Almost You

Από alicatamazing

38.6K 687 280

Sophie Hawkings is 17 years old, and has allready found Mr.Right, Ryan McLean. They are that couple that you... Περισσότερα

Love Birds
Trusting Strangers.
Um... I have a boyfriend...
The 'Boss of Me' ?
The Date :)
Friend Dates
The Girly Side
Car Singing... Like a Boss.
Working For a Jealous Boss
Victory Ice Cream!
The Tie Guy, The Party, and The Tears
Night Terrors and Table Dancing
Happy Dances
Perfectly In-Sync
Facing the Music, Through Sunglasses.
Much Needed Girl Time
Trouble In Paradise?
Left Alone With My Thoughts
Going Home
Shattered Memories
Drops of Rain
You Again
Forgive or Forget?
"Hello Beautiful!"
A Closer Look
Accidents (Part One)
Accidents (Part Two)
Eye-Scorching White
Should I? Could I?
Hotels After Midnight
Bars and Beaches
Under the Rock
Breaking a Mending Heart
My Heart Will Go On
Tired of Surprises.
Guess Who's Back
Playing the Game
Painfully Familiar
The Moment I Knew
Sweet Nothing
Free Willy
Focus, Focus, Focus.
Patching Up

Prom night <3

852 17 11
Από alicatamazing

Chapter 13

Prom Night<3

***** Ryan's P.O.V*****

The long, midnight black stretch limo that I'd rented pulled into the long elegant loop in front of the gigantic luxury apartment. The sun was dimming slightly, casting a faint shawdow in the air which smelled of summer flowers. It was six o'clock right on the dot. Perfect.

I gathered the large bouquet of blood red roses that were thick as a fist, inhaling the sweet scent knowing that Sophie would love them.

I brightened quickly at the thought of Sophie, the girl of my dreams. I was still mad at the fact she went partying with some college guy who sounded like trouble. Luckily we'd worked it out via text a few hours ago.

Josh, who was picking up my girl's roomate along with Kyle who was escorting Katelyn followed me up into the tall building. Each one of us in our rented tux and a bouquet of different flowers, gathering a small crowd of "awww's" from the hopeless romantics as they saw us passing.

I knocked nervously on the door of my girl's apartement, wiping the small amount of sweat on the pantleg of the expensive black tux. I saw the boys look rather the same as we stood in a horizontal line in front of the door. Tonight was going to be perfect, as I thought back to the small velvet box in my pocket.

The door opened. I could barely keep my jaw on when they came into view. Three magnificent girls apperead at the threshhold. But one topped all of them by a mile.

Sophie stood directly in front of me, looking absoloutlely stunning. Her perfect carmel brown hair was pinned up elegantly, her make up was light and basic making her large brown eyes pop.

She wore a light purple, floor length dress with what looked like what I think they call a sweetheart neckline with slight ruching at the top, the waist was high, with a white patern under he bust, the rest flowing out in a nice chiffon. ( A/N Since Ryan is a guy, he can't really describe the dress too well, theres a pic on the side >>>)

She laughed lightly, and I returned my gaze back to her stunning face. I stepped closer, and kissed her gently on the lips.

"You look incredibly beautiful." I told her. A light pink color spread across her cheeks as she blushed.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She said teasingly. I handed her the large bouquet of roses, she smiled gratefully. "Thank you, they're beautiful. Let me put them in some water." She said.

Katelyn, Liz and Sophie all headed back in for a moment to arrange the flowers. I heard chatter from the girls but didn't catch what they were saying. I looked over at Josh and Kyle, who were smiling wide.

The girls came back in light cardigans, my girl looking stunning that I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so beautiful and she didn't even know it.

I hooked my arm out like they do in the movies, and I escorted her down the large staircase. Treating her like what she is, a princess. A princess who had stolen my heart.

I led her to the limo, and I watched her as tears rushed to her eyes. Was she that touched? I smiled proudly and opened the door for her before running quickly to the other side. The driver tipped his hat at the beautiful girls who had entered the posh car, even though the driver was thirty, I felt a slight spark of the familiar feeling of jealousy. I wanted my girl all to myself.

I saw her giggle slightly, and my heart swelled a million times more at the thought of making her happy. I planned that I would spend the rest of my life by her side doing everything I could making her smile. Hopefully, the rest of my life would start when we left Prom.

\We pulled up next to the giant building of the posh hotel our school had rented. (The girls had protested against using the sweaty gym). I felt nervousness and excitement whirl inside me. I wiped my hands across my trousers again before opening her door for her and taking her hand.

"You ready?" I asked quietly, looking softly into her huge chocolate brown eyes. I was implying the red carpet walkway that lead into the hotel. People with all sorts of cameras were perched everwhere, making it feel like a Hollywood walk way.

She nodded, and we fell in step behind Josh with Liz and Kyle with Katelyn.

People 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed at us, cameras clicking as fast as my racing heartbeat. I felt like proudly shouting 'thats my girl!'. I felt honored just to be her date, her boyfriend. Hopefully we could be more.

Her dress flowed out as she walked, I was dazzled at how gracefull she walked. I pushed the door open for her as we stepped into the fancy lobby of the hotel. The red carpet was leading towards closed doors where the dance would be held. Countless light blue decorations hung every where to match the theme of the Prom. Blue glitter was sprinkled across the floor.

I pulled her close, and stopped beside her for a quick photo. I drew my hand across her waist and kissed her cheek. One of the most amazing things about my girl is that she didn't mind being in pictures. The blinding flash of the camera blinded me for a second, I blinked. Sophie was staring wide eyed at the marble entrance. We continued down the red carpet towards the pounding music.

We pushed through the large oak doors, and this giant room did not match the entrance at all. The room was dark, with lights spinning patterens on the wall. A disco ball glittered aboce it all, spinning to the beat of the fast pace music. I guess the romantic songs were coming later.

"Wanna dance?" Sophie asked, her eyes wide at the venue.

"Sure." I replied, shrugging. I was up to anything that meant being close to her.

She smiled and grabbed my wrist, leaving me stumbling behind her. She stopped around where her friends were, each of them dancing with their dates slightly distanced from the other girls.

Sophie immediatly got into the beat of the song. She put her hands in the air as she swerved her hips. Damn that girl was hot.

"Comon babe!" She shouted over the loud music. "Dance with me!"

I smiled, and tried to dance along, but dancing isn't really... my thing.

She laughed at my horrible attempts of dancing along, and I ended up just putting my hands on her hips and watching her dance.

The song trailed off. Leaving the room quiet. Then a loud screech of a microphone sounded through the speakers.

"Heey party people!" The DJ boomed into the mic. "We're gonna slow it dooooown. So grab that special someone."

I smiled widely as I pulled my girl closer to me.

Finaly, Prom can officialy start.

*****Evan's P.O.V*****

"Sophie, listen. I'm really sorry. That..... That was a little too far. Since you've got..... your boyfriend and all. Please call me. Bye" I pressed the end button on my phone, the recent famillairity of rejection running throguh me. I resisted the too-strong urge to chuck it at the TV infront of me.

I groaned and sat down on the couch, gripping my hair in my hands and propped my head on my elbows. That had been my 17th voicemail today, not a single call had been returned or answered, I felt over the top needy, I've never done this before! I didn't expect her to answer, she had a boyfriend for god's sake! And I had to kiss her, which immediatly built her walls back up against me. Couldn't she tell that she was killing me inside?!

I would kill just to see her, and be able to tell what she was feeling. We had that affect on each other, being human lie detectors and just knowing how the other was feeling by one quick glance.

The only thing she couldn't see was that I was falling for her.

I felt like punching myself, wait no, throwing myself under a bus after I saw the hurt in her eyes when we pulled apart. Had I really caused that?

I tiny voice came from the tiniest bit of hope I had in my brain. She did kiss you first, you saw the passion and lust while you were leaning in.

When we kissed it was like magic, fireworks had crashed through each cell of my entire being. She tasted amazing, like peppermint with a edge of sweet bubble gum. And she was beautiful, flawless with out trying. Not like all those sluts I had dated many times in the past. She was special.

I snapped myself out of it. I desperatly racked my brain for any source of information she had given me about today. Was there anything special about today? I usaly had a great memory.

Starbucks. Where'd I had worked... She was there with her two firends. I tried to remeber each small detail, what had she ordered?! A vanilla bean I think... And she went to get it and I saw the shopping bad dangling off her wrist. What was it for? She had said it was a dress.... for....

"Prom." I muttered the word out loud. I stood up abruptly, pieces clicking together. My room mate had been complaining that when he went for his night stand with some random girl at a hotel, they had been setting up for some huge fancy dance.

"Mark!?!" I shouted, storming out of the small living room, into the similair sized kitchen. Mark sat with a cup of coffee in his boxers, an annoyingly usal habit. He looked tired, and I could tell he was suffering from a strong hangover.

"Shh... Not so loud.... I just woke up." He whined, resting his head on the table. I rolled my eyes, it was fricking seven o'clock at night! Damn those crazy drinkers.

"Yeah, ok got it. You know when you went to that hotel with that girl?" I asked, tapping my foot from anixiousness, not softening my tone at all.

He didn't look up from the table. "Hmm... Which one?"

"You know, the girl you took to that hotel when they were setting up for a Prom? What was the Hotel named?" I prompted.

"Oh yeah! That was... Um... That was.... The.. I think it was the... Grand something." He pondred. I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you mean the Grande Chateau?" I asked, remebering the French, posh building.

He tapped his chin, his red eyes looking as deep as a hungover man could be.

"I... think so. Yeah, thats it." He confirmed. I smiled widely, proud of myself for figuring it out. I patted him on his bare back, nearly causing him to sprawl onto the entire table.

"Thanks man." I said, I grabbed my jacket and keys and jogged to the door.

"Hey, where you going?" Mark asked in a raspy voice.

"To fix one hell of a mess." I shouted over my shoulder as I headed for my truck.

******Sophie's P.O.V******

The venue was absoloutly amazing, I mean, it's stunning french decor!

My eyes went huge as I stepped past the Oak doors. It was dark, a disco ball sent thousands of light patterns across the walls. I immediatly reconised the song that pounded through the room, Starships by nicki minaj.

"Wanna dance?" I asked Ryan, biting back excitement. I loved to dance.

"Sure." He replied shrugging.

I smiled widely, and tugged him over to the center of the room near my friends.

'Love the dress!' Adam mouthed to me from a little bit away, his arms loosely hung around Jessica's teeny waist. I gave him the thumbs up with a smile before I let the music move me.

I threw my hands into the air, and followed the quick rythm of the song. I moved my hips, my long chiffon dress swished.

I saw Ryan, standing there awkwardly. His eyes were bright and fascinated by my dancing.

"Comon babe! Dance with me!" I shouted, trying to be heard over the loud music.

He smiled, then a bit of question swirled through his eyes. He had no idea how to dance.

He tried to dance along, moving his hips or bouncing up and down a bit. Nothing really worked. I laughed at the poor guy. So he just put his hands on my hips as I continued to dance.

When the song ended, the room went completely quiet. A screeched of a micophone boomed through the speakers. The tall DJ, obviously not a student from our school, appreared onto the small stage.

"Hey party people! We're gonna slow it doown," He said, his voice dropping an octave lower when he said 'down.' "So grab that special someone!"

Ryan's hands tightened around my waist, pulling me closer. He looked so happy, excited.... nervous?

I felt something weird twist my stomac into a knot. I love him right? Right.

Ryan had been super sweet all day. I forgave him quickly while I was getting ready, throguh texting, maybe he would forgive me for.... the kiss.

I closed my eyes tightly at just the one simple word. It was a slip out of the bottled up emotions of 'The Kiss.'

I had ignored all of his messages, and thank god he hadn't shown up at my apartement yet. I don't know how I could keep my emotions in check.

"Soph?" Ryan's voice wisperd in my ear. I opened my eyes, Ryan was looking down at me, concerned.

"Sorry," I mumbled, and I buried my head in his chest, trying to hide my emotions. Luckily, Ryan can't read me too well, just when I had teared up at the sight of the limo. Thank goodness he interperated those as tears of joy.

When Ryan had shown up at my door, a rush of guilt had crashed through me. Hard. And when he had taken me out to that expensive limo? That was too much. The tears were clearly visible in my eyes as guilt took place through out my entire being.

"I guess I was just... Deep in thought." I told him, praying that he would belive me. I wouldn't want him to know the truth when he had this amazing night planned.

He belived me, and we stood there, sliently swaying along to the sweet melody of 'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars. I loved this song. I wrapped my arms around Ryans neck, and I felt his warm hands on my waist. This was nice.

But I couldn't help but feel.... Like something was missing.

How could one kiss mess everything up?

Ryan gently put his lips on mine, breaking me out of my trance. I faced towards him, his eyes were full of love. How'd I get this amazing man to look at me like that? He deserved better than me.

Thunder snapped outside, and I caught a glimpse of the window. The sun was setting, but rain pelted down hard.

"Isn't the rain so.... Romantic?" Ryan mumbled aganist my ear.

I nodded, I have always been that type of girl who melts at scenes of kissing in the rain. I never have, but it's something I would love to do. Unfortanitly, Ryan only likes the rain when he's inside a warm cozy room.

I tilted my head towards him, so I could see him better. He still had that looked of love laced with nervousness. Was I intimidating? Well, I could be pretty scary in the morning or when mother nature surprises me with her 'Monthly Gift'.

The song changed, and it was another slow song that I remeberd. It was the song "I Wish" by One Direction.

I closed my eyes again, and followed Ryan's rythmatic swaying.

"He takes your hand

I die a little

I watch your eyes

And I'm in riddles

Why can't you look at me like that?

When you walk by

I try to say it

But then I freeze

And never do it

My tongue gets tied

The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder

Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me

He looks at you

The way that I would

Does all the things, I know that I could

If only time, could just turn back

Cause I got three little words

That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me

With my hands on your waist

While we dance in the moonlight

I wish it was me

That you'll call later on

Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

But I see you with him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me"

I was holding back tears by the end of this song. This song had triggerd many emotions. Feelings? Confused, Guilt, Broken, Sadness...


Because of him..... Evan Channing.

I blinked, trying to keep the persisting tears that prickled my eyes back. I looked through blurry eyes at Ryan. He looked so excited, and loving.

He kissed me passionatly, and I let him. The only energy I had left was being used to weakly kiss Ryan.

He pulled away, his eyes still closed. He had the sweetest, most content face on.

He opened his eyes, then smiled widely. I was taken aback slightly, He was still happy with me? I mean, I had barely talked, barely kissed and mostly cried. I was an pathetic girlfriend.

He searched my face for a second, then grabbed my wrist.

What the..... ?

He pulled me through the large crowd. Wait, why isn't anybody dancing?! Why wasn't there any music playing?!?

Lightening shot through the sky, illuminating the dim room for an instant.

He pulled me onto the small stage. Why I was following him, I had no idea. The soft lights were focused on our every move. He stopped in the center of the stage, I turned and saw the sea of faces, all looking up at me and him. Ryan's friends were smilling encouragingly.

Liz and Katelyn looked horrified. Adam was looking up at me with an confused expression, one of the smilling friends wisperd something into Adams ear, and Adam's entire face went completly blank.

"Hello." Ryan said from beside me to the crowd. His voice was loud, and I noticed the two micophones a distance away. "Most of you know me, Ryan. This is my amazing girlfriend Sophie."

I gave an short, shocked wave to the audience. Ryan turned to face me, his face pulled with nervousness, axiousness, love, and excitement.

"Sophie Marie H-hawkings." He started, as he walked towards me. The micophone catching every word. He took my hand.

What was going on?

"Y-you are amazing, gentle, sweet and b-beautiful. You make me smile with one glance in your direction. I know we've only dated for five months, b-but it feels like I-i've known you f-forever."

He gently lowerd down. Onto one knee.

He pulled out a soft black velvet box.

God All mightly

"I know that we are still young, but we will always have enough time for the long road. Every second is like the last, you make me happy. You amaze me every day. I love you."

He took a deep breath, and looked directly into my eyes. His eyes glowed with love.

"Sophie Marie Hawkings......

Will you marry me?"

Holy fuc- dgecakes..... Holy fugdeCakes.

He opened the small box, a beautiful diamond ring glittered in the light. Lots of appreicative 'aww's came from the crowd.

My eyes washed over the crowd quickly. Mostly everyone looked extremly happy.... Except my closest friends.

Adam, Liz and Katelyn all mouthed 'dammit' at the same time.

I was frozen. My mouth was hanging open in utter shock. I love him though.

"I-I-I....." I stuttered. Everyone was looking at me expectantly. My pulse beat rapidly, the world seemed to stop and stare.

I love him.










Have I heard him correctly?

What the hell?!?

Was I ready to take the plunge?





"I-I-I" I said again, ready for it this time. Was I going to say it? These questions filled my brain. I closed my eyes and let my heart speak for it's self. I took a deep breath.

"I-I Can't."

I ran out of the room, everyone watching me but I didn't give a sh#t. Tears poured down my face. I steadied my hands infront of me, and crashed into the big oak doors, my hands pushing them open but not with out a hard impact. I grabbed my three inch heels in one hand, incase any one came after me.

I was marching through the lobby, my heart cracking into a million tiny pieces. Now two men were out of my life, all because of me.



Why what?!

Whats happening?!

I went straight past the bouncer on the inside of the front doors. I pushed them open, hard. They swung behind me.

Tears poured. Rain poured. My dress was being weighed down from the constant rain. I ripped the many pins out of my hair I one quick mouvement. My hair cascaded down my shoulders, wavy from the rain. My face was fierce.


I pushed back all questions, he wasn't supposed to be here. But he was. He was here. His light and dark brown hair clung to his forehead. He spotted me, his eyes widened.

I didn't slow my hurried march one bit as I walked towards him.

"I am so s--"

I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him hard.


Don't hate me!

This is not the end! This is the very BEGINNING! Yes it is! Yeah buddy!

And katelym, please don't hate because I put an One Direction song in here! There was a few one direction songs to choose from but I guess this 'fit' the most.

The beautiful Prom dress is on the side! :)

When writing the different P.O.V's, it was... Different for me. I mean, not something I've ever done. But I tried to make Ryan sound like the Sweet, Inocent, Hopelessly in Love and Over the top Romantic. And Evan as.... Well, Evan. It was SO FUN XD

I think that this is the first time I have ever written Evan's last name. *winces*. But you know now! It's Channing, as mentioned earlier in this chappie! And, theese names I chose are not real life people, ifit's your name or someone else's then it's purely concoindential.

Enough blah-blah-blabbler.

Any guesses on what happens next?

Comment, vote and fan!

Yeaaaaah Buddy!

(Ps, I do NOT own this dress, or songs that were metioned. The woman in the picture is NOT Sophie. So imagine Sophie in that dress; carmel brown hair that goes two inches past the shoulder, large chocolate/carmel etes, pointy nose, pouty lips)

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