Insanity Is The Best Medicine...

ListeningWoods द्वारा

238K 6.6K 5.1K

Four. Four different boys. Each infected with an unnaturally strong passion for the same girl. Each with mali... अधिक

A/N before we start
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
An apology
AO3 (and a thank you!!)

Chapter 2

20.7K 707 511
ListeningWoods द्वारा

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)...Earth to (Y/N)."

(Y/N) blinking in surprise, as a hand came into view, waving in front of her face. She looked up, to see Chiyo with a curious expression adorning her features.

"(Y/N), is something wrong?" The brown haired girl questioned.

"N-No, why do you ask?" (Y/N) replied. Chiyo let out a small chuckle.

"All you did during class was stare blankly in front of you." She answered, with a grin. "I thought that you were about to burn holes into the back of Kyo's head, with how hard you were staring at it." Chiyo added, referring to the student (Y/N) sat behind, with a teasing grin, trying to embarrass her (H/C) haired friend.

"Oh, guess I zoned out..." (Y/N) mumbled.

First period, English, had ended and students were hurrying to leave the classroom.

"What were you even thinking about. You don't usually zone out, unless you're thinking about something." Chiyo asked, as (Y/N) started to pack her books.

"Oh, haha, it was nothing." (Y/N) replied. Chiyo gave her a skeptical look, before shrugging a grabbing her bag from her desk chair. "Oh, by the way, do you have the notes and homework for this class?" She asked, with an apologetic grin. Chiyo snorted.

"You know I never take notes." The brown haired girl replied. This information caused (Y/N)'s shoulders to slump, in disappointment. "Buuuuut, I do have the homework for today." Chiyo added, pulling a notebook out of her bag and waving it in front of her friends face. (Y/N) perked up, slightly, and tried to grad the notebook, but was gravely disappointed when the book was snatched out of her reach. "I'll give it to you, if you buy me something from that coffee shop I love, today." Chiyo teased. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and snatched up her bag. She put the strap over her shoulder and started walking towards the door of the classroom.

"Forget it. I'll just ask someone else for notes, you jerk." The (E/C) eyed girl said, irritably. Chiyo's smug expression fell, as she rushed to grab her things and catch up with her angered friend.

"H-Hold on! I didn't mean it, I'll give you the homework. Wait up, don't leave me!" She said, hurrying to her friend's side. The two girls were about to exit the classroom, until a notebook was put into their view. The girls blinked at the sudden appearance of the object, and looked to see who the owner was. Behind the notebook, stood a smiling, blonde boy. He was rather tall, wore a black, long sleeved shirt and jeans, along with grey sneakers, and basically radiated cheerfulness. The females glanced at each other, before Chiyo spoke. "Uh, hi?" She greeted the male, uncertainly.

"Hello~!" The blonde replied. An albino haired boy, about an inch or two shorter than the blonde's own height, came up, beside him. "I just happened to hear your conversation, and decided that you can use my notes!" The male stated, pushing the black notebook closer to (Y/N), causing the girl to grab hold of it. (Y/N) blinked, surprised at the boy's energy.

"I apologize for his behavior." The albino said, an apologetic grin plastered onto his face. "He has a habit of being nosy." The blonde turned to face the boy, his cheeks puffed out and his nose scrunched up in annoyance.

"I do not! I just wanted to help, is all. Is that so wrong?" He asked, crossly. The snow haired male smiled at the two girls, completely ignoring his companion's complaining.

"My name is Takeshi. It's nice to meet you both." He said.

"Oh, well, nice to meet you, too. I'm Chiyo." The orange eyed girl replied, a small smile forming on her face. Takeshi turned his red gaze towards (Y/N), expectantly waiting for her to speak, while holding a small, patient smile.

"I'm (Y/N)." The girl stated. Suddenly, Takeshi was pushed out of the (E/C) eyed girl's view, as the blonde ardently jumped into her line of sight.

"I'm Seiji Akiyama! It's a pleasure." The boy stated. (Y/N) slowly nodded, a bit taken aback from his sudden cheerful introduction. Seiji continued to look at her, as if expecting something more from the girl. (Y/N), desperate to break away from the boy's gaze, turned her head to the left, where her eyes caught sight of the clock.

"Uh, well, thank you for the notes. I'll copy them down at lunch and return them later, but Chiyo and I need to get going. Goodbye." (Y/N) said, latching her hand around her friends wrist, and hurriedly tugging her away from the two boys. Once at a far enough distance, (Y/N) slowed down and released her friend's joint. Chiyo smiled up at the (H/C) tressed girl.

"Well, they were friendly." She stated.

"Uh, yeah." (Y/N) replied, lifting the notebook up, to flip through the pages.

"They didn't look familiar. Do you think they're new?" Chiyo asked.

"Maybe." Her friend replied. She had flipped through only two pages, and, already, she had counted, at least, ten drawings within the book. The were exceptionally well drawn for random doodles in a notebook. Birds, flowers, and many other things littered the pages of the. book in her hands. Granted, there was an extensive amount of notes, going in depth on many parts of the lesson.

"Hey, don't you think those two were kind of cute?" Chiyo suddenly piped up, a teasing grin etching itself onto her face.

"Didn't you think that guy I bumped into, in the hallway, was cute?" (Y/N) asked, turning her gaze to her shameless friend.

"What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic."

Two periods passed by. Nothing interesting or out of the blue happened during the the three hour period. (Y/N) repositioned the strap of her bag, on her shoulder. She sighed.

"Why do I feel so drained and exhausted? It's only eleven." The girl stated to Chiyo, who was skipping beside her.

"That's what you get, for staying up all night, every night~." She said, a cheerful smile, clearly meant for angering her friend, gracing her features.

"Shut up, you damn morning person." (Y/N) grumbled, rubbing her eyes in order to try and rid herself of her tiredness.

"Hey, cheer up," Chiyo said, not paying any mind to her friends agitated comment. "We have study hall next period, so that means we can annoy Eishun! That always put you in a good mood."

"That always put you in a good mood." (Y/N) corrected the brown haired girl. The girls stopped in front of a classroom and opened the door. Inside the room, students were busily working. Some were looking through textbooks, some writing on sheets of paper. Albeit, some were just wasting time, the room was relatively quiet, given the few occasional sentences exchanged between students, as the teacher sat at her desk, typing away at her computer. The two made a beeline, straight for Eishun, who was seated at the back row, writing in his notebook with a bored expression. A large textbook was open, beside his smaller, navy blue notebook. As soon as Chiyo came into view, his calm expression immediately turned into an agitated one. Chiyo grinned, as she set her beg onto the desk to his right.

"Hello, my dearest, most treasured third wheel." She said, a giant grin making it's way onto her face. Eishun rolled his cadet blue eyes.

"Shut up. I'm trying to study for a test in Maths, and I need you to, for once, shut that big mouth of yours." He stated, turning back to his work.

"Jeez...I was only saying hello..." Chiyo said, slumping down into her chair, as a pout formed onto her face. (Y/N) sat down at Eishun's left, taking out a pencil and her English notebook. She placed the (F/C) notebook beside Seiji's. She flipped to the first page, starting to copy down each word she read, tuning out the background noise of her friends bickering. But, as she slowly made it down the page, she started to loose focus. Images of Takeshi and Seiji flashed in her head.

Am I just crazy? She asked herself. They look so familiar...I feel like I've seen them from somewhere...this is really bugging me. She lightly tapped the eraser of her mechanical pencil to her notebook, as she rested her chin onto the palm of her hand. I'm almost positive I've seen them before... Lightly shaking her head, she looked back down at her notebook. Whatever. I need to get this done.

Study hall ended, the bell signaling that it was time for the class to go to lunch. (Y/N) had copied close to two thirds of Seiji's notes, when the bell rung. The (H/C) locked girl started to pack her bag, when someone tapped her shoulder. She looked back to see Eishun.

"Get her away from me." He pleaded, jerking his thumb back at Chiyo, who was giggling to herself, as she packed her bag. An army of crumpled up spheres of paper littered the floor below Eishun's desk.

"Chiyo, leave him alone. He's going to have wrinkles by the time he's twenty, with all the stress you put him through." (Y/N) said sternly. Chiyo sighed.

"You two are boring. Take a joke." She said, standing up and heading towards the door, Eishun and (Y/N) close behind. The group made it's way to the cafeteria. They opened the door, the sound of loud chatter spilling out into the hallway.

"I'm gonna grab us a table." (Y/N) said.

"You're not going to eat, (Y/N)?" Eishun asked.

"I need to finish writing down some notes. I'll just eat when I get home." The (E/C) eyed girl stated.

"You should really start eating more regularly. You don't eat breakfast and you barely ever eat lunch." Eishun said, furrowing his eyebrows, frowning deeply, which was a sign of worry.

"You sound like an overbearing mom." Chiyo quipped from behind. "Leave her be and let her go, she's fine." She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away. (Y/N) found a vacant table, near the edge of cafeteria. She sat down and pulled out her notebooks. After starting to copy down her notes, she heard the clatter of trays being set down. Assuming it was her friends she looked up.

"Well, that was qui-" She cut herself off, after seeing the smiling faces of Seiji and Takeshi. "Oh, uh, hey." She said.

"Hi~" Seiji said.

"Sorry for suddenly sitting here, without asking." Takeshi said. "We don't really know anyone here, and you seemed nice, earlier."

"Oh, well, it's fine. I was just waiting for my friends and writing notes." The girl replied with a shrug.

"Are my notes sufficient?" Seiji asked with a closed-eye grin.

"Yeah. They're really detailed." (Y/N) replied, causing the honey blonde boy's smile to widen. "Oh, and you draw really well, by the way." She said. Seiji opened his eye's, as his face dropped and a light shade of red coated his face.

"Oh, those. I-I was just being dumb. That class was really boring and I got distracted. S-Sorry..." He said, looking down at his tray of food.

"It's fine. I really like them!" (Y/N) replied, with a smile. She went back to writing down notes, before she heard Takeshi and Seiji mumbling.

"Should we ask her...?" Seiji muttered.

"The only way to find out if it's her, is to ask." Takeshi answered. The boys looked at the girl in front of them, before Takeshi cleared his throat, causing (Y/N) to look up at them.

"Yeah?" She asked. The two glanced at each other, before Takeshi took a deep breath and looked into the girl's (E/C) eyes.

"Uhm...d-do you remember us?"

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