Stockholm Syndrome

بواسطة vxctorgxmez

2K 131 48

I can't believe I'm falling for the man that took me away المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (teaser)

Chapter 4

201 11 3
بواسطة vxctorgxmez

(Justin's P.O.V)

Do you ever feel like the whole world is against you.Like maybe they really hate you that much that they rather see you die than actually trying to be nice to you.Thats what I feel right now.I feel so empty.I feel lost.I feel alone.They just couldn't go a day without hurting or making me feel like trash.Not even one day of freedom.

Since Selena was my only protection.The whole day was utterly shitty.I can't even count how many times I got pushed down to the floor or tripped.The inappropriate groping of my ass I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was currently on the floor in the cafeteria dripping wet after Alex from my history class decided it would be funny to pour his whole large fucking soda on my head and not only that but being kicked in the stomach after that in front of everyone.

I wanted to cry so dahm bad but I didn't wanna seem weak as if that's not obvious."is the little cock sucker gonna cry?...Awe"How can someone that just moved to this school actually hate me so bad like nobody ever gives me a break.

I couldn't take it anymore I felt tears coming out and a sob broke through the opening of my mouth.Im sure I wasn't crying because of the kicks I just received cause my whole body was sorta numb from the cold soda but it was just emotional and mental pain that I couldn't hold in anymore.

The worst part that made feel so alone was when I looked over to see the teachers actually laughing along to the show I just put on.They tried to hide it when we made eye contact but I know what they did .

I had to get out of here.I couldn't be here another moment it was just too much for me.I honestly wanted to die I didn't even grab my things I just ran towards the exit of the school and out the front gate.The security was yelling at me to come back saying I wasn't allowed to leave but everything that happened right now was too much to handle.

I was running and crying through the sidewalk with my head down.I felt something hard hit my head and I fell on my ass and I felt kinda dizzy."Justin?"it was Selena.I saw her confused face and I launched towards her and she wrapped her arms around me.I broke down sobbing and shaking."justin what happened in there I was gonna walk you home?""They hurt me again sel...I can't take it anymore."I started to cry again."I'm sorry justin...I should have came today."

I just listened to her words while my head was pressed against her chest.I jumped away when I suddenly heard her scream her head off.I looked up at her and she had a brown bag covering her head.

I didn't know what to do.The dude in black was pulling her away and I jumped on to my legs and reached for her.I was gonna scream her name but I felt a wet cloth on my face.I smelled the cloth that was pressed tightly to my face.I was getting dizzy and I started to drift away.I thought I was blind or something but then realized I was falling asleep when I saw darkness grow around me.

(3O minutes later)

I started to open my eyes when I felt alot of movement around me.It felt comfy where ever I was but I was moving too much.I opened my eyes but I saw nothing but metal walls around me.I knew I was in a vehicle cause I can see outside the window and we were driving down the street.

I started to panic and I started getting little memories of what I just went through.I knew I got knocked out somehow but I started to cry when I remembered what happened to Selena.I also just realized I was alone in the back of someone's van.My hand's weren't tied up or anything so I started to bang on the walls and screaming for someone to help.I looked around for anything that can help me when suddenly I felt something vibrate in my my pocket.Tears of joy started to form at the brim of my eyes.

I took it out and opened up my messages.I looked through it until I saw Jason's name.I know it's stupid of me to not call 911 but I know Jason will save me.I don't then to hurt me if they hear me talking on the phone.

Justin : Jason I need your help someone took me I'm inside a van or something and we're driving please answer...

Jason is typing...

Jason is typing...

Jason : you'll be fine baby boy 😏

What the fuck is wrong with him he literally thinks I'm playing

Justin : Jason seriously Im scared and i need help what if I die

Justin : please Jason I'm not playing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Jason is typing...

Jason : baby please calm down I'm trying to drive and your screaming and crying is a little distracting gotta stay safe baby boy

What the fuck is wrong with him I'm over here inside a stranger's​car and he's acting stupid

Justin : Jason please

Jason : baby boy don't even think about calling the cops because I'll stop this van right now go back there break your phone and pound that little ass until you bleed don't make me punish you just yet daddy loves you he wouldn't wanna hurt you

What the fuck is going on like I need some air because I'm about to pass out

Justin : Jason what's going on 🙁
Please tell me the truth

Jason : baby boy I love you and I took you with me because I want us to be Happy together so please relax

I felt that my chest started to hurt and I fell to my knees sobbing lightly.I never would have thought he would do this to me I mean it's not like I had anything to live for but I still loved my mom and siblings with my whole heart and I'll miss Selena so...omg

Justin : Jason where's Selena what happened to her

Jason : she's fine now shut the fuck up if you don't want me to kill her cause I'll do it baby don't try me 

Justin : honestly what's wrong with you I thought I felt something for you but now it's gone now I hate you and no matter what you do to me I'll always hate you how can you do this to me I thought you cared about me

(Jason's P.O.V)

I've been through a lot of shit.I've felt unimaginable physical pain.The death of my mother but honestly nothing hurt more than the words I just read from the text my baby just send to me.

I was doing this for him,for us all I wanted was for us to be Happy together but I realized I just royaly fucked up.I had to take him I just craved him so bad.

I needed to feel him.I guess you can say it's a little late to take anything back but if he hates me than I don't know if I want this anymore.I want him to love me not hate me but like I said it's too late.I hope he changes his mind because he's not coming back.I haven't heard any noises or crying coming from the back so I'm guessing he's calmed down.

I drove up the drive way after like two hours of traffic and I could really use a nap right now.
I opened up the trunk and my heart broke into like a billion pieces.Justin was in the corner just crying his eyes out.

Yes I was still a little mad when he said he hated me but it's still hurt to see him like this."let's go."He looked up at me with his brown eyes yet very red from the crying.I saw one last tear slide down his cheek and got out without saying a word to me.

"Justin"he just stood there he didn't even look at me.I grabbed his chin to turn his head towards me and he was already crying again."Justin I didn't wanna make you sad but I love you and I waited so long to finally have you with me.""but I don't love you Jason."okay that one killed me but I wasn't gonna show him any tears I'm Jason McCann for fucks sake.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door.I opened it up stepped in and almost passed out from the strong smell of weed.These fuckers couldn't wait for me."I grabbed Justin's shoulders and looked him in the eye.

"I have a surprise for you."I smiled down at him but he seemed a little scared."you remember how I said Selena was okay."his eyes popped out of his head."Jason please what did you do to her."
"Justin I brought her with us so you won't feel lonely."He looked up at me with surprise in his eyes."where is she?"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs.We reached the master bedroom which belongs to the king obviously."this is our room Justin."I pulled him inside.Selena was crying on the bed with a pillow covering her face.They made eye contact and they both ran and connected with a hug.They both started to cry I could tell they loved each other but in a friend kinda way."Justin are you okay?""yes but are you were they hurting you."

"No but the guys here stare alot it's creepy."Justin we need to go home we can't stay here she broke down in Justin's arms.They were seriously getting on my nerves.I took Justin's phone and broke it on the floor I know ​they'll try to track it later on.

"nobody's leaving I'm tired of both of your bullshit you're both staying with me and that's that.They both fell to the floor crying like the little children they are.I was hella pissed I mean how would you feel if the love of your life doesn't wanna be with you.Even though all I  wanted to do was hold Justin and make him feel better my asshole self just left the room and slammed the door I needed some weed.

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