Variety |Edward Cullen|

Bởi cCherishh_

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Variety ➤ The state of being different; the absence of normality. Iris holds the power of manipulation agains... Xem Thêm

P r o l o g u e - Sebastian
P r o l o g u e - Alexander
P r o l o g u e - Iris
P r o l o g u e - Caroline
P r o l o g u e - Robin
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E

T W E N T Y - F O U R

2.5K 89 3
Bởi cCherishh_

... = Flashback


Sue was exhausted, this was her first shift back to work in weeks. She had spent a week working with the Elders of the Quiluete tribe searching for a newly turned Shapeshifter - Sam, and telling him about the legends of their tribe and the truth behind them.

Then Sue and the Elders had to spend another two weeks trying to help Sam with his anger and coming to terms with his new status as well as telling him the rules and conditions that came with being part of the secret .

Even though Sue wasn't an official member of the tribal consul she acted as one and that meant she was swarmed with huge amounts of responsibility.

Working with Sam took about three weeks, when he was ready and felt comfortable enough with going into the world Sue had returned home and focused all her attention on her daughter.

She had returned home and found Leah sprawled out on her bedroom floor staring up at her ceiling, after hours of cuddling with her Sue had told her Leah the truth about their tribe in hopes that it would sort of ease her pain.

With spending almost a month guiding Sam, Sue had grown to despise the man even more then she had while he was in a relationship with her daughter.

The consul had told him about the aspects of imprinting and to him that made it okay that he hurt Leah. Sue didn't know if he was looking to be punched or if he just didn't understand what imprinting really was even though she had explained it multiple times to him.

Her husband had sat near her with a small scowl on his face directed at Sam who he hadn't said a word to throughout the meeting. He focused on keeping his wife from physically assaulting Sam - his hand was set on Sue's knee.

After Sue finally convinced her daughter that she was telling the truth about the legends she moved on to the hardest part. Telling Leah about Imprinting.


"There's more." Sue sighed squeezing on Leah's hands that were gripped in her's.

Leah released a deep breath bracing herself for what would come next. She had just found out that the Quileute tribe were descendants of shapeshifting wolves, what else could there be.

"Quileute shapeshifters hold this 'gift' I guess, that allows them to find the person most....suitable for them in a sudden way." Sue started. "That person could be suitable as a sister, brother, friend or in most cases a romantic partner."

"Mum." Leah said with a sceptical tone, she didn't know where her mother was going with this.

Sue shook her head slightly at her daughter, stopping her from interrupting. "Your father didn't think I should tell you this but I thought it would help."

Leah nodded.

"When the shapeshifter gene is activated, the carrier isn't really in control of themselves. The man may want one thing but the wolf another. The wolf however has stronger control during the first few years of shifting meaning whatever the mans wolf wants he gets and the man has little to no control over their decisions." Sue explained pushing a few strands of hair behind Leah's ear.

"So the person that the shapeshifter footprints on isn't the man's choice." Leah said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Imprints." Sue corrected. "Yes and No."

"What do you mean."

"Although the wolf is in more control the imprint is someone that the man has an attraction to." Sue said.

"Does the imp-imprinted. Does the imprintee have a choice." Leah asked.

"That, is probably the most important part of an imprinted pair. The imprintee has all the choice." Sue continued. "A shapeshifter finding an imprint is almost impossible, it doesn't just happen straight away.....well it does for the man but not for the wolf."

Leah once again found herself confused.

"The wolf accepting an imprint could take years because the mans first instinct is to move towards the unconditional love they feel for their imprint. But their wolf would have to be certain that the imprintee wants them just as much as the shapeshifter wants him or her." Sue said. "If the wolf realises that the imprintee doesn't want their human it looses interest and searches for someone else who shows interest even if that isn't what the man wants."

Sue could see the questions begging for escape in Leahs eyes so she gave her daughter another nod and Leah burst.

"Why are you telling me this, what does it have to do with me.-" Leah rambled stopping when her mother gave her a small smile.

"One at a time Leah."

"How do you know all this." Leah settled on.

"Your father and several other adults around the reservation are apart of a consul that share stories of our past and takes care of all things supernatural that concern our tribe." Sue said. "They possess many diaries and items from past shifters."

"Past Shifters?" Leah questioned. "Are there any shifters here on the reservation today."

Sue bit her lip pondering on how she should tell her daughter, finally deciding on the blunt factor Sue exhaled before answering. "Do you remember at the end of last month we held a search party for Sam after he went missing."

"Yeah." Leah replied a small gasp passing through her lips as realisation dawned on her. Sam, Emily.....Imprinting. "Oh my God."

"Leah I know this.-" Sue said cutting off when Leah started.

"Oh My God." Leah huffed, her breathing had become ragged she could feel her throat closing up.

"Honey." Sue yelped with fright as Leah froze. The only sound that echoed through Leah's room was her in uneven breathing. "Honey you need to breathe."

"What's going on." Seth asked popping his head into Leah's doorway that was wide open. "Le what's wrong."

"Leah honey I'm going to need you to breathe with me alright." Sue said placing one hand on Leah's chest and the other on her cheek. This wasn't behaviour that necessarily surprised her. One, because she was a nurse and Two because this wasn't Leah's first panic attack.

She had gone through many small episodes similar to this in the her life.

"I'll- I'll go." Seth stuttered racing through the house towards the living room as the word 'Dad' left his mouth in a scream.

"In..." Sue said taking in a deep breath while Leah tried following. "And out."

Harry moved towards Leah's side with Seth behind him when Sue finished her third in and out.

He placed his hand on Leahs head softly pushing her hair back. He looked at his wife for assurance that Leah was okay before releasing a sigh of relief.

"Seth do me a favour and get my Nursing kit from the car." Sue said nodding at her son who gave Leah a concerned look before jogging out of the room.

"He's a shapeshifter." Leah muttered glancing up at her father who still had his hand on her hair.

Harry nodded with a sympathetic expression.

"Are you." Leah asked not knowing how to finish.

Harry gave a small chuckle before shaking his head. "My father's genes skipped me."

Seth came jogging back into the room holding a black bag in his arms. "Here mum."

"Thank you." Sue replied, then began searching for her stethoscope.

"How about we give these two some privacy." Harry said smiling toward Seth.

"Okay." Seth said after gently patting Leahs shoulder.

Harry closed Leahs door leaving the Mother and Daughter in silence.

Sue gave Leah a stern look when she moved her hand to protest the diaphragm of the stethoscope.

After a couple checks of Leahs heart beat Sue set her equipment down and waited for her daughter to speak.

"You said it was a choice for the wolf." Leah said. "Why didn't it....he choose me."

She began thinking through their whole three year relationship - something she'd been doing for the past four weeks. There wasn't a time she could think of where she had rejected him, or so she thought until a certain white haired male crossed her mind.

Leah let out a sob, was she to blame for her own heart break.

"What is it." Sue asked.

"A couple weeks ago Sam caught me kissing someone down at First Beach." Leah explained.

"What." Sue said. "Who."

"On the day that Sam went missing I introduced you to him." Leah replied.

With a little bit of thought Sue remembered who she was talking about. She placed her hands back onto her daughters when she saw the expression she held.

"Leah this is not your fault." Sue snapped trying to search for a way to prove it to her.

"Did this happen before or after Sam went missing." Sue finally came up with.


"A Shapeshifter's wolf doesn't take into account anything that happens during the shifters life before he arrived. So that couldn't have been it." Sue sighed. "Can you think of anything else."

Leah rubbed her hands over her eyes willing herself to try and remember.

"After he caught know, we talked and he forgave me." Leah said sneering at the word forgave. "Then we were back on track with our relationship, about a week after that Sam asked me if I could take another gap year out of my life."

Sue nodded.

"I told him that I had to get my life started but I didn't mean it as a rejection." Leah whimpered. "If I had known that it was because he could change into a wolf I wouldn't have..." Leah trailed off.

"Honey as much as I know that you don't want to hear this I know you need to." Sue said. "You and Sam are two people who want completely different things in life, you need someone that understands your wants and doesn't try and change them."


Overall Sue thought that the whole conversation went better then she had expected.

Shifting her focus back to her clip board Sue read her next round of work when a group of EMT's came rushing into La Push hospital pushing a gurney.

"Twenty-four year old female, active in an animal attack, trauma focused on the face." One of the EMT's called out as any Nurse or Doctor available moved towards them. On Instinct Sue had found herself at the side of the gurney that was still rolling, headed towards the closet surgery room.

"Name." One of the Nurses asked.

"She was brought in by a couple boys that claim her name is Emily Young." The EMT replied.

Sue for the first time since the EMT's rolled into the hospital, looked up operating equipment she was fumbling with at the victim's face. Emily.

Dread consumed her when she saw the gash that ran across Emily's face and the heavy amounts of blood that gushed out of it.

"Nurse Clearwater I'll need you to check the Victims history for her blood type." Doctor Martin called shoving her hands into gloves.

Sue nodded and ran out of the operating room towards the Patient file room.

The surgery took about three hours, full with stitching and blood transfusions. Sue was now stood in an empty patient room - her hair still bound in her surgical cap as she struggled to dial the next phone number. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

She had already called her brother, Emily's father who lived with the Makah tribe on Neah Bay a couple hours away from LaPush.

The phone rung for a couple seconds then Leah's voice finally came through.

"Leah." Sue said her voice hollow with fear.

"Mum." Leah replied instantly recognising her voice. "What's wrong."

"There was an accident." Sue muttered. "Emily just got out of surgery."


"She was attacked by an animal in the woods." Sue explained.

"I'll be right there." Leah replied.

Sue could hear Leah yelling out Harry and Seth's name in the background.

"Please hurry."



Robin was in her room lacing up her shoes when a ding rang through her phone. Reaching across her bed she picked it up and checked her message.

Can you give me ride to school today. I think we should talk.

Robin let out an involuntary sigh of relief when she saw that the text was from Angela. The pair usually texted for hours after school but last night her phone was dead silent. When she read the text though her relief faded.

I'll be there in 15 mins. Robin replied.

She waited a couple seconds trying to figure what else to say before responding

I'm sorry about yesterday.

You don't have to be sorry about anything. Angela sent.

I'm confused?

Robin paused again then continued.

You looked pretty upset.

No. That wasn't you. Angela sent.

Right it not's me it's you. What happened.

Robin sat on her bed staring with shaking anticipation for Angela's next response.

I think we should talk about this face to face.

Robin texted a quick okay before finishing with getting ready for school. Galloping down the stairs towards the kitchen she pulled out a couple muesli bars from the kitchen cupboards then moved for her car.

"Robin." Caroline called stopping Robin at the front door. "Remember we're meeting the Cullens this weekend. Don't make any plans."

Robin sent a small smile and a nod before walking to the garage.

She had one hand on the steering wheel and the other around an unwrapped muesli bar as she drove towards Angela's house. Parking in front of the house Robin gathered all her muesli bar wrappers and shoved them into her glove compartment then she sent Angela another text, telling her that she was here.

A couple minutes later Angela came walking out of her house and into Robin's car.

"Hey." Angela muttered after buckling her seat belt.

"Hi." Robin replied trying to contain her panic.

"I'm really sorry about running away from you.....again yesterday." Angela started getting straight to the point. "It's not like I don't...." Angela sighed. "Want to have have sex with you."

"What is it then." Robin asked repressing her annoyed tone because she really wasn't annoyed, she was more afraid then anything. Afraid that she was about to loose the girl she grew to have feelings for at such a short amount of time.

Angela finally turned to Robin looking her in the eye before letting out another sigh. Her face was beginning to grow red. "I'm a virgin."

Robin stared at her, trying to figure out why that wasn't the first thought that crossed her mind but it explained a lot.

"Are you....nervous about it." Robin asked.

Angela frowned. "It isn't like I haven't done anything with anyone. I mean I've messed around before I've just never found someone I liked enough to sleep with."

Robin nodded.

"Not that I don't like you." Angela huffed.

Robin smiled. "You're not ready. I get it."

Angela looked at her searching her eyes for any sense of a lie.

"Really." Robin said sensing her disbelief. "I don't have a problem with it, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to."

"I like you Angela and this is just another part of you that I get to like." Robin continued.

"Are you.- Have you." Angela tried asking.

"Had sex before." Robin finished.

Angela nodded in response.


Angela nodded again.

"Is that a problem." Robin muttered.

"Of course not." Angela answered almost immediately. "We're two different people who've had different lives, I don't care who you've slept with in the past as long as you don't care about who I haven't."

Robin smiled before starting the ignition of her car and driving towards Forks High School.

"Next time something like this happens please don't run away from me." Robin said.

Angela chuckled. "I promise."



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