Complications [Jerrie Fanfict...

بواسطة brxnes

54.5K 1.6K 374

Jade Thirlwall was always the quiet and shy one in school, making her the number one target. She'd never knew... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

2.7K 81 12
بواسطة brxnes

Jade's Pov

I don't know why I'm so happy today. Is it because my mom is finally going on a date or is it because Jesy and I are dating? Hmm, maybe it's both. My clothing options changed and I have a smile on my face. I walked in the hallways and kids stared at me in shock. Someone covered my eyes and I smiled.

"Guess who."

"Hi Jesy."

She uncovered her hands from my eyes and I turned around. Jesy smiled at me then put her hand on my forehead.

"Are you feeling ok? You seem...very happy."

"I am happy. Is that a sickness?"

"No, I'm just glad. You want me to walk you to class?"

"It's part of your schedule."

Jesy took my hand and we walked trough the hallways. I could tell people were staring at us but I didn't care. Have they not seen two girls hold hands before? She stopped at my classroom and let go of my hand.

"I'll come get you so we could go to lunch, text me?"

"When I feel like it."

She kissed me, "Bye babe. Have a good day."


Have a good day? Oh well. As I walked inside the classroom, everyone stopped to stare at me. They started whispering things like, 'Did you know she's dating Jesy?' or 'Is it just me or she got sexy?' I sat next to Perrie and she stared at me while smiling. I smiled back.

"Jade, you're happy."

"Yeah, it's been a while."

"Nice jeans", she complimented.


"Ok everyone, there's going to be a 'Halloween Festival' again. They said you can wear costumes but you have to get your tickets now", my teacher said.

I've never been to the Halloween Festival. I heard it was really cool and all the seniors scared the freshmen. Jesy would want me to go but what costume should I wear?

"Are you going?", Perrie asked.

"I guess I am. Jesy would want me to go. She tried to make me go for all the years."

"Why would she do that?"

"So we could have memories."

"Ah, memories. I remember the time Leigh Anne and I almost got in trouble on our first day. We were screaming at a kid for ruining our clothing with his soda. We became friends and stayed like that ever since."

Wow. That's an odd way to meet but usual.

"How did you and Jesy meet?"

"Well, I was rushing to class 'cause I was late and we just bumped into each other. We said our sorries until we were assigned to work with each other for a project. We became buddies ever since except we're more now."

"Wait, what?", she asked.

"Oh, you didn't know? Jesy and I"

"I-I thought you weren't...into girls."

"I'm not sure about what I am yet but Jesy would help me", I ended it.

Perrie said a simple 'oh' and the bell rang. I got up and walked out the class to find Jesy there.

"You ready?"

I looked around for Perrie but shewasn't there.

"Y-yeah...I guess."


"Aww, so my dare helped you guys, huh?"

"Yeah. Thanks Leigh."

"Anytime my lovelies."

I haven't seen Perrie all day after homeroom. It's like, she disappeared. Now school is over and she's been gone for a while. Jesy squeezed out hands that were connected and I squeezed back.

"I have to walk down here, bye guys!"

"Bye Leigh Anne!", we chorused.

"What a happy child."

"She's not as happy as you. You're really happy today. Are you sure you're not sick?", Jesy asked.

"I'm fine!"

"Ok. Say, is it ok if I come over today?"

"Yeah. My mom started dating again."

"That's great. She should be happy with the guy."

"Not as happy as I am with you", I said.

"Aww, you're cute."

She pecked my lips and I smiled. It's finally nice to say, 'I'm not single'. I've waited for this moment for along time and I finally got it with a perfect someone. I let got of Jesy's hand as we walked up my steps to my house. I opened the door and my mother was looking around for something.

"Hi mom!"

"HI Jade, hi Jesy. Have you seen my keys!?"

"You mean the ones that's hanging out your pocket?"

"What? Oh, thanks honey. I got to go. There's food on the counter and Jesy can stay for as long as she wants, have a nice time, bye! I love you!"


Jesy waved and we set our things on the floor.

'I don't wanna do homework babe."

"Today's Friday, we don't have to do homework."

Jesy clapped, "Yeah!"

"Let's watch a movie. Pick one while I get the snacks. Would you like biscuits?", I asked.

"What did I say about that food!? Can we watch 'Captain America'?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I got out a big bowl and started pouring the chips inside. A pair of arms wrapped itself around my waist and I smiled.

"Hi Jesy."

"Cwan we kwish?", she asked in a baby voice.

"The movie is starting and I want to watch it with you."

"Ish thwat a no?"

"It's a no and don't talk like that. It's scary", I answered.

"Wooga waga blaga."

"Eww, stop!"

We waddled to the couch and I raised the volume. Captain America is Too bad he's not my age; even if, I have Jesy. I put a chip in my mouth and watched Jesy in the corner of my eye. She's on her phone. Sooner or later, I got a text.

From Jesy

Sent @ 4:47


I laughed.

To Jesy

Sent @ 4:48

Omg, no Jesy!

From Jesy

Sent @ 4:49

:( pwease? Pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease? :3 

I sighed and took a look at Jesy. She made a puppy face and I sighed, grabbing the collar of her shirt, letting her lips collide with mine. We slowly admired the way we kissed each other, letting smiles spread on out faces. She kissed me again and I rubbed my nose on hers. That's probably one of the best kisses we shared.

"You're too cute."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do and always will."


Perrie's Pov

I can't believe Jade and Jesy are dating. They;re so lovey dovey in the hallways and at lunch time, it annoys me. It's all because of my stupid feelings towards her. Yes, I fucking like Jade. She told me she doesn't like girls and now she's dating one? What the hell? This is just making me want to move to Christina more and more. Where could she be? I turned the corner to fins Christina opening her  locker and walked to her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"You. I want you."

"Well you lost your chance."

"I don't think so..."

I pushed her against the lockers and roughly kissed her. Luckily there was no one in the hallway so we could have our privacy. She put her hands up my shirt, roaming around my upper torso until she got to my breast, squeezing it. Christina moaned and slid her tongue in my mouth, exploring inside. I pulled away and she smiled while giving my bum a squeeze. I moved closer to her ear.

"Next time, moan out my name. See you later, sexy."


Later on that week, Christina and I went through make outs, words I can't say in the bathroom and more. People believe we're dating again but it's not true nor will it ever be. Jade didn't seem to notice or she just didn't care and focused on Jesy. As I was walking to my locker, there was Jade and Jesy, laughing. I can't stand them' I can't stand Jesy being with her.

"Hey babe."

"Oh, hey Christina."

"So I'm coming over to your place?", she asked.

"Actually, I'm not in the mood tonight."

"Not in the mood? You're always in the mood."

"Yeah, well, not tonight. I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. Be like that."

I sighed and put a hand on my temple. What am I doing with myself? I can't believe I'm using my ex just because I can't get Jade. I need to tell someone about this. Leigh Anne. I could tell her. I walked to Leigh Anne's locker and tapped her shoulder. She jumped.

"It's only me, calm down."

"You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry. I need to talk to you", I said.

"What is it?"

"You promise not to tell?"

"Say it", she answered.

"Well...I like...J-Jade..."

Leigh Anne nodded simply and started to walk away. I followed.

"Well, aren't you going to say something?"

"I don't need to."

"Why?", I asked.

"I already knew. It was pretty obvious that you had a crush on her. Sadly, you can't get her."

I sighed, "I know. I thought using Christina would make her jealous."

"I guess she really, really like Jesy then. Sorry Pez", she said.


I leaned against someone's locker and Leigh Anne patted my shoulder lightly. Maybe I could get those stupid tickets to the Halloween Festival for Christina and I. I remember the last time we went there as a date; she was dressed as bat girl and I was a famous singer. It was a great date, I can't lie. I should do that again but first, paying for the tickets would be the only way I could get in.


Jesy's Pov

2 Weeks Later....

I can't wait to see Jade's costume for the Halloween Festival. She said it was a surprise but I can't wait. I'm pretty much supposed to be a bad ass for my costume. Black jeans, black Doc Martins, black leather jacket, white t-shirt, black sunglasses, a fake gun and a black bandana. I parked the motorcycle I rented ,'cause it'll be perfect for the outfit, and walked up the steps of Jade's house. Norma opened the door and squinted.

"Uh, Jesy, is....- is that you?"

"No. It's Veronica. Veronica Smith."

"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong house", she said, starting to close the door.

"Wait, it's me, Jesy!"

"Mhm. Next time, don't play tricks like that...Veronica. Jade, come downstairs!"


 I laughed at Norma's remark and waited for Jade. A heel clicked on the stairs and my head shot up. I only see black boots and something e. More footsteps hit the steps and I gasped as Jade walked down the stairs. She was cat woman which meant everything was tight. Her mask was pretty cool too; cat ears on the top, obviously black. I was so amazed that I didn't notice she was in front of me.

"Nice costume Jess."

"She's wearing tight things...", I mumbled.


"What? Uh, y-you look...v-very nice."


"Well you two have a nice time together. I'll see you later Jade. By Veronica."

I laughed and waved goodbye as we walked out. Jade gasped when she  saw the motorcycle and touched it.

"You really worked hard for this costume, huh?"

"Yeah. Take a helmet and hop on, ok?"

"Are we going to Batman's cave?", she asked.

" Here we go."


I couldn't stop staring at Jade. She looks fucking sexy. I didn't think her costume would be like that. There were a lot of people at the festival and there were a lot if slutty costumes for slutty girls. There were some good rides and food too. Mmm, food.

"What should we do first?"

"How about you win me that teddy bear? It's so cute and I'll be really happy if you got it for me."

"Ok, ok, come on."

I walked over to the area and looked at the section. I played the guy and picked up the water gun as the game was about to start. I squirted the water into the clown's mouth. 'DING!'

"We have a winner! Pick a prize, any prize."

"How about that big teddy bear up there?"

He handed it to me, "Thank you ma'am, have  nice day."

I handed the bear to Jade and she opened her mouth in awe.

"Thanks Jesy."

"You're welcome. How about we try the haunted house?", I asked.

"No! Anything but that."

"Trust me, it's not scary. Do you trust me?"


I held onto her waist, protecting her, and we walked inside the house. It's not scary at all. Maybe it was pitch black and fog came out of nowhere but it's not scary. We started walking and Jade squeezed her eyes shut.

"Jesy, I'm scared."

"Nothing even- OH MY GOD!"

Jade screamed and I started laughing. She pushed me and pouted.

"That wasn't funny."

"It was funny."


"Aww Jadey."

I kissed her and she moved her face away. Jade started walking ahead of me quickly and I panicked.

"Jade, where are you?"

I heard a scream and started running. Where the hell could she go? I ran out the house and panted. She's not out here.

"Jade? Jade, where are you!?"

"Hi Jesy!"

I turned around to see Leigh Anne and she smiled.

"Bad ass?"

"Yeah. Have you seen Jade?"

"No, why?"

"She just fucking disappeared. Where could she be? JADE!?"

"I'll help you look. We'll split up then I'll meet you back here, ok?"

"Got it!"


I can't find her anywhere. My heart is racing and I don't know where else to look. She can't be at the- the haunted house! I started running there ans inside, pushing the people behind me. The front door closed and I sighed.

"Jade!? Are you in here!? Jade!?"


I walked over to where the name was being called and doing Jade on the floor. There were bruises and cuts on her face along with fresh tears that covered the dry ones. I kneeled next to her and held her on my lap. Jade started crying and wiped her tears on my shirt.

"What happened?"

"Someone grabbed me as I was walking away from you. I screamed and...they covered my mouth before I was able to do it again. I-it was Anna and Evelyn..."

"No Christina?", I asked.

"No...she's with Perrie."

Christina and Perrie? I thought they broke up. She's lucky cause I'm about to kill both of her stupid friends. I picked up Jade and carried her out the house. I carried her out the festival and set her on the motorcycle, sitting on it myself. I thought they would stop bullying her because I was with Jade the whole time. It turns out I was wrong with my prediction. Again. Yeah, again. My ex, Kayla wants me back. She doesn't care about me dating Jade, she just wants another chance. Forget it. I drove to my place and carried her to my room. Nobody was home; they must be at the festival.

"You need anything babe?"

"I need comfort and some alcohol on these cuts."

"I'll be back."

I ran to the bathroom, taking cotton balls and alcohol back to Jade. She winced as I put some alcohol on each cut.

"Sorry. Are you better now?"


"Did I tell you, you looked sexy in your costume?", I asked.

"N-no but thank you."

"I wonder what you'll look like wi- never mind."

"Without it? Ok."

Jade's cheeky side came out. She turned around, her back facing me and moved her hair out the way. There was a zipper on the back of the suit and I zipped it down. She's not wearing a bra. Oh my god. She started to take off her suit. Ok, she has on a underwear at least.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

"Y-yeah. I'll get...some."

Jade is on my bed partially naked. Could this moment get any better? She turned around to face me and my eyes widened.


"Thanks Jess."


She kissed me, "I'll be in the bathroom."


Maybe I spoke too soon but Jade is so not innocent.

A/N: Cheeky Jade came out. I decided to update cause...It's fun and I like this book :D. 'Perfection' is probably gonna end on the 20th chapter and I'll write any book anyone wants me to. So, if you want me to write you a book.... Kik me: @Zaynimal12, PM me or message me on my board. Thank you :).

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