
Bởi Smiling_Hemmings

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A tragic story about how love and death are always conected Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5

Chapter Two

29 4 1
Bởi Smiling_Hemmings

I wake up because of a scream. As soon as I can I walk to the window and look outside. I see a man and a little child. They are screaming to each other. As I look closer I see that the man is from the Russian army. My door opens and Marie walks in. "You should leave as soon as you can" she says and I nod. I put on my jeans and walk down the stairs with her. She hands me over some food. "This is because of your help" she says as she smiles. She also gives me some money. "I can't take that from you" I say and try to hand it back. "You deserve it" she says and gives it back. "Just promise me that you will be safe" she says to me. "I promise" I say and she smiles friendly. I grab all my stuff and hug Marie for the last time. "Take care my child" she says and I kiss her on her cheek. I wave at her and leave the house. I make sure my hair is in front of my face and walk as fast as I can. I take a left and see a train station. When I arrive there I see that the train to London leaves in 20 minutes. I decide to buy a ticket and I wait for the train to arrive.

When the train arrives, I jump in it and take place. A young man walks in and takes place next to me. "Good morning" I greet him and he says the same. "Where is your travel going" the man asks. "London for now" I say and he nods. "And what are you going to do there" he asks. "Go to help injured people" I say and he smiles. "Doing something for the humanity" he says and I nod. "Good" he says and gives me his hand. "I am Jack, nice to meet you" he says and I smile. "Rose" I say and he laughs. "Like Titanic" he says and I laugh to. "Well are you going to hold me like the Titanic" I joke and he smiles. "If you want me to" he grins and I laugh. He smiles and takes his phone out of his pocket. "Want to make a picture?" he asks me. "Sure, Why not" I say and smile at his camera. He takes a couple of pictures. "Can you send them to me" I ask and he gives me his phone. I grab it and type my number in. I send the pictures to myself and I smile at the pictures. "Well Jack tell me something about yourself" I say and he laughs. "Well my name is Jack, I am 22 years old and I lived in Durham but I was traveling around in England" I look at him. He looks like a smart guy. "Did you study?" I ask him. "I am a lawyer" he says and smiles. "I already thought that" I say and he nods. "Lots of people already know it when they see me" he laughs. "I would like to know something about you to Rose" he says with a grin. "Well I am Rose. 21 years old I am a nurse student but my study got cancelled because of this war" I say and he nods. "So you are a nurse?" he asks and I nod. "That is interesting" he says. I laugh. He makes a weird face and I laugh harder. "Why did you do that" I say and I start laughing again. "I like the way you laugh" he says and I can feel my head turn red. "Well thank you I think" I say nervously and he starts laughing. "Can't stand a compliment Princes?" he says and I turn even more red. "You are not a nice person" I try to say angrily but instead he starts even laughing harder. I cross my arms and look at him with an angry face. He just starts laughing harder. "I thought you were a nice guy" I wail and he stops. "Excuse me" he says with a silly face and my laugh is getting harder. "Can you be quit" says an man loud on the other side of the coupe. "I am sorry" I say and give the man a smile. The man turns away from us and jack starts laughing again. I hit him on his arm and he stick his tongue out. "You are such a fool Jack" I say with a smile. "But you like it, Princes" he says and my cheeks turn pink again.

After a long travel we arrive at London central. "Well Rose it was a pleasure to meet you" he says and grabs my hand and kisses it. "Same for me" I say and I smile. "Good luck with your career" I say and he nods his head. "Good luck with saving people" he says and our ways split. Sometimes it's good to let people go. You can't let everybody in your life. I walk across the road and walk towards the first hotel that I see. When I walk in I see a man in a suit. He smiles nicely. "How can I help you, miss?" "Do you have a room available" "Excuse me for a second" he says and I nod. "You are lucky we have one room available for you" he says and I smile. "How long do you want to stay?" He asks. "As long as possible" I say shyly. "That is fine. Then you will pay when you leave okay?" he asks and I nod. He gives me the key. "Have a nice day miss" he says and I give him a wave back. I take the stairs to the second floor and look through the corridor. I walk toward my room and open it. As soon I see a bed I let me fall on the bed. I close my eyes and let my imagination take me over.

"Danielle where are you going" I shout. "I am leaving this place" Danielle says and walks towards me. "I can't take it anymore Rose" she says and wipes away some tears. "You have been the best sibling to me" Tears are starting to run down my cheeks. "I love you Rose but I has been enough. I am tired of being here. I am going to live my life. We'll meet again. I promise" she says and kisses my forehead. She walked away waving at me. "I love you" I whisper. She did not heard me but that's fine.

When I open my eyes I feel that my cheeks are wet from the tears. My sister. The only person I always shared with. We shared clothes and make-up. We were practically one person. She was everything for me. My parents never had any attention for her. I am the first born so I had all their attention. I always felt sorry for her. I tried to make up to her. By giving her al my attention. But she thought it wasn't enough. She decided that it was enough and that it was better to leave. Now mum and dad are both murdered and she don't know a thing about it. I miss her so much. By thinking about this tears are starting to run down my cheeks. Then out of the sudden there is a knock on my door. I jump up and wipe away my tears. I rush to the door and open it slowly. "Room service miss" the man says. "I didn't ordered food" I say. "Someone ordered for you, miss" he says and I smile. "Should I bring it in?" he asks and I nod.

After he left I look at the food. There is a card. I grab it and open it.

I think you are beautiful.

See you in my room tonight?

8 pm


X Zayn.

I look at the card with confusion. Why would someone do this and pay food for a woman who he doesn't know. It's a bit strange. I decide to go. I mean one fun night before I am going to help non-stop is a good thing right. Who am I fooling. I just want to meet that guy. Maybe is he something for me. Thinking about that makes me blush. I look at myself and laugh. Look at me. In London, a strange city for me, looking at food someone bought for me and even thinking I could date him. By thinking of that I even start laughing harder. When I look at the clock it says that it is 6 pm.

I start eating the food. When I finished I think about leaving the hotel and look around a bit. I put on my shoes and grab my phone. As I walk out I put on my jacket and leave. When I am at the reception the man behind the desk waves at me. I wave back and give him a smile. I walk out of the hotel and take a left. I see some stores and decide to go to do some shopping. When I see supermarket I rush towards it. When I am there I decide to buy some water and some sweets. I also buy some girl needs like pads. When I see its close to 8 I rush to the cash register. I pay for my stuff and walk towards the hotel again. I take the elevator to the second floor and walk towards my room. I dump my stuff and take the stairs to de fifth floor. When I am in front of room 504 I hesitate. Should I really go? I ask to myself. I take a deep breath and knock on the door....

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