Sans-sational Dates (Sans x F...

De KirbyFan_SH

113 1 19

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have Sans the skeleton as your boyfriend? Well, now's your ch... Mai multe

Chapter 1: Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 2: Blueberry Lemon

Chapter 3: Edgy McMyChemicalRomance

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De KirbyFan_SH

WARNING: Cursing and hint of lemon! (Lime??¿?)

AU: Underfell


(Y/N)’s P.O.V.

Today you decided that you were going to go to the park tomorrow since the days were getting warmer. Spring was finally just around the corner, and you wanted to enjoy it. Which was a bit odd, considering how much you liked to relax… But gen. two of Pokémon Go was just released, and there were new updates! You couldn't miss this opportunity!

But you didn't want to go alone. Since your human friends were busy this weekend, you decided to text a certain skeletal monster about your plans for the next day.

Me: Hiiiii :)

Bonehead: hey

Me: What's up?

Bonehead: just watching the kid at home

Me: Oh! How's Frisk doing? :3 tell them I said hi!

Bonehead: doing ok i guess. they said hi too

Me: Yay ^^

Bonehead: what are you up to

Me: I'm at home too. Just watching videos XD

Bonehead: cool

After you finished watching your video, you saw that instead of just that “cool” reply, there was another.

Bonehead: doing anything tomorrow?

Well, that was a bit odd… Your hopes were raised for a moment, then you mentally slapped yourself. He wouldn't be asking you on a date! If anything, it was just a hang out… But you were usually the one planning them. You decided to text back in a friendly manner.

Me: Yeah! Gonna go Pokémon hunting at the park!

Bonehead: you still play that?

Me: Yes :)

Bonehead: k

Me: I was wondering if you wanted to come?

There was a pause for a minute before he replied.

Bonehead: sure

You smiled to yourself, quietly celebrating the successful attempt at getting Sans to hang out with you again. He wasn't very outgoing, but who were you to judge? You weren't either. You two were good friends at this point, so now he didn't mind as much as he used to.

Bonehead: what time

Me: Uhhh… Noon maybe?

Bonehead: how about 2

You could practically see the grin on his face--the grin you've come to love.

Me: Make it 1 then XD at my place

You texted him your address.

Bonehead: fine…

You giggled to yourself from his response. You were honestly surprised that you didn't have to convince him more; the park showed no mercy when it came to walking around. But, at this point, you didn't care. You were excited to be hanging out with him again! You haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks because you were so swamped with college assignments and he was (to your surprise) working a part-time job.

Me: Yay :3

Bonehead: can't believe im waking up early for pokemon



Bonehead: whatever

You giggled again. Tomorrow was going to be fun.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sans's P.O.V.

Sans woke up to your text the next morning.

Sweetheart: Goooood morning!

He looked at the time on his phone. ‘10:28?!’

Me: its ten in the morning

Me: why are you even up

He felt groggy as he rolled over in his bed, his phone still in his hand.

Sweetheart: To get ready to go to the park!

Oh yeah. He had forgotten about that in his tired state.

Me: oh. right

Sweetheart: You should probably get up XD

At that moment, Frisk came in his room. They came over to his bed with a smile on their face and gently shook his shoulder so he could look at them. So, with a lot of effort, Sans rolled over again to face the kid.

“Good morning!” they signed to him.

He simply responded with a small groan. It was too early for him to be having a conversation right now.

Frisk’s smile grew when they saw he had his phone in his hands. “Did (Y/N) wake you up?” They asked.

Sans looked away with a small grunt. Yep. Frisk definitely knows what's going on.

Though he hated to admit it, Sans had started to grow some feelings for you recently. The first time Frisk asked about him liking you, he felt his face heat up as he quickly denied it. Since then, the kid was trying to push him to ask you out, especially yesterday. That led to him reluctantly giving in (because they were getting a bit annoying) and asking what you were going to do today. After you said you were going to the park, Frisk told Sans that he should ask if he could come with you, but he refused to play along with them further. He was kind of surprised you asked him the same question. Frisk quickly told him to say yes, and...well, the rest is history.

Aforementioned human then signed to him that they were hungry.

Sans sighed and grumbled, “alright, alright…”

Me: welp. the kid wants breakfast anyway

After sending the text, he reluctantly sat up and stretched, popping his bones. Frisk got excited and ran out of the room. ‘how does that kid have that much energy in the morning?’ Sans wondered to himself.

Sweetheart: Oh Frisk is still there?

Me: yeah. gotta watch them today too

Sweetheart: Oh hey! Maybe they should come too! :)

“hey, kid,” Sans said as he stepped out of his room with a yawn, his words a bit slurred together. “uh… wanna come with me today? i'm gonna be hanging out with (Y/N).”

Frisk ran up to him with a big smile and nodded. “I'll be your wingman!” They signed.

Sans almost didn't catch that because he was looking down at his phone. He gave them a tired look. “no.”

Me: ok. they said they will.

Sweetheart: Sweeeet

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Y/N)’s P.O.V.

You were ready by 12:30. You even decided to dress up a bit nicer, secretly hoping that your spring dress would be noticed. Since you had nothing else to do, you decided to watch videos on your couch to pass the time.

But your thoughts were focused on Sans; you couldn't help but think about your crush.

You remember the first time you two had met.

You found a restaurant in town called “Grillby's.” You've heard of it; it was open mainly for monsters, but humans were allowed to eat here too. Despite this, barely any ever dared to step inside. Since the Barrier was open and monsters were freed, most people were afraid of them because of their appearances and personalities. It's been over a year now, and people are still reluctant to accept them, but through hard work and determination, they were granted equal rights. You found it to be a step in the right direction for monsterkind.

On that note, you were always interested in the monsters because of their many different forms, magic, and ability to summon SOULs. Even though they seemed rough, you've secretly always wanted to be friends with one.

But, at the time, you were starving. And, looking at the monster bar ahead of you, you just couldn't resist; your growling belly was practically leading the way. However, when you stepped inside, everyone in the restaurant took notice of you. They were all monsters.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

You blushed and quickly went to sit at an empty booth. You could still feel their eyes on you. You hated all of this attention on you. When you looked around, most of them went back to what they were doing. You let out a sigh of relief. ‘Good…’

You then realized that you had to go up to the bar to order something. With a deep breath, you managed to stand and awkwardly take a seat at the only empty barstool. The monster on your left left promptly after you sat down, which made you feel even more unwanted here, but the one on your right… They didn't budge. You were looking down at the bar to avoid eye contact, so you didn't know what they looked like.

The bartender shortly came up to you after delivering a drink to someone. He was apparently a monster made out of purple colored fire. You could tell he was male by the type of clothes he was wearing and his voice. He asked you what you wanted to drink first.

You gave him a friendly smile. “O-oh, um… Water, please,” you shyly replied.

He nodded and went in the kitchen to get it.

After a moment, you heard a voice on your right, which made you jump a bit in surprise.

“so. what gave you the guts to show up in a place like this, huh?”

You looked at him and realized that he was a skeleton. He was wearing a black coat with a red shirt underneath it, along with black basketball shorts with yellow lines on the sides. He was giving you a grin, showing off his sharp teeth along with a gold tooth on the left side of his mouth, but you couldn't tell if it was genuine or just out of amusement. You guessed the latter.

You smiled at him politely as you shrugged. “I-I was just hungry…”

“humans don't usually come in here to grab a bite to eat, y’know,” he said to you after a moment. “why are you really here?”

“B-but I… I am…” you said as you looked at him sincerely. God, you hoped you were being convincing enough.

The skeletal monster gave you a weird look, but he shrugged. “alright, fine, whatever.” He then turned back to the bar, which ended that conversation.

Your food came back after that. You silently ate, paid for your food, then left. That experience was...interesting, to say the least.

A few days later, you came back to the restaurant. More glances came your way as you entered, but you mostly expected it now. You walked over to the bar again, noticing that the same monster from the first time you came here was there; he was even sitting at the same barstool.

After you sat down, you awkwardly greeted him with a polite smile. “H-hi.”

The skeleton raised an eyebrow at you, then his expression changed to slight surprise. “oh. uh… hey,” he greeted back. He seemed to be awkward with you too.

‘I guess he didn't expect me to come back,’ you supposed.

The bartender came up to you, also seeming to recognize you, then he took your order and left.

There was an awkward silence between you two for a little bit. The skeleton’s voice beside you surprised you, making you flinch slightly.

“that was grillbz,” he told you as he started to smile from your reaction.

“O-oh.” Then what he said registered in your head. “Oh!” you said then chuckled awkwardly.

“what? did i scare ya?” he teased, his grin growing.

“Oh, no, you just startled me,” you nervously smiled at him as you waved him off. ‘Why do I have to be so awkward…’

“heh. whatever you say, sweetheart.”

That made you blink in surprise as a light blush appeared on your face. “Are you...flirting with me...?” you hesitantly asked.

“psh, no,” he replied, a small frown replacing his grin. “that just...slipped out.”

“O-oh. Sorry.”


You didn't even realize that the bartender, who you now knew as Grillby (or “grillbz”), came out with your food, and you were slightly startled again when it was placed in front of you.

“Oh! Thank you!” you said to him with a smile.

He nodded, looking you over suspiciously for a moment, then went to attend to other business.

“... want some mustard with that?” the skeleton beside you asked, holding up a bottle of said condiment.

You shook your head as you replied, “No thanks.”

“welp, more for me,” he said, then he promptly proceeded to drink the whole bottle.

You stared at him in surprise, really not expecting that--especially from a sleleton. ‘How can he… What???’

“ah…” He looked over at you and grinned from your expression. “what?”

“... Uh.” You could barely find the words to express how bewildered you were. “I-I guess you really like mustard?”

He chuckled, almost laughing from your reaction. “yep.”

“... Huh.” You then started to eat your fries, dropping that topic. ‘So he's a skeleton who likes mustard. Okay.’

“you got a name, sweetheart?” he asked you after a few seconds of silence.

You swallowed your bite before replying. “(Y/N).” You couldn't help but wonder if that nickname was intentional this time.

He gave you a nod before continuing. “sans.”

After that, you two surprisingly started to hit it off. Sans even cracked the occasional pun or two. You even came back the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. Sometimes you didn't even order food; you just wanted to hang out with Sans. After about a week, Sans used a knock knock joke to ask you for your number. The memory makes you smile like an idiot and even blush a little from just thinking about it. You both gave each other nicknames and laughed about it.

In summary, he was smart and funny, but he was pretty antisocial and didn't open up first. Under that tough layer, he was a pretty great guy who knew how to make you smile (even though he wasn't the type of guy to talk about "emotional bullshit," as he called it). If only humans gave monsters a second chance like you did…

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard two knocks on your door.

“knock knock,” said an all too familiar voice on the other side.

You put your phone in your purse and practically rushed to the door with a big smile on your face. “Who's there?” you called out to him.


You snickered. “Finger who?”

“god, sweetheart, we haven't even had our first date!”

Your face turned red and you threw open the door, finding Sans there with his hands in his pockets and laughing as Frisk stood beside him with a confused look on their face. “Sans!! There's a child here!” you scolded him, but you were trying not to laugh at the same time.

After you revealed yourself, the child smiled, ran up to you, and gave you a big hug around your waist.

“H-hey, Frisk!” you greeted them as you knelt down and hugged them back, then you looked up at Sans, unable to contain the giggle that escaped your lips.

You then caught him looking you over momentarily, and you thought his smile grew… But who knows; it could've been your imagination. Despite that, it made you blush a bit more.

You and Frisk let go of each other as you stood up straight. “So, um, anyways… You ready to go?” you asked Sans, shyly smiling at him as you closed the door behind you.

“huh? oh, yeah. yeah, i’m ready,” he replied, seemingly snapped out of his thoughts or daydream...or whatever he was experiencing at the moment. (He's a magic skeletal monster, so who knows?)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sans's P.O.V.

Sans offered to take a shortcut to the park instead of you driving the two there. Because bitches love shortcuts. Right?


You seemed confused at what he meant, but you agreed to it anyway. So, he took your hand, told you to hold Frisk’s, and led you a few steps. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the park with you both before you could realize what just happened.

He watched you with a growing smirk as you blinked in confusion. “W-wait, what?!” you exclaimed as you looked around you and let go of their hands, completely in shock awe?

Frisk even covered their mouth and giggled. The kid’s reaction to their first time going through a shortcut was put to shame.

“what? never been through a shortcut before?” Sans asked you, his smirk replaced with a shit-eating grin.

You only stuttered out nonsense in response, which made him double over with laughter.

After you mostly calmed down (which took about thirty minutes), you all finally started to walk on the sidewalk through the park. As expected, there were quite a few people here enjoying the nice weather.

You, however, looked like you were on a mission with Frisk. (Sans honestly wasn't surprised that they had that game too.) There were many Pokéstops in this park, and you both made sure to stop to collect items from them. There were more Pokémon here though, and Sans would sometimes catch your eyes light up when you spotted one of them on your phone.

God, you were cute. You already made him forget how far he's walked.

Frisk must've caught him staring because he felt them tug on his jacket, and when he looked down at them, they were giving him a smug-ass look. That cheeky little bitch!

Sans gave them a small frown as a light blush dusted his cheekbones. “whaddya want, kid?” he grumbled.

They signed in response, “If you like her so much, make a move!”

“what? no, i’m not gonna--!” he started, then he stopped himself as he looked over at you.

You gasped at your phone as your eyes lit up more, then you quickly came over to him, showing what was on your screen.

“I caught a Sentret but then it transformed into a Ditto!!!” you quickly said to him with a big smile on your face, then you excitedly showed Frisk. “See??”

Sans snickered. “what's so special about a pink blob?”

“I've never encountered one before!!” you said as you spun in a circle and giggled, shouting “Yes!” over and over.

He's never seen you that excited before. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before him. You were an idiot. A fucking beautiful idiot. Even when you were like this, he'd still fuck you if you gave him the chance.

Frisk nudged him with their elbow, giving him that stupid smile again.

Sans let out a sigh. Jesus, the kid was actually right. It was now or never.

He came up to you, grabbing onto your shoulders to stop your energetic movements and turning you around to face him. “hey, uh, calm down there,” he told you with a chuckle.

You looked up at him, even blushing. “Oops. Sorry,” you replied with a giggle, then you sighed. “Okay, I think I'm good.”

“yeah?” He raised an eyebrow at you, still holding onto your shoulders.

You seemed to blush more as you nodded, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah.”

Finding that answer good enough, he let go of you. He wasn't sure if you were shy or just uncomfortable about him doing that. Regardless, he looked down at your phone screen as he stood next to you. “so, uh, how's this work?” he asked you.

Okay, maybe he shouldn't have asked that earlier, because now you’ve got him set up with the game on his own phone. He was a fucking pro now, god dammit, looking for Pokémon around the park with you and Frisk. He never thought he would say “THERE'S A STUPID FUCKIN’ PIDGEY HERE” a day in his life. He didn't ask for this. He probably looked like a goddamn idiot.

But it was worth it to get close to her and see her smile like that.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You sat down on a bench with your friends, letting out a content sigh. “Today...was a good day,” you stated.

“sure was,” Sans replied, sitting on your right.

Frisk nodded in agreement as they sat on your left.

You opened up your Pokémon tab, scrolling through your success. “I caught so many new ones!” you laughed.

That led to Sans asking what to do with the weird creatures as he opened his up, and you scooted closer to him, your thighs touching, as you explained what transferring, evolving, and candies were. He wasn't paying much attention, though. He was staring at you again, smiling to himself. If he could just hold you… His SOUL felt so light. He'd never been so head over heels with anyone before, and it felt so unnatural to him, having been raised in such a harsh environment. But at the same time… It felt more right than anything. It didn't make much sense to him, but he didn't care.

“Oh! You can evolve one of your Pidgeys!” you suddenly said after scrolling through his Pokémon, which somehow snapped him out of his thoughts.

“oh, yeah?” he questioned as he looked down at his phone, tapping a random Pidgey.

“Yeah!” you replied, then you swiped to the one with more CP than the others. “But you'll probably want to evolve this one.” You smiled at him. He could tell you were in your element right now.

He smiled back at you, feeling more content than he has in a while. “whatever you say, sweetheart.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Y/N)’s P.O.V.

After going through the Pokémon the three of you caught, you decided to grab something to eat from a fast food restaurant before heading to your home. Of course, Sans used a shortcut to get you all there, which still amazed you to no end.

“Oh, hey, do you guys wanna eat here?” you offered as you unlocked the door. “We can watch a movie or something.” You honestly didn't want this day to end, which was why you asked.

“i gotta take the kid back to tori’s,” Sans responded with a shrug. Frisk looked up at him sadly, making you feel sorry for them.

“Oh. Okay.” You smiled a bit sadly.

“but i could come back after i drop ‘em off,” he quickly added, which made you perk up. You noticed Frisk’s face lighten up for some reason.

“Oh! Okay!” you repeated with a chuckle. “I'll see you soon then?”

“yeah,” he replied, smiling back at you.

You then knelt down and gave Frisk a hug. “Bye, Frisk! I'll see you later,” you said to them as they hugged you tightly.

When you stood back up and blinked, they were already gone. Your eyes widened with a gasp as you looked around. They were nowhere in sight.

‘Wow… I guess that's what a shortcut is…’ you wondered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It didn't take long at all for him to get back. You just got dressed into a comfortable pair of shorts and a t-shirt before you heard a knock on your door.

“knock knock,” you heard Sans say on the other side.

You came up to the door with an amused smile. “Pfft… Really?” you questioned.

“aw, c'mon, sweetheart…”

You couldn't help but blush a bit from his tone. He was kind of acting like this all day, being softer than usual. Was it because Frisk was with him? You couldn't tell.

“Okay, who's there?” you asked with a giggle.

He went quiet for a few moments. You were about to call out his name to see if he was alright, but then he said, “ah, forget it… just open the door.”

Your smile disappeared when you did as you were told. “Are you--”

Sans cut you off by stepping forward, grabbing your arm, and pressing his teeth against your lips.

Oh my god. He was kissing you.

Your eyes widened momentarily before they fluttered closed, and you kissed him back as you hesitantly placed your hand on his cheekbone.

You felt him tense a bit, but he didn't stop there. While he was kissing you, he pushed you back against the wall inside, one hand still gripping your arm and the other tangling itself in your hair. He seemed to be kissing you more passionately (even though it was just teeth). You felt his hip bones press against yours, even lightly grinding against you. You let out a small noise, but it could've been a moan for all you knew.

After a few more moments, he broke the kiss and stopped grinding. You opened your eyes to see him looking at you, his eyes searching for a reaction, you presumed. You were so surprised, you could barely register that that just happened. Your face was burning and you were even panting a bit.

“shit, i fucked up,” Sans muttered, letting go of you and trying to avoid your gaze. He was already heading out of the door, hands stuffed deep into his pockets. “fuckin’ stupid, stupid--”

“S-Sans, wait!!” you exclaimed as you ran to him and grabbed the furry hood of his coat.

He stopped in his tracks, but he didn't turn around.

“I-I…” You shyly smiled. “I liked it.”

He turned his head a bit, and you were finally able to see just the corner of his eye socket.

You came closer to him, still holding onto his hood. “D-do me?” you asked, hopeful for his answer.

“whaddya think? of course i like ya!” he snapped as he turned to face you, making you let go of him. His expression seemed fierce but he was starting to blush. “you make me feel so damn happy, it's like i’m a...god, i don't know, a fuckin’ happy-go-lucky babybones again!”

You flinched when he raised his voice, but once his words processed in your head, you blushed deeply and smiled, slightly covering your mouth with one hand. “Really?”

Sans sighed, appearing to calm down a bit. “yeah.”

You couldn't help but smile brighter as your heart fluttered. “Aww, Sans…” you commented, which made him slightly blush more. “I like you too…”

“...” He started to smile, then he chuckled. “well… good.”

Oh boy, you could tell he wasn't used to this at all; he always seemed really awkward about the whole “sharing your feelings” conversations.

“Do you wanna come inside so we can eat?” you offered with an understanding smile, your blush present as ever on your face.

Sans relaxed a bit more as he let out a small sigh, his usual smile back on his face. “yeah. sure.” He then used his magic to pick up his dropped bag of fast food before following you inside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Sans's P.O.V.

Me: hey boss gonna spend the night with (Y/N). ill be back

Sans paused before typing the next word.

Me: whenever

And send.

He quietly sighed as he placed his phone on the end table by the couch, then he looked at you. You dozed off during the movie, your head resting on his shoulder. He smirked at the sight as he wrapped an arm around you, resting it on your side.

Looking back at the movie, he figured that he should just turn it off, so he did so with his magic, turning off the TV as well. Everything was dark and quiet except the hum of the AC. His phone vibrated as it received a new message, but he didn't want to pick it up.

He'd never been at your place before today, to be honest. It was pretty nice. He needed to come here more often to see you when he had the chance.

Christ, he needed to stop thinking. He was getting tired himself, and he can't sleep with a busy mind. He quietly sighed again as he pulled you closer, then he closed his eyes.

He was happy with you, and he didn't regret a thing. That made him smile a bit before he fell asleep.



Again, so sorry for not updating. I got done with finals early May, then I had to focus on the musical I'm in (along with playing video games XD). It's The Little Mermaid, and I am a jellyfish and a maid~ :3

I guess you could say that I was

MAID for that part




ANYWAYS. Thanks for reading! It takes a little while to write it on Google Docs (so I can write it offline because internet and service are almost nonexistent at home), proofread it, copy and paste here, edit it, then proofread it again. :) (I try to put a lot of effort into this, lol) More is yet to come!

Words (including all this (A/N) shit): 4,697

~ <3 *KF*!

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