)


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Chapter 5.

Amelia POV

I stayed awake, faking sleep. Soon after half an hour Klaus was asleep, my plan was simple. I slowly shuffled to the other side of the bed and, pulled the soft duvet off of me. I tried to breathe evenly, just encase he could hear me. I just need to get out of this town, I guess this wasn't such a good idea after all.

I slowly tiptoed to the door, not bothering with clothes. I thought for a moment,  I would have longer to run if  I disarmed Klaus. I tiptoed to my duffel bag, and picked out one of my sharpest stakes. This should hold him. I walk to his end of the bed, with a wild heartbeat.  I grabbed hold of the end of the stake and drove it straight through his stomach, there was a gasp and a stutter but that was it as I was long gone by then.

I ran. Just ran. I went through every door and ran down corridors, to finally find the winding staircase. I went flying down the stairs, not bothering with the sound level. As soon as I reached the ground floor, my eyes zoned in on the front door. Rushing for it, I pulled it open, not bothering with closing the door. I was finally out in the open, sadly the mansion was practically in the middle of the forest. I had no idea where I was, so I was just going to give it a shot. I ran in my left direction, where there was more trees. I thought that maybe I might have the chance at escaping, and Klaus sounds like the type of gut that would go right.

I kept on running in that direction, but my legs just couldn't carry me any further. I came across a cave and decided I should just give up until morning, it didn't matter since I had another 5 hour 'till Klaus would wake up. I layed down in my most comfortable position and let sleep over come me.


My eyes fluttered open, my mind replaying last nights events. As soon as Klaus came to my mind, I scrambled up from where I slept. Relieved to still be living, I walked out of the cave and picked a direction right. I started to run, not wasting one second of my time. I couldn't stop, as I was in fear of Klaus finding me. Killing me. It was when I heard a twig snap I finally came to a stop, I quickly found a tree taking cover behind it. I steadied my breathing, trying to calm down. Oh my god it better not be Klaus, I'm dead.

"I believe your right love, it is me." I hear a British accent. This is it my death, hopefully he doesn't know where I am. I keep silent in hopes he won't see me, I can hear his steps going further away from me but then coming right back. "A game of hide and seek? Well two can play at this game love," Suddenly I don't hear anything just my frantic breathing. I think maybe he has just gone away, looking somewhere else. I go with that thought and step away from the tree, only to bump straight into a warm chest. oh god.

"Given up have we?" He says, a taunting smirk on his face.

"No never, what do you want?" I say, oblivous to our deal. He just look at me, emotions in his eyes I can't figure out, or even want to. "Nothin much, just you to come with me and an apology for trying to kill me," he demmands. i can't help but laugh, yeah right. "Like you deserve one," I say a smirk now on my face. "Hmm I think I do love," He says. But I can't say anything more as he has me in his arms and running in the direction I came. He comes to a stop in a matter of seconds and we are back at the mansion of doom (cool right? no? oh well...).

"Did you really have to do that?" I say angrily, whilst being pushed through the door. "Yes I did can't have you escape again now can we?" He taunts. He pushes me down onto the couch, and pulls out his phone. He starts to dial a number and I just sit there, feeling like an idiot to try and escape again.

Klaus' POV.

I dial Greta's number into my phone, today I was determined to find out about this soulmate thing. "Hello?" Greta say into the speaker.

"Greta, its Klaus and would like you to do me a favour," I demand.

"Yes of course what is it?" She asks.

"Well its about soulmates," I say trying to not give much away to Amelia.

"Ok well I could come round in half an hour?"

"Good thank you," I said and ended the call. I slowly turned to Amelia, she looks so beautiful. "What was all that about soulmates?" She manages to say. "Oh nothing really love, come on lets get you ready." I answer to her. I pull her up from the couch, and lead her to my room. I open the door and say, "Why don't you get ready, and put something comfortable on ok?" I ask and she nods.

Amelia's POV.

I grab my suit case and my make-up/hair accessorie bag and walk into the bathroom.  I have a long shower, as I collected a lot of dirt from my escape plan yesterday. After having a long and deserved shower I put on some clothes. I put on a black sequin off-the shoulder top and some black skinny jeans, with a leather jacked and some black stiletto's. I quickly put on my make-up and do my hair in a messy bun, since I am only going to be with Klaus.

I gather all of my thing and walk out of the bathroom, only to place my bags where I had left them. I stared at the newly dressed Klaus, before following him down the stairs. sitting back down on the couch I ask, "so... can I have something to eat?"

"Oh yeah sure, wait there." I do as I'm told giving up with running and wait for him to come back. After a few minutes Klaus comes back with Cereal and some orange juice. He sets it down on the table and I start to eat, not stopping to think if he poisoned it. I quickly finish within 5 minuetes, curious as to what we are doing today. let me guess planning, scheming and killing. "So what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Oh well a friend of mine is coming round in a minuete," he concludes. I laugh, "you have friends?" I say in a mocking tone.

"Why yes Amelia I do, I do,"  and thats all I get out of him for the next twenty minuetes.






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