PIECE(S) ˎˊ˗

由 bloodsen

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❝YOU'RE NOT NORMAL!❞ She had shouted in a fit of rage on the night that twisted more than her ankle. A fractu... 更多

‣ beautiful
‣ perfect ten
‣ hot date
‣ senpai
‣ friday
‣ touch
‣ who are you?
‣ the rising sun
‣ my friends
‣ irresistible
‣ risen
‣ i like crazy
‣ i'm in love
‣ daddy
‣ ginger dick
‣ i will kill you
‣ screw him
‣ true love waits
‣ that's hot
‣ i'm the best
‣ miss popular
‣ family
‣ chemistry

‣ to be loved

138 14 49
由 bloodsen

DAY 40 


     Ronnie puzzled, stopping mid question to observe Kyra from a distance while Adrienne, digging her toes in sand, still remained in low spirits even after his attempt to cheer her up.

     ❝Cooled down? Absolutely not.❞ Adrienne concluded for him, brushing past his attempt of a hug with a frustrated grunt when Nakamura presented his company among Ronnie, Mattias, and Kanako.

     Although Ronnie never sought after validation, he turned to Shinsuke for advice since the two had gotten pretty much over the past few weeks. ❝Should I go talk to her now? I mean, will there ever be a right time to approach Kyra?❞

    Nakamura thought about for a second, knowing that for such a hot-head, there was never a right time. Especially with Kyra, one just had to intervene and take matters into their own hands.

     ❝Yeah, go to her now.❞ He advised with a friendly smile that easily enough, convinced Ronnie to engage on what Kanako looked as a suicide mission.

    A smart man in his mind, Ronnie did not plan to enter Kyra's trenches alone. ❝Hey!❞ Mattias had argued when pulled away from Fandango. ❝I need you, she likes you.❞

    He had spat when trying to coax Mattias who reminded himself not to frown because,❝wrinkles❞. Just when Ronnie was ready to literally toss him over his shoulders, a small smirk came upon Mattias's face as he took a step forward, compliant but filled with sass.


    The sass slapped him silly across the face, and all Ronnie could do was take in a deep breath, and exhale because, of course Mattias would go there.

    If only Ronnie felt more confident in his abilities to talk to Kyra on his own, he'd of dropped Mattias on the top of his pretty blonde locks.

    By the time Ronnie and Mattias had reached Kyra, Kan joined Shinsuke as she watched him stare at two possibly dead-men. 

    ❝It was nice knowing them, I guess.❞  Shinsuke murmured, averting his eyes and face down to Kanako who glared at him deathly cold—❝you're next.❞ 

    She warned, continuing her merciless glare until Kenny appeared with a beer, which struck Nakamura as odd until he handed it over to Kan.

    Understanding that the beer was a peace offering of sorts, Shinsuke watched as the two walked away while he hoped for no casualties on Kyra's end. 

   Yet, the second he started to believe that perhaps for a change of events Kyra would remain civil ; all hell seemed to have broken loose before her.

     As Ronnie shouted, Shinsuke had followed behind Kevin and Fandango who crept up behind a massive rock to get a closer look at the commotion.


Mattias cheered, having pinned Ronnie's arms as he held him back  A smirk crept on in Fandango's face that matched Kevin's own excitement as he mumbled something their view being better than anything on television.

  ❝What are you doing? Let me go!❞ Ronnie continued to cry out as Mattias only better adjusted his vise-like grip. ❝Hey Matt, you're a beautiful dude and all, but I don't appreciate your front junk so close to my back trunk.❞

     Ronnie had shouted, pointing out Mattias's body that was pretty much pressed up to him, tightly—❝Oh, but you're okay with your junk all over Adrienne?❞

    Mattias questioned as Kyra only ran a hand over her face.  ❝Do you really think a shitty apology like that will do?❞ Mattias lastly snickered as Ronnie finally fell still, realizing that he was right.

    Kyra was violent, but would she strike her own friends? ❝For a million dollars, she'd do it on a heartbeat.❞ Ronnie thought to himself, taking in a deep breath as Mattias began to once again rile a shit-storm.

    ❝C'mon Kyra, sock him in the face or deck him in the nuts!❞ Kevin then shouted, exposing himself as he stepped away from the boulder's protection with a cheery wave at his new found, favorite resident hot-head of NXT. ❝Or both!❞  Dango joined in, also moving away to stand beside Kevin as he sent a flirty wink at Mattias that didn't let it go by unnoticed despite holding Ronnie back.

     Kyra blinked, glancing at Mattias who apparently excelled in multitasking as he still held Ronnie's arms pinned back, while taking turns to shoot suggestive facial expressions at Dango and also encourage her to strike with aggression

    For a whole minute, Kyra glanced back and forth between both her blonde and brunette Canadian friends, one diabolical and the other a saint begging for mercy all the while noticing Shinsuke having stepped in between Kevin and Fandango with hands on his hips and a quiet expression compared to that of Owens who flashed her a fist as if saying, ❝you know what to do.❞

   Hectic work environments she could deal with as her mind specialized in compartmentalizing priorities like improving in the ring and staying true to her gimmick's visions. But chaos among her friends? 

   Never in her life had Kyra boasted of having so many people around her to call friends, let alone be part of so many people's lives.

    For a long time, she avoided forming so many connections as her introverted ways always helped her excel in the musical composition career path she had chosen earlier on in life. Now however, Kyra wasn't pursing her musical composition aspirations as she had reached the ultimate honor of being an Orchestral leader at one point in New Japan.

      Her body, heart, mind, and soul were fully immersed into this new world of wrestling, and without ever seeking attention, she caught the interest of a few that then somehow actually liked her enough and were deep down inside, pure goodness.

   The only people Kyra could call best friends before having come to the WWE was her own cousin cousin Adrienne, and Tyson.

     From them, she learned that friends don't lie, and that true friends never get tired of one another's pointless drama. At the same time, her first days in Japan in which Kyra would eavesdrop on vapid conversations in coffee houses taught her a very valuable lesson about friendship. That lesson was that if one brings nothing but drama to the table,one shouldn't be surprised when everyone leaves. 

     Kyra knew she was a flawed human being, and that her actions had seemed a bit too ... dramatic. Despite her love for the dark and dramatic, Kyra knew it was time to put an end to it and build a bridge her friends could reach to her and not fear it would collapse under their feet instead.

   With a sigh, she spoke up—

I know I'm not easy to
 love, but I just want to feel ... included.

     Silence fell, and it felt like the ultimate torture to Kyra until her breath was squeezed out of her lungs when Mattias had let go of Ronnie; and both men rushed to hug her deathly tight.

   ❝Aw, Kyra just wants to be loved.❞ Mattias had teased, plastering a side of his face onto the top of her head as Ronnie broke apart but still  caressed her shoulder. ❝I really wanted to tell you, both. I just ... I actually really like Adrienne, and I didn't know how to express my feelings.❞

      Ronnie had confessed, rendering Mattias a shiny eyed romantic. With a serene smile, Kyra nodded. ❝Yeah, you better love Adrienne to death because If not, I'd gladly bring you closer to death.❞

    Before Ronnie could hug her, Kyra raised her hand to signal a final statement. ❝And Adrienne may be my cousin, but if she didn't love you to death either, I wouldn't spare her because you're also like family to me.❞

     Her voice had come in decisive and strong, matching the way she took Ronnie by surprise and embraced him. 



   Ronnie assured, turning to face Mattias who wiped a tear away. Just when Mattias had taken a step closer as if to hug the two, Ronnie pulled the ultimate heel card. Taking him by surprise, he swept Mattias off his feet and rushed closer to the incoming wave where Ronnie dumped him with the most mischievous laughter ever.

    As Mattias resurrected from the water with a dramatic inhale, Fandango has brushed past Kyra, stripping his shirt off. ❝What a heavenly sight.❞ She thought, laughing as a fun kind of chaos began to break lose with Kevin and Sami also joining the shallow water, frolicking and splashing around like children while Tyson brought his phone out to capture the entire moment that truly seemed like a dream to her.

   Even more heavenly was Shinsuke taking her hand and gently tugging on it as he held his surfboard in the other. That feeling of excitement ended the precise moment Billie Kay appeared, pulling Nakamura away and laughing for no apparent reason.

    Daring enough, the Australian even took Shinsuke's board and propped it on the water as she quickly and expertly managed to balance on top of it. 

   Kyra's momentary annoyance however, was quickly replaced with happiness by her fairy godmother of sorts, or so it seemed. 

    ❝MOVE, BITCH!❞ Kevin shouted, pushing Billie right off the surfboard and into a wave as he zipped past lightning fast  just to avoid Sami and the heeps of seaweed her favorite red-head was launching.

   Although she longed to relish on Billie's stupid shocked expression and join Shinsuke, Kyra couldn't help but to sigh with remorse upon catching Adrienne sitting all lonesome by the bonfire pit.

   With no further hesitations, Kyra made it towards Adrienne and plopped down beside her with a loud sigh. 

    ❝I'm realizing that I kept you more updated when you were a thousand miles away...❞ Adrienne began, soft spoken at first before her tone deepened with bottled up anger, ❝but I don't get caught up in your sex life!❞

    ❝Because I don't
 have one!❞

    Kyra raised her voice, and immediately after exhaled to calm herself right back down. Shocked, Adrienne pursed her lips. She knew her cousin was an introvert the second they sat down in their first class together, and Kyra almost choked stressing over having to say 'here' when attendance was being called.

    For a long time, her cousin was also the biggest prude ever, but ... was she that much on an introvert that she had never dated? ❝You've ... never?❞ Adrienne murmured.

    ❝Once.❞ Kyra confessed with an unamused expression. ❝It wasn't love though, it was just misery because I wasn't in love, and neither was she.❞

   Adrienne's eyes bulged out, surprised. ❝Wow, Kan was right. So you're -

    ❝Bisexual? No. Kan wishes.❞ Kyra laughed, biting her lower lip as Adrienne still wore the same confused expression on her face. ❝I was 18, and I thought I knew myself better than anyone. But, being in a new country taught me a harsh lesson, and for a while I just kind of wondered around not knowing who the hell I was, or what my purpose in life was either.❞

     Adrienne nodded, knowing how being away from home at a young age could make one so melancholic. ❝The few dates I had gone on, they all ended so badly. At one point I thought that maybe, men weren't attracted in me. So then I met this girl who liked me, and I grew to like her too. Our friendship sparked into more, and after we were intimate ... I realized I didn't like women the way she did. I thought I had, but I really only loved her because she gave me the special attention I wanted from ...men. Still, I tried to and well ...

    ❝It obviously didn't work out, and I hurt a good person.❞ Kyra concluded.  A cold gust of wind swept their hair up, prompting Kyra to shiver until Adrienne's warm head gently nestled on her shoulder. ❝I think I have daddy issues.❞ Kyra then admitted, resting her own head on Adrienne's head.

   ❝Maybe.❞ Her cousin whispered before shrugging. ❝But I just think you haven't found the right one yet, because you won't settle for anything less than the best. Besides, your mom, my mom, and grandma, they're more men than our deadbeat fathers.❞

   A smile twitched on Kyra's lips, sharing a sigh of relief with Adrienne as they looked up at the star filled sky. Although her cousin was enamored by the night sky, Kyra had noticed Ronnie smiling at the two, and so she excused herself wanting to see the two by each other.

    As cold as she could seem, Kyra kissed Adrienne's cheek like she used to when they were kids at the beach on early Sunday mornings. 

   While Kyra hated waking up early, she adored the the sunny outdoors. Sunday's were her favorite because her mother & aunt would take Adrienne and her to the beach from the early morning hours, till the late night.

     Her cousin had always been a child of the night, so before Adrienne would always nap at beaches at the sun's brightest hour, Kyra would kiss her cousin's cheek and wait for the night sky so the two could frolic around with Adrienne's revitalization at night, and her never ending energy. 

   Everyone was still running around the low water, squealing out loud as it seemed like some sort of alliances had formed with Sami on Kevin's back, Mattias on Dango's back, and Kan on Kenny's back with a handful of seashells.

   When Kyra found Shinsuke sitting by a palm's collapsed trunk not too far away without Billie, Kyra began to wonder if a shark had truly eaten her.

    ❝Oh well, rest in peace I guess.❞ She thought, taking slow steps towards Nakamura whose face beamed when Kyra took a seat next to him. Hands feeling sweaty, he rubbed them against his knees before clearing his throat to speak up,

   ❝So, long night huh?❞


❝I'm glad Ronnie's
not dead.❞

❝Me too. I wouldn't
enjoy killing him.❞
She softly

❝Good. He's my good
 friend, I'd miss him
 too much.❞

    Shinsuke admitted as Kyra wore a promising smile. ❝Yeah, he's my good friend too and Ronnie actually make me ... like me.❞ She coughed, knowing her confession was a little too deep for the closed book she was.

   ❝Hasn't anyone ever told you that you're okay? Hasn't anyone ever make you feel ...❞

    Shinsuke stopped, pretending not to know the word even though it was at the tip of his tongue. ❝By friends? Yeah. But ... ❞ She paused, feeling a slight hesitation until Kyra glanced forward and saw Adrienne and Ronnie, snuggled up together in a blanket.

    ❝To be honest ... I've never dated but once,
 and it left me craving for more.❞ She sighed. ❝More? What more did you want?❞ He asked, curious as Kyra crossed her arms defensively before unfolding them to throw up with wild animation, like Sami always did—❝forget it, 

I'm just selfish.❞

    Shinsuke observed her furrowed brows, pressing the tip of his index finger right on the slightest crease in her forehead. Laughter escaped her lips as she narrowed her eyes onto him, curious. ❝What are you doing?❞ Kyra chuckled with amused eyes. ❝It's just been a while since I did want I wanted, since I got what I wanted.❞

   Built with the most dense layer of obliviousness when it came to her personal matters, Kyra connected Shinsuke's words to Billie who had appeared back by the coast with a surfboard of her own. ❝Oh come on, you're totally a ladies man. You have Billie and even Peyton. Those Australians love you, mate.❞ Kyra pointed out, even playfully punching his bicep.

    ❝NO.❞ He very decisively spoke up. ❝They're just funny. They make fun of my English, but most of the time I don't even understand what they're saying so I just nod and smile.❞ 

     Shinsuke admitted, laughing along with Kyra that nodded. Even she had had a hard time understanding Peyton during her debut match since she spoke so quickly and had quite a pronounced Australian accent. 

     Curious to know what desires lied in such a easy going soul, Kyra turned her attention back to Shinsuke and smiled— ❝what do you want, Shin?❞

    It wasn't just his eyes burning into hers, but his body having jolted a bit forward with the unexpected answer that almost gave Kyra back failure when she nearly tipped back upon having felt a sense of wanting to scoot closer to him when Shinsuke said the three magical words that matched what she most wanted more of from relationships (as opposed to friendships), ❝to be loved.❞


i. Sweet baby Jesus, when I planned this "Sami's surprise" chapter out, I had thought I could get the whole jist of it in 2 chapters, but 6 chapters later, I finally wrapped it up.

ii. Next chapters will definitely focus more on Kyra's career, along with Shinsuke's endeavors. As I've been asked, no, I don't follow any specific storylines from NXT. I might use some of the send off stuff, like Sami's send off after facing Shinsuke, but we'll see how this all turns out later.

iii. Do you think Kyra is really that oblivious, or is she just scared and doesn't want to admit that Shinsuke may have just confessed what he wants from her?

iv. Also, if ever you spot any typos / misspellings / errors here, please point them out! I don't get offended. I try to edit to the best of my ability, but always miss a few (or ton). 


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