sopeworld द्वारा

131K 14.8K 14.5K

welcome back to wonderland! + mad hatter sequel अधिक

일 : the executioner
이 : great escape
삼 : through the looking glass
사 : still she haunts me, phantomwise
오 : cheshire cat
육 : liar, liar
칠 : and then there were three
구 : ?
십 : postmortem
십일 : alice moving under skies
십이 : and then there were two
십삼 : the psychiatrist is wrong
십사 : welcome back to wonderland
십오 : blood and tears
십육 : the last queen standing
십칠 : then there was one
십팔 : a friend in need
십구 : then there was none
이십 : ever drifting down the stream
이십 일 : lingering in the golden gleam
이십 이 : life, what is it but a dream?
birthday surprise!: an alternate ending
prequel : "off with her head!"

팔 : a tea and a riddle

4.2K 552 490
sopeworld द्वारा

so what if i'm crazy? all the best people are

. . .

Yugyeom went to visit Hoseok again. He's been watching him closely since he's the only part of the team that hasn't escaped yet and as time passed, he started to believe that it's good to leave the boy alone.

Most days, he'll spend an entire afternoon talking about wonderland. Tea parties aren't really Yugyeom's type of relaxation but for the sake of his investigation, he'd rather place himself in discomfort.

Imaginarily pouring another cup of tea for himself, Hoseok couldn't help but giggle a little.

"What is it?" the young chief deputy folded his arms on the table and rested his head on it. He's sick and tired of the same s.hit happening in his life. First, his sister still won't forgive him, second, he didn't top his classes in the past just to waste his time over psycopaths, third, he's having a tea party with someone who claims himself to be Tweedledee.

"Come on Hoseok, I need your help here. Tell me what you know" He muttered while his face was buried over his arms.

"One, two, three...the march hare is gone"

"Stop giving me riddles for f.uck's sake"

"Alice is taking them down one by one"

He's had enough of it. The chief deputy hurriedly stood from his seat and grabbed his bag.

"You know what? I'm done here! Hoseok, there is NO alice, there is NO wonderland, okay? You're sick and if your schizophrenia is something Jin somewhat inflicted on you, I'm sorry, but please stop giving me sketchy statements because I don't f.ucking understand why you can't just answer me properly"

Hoseok parted his lips as he absorbed every word the young man said. His eyes trailed from his waist up to his head, checking out what is wrong with him. He thought he would understand. I mean he was able to before, right?

What's wrong with you, chief deputy?

Hoseok bit his lower lip and asked him to come closer, suggesting that he should whisper what he meant to say earlier.

Ugh, d.amn it!, Yugyeom thought. Although he'd try to quit being a part of their whole wonderland drama, he just always comes back for more. The young chief deputy won't admit it but he loves the way this investigation creeps him.

Yugyeom, we're all mad here. Have you gone mad as well?

Being an obedient boy, as always, he leaned closer to the psycopath sitting next to him.

"Someone's back to take his revenge and he'll write his name in blood until he's finally done"

"Who are you pertaining to?"

"It all doesn't make sense to me yet but Alice was really mad. You should've seen her face, it's like she totally lost her"

Yugyeom rolled his eyes at him and sighed to cool himself. Just when he thought everything will finally make sense, he's back to square one.

"Hoseok, I hate to break it to you but Jin has been long dead and gone. You need to move on—"

"Are you sure he's dead? He looked so alive the last time I saw him"

. . .



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