Naruto: The Dojutsu Miracle

נכתב על ידי fireball368

240K 5.3K 2.6K

A young Naruto saves Hinata from an attempted kidnap by ninja from Kumo only to be blinded by the ninja in re... עוד

Attempted Kidnapping
Medical Results
A Donor is Found
Eye Transplant
A Miracle No One Foresaw
Meeting Hinata
Council Meeting is Called
Suprise Adoption
Breaking the News to Him
Dinner With the Uchihas
Settling in With the Hyūga
Training With the Hyūga
A Fight Between Brothers
Failing Like a Pro
Should the story go on?

Life With the Uchiha

11.2K 295 141
נכתב על ידי fireball368

When the months Naruto had to spend time with his Hyūga family were over Naruto said his goodbyes before leaving to got to stay with the Uchiha.

He didn't have to pack anything except for a few scrolls that his tutors wanted him to read and his beloved toad wallet which he liked to call Game-chan. Apperently his Uchiha parents had his room at their house furnished with clothes and anything else a young boy would need or want.

It was his caretaker/guard Tokuma, who he was starting to see as another member of his family, who escorted him to the Uchiha compound.

"Welcome back Naruto-chan!" Mikoto greeted him when he made it to their house.

"I'm not a baby you know." Naruto grumbled softly.

Fugaku, Itachi, and Sasuke greeted him as well with Sasuke giving him a high five, Itachi messing with his hair in an affectionate way, and Fugaku just giving him a nod. The man could be so serious sometimes, just like Hizashi and uncle Hiashi.

"I am glad to see you have returned. Since its your first day back you can spend time with Sasuke and Itachi. Tommorow is when you start your training. Now Naruto-kun let's get you out of that kimono and into some clothing more catered toward a Uchiha." Said Fugaku ushering the boy into their house.

Naruto ended up wearing a white high collard shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back. Most of the Uchiha within the compound wore high collard shirts for some reason. He also wore black cargo shorts and black shinobi sandals. Naruto hadn't even asked for an orange shirt this time since he highly doubted Fugaku would approve of the color choice.

No more girly kimonos for the time being. Yatta!


Even though the Uchiha clan were very similar to the Hyūga clan they seemed more relaxed around there own clan. The Uchiha weren't layed back like the Nara clan, but they were still less uptight than the Hyūga clan.

With his Uchiha family he didn't have to listen too many lectures. Fugaku said he would have plenty of lectures to learn from when he joined the ninja academy.

For now Naruto the only lectures and reading Naruto had to do was on studying everything about the two dojustu, the Sharingan and the Rinnegan, while also focusing on target practice using kunai and shuriken.

Sasuke enjoyed having Naruto as a little brother. Naruto living with their family gave Sasuke the opportunity to have a new friend to play with. Naruto was lots of fun to hang out with. They spent most of their days together either doing target practice  or pranking. They even did a little archery which Sasuke turned out to be fairly skilled at.

Before it had just been him and Itachi. Sasuke loved Itachi dearly and showed it by being as one would call clingy and and a bit possesive. These days Itachi spent less and less time with him as he rose within the ranks of Konoha shinobi and become more and more skilled. What little time he did have with his little brother was always taken by their cousin, Shisui. Just when they would be having a good brother bonding moment Shisui would show up asking for Itachi to come with him. Sasuke would pout and whine about it, but Itachi would ignore his complaints and just poke him in the forehead before leaving. Man he hated that finger poke.

With Naruto the blonde wouldn't brush him to the side to train alone or hang out with other friends. In fact Naruto didn't even have that much friends other than his quote on quote Hyūga family members. That was great for Sasuke because it meant that he could keep Naruto all to himself. It was selfish thinking that, but Sasuke didn't care. Naruto was his little brother now and he refused to think otherwise.

Sasuke was brought out of his thoughts when Naruto called his name.

"Sasuke, let's go to the playground! I want to play on the swings." Said Naruto rushing up to him.

"You know we'll have to ask our parents first. We can't just leave the compound by ourselves, we'll get in trouble." Replied Sasuke.

Naruto's cheeks puffed out in a form of pouting. "Alright but if they say no then I still say we sneek out and go anyways."

Sasuke shook his head in disbelief. Naruto was such a rebel when it came to listening to his elders. "Let's just go ask them for permission, okay?"

Sasuke and Naruto made their way into the house to find Mikoto setting in a chair and reading a book.

"Okaasan, can we go to the playground today?" Asked Naruto showing a puppy dog eyes.

"Sure you two can go to the playground. I'll go with you two since I'm not busy right now." She hoped that maybe her two little ones could make some friends outside the clan. It was good to have allies.

The three left the compound and made their way to playground.

When they got there they saw a pair girls playing with a ball, a kid playing with a gigantic dog by himself, and pair of boys sitting under a tree watching the clouds. Their parents were off to the side talking with each other.

For the most part Naruto and Sasuke just stuck to themselves by chasing each other and playing on the swings until Naruto tired Sasuke out and the boy went to rest under the tree with the two kids.

Naruto ended up walking up to the kid with fang marks on his cheeks. He was playing with a huge dog that could easily be mistaken for a wolf. "Hi, I'm Naruto. Can I pet your doggie?"

The kid turned to him with a look of surprise. "You mean your not afraid of him?"

"Nope. Can I pet him?" Naruto Asked again.

The kid smirked and turned to the dog. "What do you say Kuromaru? Can Naruto pet you?"

Naruto got the shock of his life when the wolf like dog responded. "Yes he can." The dog said before walking up to Naruto.

Naruto shook himself to regain his composure and nervously thanked Kuromaru while petting his head.

"I'm Kiba and this is my mom's ninken, Kuromaru." The boy introduced himself.

"What's a ninken?" Naruto asked while tilting his head in curiosity.

"A ninken is a ninja dog partner. Everyone in my clan gets there own partner when they go to the ninja academy." Kiba explained.

"Can all ninken talk?" Naruto asked Kuromaru.

"As of present I am the only ninken with the ability to talk, but all ninken can communicate with their bonded partner. We assist our partners on the field with collaborative attacks." Said the dog.

"I can't wait to get my own ninken. We're gonna be unstoppable together!" Kiba said, pumping his fist in the air.

"I wish I had a ninken." Naruto said with a pout.

"Well, I'll just let you play with mine when I get one. Are you gonna join the ninja academy when you get older too?"

"Yes. So will my siblings, Sasuke and Neji, along with my cousin, Hinata. My big brother, Neji, will probably go to school earlier than me since he is older." Naruto said with a small frown. He hated being the youngest brother of both his families sometimes.

"Cool, looking forward to it. Wanna play ninja?" Kiba asked.

"Yes. Can my brother Sasuke join in?"

"Sure, the more the better." Kiba said giving him a thumbs up.

"Sasuke come here! Me and my new friend Kiba are gonna play ninja."

Sasuke ran over to him followed by the two boys he rested with.

"Okay I'm in and so are they. This Shikamaru and this is Chouji." Sasuke said pointing to each of them.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Naruto and this Kiba. Now let's play ninja!"

The boys all played together while their parents watched from the sidelines.

"Wow, that's the first time I've seen a kid that young that's not an Inuzuka get that close to my partner without shaking in their boots." Tsume Inuzuka remarked.

"My Naruto is a brave one." Mikoto said proudly.

"He filled out some too. Last time I saw that kid running around the village he looked like a twig about to snap." Said Chouza Akimichi

"They all seem to be getting along well." Said Shikaku Nara.

"Yes, I hope they can I'll become good friends." Mikoto said.


When Naruto's birthday came up it turned out to be the best birthday Naruto ever had. All his other birthday's had been spent by himself in the orphanage while hiding from the wrath of many mourning villagers who blamed him for their loved one's death although Naruto didn't know about the Kyuubi.

This birthday was held at the Uchiha mansion with Fugaku and Mikoto being the hosts. His Uchiha adoptive family weren't the only ones there to celebrate. So was his Hyūga father, brother, uncle, caretaker, and cousins. There was also the third Hokage, Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji, and there parents.

The adults just sat around and talked inside while the children all played games like hide and go seek outside the house with Tsume's ninken companion and partner, Kuromaru,  watched over them although the children were safe in the Uchiha compound.

Time passed and the kids were soon called back in the house to eat.

After eating everyone presented their gifts to the birthday boy and talked some more.

Soon it was time for everyone to leave. Naruto gave his thanks and said his goodbyes.

Later on Naruto yawned as he made his way up to his room and settled into his bed.

This had been the best birthday ever.

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