Soul Slicer

Autorstwa Skaterchick32

511 85 20

"Kill me!" He yelled at me with passion in his eyes as I was about to let my fingers trail off the string of... Więcej

Chapter 1 ~ Pilot
Chapter 2 ~ Bondbrothers
Chapter 3 ~ Decision of Helpfullness
Chapter 4 ~ Visions
Chapter 5 ~ Smell of Death
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan
Chapter 7 ~ Wings
Chapter 8 ~ Demonic Angel
Chapter 9 ~ Spirit Animal
Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper
Chapter 12 ~ Trauma
Chapter 13 ~ Oh, baby!

Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan

21 4 0
Autorstwa Skaterchick32

In a matter of seconds we were all back on the road acting like nothing had just happened. Kayn and Nathan were on the back of Hazel's Raven and Asher and my mother were sitting behind me on the back of my Shadowmare. We were thankful to at least now be traveling on a full stomach. Nathan was frightened of himself in the means of all of this. We didn't know what being a "Ripper" meant, but Kayn knew; and it sounded horrid.

Nathan had been exhausted from everything he had done and from everyone that he had just demolished. His head was laying against Hazel's back as he was fast asleep from the exhaustion that lingered inside of him. Did he feel guilt or remorse for what he done? Kayn had decided to stay close to Nathan just in case he'd have to hold him back from going on a killing spree again. We were all worried about him and his new cravings. No one had said anything to each other as we were making our way down through the dark luscious forest.

I saw lots of dim lights out in the distance before us throughout the trees. It had to be the other Academy! Had we finally made it? Would they agree to join us again? Do they already know about our interaction at the Diner? Or would they disagree with everything and kill us all? "Hazel!" I yelled excitedly throughout the night sky. I whistled until she finally heard me. She came gliding down, but still stayed in the air right next to me as she and I were talking. "Is that one of the Academies?" I wondered.

"Yess," she smiled. "We're almost there."

"Who should go inside and propose a truce?" my mother intervened as she lifted her head up slowly, trying to wake herself up.

"I think it'd be best if we just let Kayn and Nathan stick outside since the assassins aren't very fond of Vampires," she replied as she was paying attention ahead of her, so that she wouldn't run into any trees.

"I could stay back with them too. You know, just in case your boyfriend decides to go all wacko and kill everybody again," Asher insisted cockily as he laughed under his breath. Nathan rose his head off of Hazel and glared at him.

"Perfect," Hazel nodded as she ignored Asher's last remark, and began flying higher again in the air. The night began to turn cold as the clouds hid the bright stars in the night. Wind began to pick up, but thankfully we were almost there.


We approached the Academy's doorstep where two guards at the entrance held perfectly large chiseled sharp-pointed axes across their chest, standing perfectly still without bashing an eyelid. The Academy was gorgeous. It had large sculpted gargoyles on top of the Academies balcony, a large pond flowing down rocks that led into the forest, and trees that glowed red as they swayed back and forth in the wind of the night. The Academy was the color of death itself. Deep matte black that blended deep into the night. Asher, Kayn, and Nathan were already miles back beyond the trees so they couldn't be spotted nor heard by anybody. Hazel and I held hands for comfort as we walked behind my mother, whom was leading the way. She was going to be the one who'd be doing the talking. "Name?" One of the guards asked emotionless as he stared her deep within her eyes. He had long brown hair that was tied back in a bun and had on steel plated armor from his chest down to his toes.

"Ivory Vex," she hesitated, hoping that the guards wouldn't attack her.

"As in...Seifer Vex's wife?" the other guard that had short black wavy hair took a step forward and looked down, staring at her in the eyes.

"Ex wife.." she breathed carefully as she took a tiny step back, so that the guard wouldn't be in her face. The black haired guard turned around and started talking to the other guard for a couple of moments. They nodded as they whispered to each other.

"Follow us," the guards said as they opened the door for us to enter. They were both leading us to god knows where.

"Do you think we can do it?" I leaned my head towards Hazel and whispered.

"Do what?" she whispered back.

"Get them on our side," I stared at her, hoping for an encouraging answer.

"I think your mom can talk them into this. She's very good at speeches."

"But what if they think she's with Seifer?" I questioned. Hazel just squeezed my hand a little tighter, and we continued on following the guards. This place screamed death. It was one of the darker Academies in our realm. Every wall was black and decorated with red lace and pictures. The floor had a transparent coating done, making it feel like you were going to fall with each step you take down to the sharp caves below. As we followed the guards the people here just stared at us, not moving a muscle. They were all goth and gorgeous.

We turned to the left and went around a corner that came to a dead end when the last door approached. There were bones all over the walls, around the door frame, and a skull for a door handle. The only light that was in this Academy was brought from candles that were placed all over. "Wait here," the black haired guard spoke to us. The other guard turned the door handle and they both went inside, shutting the door behind them.

"You can do this mom," I smiled, giving her encouragement.

She turned around to look at me then hurriedly came to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you for having your faith in me my dear," she let go of the hug. The guards opened the door and gestured for all of us to come inside.

We all stepped into the darkest room here. "These are teenage boys. Where is the real Headmaster or Headmistress here?" my mother scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Did you just insult us?" both of the boys said at the same time as they stepped out of their throne. Their hair were both black as can be and about shoulder length.

"For your information, we are both 703 years old," the taller one spoke fiercely.

"We can snap you like a toothpick grinding against our teeth," the shorter one blurted out so that he could join in on the fun.

"I'm-I'm's guys look young for your age to rule," my mother breathed heavily.

They both laughed hysterically. They seemed like the type of people to joke around. Mischievous, troublesome twins. "Thanks for the compliment," the taller one had a sly smile play across his lips.

"Forgive me your majesties," my mother bowed. Hazel and I just continued on standing still.

"Here, have a seat ladies," the taller one waved his hand in the air and two chairs came flying towards Hazel and I.

"You're warlocks?" Hazel asked as she sat down.

"I believe the correct thing to say would have been a thank you, but yess, we are. Do we have a problem?" the shorter one grinned at her from across the room.

"Of course not," I budged in and took my seat next to Hazel.

The twins put their full attention on my mother. "So, are you going to tell us why you're here or can we just kill you three already?" the taller one stared at her, waiting for an answer.

Ivory clenched her hands but didn't say anything.

"Oh, come on, I'm just joking. We won't kill you," the taller one laughed.

"Yet.." the shorter twin laughed under his breath.

"Oh my," the taller one smiled gracefully towards his brother. "I cannot believe that we forgot to introduce ourselves to these fine ladies."

"Oh, I think you're actually right for a change," the shorter one said sarcastically. "My name is Salem, and this is my annoying twin brother, Jett."

"You are annoying, that's for sure," I laughed.

My mother gave me a glaring look. "My name is-" she started.

"Ivory. Oh trust me, we know. And we have heard plenty of stories about you along the way," Jett winked as he ran his fingers through his hair. "What have you came for?"

My mother started pacing the room. "Well, I'm sure you know all about Seifer-"

"Ahh, you're husband. He seems quite charming, doesn't he?" Salem added as he interrupted her.

"Ex husband!" Ivory rose her voice a bit. I swear you could feel the tension in the room.

"My apologies," Salem grinned.

"Go on," Jett reassured.

"We need an army." My mother cut to the chase of things. Jett and Salem both gave her weird looks. She ignored the looks that they were giving her and continued on. "Seifer..he wants to rule the human world and kill every human on this earth. And, in order for him to die is for us to fight back. I need more armies, more leaders, more warriors. Seifer has to die."

"How can you be so sure that we want to help you? For all you know, right now we could be helping Seifer right at this exact moment. Right under your feet. Can you even trust us?" Jett studied her.

"All I'm asking is for help. Seifer is evil. He will destroy this world. Everything and everyone that he touches...dies. He's a killer, a serial killer. He doesn't care about anyone's life besides his own. I need your help. I know that our Academies are not on great terms right now, but we need to find a truce. We can't always stay distant from each other. We'll soon all fall apart. Is that what you want?" my mother spoke bravely for her beliefs.

"What if we want everything to fall apart?" Salem piped in.

Jett rose his hand, telling Salem to shut up. "I will do anything that is right for my Academy. Whether it's shutting everyone out, or killing traders that roam inside of here."

"Traders? Us?" Ivory stared at them in confusion.

"Do you really not know what happened between your Academy and mine?" Jett took a step forward.

"No. I just assumed that you were just shutting us out, like the rest of the Academies have been doing for years," she breathed.

"You have got to be joking," Jett rolled his eyes. "You come to my Academy. Not know why we hate you with our whole hearts, and expect us to fight with you? Sorry commander, but as fierce as you might seem, it's a dangerous war zone when you walk into a place that would rather see you dead then alive. Come back when you have your facts straight. Go to your shitty Headmistress Shyla and ask her what she has done to us. To all of us, actually."

"Shyla is dead.." my mother took a deep breath.

Jett's eyes got wide. "Excuse me?"

"What do you mean she's dead?" Salem asked questioningly.

"Someone killed her..we don't know who.." my mother seemed heartbroken as she said that.

"This changes everything then. For everyone.." Salem whispered into Jett's ear.

Jett cleared his throat. "Apologies for how I have been treating you. We will talk later about everything at a party that I'm holding tonight."

"A party?" Hazel's eyes lit up.

"Yes, darling," Jett smiled towards her.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" I looked over towards my mother.

She looked at me then looked back at Jett and Salem. "Do you promise to talk about joining my army at the party then?"

Jett and Salem walked up to her and each took one of her hands. "Of course my dear," they both smiled and said that at the same time, then kissed her hands at the same exact moment.

"Our guards will assist you to your room for the evening, and the night. There are dresses up there for you beautiful women to wear tonight. 7 p.m., don't be late," Jett started to walk back to the throne.

"Don't forget to bring those delicious smelling Vampires either, and the other assassin," Salem smiled. Hazel, Ivory, and I glanced at each other for a moment. How could he know? "Oh, right..right. I can smell them on you, so, I just assumed," Salem winked then started walking back to the throne. The guards started leading us out of the room.

"Don't be late!" Jett and Salem laughed as we walked out.

The guards led us to our room. And to our surprise, it was black like the rest of this place. Black bed with black silky sheets, black carpet walls, and a black granite floor. The only thing that stood out were our corset dresses, laying all nice and neat on the bed. "We are going to go get the Vampires and the other assassin. If you need anything just go out to one of the guards outside of this hall," the guard with the bun said to us. We all nodded in approval and without another glance back, the guards were gone and the door was shut.

"This place is so...dark," Hazel said as she scanned the room.

"It is, but I kind of like it," I smiled to her.

"Just be on your best behavior girls. We don't want to screw this up tonight!" my mother was stressing.

"It'll all be fine mom," I reassured her and pulled her into an embrace.

"I just hope these twins agree to join with us."

"Ryley and I both have faith in you, Ivory," Hazel smiled brightly at her, giving her confidence.

"Alright," she let go of me. "Let's get into our dresses as we wait for the boys to show up!"

"I call the pink one! It's gorgeous and matches my brown hair!" Hazel leaped onto the bed and pulled the dress to her, hovering over it, so that no one could take it from her. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Which one do you want?" I looked over to my mom.

"You pick first my dear, It doesn't matter to me."

I walked over to the bed and grabbed the green laced corset dress. "I love this color!" I smiled.

"That's why I picked the pink one," Hazel winked at me.

"Oh, sure, that's it!" I laughed.

"Okay caught me..I just love pink! I can't help myself!" she got off the bed and started to take off her clothes.

"Geez kid, a room is calling your name right now!" my mother covered her eyes with her hands and I laughed.

"Oh, right, right," Hazel laughed as she ran with her pants halfway down her legs. "I'll go in this closet!" she opened a big black walk in closet and went inside to finish changing.

I grabbed my dress and went over to the corner of the room and put it on. Once Hazel and I were done putting on our medieval dresses, it was my mothers turn. Hazel and I helped her put on the black dress. "Does this dress make my boobs look big?" my mother jokingly said.

"Mom!" I said, shocked. "If anything, these dresses make ALL of our boobs look bigger!" We all laughed.

"Don't forget about the roundness of our butts," Hazel joined in.

"Okay, okay. Do I look presentable in this dress?" Ivory looked at me.

"You look deadly as ever," I winked at her. "I think you look presentable in this dress for Jett and Salem," I smiled.

"You'll for sure win them over to our side!" Hazel came behind Ivory and started to braid her hair.

"Thanks girls," she smiled.

The door opened. Asher, Nathan, and Kayn stepped in with their suits on. Nathan went straight over to Hazel, and Kayn and Asher both stared at me in amazement. "Darling, you look beautiful," Nathan hugged Hazel from behind and kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks," she turned her head and smiled to him. "But, do you mind? I'm trying to do someone's hair right now."

"Of course, of course," Nathan backed off of her and rejoined Asher and Kayn.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Kayn asked, leaning his head against the door with his arms crossed.

"Just to party," I started as I headed my way over to the mirror. "Ivory is going to talk to Jett and Salem to try and get them on our side," I continued to say as I started to french braid my hair.

"Jett and Salem?" Asher joined in. "Two of them?"

"Twins," Hazel assured him as she was tying Ivories hair at the end of her newly fresh braid.

"I'll do all the talking. You guys just have fun and enjoy yourselves, alright?" Ivory stepped close to me by the mirror and examined herself and her new hairdo. I finished my french braid and looked at myself to make sure I looked good.

"How do I look?" I asked everyone.

"Beautiful," Kayn and Asher said at the same time. They both looked at each other with anger in their eyes and everyone stood silent for a moment. A very awkward moment.

"How do I look?" Hazel asked, breaking the awkwardness.

"As beautiful as ever my darling," Nathan smiled and went over to her to grab her hand.

"It's almost 7, we all better go before we're late!" Ivory exclaimed.

We all headed out of the room and made our way until we found a guard in sight. "Excuse me. Where is the party?" Nathan asked the guard.

"Follow me," the curly blond headed guard said. We followed him into a room that was filled with heavy metal rock music, and people that were dancing, talking, eating, and drinking. The candles in here made the room look dim, but just perfect to find out where you'd be stepping. All drinks looked red, and the food looks absolutely delicious! The guard left without another word. Jett and Salem were busy talking amongst themselves as goth girls and boys tried to get all over them. Hazel took Nathan by the arm and dragged him to the dance floor. The song "Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold" was on.

My mother gave me a hug then made her way towards Jett and Salem, leaving me with Kayn and Asher. "Do you want to dance?" I looked at Kayn, ignoring Asher's presence.

"Of course," Kayn intertwined his fingers into mine and I led him to the dance floor. Kayn had his hands on my hips and I had my arms on his shoulders. We weren't slow dancing, I can assure you. We were dancing crazily. Our hips shook back and forth with each other as the music swayed us back and forth. I had my hands all over Kayn. Dragging my hands down his tux, then coming up to kiss him. As Kayn moved his hands down to my ass I quickly looked behind him, seeing Asher staring at us with an expressionless face.

He saw me staring, I could feel it. He gulped then turned around to the punch bowl. A girl that had a red corset dress on and long black hair started to put her hands all over Asher. Asher turned to her and danced with her, putting his hands on her waist and then bent down to kiss her for a long staggering moment. I knew what he was trying to do. Trying to make me jealous. And goddamn, it sure did work. "Ry?" Kayn leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Are you alright?"

"Of course," I smiled at Kayn. "Sorry, I just got really thirsty. I've been looking at that punch over there," I stood on my tip toes and kissed Kayn. Kissing him long and hard, hoping that Asher would see. I felt bad in the inside. It's hard having feelings for two boys that both want every single inch of you. I knew Kayn was the right choice for me, but why did my feeling for Asher still stick? I had to get rid of them, but how?

"How about you go get both of us a punch then?" Kayn broke the kiss then smiled at me.

"Sure," I smiled back and bowed playfully. I made my way over to the punch and looked over to Asher and that other girl. Asher and I both locked eyes for a moment, then I quickly looked back at the punch. Pull it together, Ryley, pull yourself together. As I was pouring my drink and Kayn's, Jett stood right next to me. I jumped, "Jesus Christ! You scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry love," Jett smiled. "Here, take a sip of mine," he held his punch before me. Something was different about it though, his looked way more darker red than the other punch did.

"I think I'll just stick to this punch," I suggested.

"Do you want me to join your mothers army?" he looked into my eyes.

"Y-yes," I said breathlessly.

"Then you'll take a drink of my punch," he handed me his punch. I looked over to Kayn. Salem was busy talking to him. What was happening right now? Where was my mother?

"Where's my mom?" I asked Jett.

"Oh, she's over there!" he pointed to the front of the stage where the DJ was playing music. She was dancing and having a good time. "Now drink."

I took a deep breath and took a drink of the punch. "There," I started to hand the drink back to him.

"No. Drink all of it," he insisted.

"Okay.." I grabbed the cup back and downed it all. It was very sweet, flirty if I might add. "I-I feel good.."

"I know dear. Now, who do you love? I've seen those two boys going all googly eyes on you. What were their names? Kayn? Asher?" he smiled as if he had a plan.

"I-I love them both.." I admitted shamelessly.

"Then you better go to the one that you're thinking about right now," he squeezed my hand and drifted out into the crowd of people. The song "America by Motionless in White" was on when I looked over to Kayn, only to realize that Salem was leading him off into the back room. I felt like I was a trance. I knew something wrong was happening to me. I had to get to my mom. I started to pull myself into the crowd to find either Hazel or Ivory, but it was like my body wouldn't let me. I had to go to him. To Asher.

I walked over to Asher and the girl that was still dancing sexually all over him. I pushed the chick off. "Do you mind?" the girl looked at me with anger.

"Leave," Asher stepped towards the girl. She scoffed then turned off into the crowd. "Why are you here Ryley?"

"I-I need you, Asher.."

"Ryley, are you drunk?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "I just need you. I want you. I want you so bad.." I started to slide my hands up his sides.

"Ryley, what about Kayn? Where did he go?" he grabbed my arms, but didn't push me off. I knew he secretly liked me touching him.

"Don't worry about him," I started slurring my words, but caught myself. "It's just us right now," I put my hand on the back of his head and tilted his mouth down to mine. His kisses were so soft, so genuine. I needed him. No, I wanted him. I wanted all of him. He didn't hesitate to think if this was right or wrong, I knew he wanted me too.

I grabbed his hand and led him into whatever entrance I could find. Jett was on stage grinning at the sight of me leaving with Asher, but didn't come after us. We left the party and went to the bedroom where I got ready in. I closed the door behind us, then locked it. I tossed Asher to the bed. "Ry, are you sure about this?" Asher looked me in the eyes with awe.

"Yes," I kissed him hard. "I need you. I need you now," I said breathlessly. I ripped off his tux and his shirt as he started to untie my corset. We never broke our kisses. Everything seemed perfect. To perfect. I slipped my dress off and Asher took off his pants and threw them to the ground. I kissed him hard, hungry. Like it was just me and Asher all alone in this world. He gripped my sides and thrusted. The bed shook like crazy. The blissful moans traveled upon both of our lips like a beautiful siren song. His fingers traveled down my body like silk running against water. He was melting me. Melting me away. Not just my body, but my heart.

We needed both of each other. We needed each other now. It was just us. In silence we both lay there with beautiful moans coming from each of us. When Asher was done, we were both sweating, heat radiating off both of us. Both exhausted in the most loving way possible. He put me on top of him and we layed on that bed. He played with my hair with his fingers until I fell asleep. Comforting my every need, my every emotion, my everything.


"I could show you the ropes of this whole place. I could show you the gargoyle fountain! The night stars, the shooting stars that drift throughout the night, anything you would love to see," Salem smiled at Kayn.

"Salem, I appreciate everything that you're doing for me right now. But, I must go back. I need to get back to Ryley," Kayn pleaded as he was about to turn around and head for the door, so that he could get back into the party.

"Why isn't the drink should be me.." Salem whispered under his breath.

"What?" Kayn asked, not hearing what Salem just said.

"Nothing. I just thought you liked me," Salem stared into Kayn's eyes.

"Look, Salem..I'm not into men-"

"No, no. Of course not. I'm sorry I brought you into this mess," Salem swallowed embarrassingly, but held his ground, trying not to break into tears.

"You seem like a great person. A great ruler. I hope you know that I am not against you in any way," Kayn started.

"Just hold your breath, Mr. Maverick. Please, your talk is not needed right now," Salem took a deep breath. "Go back into your party. See if your Ryley is still there.."

"What do you mean by 'still'?" Kayn looked at Salem with worry in his eyes.

"Talk to my brother."

Without another word Kayn ran back into the party room. Jett was mingling with a bunch of girls that were all over him. Kayn ran up to Jett and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I don't think you greet royalty like this.." Jett grinned towards Kayn.

"Where is she?!" Kayn glared at him.

Jett laughed. "Where do you think she is?"

Kayn didn't reply.

"With Asher, duhh!" Jett pushed Kayn back.

"What did you do.." Kayn caught himself from falling.

"Take it as a favor. Now you know who she truly wants. And it's not you," Jett had an evil grin on his face.

"You bastard! Where are they!" Kayn shouted on top of his lungs.

"I think I saw them go up to her room about twenty minutes ago. I hope you're not too late," Jett winked at Kayn. Jett leaned down and whispered into Kayn's ear. "I'm on your side now, lad. Just remember that."

Kayn turned around and ran as fast as he could up to the bedroom door in which Asher and I lay down. "Ryley!" Kayn screamed as he banged his hands against the locked door. Asher looked down at me peacefully sleeping and lightly put his hands on my ears so I wouldn't hear Kayn. "Ryley open the door!" Kayn repeated over and over again. "Asher I'm going to kill you once I get my hands on you!"

"Go away Kayn!" Asher yelled. "She doesn't want you."

"Liar! She has got to be under a spell! Open this door or I'll open it myself!"

Asher didn't say anything. Kayn kept pounding on the door, almost busting through it, until Salem showed up. Salem hid around the corner so that Kayn wouldn't see him. Salem started chanting a spell so that the door couldn't open until Ryley would open it herself when she wakes up. "It's locked Kayn. I locked it," Salem stepped out around the corner.

"No!" Kayn started having tears dripping down his face. "Why would you do this to me!" Kayn pushed Salem against the wall.

"Just drop it and go to sleep," Salem suggested, his voice sad for what he had just done.

"You sick bastard! I'm going to kill you-"

Salem put his fingertips on Kayn's head and made Kayn pass out and fall to the ground. "Don't worry, I know you'll forgive us eventually," Salem picked Kayn up and carried him in his arms. "You can sleep with me. I won't hurt you I promise," he assured Kayn as he lay in his arms unconscious. Salem said a chant under his breath and quickly teleported within thin air and showed up right by his room. "I'll tuck you in and I'll sleep on the couch," Salem smiled down at Kayn as he opened his bedroom door, then walked inside.

Please vote and comment if you enjoy my story:) that would mean so much to me !

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