Flames Of Desires

angelove2 tarafından

589K 40K 5.8K

Ranking: #7 in hotness on 30 Sep 2019 #6 in fanfiction on 30 May 2017 #9 in fanfiction on 9 April 2017 Warnin... Daha Fazla

1.Unwanted marriage!
2. Willingly submitted 18+
3. Unwelcome Morning?
4. Journey Begins!
5. His dark world!
6. Crazy heads!
7. Fire and Ice!
8. Welcome Party!
9. Playing with fire!
10. Annoying him! 18+
11. Traces of Darkness!
12. Dwelling in past!
13. In the search of peace!
14. He has feelings!
15. She is a mystery!
16. It all started when....
17. He knows how to play!!
18. Ocean of desires! 18+
19. Seven days with him!
20. Umpteenth masks!!
21. Her biggest lie!!
22. Uninvited Guest!
23. Jab they met!
24. You are only mine! 18+
25. Khawab!
27. Their shattered dreams!
28. She rule on his heart!
29. Aahana is dead!!
30. He can't be him!!

26. At the end- you're mine!

12.3K 1.2K 159
angelove2 tarafından

While walking on the deserted street, I found you! ..
Lost everything just to get you..
But here I am today, shattered & hurt by you..

She left his house, his area, his city and even the country. Overnight she ran away from there; a hell which she herself had chosen. But when yesterday he raised his hand on her she was broken, all the harsh memories came rushing back to her. Somewhere down the line she still don't want to believe certain facts well known to her, but yesterday's turn of events made her believe the worst, that belief became so strong that it clouded all her rationality and apparently she ran away from his world, far away from him and also from HER REVENGE.....................

(Flashback a year back)

Two months has passed by, since Nandini first e-mailed Manik. Impressing Manik Malhotra wasn't an easy task but for her it was, just by her professionalism Manik is smitten.

"Are we going to communicate through emails only? I would like to put a face to my imaginations.

Manik Malhotra

Nandini read his email and smile like a teenage girl who just fallen in love, exchanging messages with him in late nights has became a part of her life now. There is no day where they both don't have a word with each other, even if it's a simple good night or a long long conversations.

"Beauty of imagination is that they do not have any faces, they aren't restricted under four walls, they don't have to be bind by the rules of society. Thus, I would suggest you to let your imaginations roam freely.


Nandini has designed this khawab in a such a way that Manik just can't resist her, the way she answers his questions is something extremely magnificent and it keeps him intrigued about her.

"Fair point well made. Uniqueness of your name has already made me intrigued and your personality is something which I've a urge to unravel soon.

Manik Malhotra
CEO- MM Enterprises"

She laid down comfortably on her dorm's bed, she covered her face with the warm blanket and started emailing him again.

"Seems like someone is quite impressed. Are you having feelings for a stranger Mr. CEO? ;)


She teased him but surprisingly he didn't replied back. She waited for half hour but still there was no response. She realized that she crossed a boundary, she shouldn't played this way.

She sat back and waited for his reply but no answer, thus to keep her sanity in check she dialed her solace number; Aahana. But to her dismay she didn't answered..

It was only 10 in the night, and it can't be possible that Aahana slept. People in NASHVILLE wake at 10 then how can Aahana sleep so soon?. She waited for her sister to call back, and Manik to answer. But none appeared, this made her worried for Aahana. She keep on trying her number but it goes straight to the voicemail and in Manik's case she can't call him but can wait only.

Nandini : "Where the hell were you? I was trying to reach you but you weren't answering. Do you have any idea how much scared I was? I haven't slept for even a second whole night and now you are calling in daylight and acting like that's not a big deal..."..she chided her soul sister as since last night she was trying to call her but there was no response from the other end.

Aahana: "Nandini am fine.." ..that small word shrieked Nandini, Aahana never calls her Nandini unless something very negative has happened.

Nandini: "Di. What's wrong? Why you are so low?"..all her anger vanished in the thin air and what remains back is utmost concern and worry for her sister.

Aahana: "Nothing darling, you say what's going on?"..she tried to cover up her agonies but Nandini has already smelled the awful pain in her tone.

Nandini : "When you can't hide then why you even try?"..she counter question her which made Aahana shut. That's the beauty of the relationships which are binded with one string called -love.

Aahana: "Nandini I...."..she was never able to complete her sentence as some unknown fear clouded her mind.

Nandini: "Di you are hiding something. I want to see you now. Log in to Skype right now.".. she commanded but Aahana was reluctant.

Aahana: "No! Not now. I'll call you later. And don't worry am fine darling.."..she tried to assure her but forgot one thing that stubborn Nandini Murthy has her own ways.

Nandini: "No! Now means now. So come online unless you don't want me to do something you won't appreciate ever. Your choice."..she played the emotional blackmailing card well.

Aahana is well aware from the fact on which Nandini is hinting, she knows that to which extent Nandini can go just to keep her talks on forefront.

Last time when Aahana tried to hide things from Nandini, she threatened her to spill the beans but Aahana didn't told her anything. Afterwards Nandini sat on hunger strike literally, and didn't had a word with Aahana which resulted in deteriorating condition of Nandini and hence she end up admitting in the hospital.

Aahana: "Listen kiddo..."..she tried to explain things to her but Nandini was way too stubborn.

Nandini : "Your choice.."..she repeated her same words thus reluctantly Aahana gave up.

Aahana: "Fine. Stop being so stubborn."..she quietly agreed because she just can't witness Nandini in pain, she can die in place of Nandini happily but won't let any trouble cross her path.

As Aahana logged in, Nandini too sat back on her bed just to see her Jerry. But as soon as Aahana's face is visible to her, Nandini's heart pierced with million needles. Her wounded head and the cut on the corner of her lips which still bleeding slightly made her breath stop. She felt like someone choked her to death, as if all the blood from her veins has been drained out and she is hanging between life and death.

Nandini: "Di.."..her voice trailed off as her welled up..

Aahana: "Relax kiddo. Am perfectly fine."..she tried to calm her but all in vain..

Nandini : "perfectly fine? Are you kidding me? Have you seen your face in mirror lately? How could you hide such a thing from me? How could you Aahana?"..she shouted angrily but her anger is signifying the level of her concern and worry only.

Aahana: "Bacha calm down. I met a small accident yesterday and that's all. "..she explained calmly but it only panicked Nandini.

Nandini : "Accident? Shit! Shit!. Why you didn't told me anything? Am coming right away."..she tried to get up and leave but Aahana's sudden panicked voice stopped her.

Aahana: "Nandini wait. Am fine darling. Don't worry, and I can take care of myself. It's a minor accident. Nothing to worry."..she assured her somehow but still Nandini's heart isn't ready to buy her excuse.

Perhaps! Her heart has already sensed the upcoming storm which is going to be more dangerous by Aahana's constant denial.

Nandini: "You are injured di.."..she cried silently while Aahana keep on trying Nandini to stay calm because she can handle everything but not a single tear in her sister's eyes.


Standing near the window, gazing outside the darkness of night, her soul is filled utmost darkness which has no measures, which perhaps has captivated her bright soul. Recalling those days of her life which were the initial point of destruction, her heart filled with immense pain and vulnerability.

Nandini: "How could you lie to me di? That wasn't any accident but you were facing domestic violence..."..her voice trailed off as she closed her wet eyes, tears cascading down and she started reminiscing that particular moment when Manik raised his hand on her.

There was a glass of water in her hand which she gripped so harshly that it broke down in her hand leaving it all wounded and bloody.

She opened her eyes just to find her hand bleeding and some pieces of glass still stuck in her skin, but she pricked them out as if it's no big deal. Her eyes remain calm with the physical pain, her mouth remain sealed, perhaps her mental pain is far far bigger than her physical one.

Just then Navya entered inside the room with food in her hand, but after finding her hand bruised she ran to her safety.

Navya: "Oh god! Nandini how did this happened? Where was your mind?"..she held her hand in her and carefully analyze it but Nandini didn't reacted a bit.

Navya : "Nandini say something.."..she asked after finding her looking elsewhere and not bothering about the wound.

Nandini: "When your heart is pierced with zillion needles then one small glass piece won't cause much harm."..the words came out with such power that it actually shook Navya's soul whereas Nandini was standing there calm & composed.


Sydney looks glamorous in the shiny night, this place screams only party, fun and bliss. This is one of the populous city in Australia, if you have been to Australia and skipped travelling to Sydney then surely your whole tour is waste.

It didn't took him a lot of time to track her down, just by calling Mumbai airport authorities and using his few contacts he was able to locate her. Wasting no time he flew straight to Sydney, although it's one of the place he truly resent. Due to some unforeseen circumstances his hatred for the city remain intact, once he had decided that he won't ever step in this city again but this is the same reason why people say that "Never utter big words if you can't stick to them, never commit something which you are incapable of fulfilling.."..

Khawab is the reason behind his hatred for the city, and surprisingly Nandini is the reason of his come back. But in mid of all the mess there is one thing which is infront of him but he is totally clueless and that's- khawab's real identity.

Home- the best night club of Sydney is loaded with hundreds people, it's the most crowded place but a decent one. Music hits the sky with it's high pitch, but this much sound isn't helping one soul forgetting some harsh realities and events.

After picking up fight with Navya, Nandini came straight here. Navya questioned her but Nandini wasn't in the state to answer her irrelevant questions which in actual are the meaningful.

Navya asked her why she suddenly came to Sydney? Why does Cabir and she has no clue about her arrival? What she is hiding? Where is Manik? etc. etc. etc. Nandini was sick and tired of her questions thus without paying any heed to her, she walked out of the house in the chilly weather and came straight to HOME.

As usual she is sitting in the V.I.P corner of the club which is restricted, there was a time in her life when she was a party girl, when she was suppose to be life of such night clubs but one event and everything in her life changed. Aahana's death has not only taken Aahana from Nandini but somewhere she lost her own soul on the same day Aahana died.

"You aren't suppose to sit alone."..a deep husky voice broke her reverie, although she is facing her back to the owner of the voice but it's her heart which has recognized even the fragrance of the person.

She placed her drink on the counter and turned back slowly only to find him standing right in front of her in his all glory.

Manik Malhotra has the charm to die for. He is standing in front of her in his ever so charming and breath taking personality.

She noticed his beard grew a bit more than the earlier she saw him, it's been only 24 hours or so but it feels like after ages she is able to see his magnificent face, his spell bound eyes for which she fell a year back.

Manik: "You aren't suppose to be here love at the first place."..his signature smirk and the accent made her froze but what made her speechless was the endearment he used for her.

He walked towards her a bit, she realized that she has already on her feet without her in acknowledgement. This is the first reason she hates about her feeling: she has no control over herself around him.

Nandini : "Stop right there."..she commanded before he enters in her personal area and takes away all her rationality. He stopped right away making her surprised, he didn't reasoned with her but halted right there itself. He did noticed her bruised hand covered with white bandage but didn't uttered anything.

Manik: "Let's talk love.."..he sat down on the near chair and the endearment again left her hanging with zillions questions but he offered her to take seat. She quietly complied and sat down. Both remain quiet while his eyes focused on her, his heart is aching to take her in his warm embrace and feel her presence but he is controlling himself as he don't want to give any wrong impression to her. His mind is still not able to cope up with the accusation she has put on him earlier.

She feels like she'll stop breathing, his eyes stuck on her like it has been longing for her one glimpse since ages. His calmness is throwing her off guard whereas his stare is making her heart stop beating.

Nandini : "What you doing over here? And why you are here?"..finally gathering all the courage, she found her voice and raised two simple question but he remain quiet. His eyes is still on her analyzing her each action and reaction. She looks pale, weak, in just few hours he feel like she has lost weights.

Manik: "You look so tired. Have you not been eating all this while?"..his concern shocked her, she can see he is genuinely concern but due to some specific reasons she deliberately ignore that feeling of trusting him.

Nandini: "That's not my answer Mr. M.."..she is back to her firmness, she drank away all her two thoughts, she hid all her feelings for him gracefully without bringing into his notice.

Manik: "That's not my answer either."..he replied with equal firmness and she is already done with his domineering attitude.

Nandini: "Am done with you. Stop following me like a stalker. "...she stood up angrily but the last word angered him as well. Still somehow he kept himself in check, he stood up and looked at her with a smile.

Manik: "But am not done with you love. "..with a smirk he answered, right not all she want to smash that smirk off his face.

Nandini : "I don't care about anything that concern you."..she replied with a fierce look , he walked a bit closer to her and she stood there unaffected.

Manik: "I would love to prove you otherwise love.."..his hot breath fanning on her face, made her hold her breath back, his husky tone made her weak under her knees. All she want right now forgetting all the shits and kiss him mercilessly, venting out all her frustrations and anger in that specific but it took all her will power to do otherwise.

Nandini : "Stop calling me that.."..she pushed him as he is only making things difficult for her. He inhaled a deep breath as her warm hand touched him briefly, she noticed his reaction and for a moment felt disgusted.

Manik: "This reaction was not out of lust, but I felt like you touched my soul. "..his last sentence shook her soul, she looked at him painfully with shock written all over her face. Her eyes welled up instantly but gulped down the lump built in her throat.

Nandini : "I wonder are you genuinely concern? Or this is some ugly move of yours to bring me back to the game?"..she muttered harshly, crushed his male ego as always and walked out after giving him a deadly glare. He stood there shell shocked, she again managed to shut his mouth and proved that she is no random girl & will surely be difficult to cajole.

Manik : "At the end, you'll be back to me love. It's a promise Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra.."..he muttered with determination and sat down to have the drink which she was having when he came over there.


I know am late. But can't help it. Handling job and studies side by side is a big task. And on top writing stories is not at all easy, such hectic schedules and you expecting me to update sooner will be wrong on my part.

Be positive. Be gentle. Be kind. Take care.

Loads of love & care
Your storyteller ❤😘

Okumaya devam et

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