Truthfully make believe (All...

Od ATLfanficed

188 3 0

Alex and Taylor have always been friends but that all changes. Is it for the better or worst, and who is real... Více

Truthfully make believe
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

chapter 4

12 0 0
Od ATLfanficed

I can feel myself shaking as I wait outside while the guys are signing some autographs for their fans. A few have even asked to have their pictures taken with me. I couldn't help but smile on the inside and I have had Jack shove me a couple times because I had the thought of 'I'm the shit'. Alex never let me out of his sight, the whole night, in case Lisa showed up again, but I have a feeling she won't.

“Bus call!” I look over my shoulders at Matt, seeing him standing inside the bus, looking out at the five of us.

Alex wraps his arm around my shoulders, and Jack grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together, something he and I do a lot, as we walk back towards the bus. I turn and look at the fans, seeing the three girls from before, who had their new bracelet's on, and I wave at them before wrapping my arm around Alex's waist for the short distance to the bus. As I walk onto the bus, Vinny runs over and wraps his arms around me.

“Work with me the rest of the tour?”

I giggle and wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his shoulder. “Of course Vin. I just have to clean the bus while you're setting everything up.”

“Or after? While they guys are sound checking.” He leans back to look at me.

I nod and smile. “Okay!” Pulling out of his embrace, walk over and slide into the small seat next to Alex. He's sitting across from Jack at the table thing, with his MacBook open, who is sitting in Danny's snuggie, with a cup of wine in his hands.

“Let's be honest.” Jack stands up and sets the cup down on the table in front of Alex and I. “This is just a fucking robe, backwards.” Jack shrugs the snuggie off and wraps it around him like a robe. Alex just chuckles and goes back to his Macbook.

“Tweeting?” I look over and lay my head on his shoulder. Sure enough, I see the twitter homepage.

“You know it!” Alex has made it his nightly ritual to check his twitter once the show is over. I think it's because all of his fans tweet during the show, and he wants to know what they think.

Pulling my vibrating phone out of my hoodie, I see I have two missed messaged from my ex, Brad. I would know that number anywhere.

Brad: I hope you are having fun.

Brad: Know that it won't last too much longer.

“Tay?” I hear Jack's voice and look up at him. “Taylor!” I hear him shout before he runs over and wraps his arms around me.

I hear a group of people calling my name, and feel my hands gripped in a gentle but tight grip.

“Tay? You have to get up.”

“Jay?” I feel my left hand get squeezed gently.

“Right here.” His voice is worried.

“Where's Lex?”

“Right here baby.” My right hand is squeezed. “We're all here.”

“Taylor, can you open your eyes?” I hear Matt's voice.

Slowly, I try to pry my eyes open, slowly their faces come into focus. “What happened?” I look around the front lounge of the bus.

“You had an attack.” Jack says as he slides a hand under my shoulders, lifting me up slowly.

“You got a couple messages from a guy named Brad, and then you passed out.” Jeff says.

I sigh and look over at Alex, who has worry and questioning in his eyes. “Taylor, who is Brad?”

I sigh, and look over at Jack, feeling my breath start to come quicker than it should.

“Calm down, Tay. He needs to know.” He runs his fingers through my hair, running his thumb over my cheek softly before standing up and walking into the back lounge, the rest of the band and crew following him.

“Jack, tell them?” He nods and shuts the back lounge door, giving Alex and I some privacy.

I sit there in silence for a couple of moments, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. My eyes are focused on the floor until I notice that Alex hasn't moved from his position on the floor next to me. Slowly, I lift my eyes over his long legs, skinny torso, then to his face. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I lay my head on the top of my knees, facing Alex.

“Remember when I came home covered in bruises?” I look up into his deep brown eyes, and feel a slight calm rush over me.

He nods slowly and slides closer to me, so he can hear me over the loud talking in the back. “Yeah.” He pauses for a moment before shaking his head. “You didn't fall and hit your face on your porch did you?”

I shake my head and hide my face in my knees as tears start to fall down my cheeks. I try not to worry Alex too much with my hysterics because it makes his feel uncomfortable.

“What happened, Taylor?” He wraps his left arm around me and pulls me close to him, so I am leaning up against his side.

“You are NOT leaving me to go back there.” Brad says as he paces through the room.

When he gets like this, I know what is coming, so I try to numb myself before it happens. I look up at him and whisper softly, trying to calm him down.

“I have too, Brad. He is my best friend and he needs me.”

“GODDAMMIT TAYLOR!!” He roars and spins around to look at me, anger fills his blue eyes. “I NEED YOU HERE TOO!” He walks over and jerks my up by my arms and pulls me close to him.

“There is nothing I can do now. I paid for the flight already and my bags are packed.” I fight against his grip, knowing it would get me no where.

“You cancel it and unpack!” He tightens his grip on me and shoves me towards the bedroom.

Being the uncoordinated person that I am, my feet get tangled up from the force that he used to shove me, causing me to fall to the floor. “I can't cancel the flight Brad!” I bite my lip, stand and take a slow, shaky breath, looking up at him. “You could always come with me. Meet my family and the friends that I grew up with.”

His laughter booms through the room. “Really now? And leave everything I have made here?”

“See, you have everything you need here. Me going back to Maryland won't bother you one bit.” I point at him.

“What you don't understand, is that I do need you here.” He walks over to me and grabs my arms once again, making deeper bruises.

I wince and bite my lip at his grip. “No you don't. You have the other chicks that you fuck in my bed.”

I feel his hand collide with my cheek before my back and head collide with the wall behind me. “It is not your bed. It's mine, remember?” He pulls back and slaps me again, slipping my lip. “Remember who's house you live in.” He slaps me once again, causing the back of my head to slam into the wall, hard enough to leave a dent.

Gasping, I left my legs buckle under my, causing me to slide down the wall, pulling my knees as close to my chest as possible.

“I don't want to hear anymore.” I feel Alex shaking beside me, and his arms are tight around me.

“There is more that you need to hear though, Alex.” I look up and see Jack, Zack, and Rian standing there.

“He beat the shit out of her for wanting to come home. I don't need to know more.” Alex argues, raising his voice slightly.

“Just shut up and listen to her.” Zack says, sitting on the floor across from me. Jack sits next to me, and Rian is in between Zack and Alex.

Jack: I'm out front waiting for you.

I smile, then wince at the pain I feel in my face, letting my smile fall. It's so good to be home. Hurrying, I walk over to baggage claim, grab the five bags and load them onto a waiting cart and head towards the front of the airport.

In a few short, painful minutes, I see my best friend, leaning against his waiting car. His mom's Centra. Chuckling to myself softly, I leave my bags a couple of yards away from the car, I run over and into his open arms.

“Jay!” I shout as I wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

I feel him smile into my hair as his arms wrap around my body protectively. “Welcome home, Tay.”

At his words, I break down, and hold on to Jack for dear life. For about five minutes, he just lets me cry, and potentially ruin his new JAGK shirt. “I'm so sorry!”

He rubs my back carefully and kisses the side of my head, pulling back to look at me. “There is nothing you need to be apologizing about.” He smiles at me softly, before wrapping me back in his arms. “It's nice to have you home.”

I giggle softly and smile, despite the pain. “It's good to be home.” I pull back fro him and wipe my eyes carefully.

Jack looks down and me and pouts his lip slightly. “I cannot believe that he did this to you.”

I shrug and place my hand on his chest, patting it slightly. “No need to worry about that anymore, Jay. I'm home. He can't get to me here.” I laugh softly, then gasp. “No on my turf.” I smile up at him, reassuringly.

“My Lord, I love you.” He chuckles and wraps his arms around me once again before pulling away and walking over to my luggage cart, pushing it around to the trunk of his car. “Bring enough?”

“Everything I took with me.” I smile at him. “I'm not leaving again.”

Jack's smile widens and I can't help but blush. “Thank you.”

I cock my head to the side and raise an eyebrow. “You're welcome?”

He shakes his head and walks over, opening the passenger side door so I could climb in. He shuts the door before walking around the front of the car and climbs in behind the wheel. “I'm glad that you aren't leaving. And I am glad that you are alive. After everything you have been through. It's nice to know that we can still keep and eye on you and make sure you'll be okay.”

I smile softly and look out the window at the blooming trees. “I feel much better being home. Like, I'm going to be able to heal quicker here than I am in Indiana.”

“I remember feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.” Jack pauses and runs his hands up and down my back, and Alex, wraps his hand around my arm, laying his head on my shoulder.

I smile over at Jack, giggling softly, resting my head on top of Alex's. “You don't know what it felt like to come home after all of that.”

“You think this is a good idea?” I look over at Jack with worried eyes.

He gently wraps his arm around my shoulders, leading me up to the steps of Alex's new house. He lives with Lisa and Rian. “It'll be fine.”

I see Baz and Pey run up to the door and start barking, getting Alex's attention. He slowly stands up and walks over to the door, the beer he was holding drops to the ground and he stop on the other side of the door.

I wave slightly, and smile the best that I can at him. He looks just as gorgeous as I could remember. He was dressed in loose jeans, and a flannel blue and grey plaid shirt. His hair was a mess, sticking up in places. “I'm cold, Alex!”

With that, he opens the door, and steps over the threshold wrapping his arms tightly around me. I wince slightly before relaxing and wrapping my arms around him. “You're here.” He states before pulling back to look at me, thankfully it was dark, it hid the bruises. “Why?” He looks to Jack who just shrugs his shoulders and walks into the house.

“Come in and we can all talk.” He starts to pick up pieces of the broken beer bottle as Rian walks in.

“What happened?” He asks looking over at Jack.

I walk in and he jaw drops. “Oh my, God. Taylor!” He starts walking towards me, then he stops. “What happened to you?”

I look down and before Alex places his hand under my chin, lifting my face to look at him. He gasps and steps back. “Who did this?”

Shaking my head, I slide my coat off as gently as I could. “I fell and hit my face on my front steps.”

Alex cocks his head to the side, raising his eyebrow. “No, really. What happened?”

I laugh softly. “You think Maryland if the only place it snows or gets ice?” I pause and look between Rian and Alex. “I was walking up my sidewalk when I slipped on ice, hitting my face on the steps.” I shrug and chuckle softly.

Rian just laughs and shakes his head. “Wow... That sucks.” He walks over and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him then pull back looking around at my three closest friends and smile.

“I've missed you guys. Zack too, but he's not here.” I hop onto the counter behind me, causing Alex to jerk his head towards a hallway. “What is it, Lex?”

I hear a groan then, Lisa steps around the corner. “I knew it was you.”

I roll my eyes at her. “I'm not allowed to come see my best friend?”

“Not in my house.”

Alex holds up his hand, with his index finger pointing up. “Correction. It's my house. And Taylor is allowed to come over whenever she wants.” He glares down at the brunette.

She sighs and rolls her eyes, snatching up a black jacket from the chair to my left. “I'll be back when she is gone.”

Alex just sighs and leans against the counter, letting his head hang. Biting my lip gently, I slide off the counter. Turning and grab my coat, but someone grabs my arm. I wince but turn and see Alex looking at me with pleading eyes. I jump as I hear the door slam, then the dogs start barking.

“Jack, let's go play Halo or something.” Rian starts walking back to his room.

“CALL OF DUTY!!!” Jack shouts as he runs after Rian.

Alex and I chuckle softly as their voices sound down the hall then disappear once the door is shut. It leaves Alex and I in this silence, that I would love to fill, but he places his thumb gently on my busted lip tracing them until his thumbs lands on my cheek.

“I've missed you.” He confesses.

I smile softly, leaning into his touch. “I've missed you too.” I whisper back, looking up into those amazing brown eyes that I love.

He runs his hand to the back of my neck, running his fingers through the hair at the back of my neck, causing me to shiver.

“Please don't do that again. Leave me, I mean.” He looks down at me with so much emotion swimming in his eyes.

I wrap an arm around his waist and the other one around his neck. “I'm here to stay.” I feel a blush forming under the bruises.

He smiles softly and leans down slowly, pressing his lips against mine. I tighten my hold on him as I kiss him back, ignoring the pain from my busted lip.

“I remember walking in on that , grabbing a beer, then running back to the room.” Jack laughs and leans against a deep crimson me.

You did not.” I state before hiding my face in Alex's chest.

I can hear his laugh, and it makes me giggle. “He did Taylor.”

I gasp and look at him. “You know and you didn't say anything?”

Jack laughs, so hard that he fell onto his back. “He was a little busy Tay!”

I pout and cross my arms over my chest. “I hate you both.”

“Lies are not attractive, Tay.” Jack smiles up at me from his position on the floor.

“Who said I was lying?” I glare down at him.

He pouts and sits up, cupping my face in his hands. “I know you.”

Sighing, I slap his hands away and giggle as he starts to tickle me. “NO!!!” I squirm under him, trying to reach Zack, reaching hand. I grab his fingers and he pulls me out from under Jack. Giggling, I crawl around Zack to hide behind him.

Jack just looks down at the ground then over to Zack. “What did ya have to do that for? That was funny!”

“It was. But she needed help. I helped her.” Zack smiles as I wrap my arms around his shoulders then stand up.

“Thank you, Zachary!” I smile and hold my hand out for Alex. “Wanna go make out?” I smirk.

Alex just laughs and takes my hand, standing up. “You know it!”

“Not too loud, please!” I hear Matt shout from the back lounge.

“I can't promise anything.” I flash a grin at Matt before sliding in Alex's bunk.

I hear the guys laugh as Alex slides in after me, shutting the curtain. “Good night er'body!”

I giggle, but it's cut off by Alex pressing his lips against mine. I wrap my hand around his neck, pulling his lips closer to mine, deepening the kiss. I moan softly as his teeth scrap against my bottom lip before he slides his tongue into my mouth. I smile softly as I massage my tongue against his, before he pulls away and kisses down my neck. I slide one hand down his shoulder and over his arm, my other hand sliding into his hair, gripping softly.

“Alex!” I gasp softly, before biting my lip and letting my eyes slide shut. Feeling him smile against my neck, my own lips break into a smile before my jaw drops. He bit down on the pulse point, causing me to moan softly and push my hips up slightly.

Alex responds to my hips by sliding between my legs and grinding against me, causing us both to moan; him against my neck and me into his ear. Alex's hands slide down my sides and then one of them slipping up the front of my JAGK shirt. I shiver once his cold hands rest on my warm stomach. I feel him smirk against my neck before he sits up slightly and slide my shirt off, his following soon after, being tossed into the corner of the bunk.

“You're so beautiful.” He smiles down at me, causing me to blush deeply and roll my eyes. Alex leans down and kisses my chest, right above my breasts as he slides his hand down my sides, running his hands over the waistline of my skinny jeans to my belt, getting the buckle done before he works on the button and zipper. All while he has been doing this, I hear “Rockstar 101” by Rihanna come over the buses speaker system. I smirk to myself against Alex's lips before lifting my hips, allowing him to slide my jeans off my legs. Kicking my jeans off I sit up, and jerk at his belt, getting it to unfasten, hurrying to get his pants off of him.

After he slide out of them, placing them in the corner with the rest of our clothing, he slides his body against mine, causing my heart to flutter in my chest, and moan as our lips collide. As our kiss deepens and our tongues meet, I slide my hand down his chest and stomach, drawing circles around the waist band of his boxers. I can hear the whine in his throat, causing me to chuckle softly and slide his boxers off of him as he slide my panties off, tossing them to the corner. He looks down at me before looking up at me, and smiles.

I raise an eyebrow. “What?”

He leans down, kissing above my bellybutton, slowly make his way up to my ear, nipping at my earlobe, causing my to moan softly, before he whispers.

“I love you.”

I open my mouth to respond, but he enters me, earning a moan. “Oh, Alex. I love you too.”

He smiles down at me, starting a slow and soft rhythm, almost like it's the first time. I can feel my breathing start to quicken the more that he moves. Gasping, I wrap my arms around his shoulders, digging my nails into his back, and I hear him hiss, before my back arches. Alex quickly reaches around and unclasps my bra, looking up to wink at me before he drops it out of the curtain. He leans down and whispers in my ear.

“Just to make them jealous.” He then kisses my ear.

Shivering, I smile and moan as he pushes into me again. “Harder.”

I can hear him moan softly as he lays his head in the crook of my neck. He slowly starts to change the pace up, so it wouldn't hurt me as bad, to a deeper and harder rhythm. “God, Taylor!”

I wrap my left leg around him, using my right leg to meet his thrusts, rolling my hips against his, causing the heat between us to rise every time. I soon feel a warmth spread from my toes, making it's way up my legs. Gasping, I rest my head against his shoulder.


I feel him kiss my shoulder before looking up at me, sweat forming on his brow line. “I know baby, me too.” His thrusts start to become more messy, as he moves and props himself with his hands that are on either side of my head. My eyes fall shut under the glare of Alex's brown ones. As I bite my lip and dig my nails into Alex's shoulder blades, I call out, rolling my hips against his, my climax hits.

“Oh God, Alex!” I moan, and move with Alex as he lays back down over me, biting down on my shoulders as he moans as his climax moves him as well.

Smiling to myself, Alex and I lay there trying to catch our breaths and come back down. He slides of out of me and moves to lay next to me. Taking a deep breath, I roll onto my side and curl into him, and he tightly wraps his arm around me. We lay there for a moment before I start to shiver. Alex chuckles softly, and reaches down, tossing out clothes onto the floor at the foot of the bunk, pulling the covers over us as he moves to lay back down next to me.

“I love you.” He smiles and wraps his arms around me, nuzzling his nose in my hair. “So fucking much.”

I wrap an arm around his neck and my other arm around his waist. “I love you too.” I kiss his ear softly before shutting my eyes, and letting his slow and even breaths lull me to sleep.

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