I Loved And I Loved And I...

Bởi Faithless11

1.3K 42 18

A different take on Luis' death scene, where he survives. For the rest you need to read. ;) Note: I do not ow... Xem Thêm

I Loved And I Loved And I ... Lost You?

1.3K 42 18
Bởi Faithless11

Before you jump right into this One-shot, I'd like to point out that there are probably going to be some grammar mistakes.
Unfortunately, I'm not an English native speaker and I really apologize for any kind of grammar mistake I might have done while writing this.
I hope you'll enjoy this One-shot anyway and if you happen to come across a really annoying grammar mistake, please direct message me, so I can correct them.

Luis' PoV

Luis hurried through the castle a proud grin on his face. He needed to find Leon. He finally had managed to track down the sample along with the vaccine again, he had lost earlier, thanks to a big group of cultists he had to flee from.

It had taken him a big amount of time to go all the way back, trying to find the damn things, so he was fairly excited now to finally show them to Leon - till his first try didn't play out so well after all.

He hoped the US-agent was still in one piece and hadn't managed to get himself in some serious trouble while he had been away.

Maybe if the ridiculous castle wasn't so ridiculously huge, he already would have found him by now, finally quieting the slight feeling of worry he was feeling deep down in the pit of his stomach.

Shaking the feeling off, as much as he could at least, Luis focused on making his way through the castle - would be really unfortunate to run into another group of brainwashed, Las Plagas worshipping cultists again, wouldn't it - running down hallways and rounding corners while watching out for any possible dangers in his way.

The agent couldn't be far off now.

And, boy, was he looking forward to seeing the kindhearted American again, maybe for even more reasons apart from the obvious one that he got good news to deliver.

Leon's PoV

Leon let out a sigh as he looked around him.

Where the heck was Ashley, she should be in this room ... well, if he hadn't completely miscalculated. Even though from calculating couldn't be really the talk.

After Ashley had gotten trapped and had disappeared behind a wall, thanks to the fact the wall she had been strapped on could turn itself by 180 degrees, Leon hadn't really much help figuring out where she was or rather might be than a very rough map of the whole place, he thankfully had bought from the merchant earlier.

Still, it was a hell of a nightmare, running around a way too huge castle in hopes of finding an in-one-of-the-many-traps-gone-missing president's daughter and that even before Salazar's little lap dogs found her, who probably knew the castle better than he did.

At least he got the advantage he knew in which trap Ashley had gotten in, whereas Salazar's little lapdogs had to go and check every single trap in the castle, so the chances were like fifty-fifty he actually found her first.

This mission really was fucked up.

Ganados, El Gigantes, other things he had already forgotten the name of and now f***ing cultists in a big ass castle ... really?! What came next? Well, screw that, he actually didn't want to know.

And then there was this annoying as hell Salazar, the one and only owner of this stupid castle, who radioed him every five minutes.

Really, if this dude radioed him one more time he would jump out off the next window committing suicide - well, now that he thought about it ... maybe that was what Salazar was aiming for with all his transmissions?

And he had thought the cultists with their 'Cógelo, cógelo, cógelo ...' and 'Muere, muere, muere ...', what he had already couldn't hear anymore after just entering the castle, were bad.

Honestly, Salazar really didn't seem to understand he wasn't really keen on seeing his ugly face and hearing his way too feminine voice all the time.

What did he want from him anyway, he couldn't think of any logical reason - well, apart from the driving-him-towards-suicide one.

But he was getting off of topic here, so back to the important things like finding Ashley and getting the hell out of here--


Leon stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of the familiar voice.

Relief and happiness flooded him as he slowly turned around towards the man who had shouted his name.

Thank god, Luis was alright, at least something was going right in this damn place.

He gave Luis a small smile, watching as the Spaniard's face completely lit up in a smile in return.

God, he had missed the man, was he really the only thing that was brightening up his mission every time they ran into each other by chance.

They really had gone through some tough things together since they had met for the first time, of course under life-threatening circumstances... what else was new.

'I got it--'


Leon reacted as fast as he never did before in his life, the need to protect the man in front of him growing so overwhelming that he was almost swallowed by it.

As quick as he could he drew his knife as he started to go into a forward role in order to pass the meters to Luis quicker, widely swinging back his arm that was holding the knife as he started to stand again, bringing it down with as much force as he could muster, slicing through the tentacle of Luis' attacker.

The thing or man - he hadn't really time to look what or who exactly it was, his focus solely being on Luis - let out a screech or scream, quickly withdrawing the tentacle.

Luis started to fall towards the ground, so Leon quickly caught him, carefully lowering him on the ground while he very gently removed the sting, which had been on the tip of the tentacle and was still buried in Luis' back.

Thank god, he had reacted so fast, before the thing could do any more damage like staking the Spaniard with the whole tentacle for example, instead of stabbing him with just the sting.

There wouldn't have been very much he could have done for the Spaniard then, probably having to witness the man he had grown to love slowly bleeding to death instead.

'Leon ... he's got the sample!', Luis managed to force out, the pain clear in his voice.

'Shh, don't talk.', Leon quickly replied, his voice slightly breaking due to the growing feeling of worry and desperation.

'How endearing ...', a male, evil voice said sarcastically.

So the thing was a human being after all, Leon thought, as he quickly whipped his head around.

'Saddler ...', he spat out disgusted, giving the cruel man a cold glare.

'So, you've heard about me ...', the man replied, breaking out in a maniac laugh. 'To my dismay, you're getting kinda annoying. If you don't stop getting yourself involved with things that aren't your concern, I have to get rid of you. And that even before the parasite hatched... wouldn't that be a pity? So much potential being wasted for nothing...'

'I'll never become one of your little marionettes, Saddler!', Leon shot back, the distaste for his opponent clearly showing in his voice.

'We'll see', Saddler replied, an evil grin spreading on his face, 'I thought you were smarter, Mr. Kennedy, you surely know I'll never let you or even the girl - what was her name again ... Ashley? - get out of this place, neither the two of you together for that matter.'

Leon was fuming by now.

'Oh, really? Well, guess what, I'll find Ashley and we sure as hell will get out of here and if it's the last thing I'm doing. And just so you know, I'll even take Luis with me too. You surely know I would never leave him here to deal with your annoying ass, right? Hell, no, this Las-Plagas-worshipping madness is going to end sooner than later!'

Saddler's expression changed to one of utter fury from one second to the next.

Then, before Leon could even react, Saddler's tentacle was fast as lightning coming towards him, hitting him against the chest, throwing him brutally against the wall. Leon's head exploded in pain and he had trouble to breathe from the force of the hit.

Slowly, Leon brought his trembling fingers up to feel the back of his head. He immediately felt the warm, thick, sticky blood that was slowly pooling out of the wound as he was hit by a strong wave of dizziness.

Leon didn't need to be a doctor to know that this wasn't a good sign.

Leon waited till he kind of got his vision back, before he, not bothering further about himself, started to slowly slide towards Luis.

Saddler was gone, together with the sample, not that he really cared about that right now.

The Spaniard was now unconscious and Leon quickly started to take care of his wound.

He wished he could attend to the wound even faster but his hands were shaking so hard, slowing him a bit down.

When he was finished treating the wound, he quickly checked Luis pulse, before calling out to him.

'Luis ... hey, can you hear me ... Luis ... please, be alright ... L-Luis ... c'mon ... damnit ...'

With a sigh he settled down beside Luis, leaning his back against the wall.

He was feeling exhausted and kind of sleepy but that wouldn't stop him from watching over the Spaniard as long as he was out.

Leon carefully grabbed his 9mm Blacktail, holding the gun between his hands as he began to wait.

He didn't know how long it would take for Luis to wake up, but he did know that he wouldn't leave his side.

And that was all he really needed to know right now.

Luis' PoV

'Leon ... he's got the sample!', Luis managed to grit out through the pain.

He immediately got hushed by a very worried Leon.

It was kinda funny ... it was not like he was dying ... at least he hoped he wasn't ... was he?

No, there was no way he actually would die now, without even having been able to kiss Leon just once.

And even if so ... well, then he would just refuse to die ... simple as that.

By now, Luis was slipping in and out of consciousness, not really getting a grip on what was going on around him.

Wait ... Saddler ... was he still there?

A worry so strong was piercing through him, not for himself of course, but for Leon.

His heart began to speed up in fear for the US-agent, but before he could even try to somehow locate the pretty blond in his current state and even more so make sure that he was okay, he lost consciousness, his last thought being about the agent he had become to love.

~ Time skip ~

Luis awoke with a gasp.

Panic was overwhelming him.

He couldn't see Leon.

There was not the slightest bit of a glimpse of his favorite agent.

'No ... Leon ...'

The fear was making it rather hard to speak out.

He tried to sit up, because the uncertainty what had happened to the agent was killing him from the inside.

'Please don't be dead ...'

That's when he heard a soft chuckle from somewhere to his right.

'Don't worry. I'm fine.', Leon replied.

Luis was immediately filled with relief. The agent was alive.

He couldn't believe his luck.

He had honestly thought that Saddler had killed him.

Luis had never been so glad in his entire life to be so wrong.

Knowing now that the agent was alive didn't stop Luis from his attempts to try to get up though.

Hearing the agent's voice wasn't enough, he still needed to see him.

'Leon ... goddamnit ... could you maybe give me a hand here ... I'm actually trying to get up here ...'

Leon chuckled softly again. 'Yeah, I can see that. It's just ... I think you should lay down for a bit longer ... hey, careful there-'


He had managed to bring himself into a sitting position and was now turning around as fast as he could in the direction Leon's voice had been coming from.

Leon seemed to be a bit startled, definitely not expecting Luis to turn around that fast.

Luis immediately locked eyes with Leon as if his life depended on it.

He instantly started to get calmer, as he let himself get lost in the beautiful eyes of the agent in front of him.

'Good to see you're alright', Leon began, seemingly a bit confused about Luis' behavior. 'You got me kind of worried there. Well, that actually might be an understatement I was totally terrified.'

'Same here', Luis replied, 'As I woke up and couldn't see you immediately I feared for the worst. Thought Saddler might have gotten you.'

'Nah', Leon shook his head, 'I'm alright. Saddler left with the sample though.'

Right the sample. This thing existed too.

'Shit ...', he let out a sigh, 'Guess, I should have known something like that was about to happen.'

'Don't beat yourself up about it', Leon quickly jumped to reassure him. 'At least, you didn't lose the president's daughter.'

At that Luis looked at Leon startled.

Now that he actually thought about it ... Ashley really wasn't there ... wow, how could he have not been noticing that sooner? Ups.

'I actually should go find her now, she should be around here somewhere', Leon said, starting to get up, quickly darting his right arm out and pressing it shortly against the wall as he nearly lost his balance in the process.

Something wasn't right.

Alarmed, Luis took a closer look at Leon, just noticing now that the handsome agent was actually rather pale and wait ... had he actually just seen a flash of pain clouding the blond's eyes?!

From one second to the next Luis was on his feet.

'Where are you hurt?', Luis blurted out, worry and desperation beginning to creep up again.

Damn it, how could he have not noticed this sooner.  As if Saddler would have actually just left like that, after all Leon kind of mutilated him, well, at least his tentacle, which was now a sting shorter.

And god knew, how dearly Saddler's tentacles were to him - even though Luis thought that Leon did him a favor because let's face it, the thing really was ugly as hell ... and a backstabbing son of a bitch for that matter.

But that wasn't the point right now.

Leon's eyes widened in shock. 'I'm not-- ... I'm fine, really ... Don't worry ...'

Luis was having none of it.

'Leon ... you're good but not that good ... even though I should have noticed way sooner.'

'I have no idea what you're talking about', Leon mumbled, his gaze casted downwards.

'Sure you do, you're trying to hide it from me after all.', he replied, taking a step towards Leon.

Luis was one hundred percent certain that the agent was one of those types who liked to play their own injuries down because they were way too fucking selfless.

He had already noticed this kind of selfless behavior from Leon during their fight against the horde of Ganados in the cabin.

The agent - as things were getting really bad, Ganados coming through every single window, the furniture they had quickly moved in front of the windows as barricades at the beginning of the fight long been shoved to the ground - hadn't even been watching out for himself at all, no, instead making sure none of them got too close to Luis, taking out one after the other for him.

It even got to the point, where Ganados got dangerously close to his favorite agent, one even grabbing him.

Damn, Luis couldn't remember to ever have shot someone in the head faster than the Ganado, who had taken a grip on Leon.

He still got nightmares from that encounter, in which he wasn't fast enough in shooting the Ganado.

Not that he would ever admit it.

Thankfully, in reality, he had been fast enough, but ever since that cabin fight, Luis had a really strong urge to protect the blond, the urge just growing even bigger now.

It seemed like the more selfless Leon got, the more Luis felt the need to protect him and to watch out for him.

Man, he really had got it bad for that man, hadn't he?

He was downright in love with the US-agent with no possibility of ever turning back... not that he wanted to.

'No, really, Luis, I'm alright--'

Luis crossed the last meters between them, very gently grabbing the agent's hands as he tried to catch his gaze again.

The agent started to look away, probably in fear his eyes were still showing the pain his wound was probably causing him.

Luis quickly let go of Leon's right hand, his left hand taking instead a careful hold of the agent's face, gently forcing him to look at him.

A faint blush was creeping up Leon's cheeks - to be fair he was kind of invading Leon's personal space, oh, who was he kidding the word 'personal space' wasn't even existent at the moment... maybe in five minutes again - but what really caught his breath was the look in Leon's eyes.

The agent's eyes were filled with a mixture of vulnerability and affection.

Luis forgot how to breathe for a second, deeply gazing into Leon's eyes.

'You're not alright.', Luis gently stated, his thumb gently brushing over Leon's cheek.

'And stop denying it already', he softly laughed, as Leon tried to protest immediately.

Even Leon himself had to smile at that.

'Well, guess you caught me.', Leon admitted, so quietly, Luis almost didn't catch it.

'So, you're going to tell me where the wound is or do I have to find out myself?', Luis asked Leon, he still hadn't taken his hand away from the agent's face - to his defense it was kind of frozen there.

Leon let out a laugh, before shaking his head, well, or should he say tried to shake it because the agent's face started to scrunch up in pain at the action.

Almost immediately, the agent motioned to the back of his head, signaling Luis the location of the wound.

'Okay, let me take a look', Luis instructed, his light tone changing towards a more serious one.

He let go of Leon and took a step back, so the agent had place to turn around.

Luis carefully started to examine the back of the blond's head.

The wound wasn't so minor as Leon had tried to make it seem, but not deadly either. It was still bleeding though, not as much as it probably had at the beginning, but still too much for Luis liking.

Luis immediately started to treat the wound, stopping the bleeding and cleaning it.

'You mind telling me how that happened?', Luis asked Leon.

The agent shifted for a bit uncomfortably, before he finally began to answer.

'Saddler threw me against the wall with his tentacle, causing me to hit my head.', Leon said, letting out a sigh.

Hot anger was boiling up inside Luis. That was the first and last time this evil man had hurt his favorite agent, he would make sure of that.

'I'm going to kill this son of a bitch .', he gritted out through clenched teeth.

Leon immediately turned around, grabbing a hold of Luis.

'No, hey, listen ... he isn't worth it.', Leon tried to reason with him. 'Besides, I've already almost lost you today ... I- ... I really- ... I don't think I can take a second time.'

Leon's eyes were overflowing with emotion, but the agent wasn't withdrawing his hands from Luis' shoulders, neither casting his gaze away like he had done it earlier.

Luis was speechless.

He hadn't known the blond agent was caring that deeply for him.

Leon took a shaky breath as his eyes began to fill with tears.

A wave of shock was crashing down on Luis.

He barely registered that Leon had started to withdraw, the agent's hands slipping from his shoulders.

Almost instantly, Luis reached for Leon, pulling him against him in a tight hug.

'Hey, I'm alright. I'm as fine as I can be, Leon, all thanks to you. You saved me.', Luis quickly tried to comfort the agent, before he had to close his eyes for a moment, the emotions now starting to overcome him as well.

Leon's whole body was trembling in his arms and Luis didn't need to take a look at Leon to know that the agent was crying silent tears.

Luis' heart started to throb painfully, yet at the same time, it was overflowing with love for the pretty agent, causing him to hold Leon even tighter.

As the agent started to slowly calm down again, Luis broke the hug, gently grabbing the agent's face again.

'Hey, listen ... I guess I could do without going after Saddler to give him a butt-kick for hurting you ... I mean ... who would watch out for you if I would be gone trying to find this shitface?', Luis jokingly reassured Leon.

'Besides... I'm rather with you anyway.', Luis added almost in a whisper, as he very gently caressed Leon's cheek with his thumb.

'I- ... uhm- ... what?'

Luis let out a hearty laugh.

God, was the agent cute.

'That's always how you answer, when a guy tries to flirt with you?', he asked, getting even closer to his favorite agent.

Leon didn't respond, clearly at a loss for words.

Luis smiled.

'Did someone ever tell you how friggin cute you are? You're killing me, Leon.', Luis whispered as his right hand slowly slid against the back of Leon's neck.

With a content sigh, the Spaniard brought their foreheads together, enjoying the close proximity to the agent.

Luis didn't know how much time passed as they stood like that, neither of them saying a word to break the comfortable silence, simply dwelling into each others presence.

It could have been just a minute or even ten, but for Luis, it didn't matter either way.

All he cared about was the agent in front of him, how he caused his heart to beat quicker and his knees to get weaker.

Leaving his right hand where it was, against the back of Leon's neck, Luis slowly removed his other hand from the agent's face, lovingly running his thumb over Leon's cheek one more time.

As he let his hand fall to his side, he reached for Leon's right one, gently intertwining their hands.

'What ... what are you doing?', Leon softly asked Luis, however not stopping the Spaniard in the slightest, for which the latter was grateful because he really wanted this to be perfect.

'Something I should have already done a while ago', Luis simply replied and before the blond could ask any more questions, he leaned in, crossing the last centimeters between them, gently pressing his lips to the agent's.

It was in every way perfect. They, here, right now, together, both still alive and well - at least according to the circumstances - the kiss ... just the whole moment in itself really.

Because sometimes just simple actions spoke louder than words ever could.


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