由 ereri_skittles

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(ERERI) Vampire! Levi X Eren THIS IS NOT TWILIGHT!!! Eren Jaeger is a boy. He has hopes and dreams like othe... 更多

Chapter 1: Can I help you?
Chapter 2: Petra Ral
Chapter 3: Second Helping
Chapter 4: Eat it
Chapter 5: Fine
Chapter 6: I had sex with a vampire...
Chapter 7: Inconvenience
Chapter 8: He's mine...
Chapter 9: I hate Vampires!!
Chapter 10: He isn't my boyfriend...
Chapter 11: Sleepover
Chapter 12: Jean
Chapter 13: HE'S MY FRIEND!
Chapter 14: Are you happy?
Chapter 15: What if it was me?
Chapter 16: NAWW HAWW
Chapter 17: The luck of the Irish
Chapter 18: Mm Mm mm...
Chapter 19: Tch, Youngsters
Chapter 20: Eren, What Are You Doing?
Chapter 21: I've Ruined You
Chapter 22: We Have All Night
Chapter 23: The Quest For Lost Pants
Chapter 24: A Cure For Sadness
Chapter 25: The Burning Fires Of Rage
Chapter 26: I Have To Be The Bad guy
Chapter 27: Guilty As Charged
Chapter 28: The Great Depression
Chapter 29: Starvation Is A Cruel Thing
Chapter 30: Farewell, My Love
Chapter 31: Awakened
Chapter 32: Witches Are A Pain In the Ass
Chapter 33: Dinner Time
Chapter 34: Go Away!
Chapter 35: Stop Trying To Escape Me!!
Chapter 36: Eren! Stop!
Chapter 37: Fix This
Chapter 38: What Will It Take?
Chapter 39: It's Wednesday!
Chapter 40: All This Over That?!
Chapter 41: Don't Leave...
Chapter 42: PSYCHO
Chapter 43: You Were Dead!
Chapter 44: Second Chances
Chapter 45: Three Strikes
Chapter 46: Eat The Faceless Ones
Chapter 47: Mistakes...
Chapter 48: YOOOURE OUT!
[END] Chapter 50: Reunion

Chapter 49: Hearts of the Undead

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由 ereri_skittles

Eren sits in the front with his puppy and the girl sits in the back seat.

"What's your name?" Levi asks her while driving.

"Mina... Mina Carolina." The girl mumbles quietly.
Eren pats merlin softly on the head before he turns to the girl.

"Want a hold? He won't bite." He offers.
The girl sits quiet for a moment before nodding, and Eren passes Merlin over, shifting in his seat so he can watch them the whole time.

She giggles a little and pats him. "He's very sweet" she hums and Levi inwardly calms down through a sigh.

"I'm training him to be a nice puppy.  He's very friendly. He only ever gets angry if you take away his toys. Oh, and he is very protective of me and Levi." Eren smiles a little, Merlin goes to lick the girls face giving her kisses making her giggle even more.

"He even shits in his tray not around the house" Levi smirks to himself. "Which way, girl?" He asks her and she directs Levi who nods and continues driving.

The trip is fairly calming for both Eren and Levi. It makes them feel more relaxed and on the bright side,  they got rid of the pest laying around the house.

"Bye Mina!" Eren shouts, waving Merlin's paw to say bye bye.

"BYE BYE TAXI DRIVERS HUSBAND!" she chuckles and skips off.

Levi sighs and turns the car heading a course for home. "Poor girl."

"She's very sweet." Eren hums leaning back and pulling Merlin close to his chest.
"She doesn't deserve what happened to her."

"Kenny's a sick freak. I hope he gets hit by a bus" Levi scowls. Kenny fucked up. But he has no mercy for Kenny. He hates his guts. "Sure. I admit that one night with him was fun... and i used to love him as a kid. You know, when i was young and stupid."

Eren sighs with a nod.
"Yes. .. he meant well. But... you two are just too different."

"Tch" Levi holds Eren's hand and keeps his eyes on the road sighing.

The car ride is filled with a comfortable silence between them as they drive through the night. Their hands joined. Levi focuses on the road and Eren tries to calm down his puppy.
They finally reach their street.

"...Adain said he'd call Me." Ereb mumbles.

"Adian... right he did to. Hey. Just be calm. Don't stress about it" Levi soothes running his thumb over Eren's knuckles like he always does when trying to calm the boy.

"I'm not stressing..." Eren mutters quietly, squeezing Levi's small hand.
"I want to talk to him... I won't hurt him... I know I won't eat him either. I can't. "

"I have more to worry about than him" Levi chuckles and squeezes his hand back.

"Yeah... Do you think he will actually call me?"

"I'm not sure... infact when he said he would. I'm not sure if even he knew, Eren. Only time will tell."

"I hope he does..." Eren sighs. Once at their humble abode the two retreat to their bedroom. The house now rid of Kenny.

The next day Eren is up early and he's been staring at his phone for hours waiting.

"Eren. Just. Put it away alright... you're scaring me a little." Levi says.

"I'm waiting for him to call, Levi. He said he would."

His boyfriend only sighs and hugs him.

The boy leans into Levi's arms and drapes one arm over him before focusing on his phone once more.

"...He will call.... He has to. He will. I know it."

And like that a number lights up the screen. Making Eren snatch it up before he even checks who it is.

"Hello?!" Eren shouts into the phone probably deafening the person on the other end.

"E-err... hello sir? I was calling to ask if your refrigerator was running?" Said a clearly preteen jokster in a fake asian accent.

"... Yeah,  it is, and you better hope it doesn't run to you. Otherwise I'll crush your spinal chord and eat the spinal fluids you teenage cock cheese!" Eren growls and hangs up,  slamming the phone on the table.

"So... not Adian?" Levi snorts a little having heard the conversation.

"Nope. Stupid dick. .. what if Adain called me during that time?! Shit! What if I missed it?!"
Like that, Eren hastily grabs his phone and checks through his calls.

Levi sighs and takes the phone off Eren slipping it into his own back pocket. "You need to chill out" Levi soothes. "If he calls he calls. But it's out of your control. There's no point stressing about it."

"Pfft. I'm not stressing." Eren says with a blink. "I'm being like normal being"

"Tch. Shut up and come watch gossip girl with me" Levi says grabbing Eren's hand.
The boy shakes his head and hugs Levi... slipping his hand into his back pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Eren!" Levi says snatching it back. "I'll hold onto it" He says stuffing it down the front if his pants.

"I'm not afraid to go down there." Eren's  hands go down Levi's pants after his phone.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Levi squirms with a small smirk pulling his hands out. He kisses his face quickly still smirking and says "olly olly oxen free. No more waiting" then zooming off into the house.

"LEVI I NEED THAT! What if he calls?!" Eren shouts as he chases after his playful boyfriend.

"You'll have to catch me" Levi says from somwhere in the house. When Eren gets to the top of the stairs he sees levi perched on top of the huge chandiler. Luckily it's pretty stable and doesn't have rows apon rows of glass.

"Hey! Get back down here." Eren demands,  pointing a finger down at the ground for emphasis. He's annoyed with Levi's antics. He's so anxious on the call that nothing else matters. His mind is on the phone.  The phone is what he wants.

"Or what? You're paying more attention to me now then you were all the rest of the day and it's all because of this!" Levi holds out the phone threatening to drop it.

"Be careful! If you drop it his call may not get through!" Eren panics.
"Just please give it to me! I'll... I'll do anything! ...not anything... don't drop it!"

"Anything?" Levi asks tucking it away safely. "How about spending some time with your boyfriend other than your unconcious space tech. Eren, I'm sick to death of you just sitting and staring... when you could be passing the time in so many more ways..." the vampire on the chandelier smirks an implying smirk.

A sigh escapes Eren's lips before he opens his arms up for a hug.
"Fine... I'll put the phone down. Cuddles?"

"Hmm... you won't snatch it and run off?"

"I promise I won't... We can do anything you want. Just come back down? Please?" Eren pulls on his puppy dog eyes, trying to lure Levi to him with his adorableness.

"Give me your word" Levi glares.

"You have my word." Eren promises,  holding a hand over his heart.

"I'm going to break your neck if you lie to me" he glares even more. "I'm serious. No more obsessive phone watching."

"Yes Levi." Eren sighs looking down.
"Pick something for us to do. And I will stop watching my phone... obsessively.... just a few glances here and there."

"You'll feel it vibrate, Eren, it-" Levi pauses and takes out the phone that sings its ringtone.
"It's Adian..."

"Really?!" Eren's face washes in doubt. "Fuck... should I answer it?"

Levi smirks and free falls off the chandiler and down onto the ground. Eren wooshes quickly up to him and Levi hands him the phone.
"Youll be fine. Answer"

"Right... I'll be fine... hoo!"
Eren takes a deep breath and slides the answer across and puts the phone on speaker.
"Hello, Adain?"

"Aye..." the man breaths in a gruff voice.

"I... honestly didn't think you would call" Eren says quietly.

The boys voice shakes through the phone and Levi hugs onto Eren to calm him.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure 'bout it either but..."

"But?" Eren urges him to continue.

"But... lately. With cake passin' away an' all..." the red head sighs. "I know you're a vamp kid... but... you didn't seem all that different. I know that could just be the lies of a vampire. But oh well. I have nothing more to protect anyway."

"H-Hey, Adain don't be like that! I...if things had of been different... and she hadn't of been trying to kill us... we... I would of-" Eren chokes on his words. He feels so guilty. He took away Adain's niece and it guts him to hear Adain say he has nothing to protect.

"Yeah. I know... just because she's me neice don't mean she's an Angel. I ain't gonna convince myself were always a good kid Eren. Even if ye eat people... i feel like i owe it to Carla."

"Adain, there's... I really want to talk to you about what happened with cake Levi and I. .. when he had the two vampires in the cellar."

"Yeah?... yeah... a'ight go on" Adian sighs.

Levi starts peppering sweet little kisses onto Eren's neck to calm him. He can feel the stress that Eren has built up.

"Well... when you left that one night... Cake threw me in with them, and stopped giving Levi and Petra food. So that they would eat and eventually kill me." Eren starts off, pausing to await a reply.

"...she did?"

"Y-yes... and... she let my dad in... then he tried to kill me, and almost succeeded. Levi killed my dad, and made me Drink his blood to heal. Then she- Cake, ripped out my heart. I became a vampire."

"She... turned yeh?" Adain's voice croaks and Levi sighs and continues the kisses.
"So yeh... eat people now?" Adian asks.

"No... I.." Eren sighs shakily and sinks into Levi's arms, holding onto one of his hands. "I'm a cannibal vampire."

"A-... Cannibal? You eat vampires?" Adain's voice questions and Levi smirks a little and snuggles Eren.

"Yes. I can't stand human blood. It makes me sick. But, Vampires? I'm able to eat and enjoy."

"Ah" Adian stops talking for a while. "Still interested in hunting?"

"H-Hunting? Uh- yes. Yes I'm still interested." Eren quickly responds.

"Come to the bar after closing tomorrow" Adian mumbles quietly.

"R-really?! Uh- okay! I'll be there!"
Eren's eyes have been filled with happiness. His has been invited to hunt. It makes his insides swirl with acceptance.

"Don't make me regret this but... see you then, lad" Adain says hanging up.

Levi looks at Eren.

Eren looks at levi

"..." Eren suddenly attacks Levi with kisses and cuddles.

"Well I'm not sure about that but at least he wants to see you again" Levi hugs Eren closing one of his eyes as Eren's attacking his face with kisses. "Can I come too? I don't want you alone with him."

Eren halts his attacks of love.
"...I don't think so... Adain doesn't like you very much."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like a question" Levi frowns. "I'm coming. I don't care what he thinks of me. I don't trust him either."

"Come on Levi. Just let me go on my own for the first time."

All Levi does is shake his head. "If you're going to be a hunter again, he's going to have to be okay with your boyfriend eventually anyway. Maybe i can even try to be friendly. But you're not going alone. Not after last time."

"Last time? And what happened last time?" Eren asks with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Last time you almost died."

"Last time he gave me my puppy back."

"Ignoring that" Levi sighs. "I'm coming. I'll behave. I promise" Levi kisses Eren's cheek and walks out to go get some food.

"What if he sees you and shuts me out again?"

"If he does that he's not worth hanging around any way. Tch. You're dating me, Eren. Whether he likes it or not we're deeply associated."

Eren sighs and back hugs his lover, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
"You're right. Fine, come along then." He says, as if he had the choice.

Levi nods. "Good. Now come with me." Levi grabs Eren and drags him to the kitchen and sits him down. He turns and pulls out a jar of-

"You have hearts?" Eren asks.

Levi hums. "I do. But a lot of people think it's gross that i do. They have more flavour. This one's a vampire heart. I like to pickle them sometimes just for decoration. Unfortunately the only way to get a human heart is to kill them. So I've gotta put into the hunt if i want one. But even i find vampire hearts edible. Enough. Sometimes if i add certain things to them, i can make them taste almost human. Nothing beats the real thing but I'm still up for it. Though it involves me picking at it and-" Levi is cut off his gorey discription when Eren looks slightly sick at his facial expressions. Levi is used to that though.

"I'll try it. Just please stop talking..."

"Okay" Levi nods quickly and goes to the bench pulling out the black heart onto the bench. "Want it raw?" He asks slicing a piece of the veiny black meat off for Eren to try raw.

"I've never eaten heart... what's better?"

"For vampire heart... umm... ooh. Lets play a game" Levi pushes Eren out of the kitchen backing him towards the table until he's at a seat which Levi pushes him into. "I'll make you all different ones. And we'll see which you like better. But first you've gotta try this raw... incase you absolutely hate it. I dont want to waste my collection if you won't eat it. But just... try not to focus on what it looks like." Levi holds out a fork with the small piece of vampire heart on it.
Snapping his teeth together to encourage Eren to eat it.

Eren's face scrunches in disgust. "It's pulsing!"

"Vampire hearts do that..." Levi nod. "Because they're undead. Just don't look at it. Pretend it's just a bit of steak or pork or whatever you ate as a human. I know you haven't eaten chewable food since you've been a vampire but just pretend... pleeeeaaase. For me" Levi blinks and pulls up a chair, sitting next to Eren and giving him the piece.

His lips stay tightly closed and the boy moves his head back.
"No! It looks Gross... it even smells bad!"

"Ugh fine" Levi rolls his eyes and quickly eats it making Eren gasp in shock.

"That's disgusting!"

Levi just shrugs and swallows it down. "Wanna kiss, Eren?" he smirks and leans over to his repulsed boyfriend.

"Ew! Nope! " Eren squeals and pushes his hands into Levi's chest to keep him away.
"I'm not kissing those lips!"

"Come on" Levi chuckles and pushes against Eren. "Just a little kiss!" His playful smirk growing as Eren squeals.

"NOOO!!" Eren's squealing now turning into small fits of giggles.
"Those lips have been tainted!"

"That means you've been tainted too because I've eaten more than that and I've kissed you more times than I've eaten them" Levi starts laughing a little too, still pushing towards Eren.  He makes a kissing effect in the air and leans in as close as he can.

"NOOO! ! Haha! I don't wanna!" Eren laughs before his arms are moved out the way, and not only is Eren kissed, but Levi also tickles him causing the boy to erupt in laughter.

"Eren" Levi chuckles between kisses. Tickling his sides
"I love you" he smiles against Eren's skin peppering his laughing face with kisses.

"I love you too!" Eren beams, hugging Levi's face into his own and joining their lips in a quick kiss. "I love you sooo so much!" He then settles and Levi lays on top of him. "I suppose I should get ready to go hunting."

Levi shakes his head. "you have until the shop closes tommorow" he mumbles hugging Eren.

"I want to go shopping for weapons. And an outfit."

"Take me with you. I want to buy stuff too."

"Okay!" Eren stands up and picks up Levi  over his shoulder, then smacks his bum.
"Lets go!"

"Oo!" Levi looks over his shoulder at his own bum then flops and squeezes Eren's bum in return.
"I want to get hunting things too. I'm going to be humanities strongest vampire, vampire hunter."

Eren snorts and hugs onto Levi's legs as he walks out the door with him.
"You? A vampire hunter? I would never have thought that. Oh! You and I can be like Sam and Dean from supernatural.  Except, lovers instead of brothers. And Adain can be Bobby."

"Would you let me hunt vampires with you?" Levi asks seriously wanting to know.

"Of course I would. Though we'd have to be careful not to get tempted to fuck on the job. Because although we drop dead sexy, we would have a job to do." Eren nods his head firmly.

"Awh" Levi moans out and flops on Eren "but You're so sexy when you show a firm hand."

"I know." Eren smirks. "Afterwards, we can go like bunnies. Not on the job though."

"Yes siir~" Levi smirks back and squeezes Eren's bum again as they walk out the door to the car.


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