Unlikely Alliances

Autorstwa MaleficentSpirit

11.3K 402 197

This is not a 'Love story'. Its a complicated camaraderie. It's a build up story, so don't expect it to jump... Więcej

'Practically perfect'
'where do we start'...
'This just got interesting'
'The final day'
'Reunion is over'
'Bodies and Back Stories...'
*New Cover*
'What are we about to do... or become? P1'
'What are we about to do or become' P2
Still Sisters? Part 1
Unexpected Part 2

'Introduce the Extraterrestrial'...

754 22 29
Autorstwa MaleficentSpirit

"What the heck is that..." Dedrick said; speaking for all of us who were thinking the same thing.

'So that's where it came from...'


Staring up at the floating- digital screen that held the image of such an odd looking and mysterious creature...

"What the..." -Desi

"Abnormal mutation?" - Dedrick

"Cricket- Have you ever seen such a thing?!" Desi said nodding up and over at Cricket.

Cricket looked back at her and shook his head violently being just as shocked as we were.

"It's obviously something that doesn't belong here- it deserves to be executed until extinction!" -Braun said; of course being all macho and hostile towards anything that he didn't see as 'normal' or understand.

My head shot over towards him instinctively.

"Just because it's something that's different from you and that you don't understand BRAUN- doesn't mean that it deserves to die. Everything deserves a chance at life- until proven otherwise." I said sternly and stoic.

While staring back at him, I walked up to the screen until I was directly below/before it; now standing ahead of everyone else.

Desi, Cricket, and Dedrick, looked at each other in surprise being brought back by my words. Except Braun of course who was more enraged and put off by my statement.

I wasn't exactly the understanding type or the 'compassionate' one in the group when it came to such things or people for that matter. None of us were.

I was known as the bold and aggressive member of the group, being the assault specialist and all, so it was kind of a set back to the others to hear such a statement come out of my mouth.

But they didn't know how much I changed since I left and that I was a different person than who I was 6 years ago, when I was still part of the team.

I certainly didn't become more compassionate, in fact I became more- if not completely numb to emotion and feeling, but I was still human. I was more realistic and rational on all matters.

I didn't notice everyone's eyes staring at me because I was too fixated on the image before me; examining it even further on screen.

"Well this one... Unfortunately didn't get that chance that you spoke of." -Dr burke said referring back to my statement; stepping up slightly along side the others.

"So where'd it come from?" - Dedrick

"What is it?" - Desi

"And more importantly, is there more-" -Braun

"-And if their even hostile..." -Dedrick stated; eyeballing Braun.

"Are you kidding me?! Look at that thing- Does that look like something that doesn't live to just kill?!" - Braun retorted.

"Look at us Braun and look at what we do for a living." I said mindlessly; still staring up at the screen with my arms crossed.

As the others looked ahead at me and then looked back at each other. Especially at Braun who was cut off by my truth. You could feel the silent but dark reality between us.

"Speaking of which- What happened to its head?" -Desi said pointing up at the screen; trying to change the subject and lighten the mood.

The figure on the screen was laying on a metal table stripped down, but was still covered by a white sheet to keep its private area hidden.

Its physical appearance seemed to have a puke-ish colored skin tone with diamond shaped patterns or scales on its arms, legs, and sides. Its hands seemed to have long claw like nails; same on its feet which were monstrous.

It was obviously a male and well built at that, very muscular and fit to do some damage. It's muscles were visibly toned and it even had abs. It was a beastly looking thing that stood well above 6ft tall if not 7.

Only one problem, it's head was missing and it didn't look like it was a clean cut either. Which brought us back to Desi's question.

"The being you are seeing before you is known as 'Yautja' -" -Dr.Burke

"-An ye-What'a?" -Desi

"An 'Yautja' also known as 'Predator'." -Dr Burke

"See?! It's a predator- a naturally born killer!" - Braun

"Just Shut Up Braun and let the dang Doctor speak!" -Dedrick shouted as his nerves were being pinched on far enough.


"Indeed... well he's not entirely wrong. They may be born looking like a natural predator but they are created to be one. Much like yourselves they are taught and trained to be skilled killers." -Dr. burke


"We have yet to learn thoroughly of their culture- but what we do know from ancient and hidden artifacts that we found, tells us the Yautja are more so hunters rather than pure warriors by its trophy hunting of other species for sport. As far as we know..." - Shelton

"This thing hunts for sport? You mean it just kills for fun?" -Desi

"Like we said; we still have yet to learn more about their culture but what we know so far, is that young male Yautja must kill a certain species as a rite of passage. In order to become blooded, which basically means that once they complete a successful kill and survive, they mark themselves with the blood of their kill or trophy and ultimately become blooded- an adult and finalized hunter in a sense." -Dr. Burke

"Like we said before, we still have much to learn." -Shelton

"But to answer your question, after they complete the rite of passage... yes. They do kill for sport and pleasure er- 'fun' in a sense." -Dr.Burke

'Killing just for sport- for pleasure?! I get hunting animals for sport is a thing- but actual people?! NO. Killing an actual person for pure pleasure is wrong! I kill yes- but I have no feeling in it. I was trained and beaten not to.'

I could feel my face heat up and eyebrows furrowing from getting tangled up in my thoughts. As my muscles tensed up and my arms crossed even tighter under my bust. Being discussed and conflicted at such a thought.

I took deep breaths into my chest as I slowly glared back up at the screen. I hadn't noticed that a certain 'mute' was observing my every move.


"After hearing what Dr.Burke had to say about the creature on screen. I noticed Catastrophis's demeanor change. She was uncomfortable and struggling with something internally.

I know she's been missing for a couple years but, I know when she's troubled.

Whenever I "asked" her if something was wrong, shed tell me eventually. Even if she tried to put it off, I'd hold my ground and shed confined in me. She in turn would do the same for me.

Even though I cannot speak, she understood me. She knew when I was troubled or acted differently. But she never shared my secrets or change of my demeanor if the others didn't notice it already.

I respected and trusted her greatly for that. Speaking with me one on one, on various occasions. Even on the most personal of matters.

I was determined to "ask" her about what was going on inside her head, amongst other things..."


"You still haven't answered my question. So wheres its head at?!"-Desi said growing impatient with curiosity. Catching everyone's attention in the process.

"AH- Well, as much as we would've liked to show you the specimen fully intact, something got to it first..." -Dr. Burke

"Something? What do you mean by something?" -Desi

"This-" Dr. Burke said while touching a nearby monitor.

Gasps were heard throughout the room as the image of something completely Alien and abnormal looking popped up on the screen. Even more disturbing than the last.

My eyes widened as I backed up along side of the others. We were all shocked and confused as we shared a similar expression.

The body was clearly not in the 'freshest' of forms. You can tell the body had went pale after being dead for some time. Seeing some patches of skin still needing to fade away as well. I could tell that it's real skin color was dark- black even. While it was still alive.

"Oh... That 'something'." -Desi said sheepishly; wide eyed and cringing at the screen. Holding on to Crickets arm unknowingly for comfort.

"That's what blew off the head of the-Yautja..." -Dedrick

"Actually, it 'bit' it off." -Shelton said; budding in randomly.

"Bit it off?! How?!" -Desi shrieked; cringing while she grabbed on to Crickets arm harder. Making him looking down at her but unfazed.

"By using it's inner jaw. It can Pierce a skull of just about anything, even with a helmet on. Observations showed that from the previous specimen, the Predator, that it was wearing a helmet or facemask while it was being attacked. Despite it's protection, the bite bit through its skull completely. Thus proving that the inner jaw of this creature is extremely powerful. The other most common way it kills, is with it's piercing spike tale, and its toxic blood or 'spit take'. Which is something you should be aware of. Especially when in a physical confrontation with one of these creatures." -Dr.Burke

"Ugh, great. My head hurts." -Desi said resting her head into Crickets.

"But you undoubtedly will be fully trained and prepared for- so don't worry about it." -Shelton said confidently and giddy.

"So, what do you call this thing?" -Braun said cutting in.

"An 'Xenomorph'." -Dr.Burke

"I'm not even ganna try to say that..." -Desi looking back up confusingly.

"Alien- is a better word for it." - Braun

"Precisely! That's exactly what it is in it's plain form. It is an alien. Also known as the most hated and prized type of pray- to the Yautja's." -Dr. Burke explained.

"Ey-what-ahs?" -Desi said with her face scrunched up. Still struggling with it's pronunciation.

'Ah Desi. Let that innocence never fade... or I'll make sure it won't as long as I'm around.'

"The 'Predator'. The predators are the ones that 'create' and hunt down the aliens for there own purposes for the 'right of passage', game, and trophies." -Dr.Burk

"Trophies?"- Desi

"Yes, after the Yau- I mean 'predators' make a successful kill. They seem to keep the skulls of their pray as a trophy." -Shelton

"But they're not the biggest concern. The Xenomorphs are. The aliens. The Yautja's- predators- Desi... so far, seem to only be a threat if they're hunt is interfered with. In other words, anything that gets in their way, will be terminated. The xenomorph's on the other hand, will terminate anything and everything if they get the chance. That ladies and gentlemen, is the main reason you are here." - Dr. Burke explained to us as he pointed at the alien creature and back at us.

"We've learned from the hidden and ancient artifacts and from the unfortunate incidents... that they are indeed predatory creatures. They have no interest other than to spread their species, and to wipe out all other life forms." -Dr. Burke

"Like we're ganna let that happen." -Dedrick started with his arms crossed.

"We certainly hope not. I would expect nothing less from our personal best." -Dr. Burke said gesturing towards us.

Dr. Burke was the one behind us 5 being experimented on since birth. Also in choosing our specialized training routines growing up. Not to mention making us being tested on throughout our lives to check our progress and to push us even further.

"But they're something else you should know... that makes these creatures all the more deadly."-Dr.burke continued as he touched the screen keyboard and pulled up even more shots of the alien, and something else...

"Great. More ways it can kill us." -Desi said plainly with a hint of sarcasm.

Dedrick just looked down at her with his arms crossed and smirked. Where as I did the same notion but inwardly. For I knew she wasn't lying. In fact, it made me think of even MORE ways that I could kill it instead.

"I'll try to keep it short. The aliens comprise of a single fertile queen, that is know to be the breeder of it's species. The Aliens life cycle involves traumatic implantation of endoparasitoid larvae inside of a living host." -Dr. Burke

"Excuse me?" -Desi said being disgusted.

"Yes I know quite disturbing but think of it as a bee hive. One queen, many partners, many workers, many warriors, many followers. The part about the implantation, refers to these "chestbursters". - Shelton explained as Dr. Burke pulled up an image next to the aliens.

"Larvae erupt from the host's body after a short incubation period. They rapidly mature from juvenile into adulthood within hours, and seek out more hosts for implantation."

-Shelton continued to explain to us while Dr. Burke pointed up towards the monitor with a picture of one the artifacts they had been referring to. It was a piece of some wall with markings and ancient encryption's on it. It looked like it was telling part of a story.

"Apparently many years ago, the Yautja's came to earth and taught ancient Egyptians on how to build pyramids and civilization. Thus the humans in return referred to them as 'Gods'. Leading to sacrifices from the people willingly, to be the host of these chestbursters-" -Shelton

"Just so they could have their hunts..." -Dedrick said; eyebrows furrowed, glaring at the ground with arms crossed over his broad chest.

"It's undeniable that these 2 creatures are linked. If the predators around, chances are the alien isn't far behind. You want us to keep the aliens from breaking out or else they will wipe out every lifeform if they do and if that happens- earth is screwed." - Dedrick said nonchalantly; piecing all the information together and summarizing it up.

"Exactly...." -Dr.Burke said sadly. Realizing that we were all beginning to understand the situation at hand and his urgent need of us.

"Well that's all fine and dandy but that still doesn't explain what you want us to do about the Predator." -I pointed out; gesturing towards the others with my arms crossed as I shrugged slightly, then looked back at Dr. Burke.

"Treat them with the same amount of firepower... but try to leave one fully intact so we we actually have one to work off of." -Dr. Burke replied with hint of serious humor; referring back to the Predator with the missing head.

"Wait- You expect us to just to sit around and wait for these things to show up?! They can't be allowed to just come on our planet and do whatever! Especially when it involves ravaging our environment and using us as mere vessels then terminating us for sport! We should annihilate them from the source- their own world!" -Braun bellowed out at the lab coats then at us.

I groaned while my head fell back with my arms crossed. As my eyes rolled back into my head and fluttered closed with irritation.

"Ughhh Braun you inconsiderate..." I said what I thought was only in my head, but turned out to be an out loud mutter.

"You say something?" -Braun said threateningly as he turned away from Dr.Burke to face me.

My eyes were still closed as my head was laid back with tired irritation. Since we've been standing and talking for literally hours.

"As a matter of fact- I do." I responded back plainly as my eyes shot open and my head rolled over to look at him.

I was already tired and irritated, now with Brauns ignorance and provoking, was not a good combination.

I glared at him for an intense moment before I straightened up and faced him with my arms still crossed and cocked my hip to the side.

With all eyes on us.

"We don't know either of there locations until they actually set foot on earth. A direct assault on either of these creatures would only provoke retaliation and lead to incalculable losses. We can't risk man kind let alone the entire planet without knowing where or how many their are." I said sternly and aggressively.

"I am more than aware of the situation at hand! I know what needs to be done in order to protect this planet and the human race! I can make decisions without any retaliation or doubt of success in any circumstance! I'm pretty sure my service record shows that-" -Braun

"-You still don't get it do you. Once again your judgement is being clouded by your selfish pride! This could turn out to be an all out war if we're not careful. We can't just attack any of these things without being fully equipped to do so. Not until they initiate a threat to us or to earth without the proper strategy or preparation first." I said firmly and aggressively; staring back into his eyes.

"What makes you think you can just show up out of no where and act like you run the place! Not to mention challenge my authority and try to give me orders?! Im the leader here not you!" -Braun shouted back into my face aggressively. Pointing his finger hard into my chest then back to himself.

'Did he just?! He did not just- NO. Don't. Breathe. Your above it. He's not worth it and he just wants to get a rise out of you like he did when we were little... He'll get what's coming to him soon enough.'

I stared back up at him fuming; not flinching at his movements or words.

I held back my rage and my physical reaction to fight. I held my tongue until I had a firm grasp on my emotions.

Otherwise, my words would have been corrupted and a physical altercation was sure to erupt.

Despite him laying a finger on me first and me having a right to retaliate. I kept my composer. No matter how hard it was.

I knew he was just waiting to hear what I had to say or better yet, what I was going to do.

I took a deep breath in and out of my nose before speaking. Without breaking our intense stare down.

"That over- self- served ego and temper of yours is going to get you into some serious trouble one of these days Braun and because of that self served ego and ignorance which affects your choices for the rest of the team. I'm not just going to sit back and let you get the rest of the team killed because of your selfish pride-"

"HA- Your one to talk about anger issues and ignorance for someone who had no respect for authority! Then abandons her team without a second thought! But randomly shows up and ridicules my decision making and dares to challenge my authority as leader! Which by the way undoubtedly shows that my decisions had made the team the most dominating and successful force in the entire facility known to man! So if I were you, I'd do a little history check! Seems how I've been doing this for the past 15 years since we were kids! Especially these past 6 years without you. Now I suggest- you also do a little reality check and realize who's the one in charge here." -Braun said mockingly.

As he stared back down at me with taunting and daring eyes of rage.

I clenched my jaw as I kept staring back up at him. Breathing heavily still trying to keep my composer.

"Again ignorance has proven to be your guide- and I didn't abandon anyone-I left for specific and classified reasons that I don't have to explain to anyone, especially you! In case you haven't noticed Braun, I've changed. Otherwise, you would've been on the ground by now choking on your own words amongst other things..." I said again in a calm yet aggressive tone, looking him up and down quickly.

Putting my arms behind my back tightly, so my hands were clenched together resting on my butt; trying to restrain myself from attacking him. I glared back up at him straight in the eyes. Showing him that I wasn't threatened or intimidated.

"I'm not doubting your service record Braun. I'm more than aware of your accomplishments- because they are also mine and there's." I said looking back at the others then back at Braun.

"Those accomplishments weren't just made by your efforts alone. They were made by all of us. A true leader would recognize that. Which just goes to show, that you are not-"

"-What are you trying to say?!" Braun said getting closer to my face.

"Your not fit to be leader of this team."

"You don't have a say in that because you're not apart of the team anymore." -Braun spat back.

"Which means that you're not my leader. So I can say and do whatever I want, without your command." I growled back up into his face.

He narrowed his eyes and stared down harder at me.

"I on the other hand do know someone who is more than worthy of that status-" I growled back up into his face until-

"-STROPHIS!" -Dedrick shouted; cutting me off and catching my attention shockingly; and Brauns.


No one was EVER allowed to call me by a nickname, let alone give me one. The only person I ever allowed to get away with it was Desi, even then she knew I couldn't stand it. But if anyone else did, they learned real quick never to make that mistake again.

Dedrick only did it once when were kids and I flipped him over and body slammed him into the ground for it. He never made that mistake again until we were older, but we were close to death when it happened so, he probably thought he could away with it. Well he didn't.

Then there was only one other time, I allowed him to call me by that nickname because he kept asking if he could just get away with it once without any retaliation.


The second I looked back at Dedrick after he called out "STROPHIS!" He had a demanding look on his face.

I knew he wanted me to keep my mouth shut and I got the hint.

'Alright Dedrick, I get it. I won't let him know. I understand you don't want to do it yet and it's not my place to make this decision... But you better do it soon.'

I stared back at Dedrick with my angered expression still on, with a hint of shock. I stared back at him for a minute as did Braun with a confused but still enraged looked.

I took a deep breathe and darted my eyes at the ground slightly. Before slowly looking back up at Braun with my jaw clenched and fists at my sides, as we're his.

We stared at each other intensely for what seemed like forever and like we were the only ones there. Before a pair of all to familiar and black coated under armor arms, accompanied by a hint of dark hunter green lines went in between us and pushed us apart; causing us to break our standoff.

Cricket separated us as he looked at us both from behind his black mask; but laid his final gaze at me, with one hand on my shoulder/collarbone.

I looked back at him still fuming at Braun. But I understood that he didn't want me to start a fight that wasn't mine to finish.Cricket was the only other person that knew about Dedrick's plans to challenge Braun again for leadership, besides myself.

As much as we both agreed that Dedrick was the rightful leader of the group and that his challenge for leadership was long overdue... It wasn't our place to enforce it. It was Dedrick's decision and his choice of when and where to do it, alone.

If Braun found out about Dedrick's intentions of doing so, he wouldn't let it go without a fight on the spot. Not to mention hold a grudge and jeopardize the team by letting his ego get the best of him.

I took a deep breath and sighed inwardly as I looked back at Cricket with understanding eyes. As he nodded back at me slightly. I backed away slowly, while staring a hole through Braun.

Braun did the same, before Cricket turned back to face him. He stared back at Braun with what felt like an intense and commanding demeanor. Which pretty much said "Back off."

Braun stared back at me then back at Cricket before clenching his jaw then wiping around with an aggravated sigh.

"Exemplary teamwork..." Dr.Burke chirped in awkwardly.

"Unfortunately... I can't make the decision for who gets to be leader of the pack and who has to follow who. That is something that you have to workout for yourselves. But I will not allow it to jeopardise the objective at hand! Not to mention thousands of lives or the entire human race! There is one authoritative figure you will all listen to... and that is me. " - Dr.Bruke

He gestured toward us with his pen in hand; staring up at us through his glasses. As we stared back at him; whereas some of us glared back at him with bitterly with our arms crossed (Me and Braun).

"-However, when your in the field, I can't command you in such a way. So, when you do eventually go on one of these missions to confront our little extraterrestrial friends; you will work together! With no confrontation involved with each other! I don't care how you do it JUST DO IT!" -Dr burke said sarcastically but then turned completely serious.

We stared back at him then at each other slightly; Braun and I passed a glare at each other since we were separated again and the others stood in between us.

I let out a small huff, shaking my head slightly and rolling my eyes before looking away with my arms crossed.

"Now, shall we..."- Dr. Burke said; gesturing down towards the opposite platform that was unknown to us.

"Shall we what?" -Desi said almost quietly.

"Introduce you to the extraterrestrials..."- Dr. Burke



Dr. Burke: Head scientist. Creator of the mutations. Older. Just picture an old guy with white hair that wears glasses and a white lab coat all the time.

Shelton: Dr. Burke's apprentice. "Teachers pet". His little helper. Nerd. Bit of a spaz. Where's a lab coat and thick black glasses all the time. Young. Thin. 

Braun: Leader of the pack. Hot head. Temperamental. Douchebag (referred to by Catastrophis). Bull headed. Buffed. Young. Signature color: hunter brown.

Cricket: Second in command to Braun (somewhat). Tech and communications specialist. Ninja like. Silent but deadly. Calm. Mysterious. Intimidating at times. Young. Signature color: Hunter Green.

Dedrick: Rightful leader of the pack. Level headed. Honorable. Calm yet capable of rage. Understanding. Natural leader. Buff. Handsome clean cut. Young. Signature color: Dark Blue

Desi (Desiray): Health specialist of the group and is also known to be the 'heart' and sweet spot. Also specializes in strike sequences of pressure points. Sweet and optimistic. Compassionate. Curious. Talkative. Humorous. The Youngest and the smallest.  

Catastrophis (Strophis): Assault specialist (former member of the pack). Solo assassin. Tough. Aggressive. Numb. Surprisingly calm. Reasonable. Protective. Bold. Young. Still cares about the team. Signature color: Black. Sometimes hot/dark pink. 

Main base/scene layout: Main platform.

All Under Armour:



UGHHH about time this dang chapter came out! I was getting so sick of looking at this and reading it over and over without it actually being out.

So here it is. This one was actually a real struggle, not ganna lie. I had readers block, lack of motivation, no time, it was just a mess. But now it's out and over with and I'm glad its done. I did my best and it's as good as it's ganna get so enjoy!

Again- don't know when the next chapter will come out with school getting more intense amongst other things. Hopefully not as long as this one did but, no promises.

Now I'm ganna go cry while trying to do homework and end up taking a nap while crying, thinking about all the stuff I have to do instead...

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