By xxTaepartyxx

50.9K 2K 544

Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... More

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Seventh Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Twelvth Chapter
The Thirteenth Chapter
The Fourteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Tenth Chapter

2.7K 105 91
By xxTaepartyxx

"What the fuck!" Namjoon exclaimed when the two bookshelves in the living room parated with a loud noise. Bang came up from behind and walked through the gaping hole on the wall. We followed him into what looked like some science fiction lab.
"This is the OFHWSA Headquarters," Bang said, stopping in front of the same logo we saw in the night be told is about Frans Gühne. "Agents from all over the planet can come here to practice and rest. We even have our own hospital for those who are hurt on missions. This is where you'll be spending most of your time from now on,"

"Okay, this is really cool," Hoseok said. Suddenly his face broke into a huge smile. "Do we get a cool undercover name for missions like, Bangtan orBts?"

"Behind the scenes?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok sighed. "No. For Bangtan Sonyeondan, of course,"

"Of course," Yoongi muttered my way, making me chuckle.

"You don't get an undercover name, Hoseok. This isn't a joke or some spy show. It's real life," Bang explained, making the younger pout like a child. "And even if you did, I would not accept Bulletproof Boyscouts."

Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed. "I bet none of you have a better suggestion,"

"Bang," A girl yelled running towards us with her friend behind her. Both girls were dressed in a black and pink body suit and black boots. One had blond hair and bangs, while the other had long brown waves.

Bang smiled. "Jennie, Lisa, what are you doing here?"

I looked at Yoongi with a confused look on my face, expecting his usual careless expression. Instead I was met by a wide eyed and flustered boy. I chuckled, nudging his shoulder.

"Practicing, duh," The brunette said. "Who are they?"

"That's my newest group," Bang said, looking at us over his shoulder. "V, Yoongi, Jin-"

"Blah, blah, blah. We're Bts," Hoseok said, moving forward as he presented us. Some rolled their eyes, others looked away. The girls just nodded and tunred back to Bang.

"You probably have important things to do, so why don't we show the boys around?" The blond asked. "Bet Jennie wouldn't mind,"

"Well, then I'll leave them to you," Bang said. He caught my eyes and smiled reassuringly, like he was trying to say 'I trust you'. I smiled back with a nod. I took Jungkook's hand, intertwining our finger as the two girls introduced themselves. He looked down and blushed.

"Well, this is kinda the mainroom. We're not sure how, but this is somehow conneted to all places in the world, so there are agents from like Spain, Germany, USA and of course, Asia," The blonde one, Lisa, explained, walking us through the huge room.

There were several feet to the roof, metal walls, marble floors and tables with hologram screens. No one was taking, except for the girls. Yoongi's eyes were still glued to the brunette.

"Close your mouth before you start drooling," I whispered. His cheeks turned a slight red color, and he turned his eyes to the ground.

"Because this organization is so huge, you're going to have to work as a closely knit team. There are other agents that have no idea about you guys, and will never know. You only have yourselves and your six groupmates. Got it?" The brunette, Jennie, turned around to face us. We all nodded, still in awe of the headquarters.

"Good." As she turned back to face the front, sirens started to sound, lights flashing echoing in the room. We all looked up, panicked.

"We're under attack! Get ready to fight." Jennie yelled, plants and vines rooting and growing at her feet. Two other girls joined her and Lisa, a strawberry blonde one and a raven haired one. I felt heat next to me, and saw Yoongi's hands engulfed in flames. Namjoon had disappeared when the sirens blared and reappeared, out of breath and a cut on his cheek.

"I went ahead to see how much longer we have, and it's not long. Jin, can you get a read on where they are?" He looked over to the older, who nodded.

"They're here."

As he said those two words, the door flew in, scraping along the floor and grating our ears. Men in all black rushed in, and all hell broke loose.

Yoongi was hurling fireballs at anyone who came near us, Jungkook throwing any who got past him. Jennie had men wrapped in vines, squeezing until they suffocated, her groupmate with the blonde hair was making force fields and throwing discs of energy at the attackers, lodging them in their stomachs with sick wet sounds. The room smelled like burned flesh and the metallic bite of blood.

A man rushed me, a burn on his arm, open and leaking. He raised his uninjured arm, and I dug my hand into his burn. He doubled over, hissing in pain. I grabbed his head and turned it until it cracked with a sickening pop and he fell. I looked over to see if any of the others needed help, and saw Jimin frozen in fear, staring at the carnage as a man ran up behind him and held a knife to his throat. His eyes slipped closed as a sob left his lips. I ran to him, and cracked the man's neck like the first one.

Jimin looked at me, fear and helplessness in his eyes. He hadn't fought back, just let the knife get pressed to his throat. I flicked my eyes to where Jin was hiding, yelling out if more men were on the way or not. Jimin nodded, and ran over to the other, collapsing on the ground with sobs racking his body. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, the cold point of a knife pressed to the base of my spine, along with the pressure of another body.

"Hi!" I turned around as Lisa appeared seemingly from nowhere, kicking the blade from the man's hand and knocking him out. She turned back to me, flashed a thumbs up, and shrank to the size of an ant, men flying and falling as she ran in the other direction.

All of a sudden, the sirens stopped and the attackers disappeared. The smells were gone, and the door had repaired itself. Bang stood in front of it, clapping with a proud smile on his face. He started walking towards us, his shoes clicking and echoing on the floor.

"Excellent work boys. You all did wonderful, just remember that one day, this won't be just a test, it'll be real life. You need to be ready for an attack at all times." He stopped in front of us, arms crossed behind his back, the girls we were fighting with at his sides.

"What the fuck do you mean, just a test? We could've died!" Namjoon said, resting against a wall and out of breath. One of the girls scoffed, and looked at him.

"Actually, you wouldn't have died. Once the blade entered your body you would be in a minor coma for one to three days, minimal scarring. Can we introduce ourselves now? I'm Rose." She placed her hand on her hip and looked back at Bang. He nodded at the girls, and Jennie stepped forward.

"I'm Jennie. That's Lisa and Jisoo. You already know Rose. Call us Blackpink." She smiled, and Hoseok gasped from where he was standing.

"Bang! You said no group names! Explain!" He rushed to the front, and stood in front of Bang with his arms crossed.

"Your group name isn't good, Hoseok. Get back to the others." Hoseok let out an exaggerated gasp and laid a hand on his chest, whispering "I am offended" under his breath before walking back and joining the rest of us again.

I looked over at the girls, an apologetic smile on my face.

"I'm V, or Taehyung, whichever you want to use. And these are my bitches." I gestured to the rest of them, Yoongi snorting next to me.

"Tae, the only one here that's your bitch is Jungkook." He clapped my shoulder, Jungkook protesting next to me.

"I can't deny that." The younger boy yelped at the words, and slapped my stomach.

"Tae! Don't say stuff like that!" His face was red and he was looking at the ground. I smiled at him, and wrapped my arms around his waist, whispering "Sorry, baby boy" in his ear. He blushed darker as I went in to kiss his cheek.

"Nope!" He yelped, and threw himself on the ground, making me let go of his waist. Yoongi laughed as Jungkook scooted over to him on his knees, leaving me with my arms in an empty circle in the air.

Jimin was standing, watching this whole thing, not saying anything, and pushed past me after I had put my arms back down. He walked away, anger and sadness radiating off of him as he opened the door we came in from and slammed it behind him. Yoongi and I made eye contact, and he pushed through the rest of the boys to chase the younger down, opening the door and calling his name.

Third person POV:

"Jimin, wait up!" Yoongi yelled, running up towards the orange haired boy, but Jimin just walked faster. He went through the door and down the hall. Yoongi was right behind him, close enough to touch the younger boy. Though he wanted to reach out and turn Jimin around so he could ask what was wrong, he didn't, scared of how the boy would react. Jimin walked into his room and slammed the door in Yoongi's face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked through the door.

"Go away, Yoongi," The latter yelled. He sounded like he was crying, which made Yoongi even more worried. "Why would you care anyway?"

Yoongi bit his bottom lip, slightly hurt by Jimins words. He knew he'd spend a lot of time with Taehyung and Jungkook since that time on the woods. He could understand if Jimin felt rejected. Yoongi ran a hand through his strawberry blonde locks.

"Because I'm your friend and I care about you," He said. "Please talk to me,"

Suddenly the door flew open and Jimin apeared only inches from the older. He was a mess. His orange hair was ruffled up, his eyes, nose and cheeks were red from crying. He sniffled.

"I froze out there," He said. His voice was low and shaky, like he was keeping himself from yelling. "I got scared and I froze. I'm weak, Yoongi. I'm useless,"

"No, you're not," The pastel haired boy said, shaking his head. Jimins words stung and Yoongi coulnd't explain why. He looked into the younger bloodshot eyes. "You're stronger than most of us in here. You proved that more than once,"

Jimin scoffed. "How,? When I collapsed from reviving a bird or when I almost pissed myself cause I thought we were lost in the woods? Oh, or was it just now when your little bff had to safe me cause I was frozen in terror?" Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, just to close it again. "Exactly my point,"

Yoongi looked away from the younger and sighed. "Please, Jimin, I wanna help, but I can't unless you tell me what you're so upset about,"

"Did it ever occur to any of you that maybe I'm just done being the second choice. To Jungkook, to my parents, to You," Jimins voice started husky and low, but ended as a pained yell. Jimin caught his eyes, his voice turning back to the low, almost threatening tone. "I thought this could be my fresh start, and for a short while, I actually thought that was gonna happen, but then Taehyung starts talking and it's like everyone suddenly forgot how he acted when he first got here. Then the two of you became friends and I was back at square one,"

"Is this about Taehyung?" Yoongi asked confused.

"No! For fucks sake, Yoongi. Its about you!" Jimin yelled, his voice cracking. "You were supposed to be my friend! But you're just like everyone else. You used me, and now that you got something better, you've thrown me out like last weeks trash,"

The whole time Jimin had been talking, tears had been streaming down his cheeks. Yoongi caressed Jimins cheeks, wiping his wet cheeks as he did.

"I  know, I'm weak and can't fight, but I'm gonna get better. I'm going to get stronger." Jimin said with determination. "But right now, I just need a friend,"

Yoongi hushed the smaller boy and pulled him in for a hug. Jimin returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around Yoongis waist tightly. The strawberry blonde felt warm tears in his shoulder, soaking his T-shirt and the younger clung onto the fabric like Yoongi was gonna disappear into thin air.

"Jimin, take a deep breath. I'm not leaving you. I'm here for you whenever you need me. For a shoulder to cry on or when you just need someone to fool around with," Yoongi whispered. "I'm here,"


Jungkook POV:

"Good morning, Jimin," Jin said with confusion in his voice. Jimin, who was usually quite the early bird, stood in the door frame, dressed in basketball shorts and tank top that showed off his toned arms. "Do you want coffee?"

"Thank, but no thanks. I'm not staying," He said. He looked in out direction, locking eyes with Yoongi. Jimin sighed and walked through the kitchen and into the living room, giving me and idea of where he was going.

I sent an apple his way. "You shouldn't exercise on an empty stomach," I yelled.

"Thanks Kook!" He yelled back and the loud noise of the bookshelves seperating sounded.

I let out a soft chuckle and looked at Taehyung. He had a slightly worried look on his face.

"He seems bit off this morning. Any idea what could be bothering him?" He whispered to Yoongi.

Yoongi shook his head. "No. He seemed fine after we talked yesterday,"

"Hm, it's probably nothing," Taehyung shrug. Yoongi looked down and nodded. I sensed that something was wrong, since Yoongi had been awfully quiet this since yesterday. I decided not to ask and just pushed the thought away.

"Did anyone catch on to Bangs plans for today? Cause all that rambling about combining our energies really confused me," Namjoon said, lazily taking a sip of his coffee.

Hoseok shrug. "I think we're about to find out," He said.

The night before, Bang had sat us all down in the living room - well, everyone besides Jimin and Yoongi - and started telling us how energies worked in our world and how in ancient China, people believed that people who had a healthy energy and a strong aura were able to put these together to create some kind of spiritual connection. 

"Good morning boys," Bang said, taking his usual seat at the end of the table. He looked around, stopping at the empty seat. "Where is Jimin?"

"He wanted to train a bit before we meet up, I think," I said. 

Bang nodded. "Well, we're meeting in the main room in half an hour, so someone needs to go get him. The rest of you need to finish up eating and go get ready," He said, grabbing a piece of toast. 

Jin finished his coffee in one large mouthful before he got up and tightened his pink rope. We all looked at him in surprise. 

"What?" He asked. "This doesn't just happen in a few minutes. Perfection take time," 

We turned our attention to Namjoon, who shrug and slurped his own coffee. "He's got a point,"


"It seems that Jimin won't be joining us right away," Bang said, stepping into the room. Yoongi walked up beside me and Taehyung wth his head down. He seemed worried. "I'll get you started, then I'll go talk to him,"

A door opened revealing red painted walls. Bang turned around and walked down the hall. The rest of us followed. Taehyung intertwined out fingers and looked at me as we walked. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

I sighed. "I just worried about Jimin," I admitted. "He hasn't been acting like himself lately. It's like he's distancing himself from all of us,"

"If something is wrong, he'll talk to you," Taehyung said and squeezed my hand. Yoongi scoffed beside us. Not his usual 'You're so disguting and in love'-scoff. This was different. Like he as offended by what we said. "Is there a problem, Min?"

"None at all," The older mumbled and sped up. I shook my head, confused by what had just happned. Today was already terrible.

Bang stopped at the end of the hall which revealed a large room with the same metal bricks on the walls as the common room had. The marble floors had scratches like there had been fights in the room. It barely had any furniture, only a leather couch in the center by the back wall and a few mattresses lined against each of the side walls.

Taehyung POV:

"Let's get right into it. You guys need a lot of practice so theres no time to waste," Bang said. He pointed at me. "Get out in the middle. Hoseok, you too. Take each others hand and think of Jimin. I don't wanna hear any complaints, got it?"

We both nodded and did as told. Hoseoks hands were clammy and he didn't look me in the eyes.

"Hoseok, look into Tae's eyes. I want you guys to concentrate on Jimin. Just concentrate, it'll be worth it,"

The latter took a deep breath and looked at me. Our eyes locked and it was like the world started to zone out. I could tell that Hoseok was starting to get anxious. In the background, I'm could hear Bang tell us to focus. I tightened my grip on Hoseoks hands.

The room became blurry, the sounds echoed faintly until it all disappeared and suddenly I was in another room. A brunette girl stood in front of me. It was one from yesterday. Jennie. Her mouth was moving like she was speaking, bur I couldn't hear anything. I tried to look around but I couldn't.

"-termined to get stronger," It was Jimins voice speaking.

"That's ridiculous. In our world, its not about strength. It's about mastering your abilities and surviving attacks," Jennie said.

"How am I gonna survive and attack if I'm physically and mentally weak?"

"I don't know. We all have our ways,"

"I wanna do this for me. And I'm gonna continue, no matter what anyone says,"

A screeching noise brought brought me back to the blurry room. I was sweaty and confused. All I could see was Hoseok, who instantly let go of my hands without breaking the eye contact. It was like a trance. I felt like I couldn't move my eyes.

"What did you see?" Bang asked.

"Jimin. He's with Jennie," I said, still frozen.

Hoseok continued. "He kept rambling on about getting stronger. It looked like he was in a gym of some kind,"

"I know where he is," Bang said. "All of you, stay here. Don't let them out of sight until I'm back. If anything unusual happens, yell my name,"

Bang walked down the hall with fast steps, leaving the rest of us to wonder.

What just happened?

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