Colette's Covenant

By Talia_Rhea

18.2K 947 223

Paladins Series 1: In the great kingdom of Vasconia, in the mountain city of Gwenael there is a group of powe... More

The Lady and the Knight
The Cave System
Power of Perception
Paladins of the Sacellum
General Didier
Mistaken Strategy
Feast of Celebration
Emergency Summons
Insane Plans
Shame of the Fallen
Reckless Courage
Second Thoughts
Seeing the Answer
Colette's Covenant

Speed and Perception

1.1K 66 21
By Talia_Rhea

Speed and Perception

The next day passed both too quickly and far too slowly. While Colette had a great deal of fun touring the markets with Ferrant, she kept checking the sun in the sky and the clocks on the streets to see how far away her trial was.

She was excited. She was eager. She was just a little bit nervous, but it was easily covered by the sheer joy she felt at having the opportunity to fight against one of the Paladins in front of her king. It wasn't even about winning and proving herself. The battle alone was such an honor to participate in that she would be satisfied even if she did lose.

Not that she seriously considered, for even a moment, that she could lose.

Then the morning of the second day came and, before the sun was even up, Nicolas and Ferrant escorted her to the Quicksilver District and to the Holy Sacellum. The enormous dome shaped building with multiple branching corridors coming off of it in every direction was dark and quiet in the dimness of the dawn. A few acolytes moved about the grounds, but most were preparing for her trial.

Waiting for them at the entrance of the Sacellum, a young man wearing white robes that covered his entire body smiled brightly as they approached. He had platinum blonde hair that shined brightly even in the darkness and eyes that were startlingly green.

"Good morning, Sir Sacha," he greeted pleasantly.

"Gael," Nicolas nodded. "This is Lady Colette Toinette, here for her trial. That is Ferrant Barnabe, a friend that has come to watch over her."

"You three are welcome into the Lord's Sacellum," Gael nodded. "Master Eneas is waiting for you, Lady Toinette. I'll take you to him. Nicolas, I can have someone escort you to the trial chamber."

"That's all right. I remember where it is," he said. "I can take Ferrant there myself."

"As you wish. Lady Toinette?"

"Good luck," Ferrant smiled at her, passing her the box he had carried with them from Nicolas's Suite that contained her clothing. Part of her cleansing would be an actual bath, she would have to change into them afterwards.

"Thank you," she beamed, throwing an arm around him and hugging him tightly. She turned and nearly did the same to Nicolas.

She caught herself just in time and the two looked away from each other awkwardly.

"Er, good luck," Nicolas said, clearing his throat. "We'll be waiting for you in the trial room."

She nodded before walking up the steps towards the platinum blonde man. Though he held himself tall, she realized as she drew even with him, that he was actually shorter than she was. Not by much, but he was still rather small for a man.

"My lady," he inclined his head as he started walking her into the Sacellum. "You may call me Gael. I'm an acolyte here under the direct tutelage of Master Eneas. I'll be assisting you with your cleansing this morning. Master Eneas will oversee your final prayers. However, I can pray with you at any time, if you wish it."

"Thank you, Gael," she smiled at him. "I put myself in your very capable hands."

He gave her a calming, yet still happy smile as he took her deeper into the holy building. They separated from Ferrant and Nicolas early and didn't pass anyone else in the long, marble corridors that were lit by intermittently placed candelabras. It was almost like a maze with multiple twists and turns that nearly left Colette dizzy.

When he finally stopped before a door, she could smell the steam and myrrh coming from inside. Gael smiled at her and opened it, letting the steam coming billowing out. Inside was a room with a deep depression in the stone floor that was filled with hot water.

"I can summon a female to bathe you if you need assistance," Gael said. "I can also stay and help you, if you don't mind a male's touch. I can assure you that I will have no inappropriate thoughts. Or, if you desire, you can bathe alone."

"Do you mind if I do it myself?" She asked, setting her box of clothing down onto a near stand.

"Of course, not. I'll wait outside. You can call me when you're done, or I will knock if you run out of time. You should have more than enough though."

"Thank you," she smiled and he nodded as he stepped out. Presumably to wait for her to finish just beyond the door.

Colette turned to the large, natural tub and began disrobing. It only took her a moment to find the soaps placed there for her use. She tried to hurry, and at the same time tried to be thorough. She didn't want to make Gael wait long, but she also didn't want to rush her cleansing. This was a holy ceremony, she needed to look her best.

She washed her toned body gently before stepping out and drying off with the fluffy towels placed on one of the stands around the room. Then she brushed out her hair and did her best to pat it dry. She pulled it back into her comfortable braid before opening her box of clothing.

From within, she pulled out her underclothes first. Then her hand stitched trousers with the elegant embroidery down the legs. She pulled her boots on over those. Then she pulled a soft, silk top out from the box and slipped it over her head. Then, lastly, she pulled out her shimmering silver top. She smiled as she slipped her arms in through the straps. She pulled the top around her midriff then tightened the straps at her sides, locking it in place.

She beamed at herself before tying on her belt and her still-unnamed sword. She beamed at it as she settled it in place. Then she let out a long breath before putting her discarded clothing back into the box and sealing it closed again.

"Gael? I'm finished," she called out, lifting it up.

She knew that he had, in fact, been waiting just outside for her because the door opened immediately and he stepped inside. He looked her up and down.

"This is what you have chosen to fight in?"

"It's my favorite outfit," she beamed.

"I do not mean to insult, but you are aware that you will be using real weaponry, right?"

"Of course. That's why I have this," she tapped the hilt of her sword.

He nodded his head, accepting her decision with an easy smile. "As you wish, Lady Toinette. Follow me. I'll take you to Master Eneas so he can pray with you before your trial begins."

As they started walking, he offered to take the box from her. He would bring it to Ferrant and Nicolas, he told her, after she began her prayers. She thanked him and passed it over. He carried it the rest of the way through the next twisting turns of the maze that was the Sacellum.

The next door he brought her to was set into a dark stone archway and had very old fashioned, circular latches. He knocked against it once, then opened it without waiting for a response. He didn't enter but bowed to allow her to do so.

She nodded to him once before stepping in ahead of him. He shut the door behind her, leaving himself outside. She looked around the small alter room curiously. It was darker than the bright marble halls outside, and seemed drastically older than the rest of the building. The simple wooden alter had a tall, golden statue symbolizing their Lord. It was a tall bar with a half circle through the center with the open ends pointing upwards.

Kneeling before the alter, wearing white robes lined with silver, an older man was deep in prayer. His hair had long ago grayed and he had a cane that he had set down beside him. Colette said nothing, waiting for him to finish so she didn't disturb him.

A few moments later, he lifted his head up to the curved cross. "Welcome, Colette Toinette. You may approach."

She bowed her head to the cross before walking over and joining him to kneel before it. He smiled at her, bright blue eyes shining.

"My name is Eneas Geoffroi. I am master of this Sacellum. I oversee the Lord's work in Gwenael and act as religious adviser to the king. And, in this instance, overseer of the Paladins."

"Honored to meet you, Master Eneas," Colette bowed her head low.

He smiled, reaching down for his cane. She made a move to help him stand but he waved her away. He got up on his own without much difficult and shuffled around so he was standing in front of her. He smiled at her warmly.

"Close your eyes, Colette. Allow me to lead you in prayer."

She obeyed without hesitation. Her lids fluttered shut, her hands clasped on her lap as she kneeled with her head bowed. Master Eneas began a soft chant, drawing a similar curved cross on her forehead with his fingers. He didn't leave a mark, but her skin felt warmer from his touch.

He prayed for her safety. He prayed for the safety of her competitor. He asked that the Lord be with her today and that, if she were a true Paladin, he show it in this trial so they would know as well. He leaned down and kissed her left temple, then her right.

Then he held his hand over her forehead and led her in a long prayer. Colette lost herself to the familiar words, actually feeling all her hyperactive emotions calming at his touch. The excitement and nerves were still present, but they faded in light of the holy ritual.

When he finished, Colette found herself remaining in position for a minute afterwards. Master Eneas was patient as he waited for her to lift her head on her own. When she did so, he gave her a warm smile and offered a hand to help her to her feet.

"May the blessings of the Lord go with you today, Colette," he said.

"Thank you for your prayers, Master Eneas," she beamed, cupping his hands between hers.

"The trial chamber is right behind the alter," he said, pointing around to doors she couldn't see due to the shape of the walls. There was one on either side of the alter, but they led to the same space. An ancient and holy place where every Paladin proved themselves.

"Shall we?" He asked kindly. As though he didn't really mind if she wanted to remain here in prayer for some time yet.

Colette, however, was excited again now that the moment was so close.

"Let's go!" She beamed, walking around towards the left door. Master Eneas followed behind her more calmly as she put her hand on the latch.

She took in a deep breath before pushing the door open.

The area that she stepped into was made of the same old stone as the alter in the previous room. It created a sort of small arena. It was big enough for maybe a dozen or so people to stand in comfortably, though only three were waiting there. Above the arena, sitting in stone seats that surrounded the small space, other people were watching silently, having stopped talking when they saw the door open. She stepped under their gaze and only felt more eager.

Her eyes found Nicolas first. She beamed at him and waved. He lifted his hand gently, returning the wave much less exuberantly. Right next to him, appearing more apprehensive than she felt, Ferrant had her box of clothing next to him on his seat. He gave her a small wave as well.

Sitting opposite the doors leading into the arena, four other people, in much finer garments, were sitting all together.

The king and queen were wearing circlets, and Colette bowed to them formally. When she came up again, she saw the queen inclining her head formally in turn. The king, however, was grinning at her and waving with his – oddly stiff – right hand.

Sitting a seat below them, the prince and princess also inclined their heads. The two of them were nearly a perfect mixture of their parents. They both had straight, light brown hair like their father. The princess' was considerably longer, with long, sweeping bangs. They also both had slightly golden eyes that came from their mother. While the princess was lithe and lean, her brother was broad shouldered with a chiseled jaw.

"Your majesties," Master Eneas bowed as well when he stepped next to Colette. "Sir Sacha. Welcome guest. I present to you Lady Colette Toinette of South Gate, sword and hand and granddaughter of the mayor. She comes today as a prospective Paladin. Her gift is one of sight."

Nina, Felicie, and Sybille were standing in the pit. They had strapped swords to their hips, but they were all dressed similarly to yesterday. Felicie in breeches, Nina in southern style, and Sybille was still wearing a full gown.

Master Eneas stepped forward to pray over the three of them as well.

In the stands, the prince and princess were snickering together while he did so.

"Nicolas says they're just friends," Princess Manon was saying with a grin at Ferrant who was focused wholly on Colette.

"Yeah, right," Prince Erec nearly snorted. "No man follows a woman halfway across a kingdom because they're just friends.

"Children, really," Queen Radelle gave her fully grown offspring a stern look.

"Exactly," Cyrille nodded along. "I'm disappointed in you two. Your information is faulty. He thinks of himself as her brother, not just a friend."

Radelle gave Cyrille the same withering glance. He laughed sheepishly.

"I don't believe it," Manon shook her head. "I think of Erec as a brother, and I wouldn't cross half the kingdom for him either."

"You're so sweet," Erec smirked at her.

She blew him a kiss but fell silent again as Master Eneas finished his prayers.

The elder man stood tall and looked at his king and queen. "With your permission, your majesties, we will begin the trial."

"You may begin," Cyrille nodded, settling back.

Master Eneas returned to Colette. He took her hand again with a soft smile.

By some unseen signal, both doors to the previous alter room opened at the same time. Two acolytes in white robes walked out and stood together, stopping before her. They were stone faced and silent as they stood rigidly side by side.

"The first test is a simple one," Master Eneas explained. "The demonstration of your power. For the others, it was very easy. Yours, however, is a bit more difficult. Nicolas described it as an ability to simply see things in a way others don't. Since we can't share your perception, we have to test what we can see."

He gestured to the acolytes. "Before your arrival this morning, my acolytes were all paired off. Of the pairs, one was designated to tell falsehoods, the other will speak only the truth. They will both present a single statement to you, you must tell me who is lying and who is not."

"Okay," Colette nodded with a smile.

Master Eneas gestured to the acolytes with his cane. They spoke.

"I am not the liar," the one on the left said.

"I am not the liar," the one on the right said.

"Left," Colette said immediately.

The acolytes both nodded then turned and walked out. They were immediately replaced by two new acolytes who adopted similar positions in front of her.

"He is the liar," the one on the left said.

"He is the liar," the one on the right said.

"Left," Colette said again.

They nodded and removed themselves from the room. They were replaced by two new people, women this time.

"I tell the truth," the one on the left said.

"I tell the truth," the one on the right said.

"Right," Colette said.

In the stands, Ferrant grinned, leaning back.

"She doesn't even hesitate," Nicolas whispered to him as two new acolytes appeared.

Ferrant shrugged. "I'm not worried about this part. I'm worried about what comes after."

He looked over to where the three true Paladins were waiting. They were all watching as Colette identified the lairs without even needing to think about it. The girl wearing breeches in particular seemed to be following the situation rather closely.

"Sybille Alard, Nina Benoite, Felicie Medee," Nicolas told him, pointing them out without needing prompting.

"Ah, thank you," Ferrant nodded. "Felicie is a rather... intense woman, isn't she?"

"Felicie?" Nicolas smirked. "No. She's an airhead. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," Ferrant said, not looking from the woman. Her eyes were sharp, focused. She was wearing a great deal of laces and frills and bows, but her expression in that moment was far from the pretty little image she had created around herself.

Ferrant looked back at Colette who was still identifying liars. Nicolas had explained before that she had to do it to multiple sets of pairs many times. To prove that it wasn't just chance and that she wasn't just reading a single person's inability to lie.

The prince and princess were whispering together again.

"I'm more impressed at how the acolytes move in synchronicity like that," Erec said, one eyebrow raised as he watched the pairs walk in step so perfectly.

"Seriously," Manon nodded. "Care to put money down on which paladin she picks to fight?"

Erec laughed wickedly. "Twenty gold she picks Felicie."

"I'll take you up on that," Manon grinned.

"Children," Radelle gave her kids a look.

"Sorry, mother," they both murmured at the same time, still smirking.

Cyrille leaned low and whispered between them, "Twenty gold on Sybille."

Manon giggled as Erec grinned boldly. Cyrille sat back up and jumped when he looked over to see his wife giving him a long look. He beamed at her innocently.

Yet another pair of acolytes walked into the room. Both female again. They stopped in the same place as the others and turned to face Colette calmly.

"I am an acolyte," the one on the left said.

"I am an acolyte," the one on the right said,

Colette looked between them for a moment. She shook her head. "They're both telling the truth."

Master Eneas denied her. "No, one of them is lying."

"Neither is lying. They're both acolytes."

"I decided to be tricky for the last pair and hired an actress from the Pleasure District," Master Eneas said with a grin. "So, which one of them is it?"

Colette blinked. Then she lifted her finger and pointed at him. "You're the liar this time, Master Eneas. Both of those women are acolytes, and you are fibbing."

Master Eneas threw back his head and laughed as Cyrille clapped his left hand against his right wrist.

"Excellent work, Colette," the old man said as the acolytes walked out again. "They were both telling the truth. I believe you have proven that your eyes can see lies, if nothing else. It's not a particularly flashy power, but it is useful."

"Thank you," she beamed as he turned her around.

The three Paladins had stepped closer to her in the arena. Master Eneas swept out his hand and indicated to each of them in turn.

"Felicie Medee of Gwenael. Hers is the power of adhesion. Her body can stick to anything she so desires, and she often uses this to climb high walls or cliffs. She is skilled with her sword, as all Paladins are, but she is also a marksman and a tinkerer, of sorts."

Felicie gave her a big smile as she swept low into a dramatic bow.

Master Eneas moved on. "Nina Benoite, of the Aqua Isles. Leader of the Paladins. Hers is the power of speed. She can move faster than the eye can track. She is the most skilled with her sword. In combat, she is near unequaled."

Nina bowed her head low.

"And finally, Sybille Alard of Gwenael, of that ancient and noble house. Hers is the power of durability. Her skin cannot be cut by any blade we can create. She is a swordswoman, but her true strength lies in her mind. She is intelligent, a strategist and tactician."

Sybille curtsied.

Master Eneas nodded and they all came up again. "Colette, you may choose whichever one that you wish to be your opponent for the second half of the trial. The Lord will be with you, no matter whom you pick; though it doesn't hurt to play to your strengths, eh?"

Colette nodded and looked the three of them over. Once again, Felicie was giving her the brightest smile possible. Nina's expression was unreadable. Sybille just looked resigned.

In looking at the situation through a purely logical mind, Colette understood why. Though Sybille's skin couldn't be cut, that didn't mean she couldn't be hurt by blunt force. She had chosen a full gown, of all things, to wear to a potential fight. She was clearly the weakest in skill or Master Eneas wouldn't have touted her intelligence as her strength.

Felicie would also be a fair choice. Though she could climb out of the arena easily, she had no ranged weapon with her. She had to be on the ground to fight. In that, they would be evenly matched, relying on skill alone.

Nina, however, was the stupidest choice. She was too fast to see, meaning defeating her would be that much more difficult. She was the leader, the best swordswoman present. If Colette was just trying to play her odds, picking Nina would be the easiest to deny.

So, of course, Colette knew exactly whom she wanted to fight.

"I choose Lady Nina Benoite," she said confidently.

It was easy to ignore the way Ferrant smacked his own forehead.

"She never does anything the easy way, does she?" Nicolas asked as Ferrant's hand slid down his face, pulling on the exasperated expression he had made.

"Aw, yes!" Manon laughed as Erec and Cyrille both groaned. "Forty gold pieces to me. Thank you Lady Toinette."

In the arena, Sybille looked pleasantly surprised as she and Felicie took a step back. Nina paused for a moment before stepping forward.

"Are you sure, Lady Toinette? There is no chance to change your mind once the fight has begun."

"I'm sure," Colette smiled, standing quite at her ease.

"Well, then," Master Eneas beamed. "It would seem that the match is one of speed and perception. If it pleases your majesties, we can begin."

"You may," Radelle said as Cyrille was busy pulling coins from his front pocket. She smacked her husband's arm and he laughed sheepishly again.

"Later, papa," Manon winked at him, taking the money from her brother. "I won't let you forget."

Master Eneas nodded. "Ladies, prepare yourselves."

Nina stretched her arms out in front of her. Colette smiled and waved at Ferrant. He gave her a small smile and waved in return. Even if she drove him crazy, he still loved her.

"Don't worry," she told him. "I have my lucky shirt."

"I am filled with confidence," Ferrant said dully. In the arena, Felicie snickered.

"Draw your swords!" Master Eneas took a few steps back towards the doors, giving the pair of them room enough to move.

Nina pulled her blade out of its sheath. Its hilt was covered in red leather and the hand guard was made of a wide sheet of gold that had been shaped into a bold filigree design. Nina's sword, Devoir, was just a bit longer than the standard blade, thinner, but sharper for it.

Colette freed her unnamed sword and brandished it proudly. She would dare say that Ferrant's creation could stand proudly beside Nina's beauty and not be overshadowed in the slightest. Her sword was slightly smaller, but thicker, with more weight giving her more power in her strikes.

Master Eneas looked between them. Both waiting at the ready with swords up. Feet together. Steely gray facing deep violet eyes as both women stood proud. Tall. Unmoving. Colette was grinning with the anticipation of a good fight. Nina was focused and concentrated.


The loud clang of metal on metal echoed through the room. Nina had moved so fast that the audience hadn't been able to appreciate her attack. It seemed almost as though she had been at one end of the arena then, a single second later, her blade had clashed with Colette's.

Colette's grin widened as her feet took a hard stand against Nina's strength pushing against her.

"You are fast," she marveled.

Nina glared. Unwillingly impressed. It wasn't often that someone was able to block one of her attacks like that. Colette didn't even appear fazed by how quickly she had moved.

They broke apart and Nina struck again, then again. Though Colette wasn't capable at moving at Nina's speed, she could see Nina's attacks coming just before she made them. Her own reflexes were not unimpressive either, so she could bring her sword around just in time to catch the blow before it landed against her body.

What she could not do was find an opening to make her own attack. Nina, true to her own specialty, was beating at her with speed, hoping to overwhelm her. Attempting to chip through her defenses until she made a hole big enough to cut through.

In the stands, Ferrant watched with wide eyes.

Nina really was too fast to spot. In such a small area where she only had limited space to move, she was a blur as she raced in a circle around Colette who had taken up a defensive position in the very center. Though it was hard to track Nina with his own eyes, Colette always seemed to know exactly where to turn to block the next attack.

"Amazing," Nicolas whispered leaning forward. Not that he need bother. Both women were far too focused to let a single voice take their attention.

"I know you said Lady Benoite was fast, but..." Ferrant trailed off, startled.

Nicolas had seen Nina move before. He was far more impressed by Colette. If he focused on her and didn't try to follow the blue and gold blur that was Nina, he could just barely make out how quickly her mind had to be working to compensate for her lack of physical speed.

Her eyes kept track of Nina without issue. They were almost a blur in her head and were often moving ahead of her body. She turned quickly, no extraneous movements, and blocked each attack without looking at it. Her eyes were always keeping just one step ahead of where Nina was, tracking where she planned to go instead.

And she was still smiling.

Nicolas just didn't understand Colette. How could she do something like this and smile so brightly? It was like this was a fun game to her. Though they were both wielding real, sharp swords, Colette appeared to be having the time of her life.

It occurred to Nicolas in that moment that this was probably the first time that someone could meet her as an equal on the battlefield. She had always been able to see what people were going to do before they did it, and that enabled her to act before they could. She could preempt an attack before it was made and win before a fight started.

In fighting Nina, she had only enough time to see an attack coming. She was able to get head of it, but she couldn't make an attack of her own. She was going to have to think more creatively if she wanted to make this anything but a battle of stamina.

Ferrant seemed to have the same thought as he watched Colette move – since she was the only thing anyone could successfully watch.

"How long can Lady Benoite fight at full-speed?" He asked Nicolas softly.

"At full-speed? A minute. Maybe two."

"This is very draining on her energy then." Ferrant nodded as though he expected as much.

Nicolas hummed in agreement. "True. If she were moving at full-speed, she would probably already be slowing down."

"This isn't her top speed?"

"No. You can still see her blur. She doesn't have enough space here to begin moving at full-speed. I'd say she's moving at about half-speed."

"So that would double her time moving?"

"Ten minutes or so."

Ferrant nodded, trying now to follow Nina. He could just barely see, when Colette blocked her attack, that she became more substantial, for just a moment, before she was able to move away into a blur once again.

"How long can Colette fight like this?" Nicolas asked Ferrant in turn.

Ferrant shook his head. "She used to like to practice fighting multiple people at a time. She said it was the only way she could feel challenged. I used to think she was just being foolish, but now..."

Nicolas nodded, understanding.

Ferrant continued. "She would have packs of people attacking her at once from all sides. It could go on for the better part of an hour. She has a great deal of endurance, built up over years of training in that manner. Lady Benoite will tire before Colette does."

Nicolas nodded again, both men focused carefully on Colette's exacting movements.

Her grin had widened just a bit. As Nina made to run around her once more, Colette stuck out her foot. Nina could move fast, but her eyes processed everything at the same speed as everyone else. She didn't see Colette's foot until she had already tripped over it.

She came crashing to the ground, her cheek scraping along the hard stone.

Colette swung up and down again.

Nina rolled away. The sword clanged against the hard ground. Colette pouted as Nina swung her limber body up and around onto her feet. She glared at Colette, sweat staining her brow as her chest heaved with deep breaths.

Colette was breathing hard as well, but she wasn't nearly so tired as Nina was. As the latter woman paused, Colette could see that and she grinned.

An endurance race then. She just had to outlast Nina until she started slowing down.

Nina's eyes narrowed. Then she disappeared into a blur.

Colette was already turning, catching the blow that had almost come down on her from behind. Her knees buckled a bit from the force of the strike, but she remained standing.

Nina pushed away from her and began running in circles around her. Not attacking, just building up speed as she raced around the arena. Nearly coming up onto the wall a few times.

Colette turned, cursing in her head. Nina was trying to keep herself out of Colette's line of sight so she wouldn't be able to see when she next decided to attack.

Her clue was in not seeing Nina. When Colette didn't see her coming around again, she turned and brought up her sword without looking. Nina's blow didn't land perfectly. She slid down along the body at an awkward angle for both of them, sending herself to the floor and Colette stumbled to the side, trying to find her balance.

"You see that?" Cyrille asked, knocking his fist against Erec's shoulder.

"Twenty gold Nina still wins," Erec said.

"You're on," Cyrille beamed.

Radelle smacked his shoulder again making him laugh as he put his arm around her and pulled her in close to kiss her cheek. She rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.

Down below, Nina pushed herself back up on her feet as Colette regained her footing. She turned with a growl as Nina started running circles around her again. Going faster this time. Fully intending on taking Colette down with the next strike.

Colette turned around quickly, trying to keep her in sight. Failing to do so. She growled, her head twisting as her eyes following Nina's movements. Though her eyes could track her, her head wasn't able to turn fast enough.

She needed Nina to hold still. Not for long. Just long enough that Colette could get her to the ground and put her blade to her neck. She didn't have to actually hurt her, but she needed to put her in a position where it would be clear she could have killed her.

But Nina was only stopping long enough to attack. Colette had only enough time to block before Nina was up and moving again. She didn't have the speed to try and attack back. The only way that she would be able to take her down was to let her in close and...

Colette grinned as she stopped in place. Her eyes stilled followed the half of Nina's circle that she could see without moving. Her body was tense and ready. Waiting.

Would Nina attack her back again, or go for the front knowing that she would be anticipating an attack from the back?

Colette saw the attack coming a moment before it did. Nina had chosen to come at her from the front, hoping to catch her off guard because she was focused on turning back.

Colette didn't block. She jumped forward at the last second. Putting herself deliberately in the path of Nina's strike. Nina didn't see the movement and wasn't able to stop in time.

Devoir came forward, blade gleaming in the low light of the arena. Nicolas cried out, leaping to his feet when he saw Colette had moved forward.

His immediate, horrified thought was that she had guessed wrong. She thought the attack would come from behind and she had thrown herself forward, inadvertently spearing herself on Nina's sword because the other woman couldn't stop in time.

The clang of metal on metal echoed in the room.

Nina stopped, horrified at the sight of her sword at Colette's belly.

But the blade didn't sink into her skin.

In the stands, Ferrant grinned.

Colette smirked as she jerked her sword up, knocking Nina's away. Her surprise and the strike threw her off balance. Colette jumped forward and place the point of her blade at Nina's heart. She didn't press forward, but she grinned when she felt the give of flesh under her clothing.

The room was still. Shocked.

Sybille was staring, confused, eyes narrowed at her shirt. Felicie had gasped, clapping her hands over her mouth. The queen was on her feet, the king gripping his daughter's shoulder. Nicolas stared, open mouthed.

Ferrant began clapping.

"How..." Nina gasped, staring wide eyed at her unbroken belly.

Colette grinned, tapping her finger against the shimmering silver. "What? Did you think I would just come in here unguarded?"

Neither girl moved from their position as Master Eneas removed himself from the wall. He walked to the center of the arena and looked between them. He touched Colette's belly first. He lifted the shirt, showing her unbroken skin. Then he ran the material over his fingers, frowning as he realized what it was he was looking at.

Then he turned his head to Nina. He didn't pull her neckline down, but he touched her chest carefully, pressing down where the tip of the blade met the cloth. There was plenty of give in that area, telling him that Nina had no similar protection over her.

He nodded. "I declare the winner to be... Colette Toinette."

"Yes!" Colette threw her fist in the air as she began jumping around in place.

"Your majesties," Master Eneas bowed to the pair of them. "I shall present your newest Paladin to you this afternoon. Have you any words for her now?"

Before either of them could speak, Nina jerked herself out of her reverie.

"What is that?" She asked, stepping forward quickly.

Colette halted in place, a wide smile still spread across her cheeks. She was near twitching in excitement, but she held still so Nina could grab the hem of the shirt as well. She lifted it up and ran her fingers down the odd material.

It didn't just appear metallic, she realized. It was metallic. The heavy garment was made of thousands upon thousands of tiny, interlocking rings. Like chain mail, but so small that the shirt was able to move freely like it was cloth, yet still strong enough to stop a full blow from a sword.

"What is this?" Nina asked again, breathing the question in amazement.

"My armor," Colette beamed.

Nicolas nearly collapsed down onto his seat. His fingers felt numb. That shirt was the very same one she had worn down into the caves in South Gate. When he had been mentally berating her for being careless, she had been wearing chain mail the entire time.

Though Nicolas didn't think he had ever seen chain mail that was so very fine. Nor mail that moved as though it were cloth.

"It's heavy," Nina said, surprised.

"Yeah," Colette grinned. "Wearing it for long periods of time can be tiring, but I've gotten used to it. It's my favorite shirt. Very lucky, and good for fighting because people can never seem to recognize that it's chain mail without looking closely."

"This stuff is... a wonder," Nina released it back down. "Did you buy that here in Gwenael?"

Colette laughed. "No, of course, not. This was made special for me in South Gate."

Nicolas turned his head slowly to look at Ferrant. The blacksmith was completely unfazed by Colette's chain mail. He caught Nicolas's stare and smiled.

"What? Did you think I would send her into danger with only a sword?" He asked, smirking.

"Who made this for you?" Nina asked.

Colette turned and pointed. "Ferrant did. He's the best blacksmith in town. Well, the only blacksmith in town. Though not anymore now that we live in Gwenael, right Ferrant?"

"I suppose that's true," he nodded along.

"You there!" Cyrille pointed to him as well.

Ferrant jumped, his spine suddenly stiffening. He scrambled to his feet and bowed, surprised to have been so directly spoken to by the king. "Y-Yes, sire?"

"What is your name?"

"Uh, Ferrant. Ferrant Barnabe, your majesty. I'm the blacksmith of South Gate."

"You made that chain mail?"

"I did, your majesty."

"Ferrant makes everything I use," Colette jumped in helpfully. "My sword, my mail. He made me these wrist bracers with mail under the leather. He likes tinkering and inventing. He's very clever and very talented."

"Colette," Ferrant hissed, his cheeks reddening.

Cyrille was beaming. "How did you make that chain mail, Monsieur Barnabe?"

Ferrant shifted his weight self-consciously. "Well, I used an ore that is mined in South Gate and mixed it into the iron I used in my forge. The links are all handmade and pieced together one at a time. It's a very time consuming process. Very exacting sort of work."

"How long did it take you to make that shirt she wears?"

"That one? About three months, sire."

"It's my favorite," Colette added, running her hand along it. "I especially like the little broach here in the center of the bust. It makes it so pretty."

"Nina," Cyrille motioned towards her. "Strike the mail again."

"Yes, sire," Nina nodded.

She stepped away, drawing back her sword. Colette lifted her arms, giving her a clean hit.

The strike of the blade full across her abdomen still carried the same force. Colette had to steady herself afterwards. But the sharp end of the blade didn't sink past the links. It scratched against them, slicing uselessly as Nina pulled the sword away.

"Marvelous," Radelle whispered, leaning forward. "Not a dent."

Nina stepped closer again, examining the links. They were so small that they had distributed the force of the blow out amongst each other and none of them had come out damaged. Unlike regular mail, which was large and bulky, these links weren't dented by a full strike.

"I think that left a bruise," Colette laughed, running her hand under the shirt.

"But you weren't cut open," Nina said, pulling back again. "This chain mail is fantastic. It far beats anything currently being sold here in Gwenael."

"I want some," Erec said immediately, looking at his father.

Cyrille was stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Monsieur Barnabe."

"Yes, your majesty?" Ferrant said cautiously.

"I hear that you traveled up here with Colette to stay with her if she was a true paladin."

"Um, yes. That is so, your majesty. Colette is like a sister to me. I'm afraid I worry for her. About what would happen if I weren't around. She doesn't like heavy, cumbersome armor, so I made her my own. She breaks normal swords, so I have to make special ones for her. I take care of her, your majesty. No matter what she chooses to do."

Cyrille nodded. "Then you plan on staying now that she has proven herself?"

"I suppose I am," Ferrant looked to her.

Colette beamed at him happily. She didn't even really notice as Nina leaned down to look over the special sword that Ferrant had created for her.

"Then I would like to employ you, Monsieur Barnabe."

"Your majesty?" He gaped in surprise.

"I want you to make this chain mail for me. I want my own. One for my son. I also want you to outfit the paladins. I want to have your swords tested as well, to see if they're really so much stronger. If they are, I would like you to arm all of us as well. I will pay you handsomely for this."

Ferrant stared, wide eyed. "Your majesty, I'm honored, though you know that such an undertaking will take months. Years, even. Even if I had my apprentices here to help me..."

"You will have whatever you need, time included. If you are not agreeable though..."

"No, he is!" Colette said quickly. "He's just a bit surprised. And humble. Ferrant doesn't really know how to accept grand honors like this. I will in his place. He's very grateful, your majesty. He will begin work as soon as he has your measurements. Each piece of clothing must be tailored, you understand. Though they are infinitely repairable."

Cyrille looked to Ferrant for confirmation of what she said. The blacksmith seemed to be awestruck beyond words. He had created those things for Colette. To keep her safe. If he had to send her into battle, then he at least wanted to give her the best he could.

He didn't imagine that the king would recognize his efforts as anything special.

Cyrille nodded. "Then it is done. Ferrant, you can speak with the palace steward about anything that you need. We can have a workshop made for you in Steel as well."

Ferrants napped from his reverie. "No, that's all right, your majesty. I already have a smithy that I've chosen to work at. A kindly old man agreed to hire me. I don't want to betray him now. I'll work in his shop."

"Very well. Colette, congratulations on your victory today."

"Thank you, your majesty!" She beamed, dropping into a low bow.

"You will be presented to us this afternoon. Whereupon your name shall be entered into the holy record. And a room will be made for you at the Paladin's Suite."

"Thank you!" She cried again, heart near bursting from excitement.

She did it! She was a paladin!

"Congratulations," Nina agreed, clapping her on the shoulder. "That was very clever of you to allow yourself to be hit in order to bring me down. Of course, if I had known about the chain mail, I would never have aimed for your torso."

Colette laughed. "That's the wonderful thing about the chain mail. People don't know I'm wearing it, so they don't know not to aim for it."

Nina nodded. "Precisely. The Lord has declared you to be one of us. We'll have servants move your belongings into the Paladin's Suite. You will sleep there from now on."

Colette nearly squealed in delight as Nina walked away back into the alter room. Felicie and Sybille followed after her. Both of them congratulated her. Sybille took the time to examine the armor before humming thoughtfully to herself and walking away.

Colette turned back around to see that the royal family had already left as well. She waited until the door closed behind them before screaming loudly in delight.

"I did it! I did it! Ferrant, did you see?!"

"I saw," he replied calmly.

"I did it!" She yelled again, jumping around.

Nicolas plopped back down in his seat, rubbing his head. "She's trying to give me a heart attack."

Ferrant touched his shoulder empathetically. "I've been dealing with this my entire life."

"How did you survive?" Nicolas asked dully with a grin.

"I invented a new type of chain mail."

"Nicolas. Nicolas!" Colette was jumping up and down in the arena below him.

Nicolas got to his feet again and leaned over, grinning at her. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," she returned sincerely. "I mean, thank you for the congratulations, but, thank you for bringing me here in the first place. This is because of you!"

"No. You did this. I just brought you here."

"We have to celebrate!"

"There's going to be a feast tomorrow in your honor."

"Perfect! Would you like to accompany me?"

Nicolas raised an eyebrow. "I do believe, my lady, that I'm the one who is supposed to ask you that."

"Oh, pfft!" She laughed, sheathing her sword.

"I should be honored, my lady, to be your escort for the evening."

"Think I should wear a dress?"

"It's a feast to celebrate your finding. You should dress as a paladin. How you choose to present yourself today and tomorrow will determine how people will treat you. Make sure it's how you want to be treated."

She nodded. "Then I'll pick you up."

"You will not. Let me have my dignity as a man. I'll pick you up."

She laughed happily, continuing to look him in the eyes. Her heart was picking up speed again, just in that moment she didn't really worry about it. In fact, she was starting to enjoy the swooping, fluttering feeling in her belly she experienced at the sight of him.

She was smiling so brightly. Though the room was dim, Nicolas was sure that he was going to end up a few shades darker from the light that radiated off of her in that moment. He honestly didn't know if she was more pleased at being a paladin or at winning the fight.

It was rather cute, the way she lived life so vibrantly. He almost found himself being a bit jealous of the feeling. How long had it been since he had lived like she did?

Ferrant looked between them before rolling his eyes. Nicolas had just seen what a foolish girl Colette was, and he was still willing to flirt and make goo-goo eyes at her.

Master Eneas walked up behind her and put a hand to her shoulder. "Colette. Forgive me for interrupting, but you have to be blessed again now that the event is over. Then I will escort you down to the palace to be presented to the king and queen myself."

"Will you be there?" Colette looked up at Nicolas.

"I see that I'm invisible now," Ferrant grumbled.

"I will," Nicolas assured her. "I'll even take you, Ferrant."

"You honor me," he said dully.

"Then I'll see you both there," she waved, following after Master Eneas.

Ferrant waited until the door closed before looking at Nicolas. "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"Do what?" Nicolas asked, confused.

Ferrant stared at him. "Really? Do you think I'm blind?"

"Blind to what?"

"Never mind. You're the one that's blind."

"Blind to what?" Nicolas repeated, frowning as he watched Ferrant pick up Colette's box and leave the arena.


The presentation of Colette to the royal family was a rather simple affair. It would be more grand tomorrow at her feast when she was presented to the kingdom as a whole. For now, she had to be more properly introduced to the royals she would be serving.

King Cyrille immediately won her heart.

"Oh, do get up off your knees," he said, standing from his chair. "I've never made my paladins bow like that before. I prefer to think of you as friends, not servants."

Colette grinned as she stood up. "Thank you, your majesty."

Master Eneas smiled at her as he walked past to stand beside Nicolas and Ferrant. Both men bowed their heads to the church leader while the king met his new Paladin.

He smiled as he grabbed her by the shoulders. "Now, let me look at you."

His touch startled her. Not because it was so familiar with her, but because his right hand wasn't at all like his left. His left was normal. His right, however, was wooden.

Not stiff, literally wooden. His right hand had been carved from wood and inlaid with golden filigree around the wrist and fingers, as though it were wearing jewelry. It was cup shaped so that it appeared more realistic, but it was still unmoving and unnatural.

Cyrille caught her gaze before she could quickly correct herself.

"Like it?" He asked happily, showing it off. "I said the gold was too much, but the craftsman just insisted. He said it makes it look more regal."

"It's a fine hand," Colette said, hoping that was correct. She had never needed to compliment someone's hand before, she didn't know how to do so.

In the corner of the room, Nicolas deliberately looked away.

"I think so, too," Cyrille smiled. "Here, meet my family. My wife, Radelle. My son, Erec. And the sunlight of my life, my little Manon."

"I feel so loved," Erec said sarcastically.

"Just accept that I'm the favorite and your life will be happier," Manon smirked at him.

"Very pleased to meet you, your highnesses," she bowed to the prince and princess.

Manon jumped to her feet and walked over to her. "So, you're a paladin? What's it like? Are you excited? Do you feel any different?"

Colette looked at her hands. "Not really. Should I?"

Manon shrugged. "I don't know. You can see things, right? What's that like? Do colors look different to you? Can you spot disguises as well as lies? Can you see further than other people?"

"Manon, don't pester," Radelle said, grabbing her daughter's shoulder and pulling her back. "That's for your father and brother to worry about."

"Yes, mother," Manon frowned, looking away.

"It's okay," Colette assured the queen. "I don't mind the questions. I really don't know how to describe it though, because I don't know how others see either. Everything has always looked this way to me. It's more surprising to me that others can't see what I can."

"I suppose it would be," Erec said, coming towards her. "Your skill would be very useful in court. I don't suppose I can convince you to become a judge in your spare time?"

"Uh..." Colette hesitated. She honestly couldn't think of anything worse than being forced to sit in a stuffy room all day and listening to people lying to her.

Cyrille laughed, clapping her shoulder. "I'll take that as a no. Tell me about yourself, Colette. I need to know how best to use your skills. What you would prefer to do?"

"I want to fight!" She said immediately.

From next to Nicolas, she heard Ferrant smack his forehead again.

Cyrille, however, was laughing. "Very forward, I respect that."

Colette chuckled sheepishly. "Forgive my eagerness, your majesty. I've always dreamed of coming to Gwenael and joining the military to fight for you and Vasconia."

"Aw," Cyrille beamed, pleased. "Thank you for your loyalty. I'm rather hoping that I don't need to force you to fight. I still would prefer that we prevent a war from occurring at all."

"Lady Toinette," Radelle spoke up, gesturing back to Master Eneas who was waiting with a white leather bound book trimmed in gold in his hands. "Master Eneas needs your name and the name of your sword for the holy record."

"Oh. Well, my name is Colette Toinette."

"Yes, and your sword?"

"Er..." she looked down at her blade. Still unnamed.

"You didn't name it?" Erec asked. "All fine swords have a name. Especially those belonging to the paladins. Didn't your blacksmith friend make it especially for you?"

"He did," Colette confirmed as she ran her fingers over the hilt. "I just haven't thought of a name for it yet. There's infinite possibilities, and I don't know which one to pick. I could name it something traditional, or I could come up with something new, or funny. How can I be expected to choose so quickly when I barely even know the sword yet?"

"Lady Toinette, it must be entered into the holy record," Radelle frowned.

"Don't rush her, dear," Cyrille smiled at his queen. "It's a big decision. It took you two weeks to think of Erec's name, and three to think of Manon's."

"That is entirely different, Cyrille. Those are my children. That's a sword."

Colette grimaced apologetically. It was getting harder to think of something now that she was under pressure to do so. She couldn't even bring to mind names of famous swords from history much less a new one for her own blade.

"No need to rush, your majesties," Master Eneas assured them from where he was adding Colette's name to the record. "We don't have to finish the page now. It shall be expanded as she does her duty regardless, we can always add the name later."

Colette gave him a grateful look as Cyrille nodded in agreement.

"That just leaves your vow then," Cyrille said.

"My vow?"

"You have to swear loyalty to us, the kingdom, and the church," Radelle explained. "You have to swear to always serve the kingdom, to the point of surrendering your life."

"Though I would prefer you live," Cyrille added.

"It's a sacred covenant," Master Eneas explained as he continued writing. "Your recitation of the vow is the first thing added to your page in the holy record."

"I make this now?" Colette asked.

"Well, you can make it tomorrow at the feast if you prefer the moment to be more grandiose," Radelle said. "Cyrille prefers it be done beforehand so it feels more personal and intimate."

"I don't mind doing it now."

"Great!" Cyrille clapped his hands together, flesh meeting wood. "Master Eneas, whenever you're ready to officiate."

"Just one moment, your majesty," he said, continuing to write.

"While we wait," Erec looked back, "I should like to meet Monsieur Barnabe."

Ferrant jumped at hearing his name spoken. He almost looked around as though expecting some other man named Barnabe to be standing around.

He didn't move until Nicolas began pushing him forward. Cyrille smiled and waved at Nicolas as though he wasn't forcing the shy man closer.

"Good day, Nicolas. Always a pleasure to see you."

"Your majesty," Nicolas nodded, stopping Ferrant before them. "A fine day, is it not?"

"Always a fine day when my list of friends grows," he smiled at Colette who blushed in delight at being referred to as such by the king. "And speaking of friends... Good day, Monsieur Barnabe."

"J-Just Ferrant is fine, y-your majesty," he stuttered a bit, looking away. He wasn't even high born as Colette was. He felt thoroughly insignificant standing before his king.

"Don't be nervous. I'm a nice enough guy. I think."

"Too nice," Radelle chastised. "It would do you good to remember your dignity as ruler."

"That was harsh, my love," Cyrille grabbed his chest. "Well, regardless, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ferrant. I look forward to seeing you make some chain mail for me. Perhaps you can show me the creation that Colette currently wears."

"I-I would be honored, my king," Ferrant bowed.

Colette smiled at him encouragingly as he moved over to her. She tried to be a still and obliging model as Ferrant began showing off the tiny links that made up his armor and the way he had designed the shirt to fit to her form and move with her body.

Nicolas and Erec began speaking together about it as well. Manon appeared to want to come in closer, but Radelle denied her the opportunity. Armor was for boys, she explained. As a princess, Manon need not ever be concerned about such a thing.

"I'll have to have you meet my tailor," Cyrille said. "I like the design, but it does look as though the chain mail would pinch and pull if you weren't careful. Especially on hairs."

"It does," Colette assured him.

"Some cloth under here would help prevent that," Ferrant said, less nervous now that he was talking about his trade. Something he knew and was comfortable with. "I could probably add padding if you didn't mind the extra heat and weight that would bring."

"Maybe for a formal set of armor. I like the secretive nature of it more," Cyrille said.

While they were bent over the front of her shirt, Nicolas had walked behind her. Colette smiled at him from over her shoulder. He swept her hair just a bit to the side so he could see the links himself from the back. He marveled at their size and tightly packed spacing.

"You did this all by hand?" He asked Ferrant.

"Well, I had help from my apprentices. Essentially though, yes."

"Very impressive..."

Nicolas's voice was mumbled as he looked closer at the handiwork. He wasn't any nearer to Colette than Ferrant or the king, he also was looking at her back rather than the more intimate front. She couldn't help but feel more self-conscious of him though.

Nicolas made to move her braid out of the way again, the tips his fingers just barely caressing the exposed skin of her upper back and shoulders. She felt a tremble go through her at the sensation. She turned her head and looked back at him. His gaze, so resolutely focused on the links, refused to meet her eyes.

His hand cupped her shoulder in what he dearly hoped appeared to be a friendly manner. He just wanted to extend the contact he had with her skin.

The action wasn't missed by anyone else in the room. Cyrille smacked at Ferrant's shoulder as though they were close and he wanted to make sure his friend didn't miss it either.

It was Erec who broke the tense moment.

"Flirt with her later, Nicolas, we're trying to work here."

Nicolas and Colette both jumped, blood rushing into the latter's cheeks as the former quickly turned his head away and began stammering something that could have been an excuse.

Manon smacked her brother's shoulder. "You idiot! You ruined it!"

Cyrille smacked his son's other shoulder. "Yeah! You idiot! I haven't seen Nicolas look like that in years. He almost looked happy again."

Nicolas grumbled as he turned, grabbing the hilt of his sword to play with it and release some of the embarrassment he now felt.

Colette cleared her throat, grabbing her hair and petting it down as she tried to cool the heat in her face at being accused – correctly – of doing such an indecent thing in public. Right before her monarchs, no less.

Master Eneas grinned around at the situation – the awkward pair and Erec smirking as though he were pleased with himself.

"Well, then, shall we begin the recitation?" He asked, holding the open book aloft.

"Please," Radelle gave him a grateful smile.

"If you would kneel?" Master Eneas requested, stopping before her. "It is time to make your covenant, Colette."

She hastened down onto one knee, looking up at him expectantly. Nicolas and Ferrant stood to one side of her, the royal family to the other. Cyrille stood just behind Master Eneas and gave her a bright smile of encouragement.

"Now, this is a very serious vow, Colette," Master Eneas told her. "You cannot break this oath. You must abide it, no matter what it might cost you. Do you understand?"

"I do."

"Then, do you make this vow by your own will? No one has coerced you into it?"


"Let us begin, then." Master Eneas lifted the book a bit and cleared his throat. "State your name."

"Colette Toinette."

"State your title."

"Sword and han...Ahem. Paladin of my Lord and king."

Master Eneas smiled and nodded in approval. "Do you, Colette Toinette, swear to uphold the teachings of the church and not to betray our Lord or His commands as decided by the Holy Sacellum and the High Seat?"

"I do."

"Do you, Colette Toinette, swear to uphold the laws of the king and queen and to follow their commands, so long as those commands do not force you to betray the teachings or commands of the Holy Sacellum and the High Seat?"

"I do."

"Do you, Colette Toinette, swear to uphold the peace and safety of the country of Vasconia and her people, doing everything in your power to see to their protection, so long as that action does not betray the laws and commands of the king or the teachings and commands of the Holy Sacellum and the High Seat?"

"I do."

"Colette Toinette, you have been given the power of perception. Your eyes can see what others cannot. This gift has been given onto by the Lord, marking you as a paladin and calling you into his service. Do you swear from this day forward to use this gift in his name, wielding it as a weapon, shield, and tool so long as that use does not betray your previous vows?"

"I do."

"Colette Toinette, you have also been given skills in combat not equaled by the common man. You are stronger, faster, and possess more endurance than an ordinary person. Do you swear to use these skills judiciously, taking care not to harm those who were not as gifted as yourself, so long as that inaction does not betray your previous vows?"

"I do."

"Then I name you from this day henceforth to the grave, Lady Colette Toinette of South Gate, Paladin of our Lord and king, protector of Vasconia and her people, the Holy Eye, Truthsayer, and wielder of the sword... er, as yet unnamed. Rise now and take your place amongst your sisters."

Colette was smiling as she stood. Soft footsteps from behind her alerted her to the arrival of the other three paladins. She turned her head to see Nina stepping up beside her. Her new leader inclined her head.

"Colette," she greeted.

"Nina," she returned.

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