the bachelor ▹ dan howell x r...

reinfalldeer द्वारा

32.3K 1.2K 2.8K

thirty woman, ten weeks, one man. ❝welcome to this season of the bachelor❞ ❀❀❀ PRAISE FOR THE BACHELOR: ❝thi... अधिक

author's note


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reinfalldeer द्वारा

"my god! this suitcase is worth more than me!" exclaimed emery as she examined the luggage full of expensive jewelry and clothing that the producers blessed all of the contestants with.

athena was unimpressed, "couldn't say the same for myself." she ignored the present and plopped onto her bed.

i searched through the luggage, finding diamond earrings, bathing suits, and even a gucci perfume. i wouldn't be able to afford half the items in this suitcase with three years of my wage as a waitress.

a waft of perfume plagued the air. i gagged at the rich aroma of mothballs and fruitcake. "did someone bottle my nonna?" i remarked, plugging my nose.

athena swatted at the air and violently coughed. "what the hell?" she shouted as she too plugged her nose.

emery stared at us innocently with a perfume bottle in hand from her bed place conveniently by the door. i rushed over and opened it to air our small room out.

"what's the disgusting smell?" i heard a girl yell from down the dimly lit hall. she received a series of shushes from contestants still exhausted after the rose ceremony. the three of us, along with most of the other girls, passed out immediately once we got to our room. six hours later we finally decided to unpack our luggage in which they dropped off before we arrived. that's when we discovered three identical suitcases sitting daintily atop our dresser, the gifts.

our room was simplistic and almost identical to the other girls. there were three beds side by side facing a wall with a dresser, presumably where the tv would've been. i somehow got stuck with the bed adjacent to the bathroom, what luck. silk white bedsheets were adorned by matching silk white pillows. it honestly felt like a cloud.

"i could really go for a burger and fries right now." i admitted, glancing out the vacant hallway towards the stairway leading downstairs.

"wait, you're not a vegan?" exclaimed athena as she covered her mouth in disgust. she eyed at me up and down.

"wait, you're not a virgin?" i snapped and minicked her tone as i covered my mouth as well. her jaw dropped as she scowled at me. "what? i thought we were stating the obvious."

emery stared at me wide-eyed, mouth gaping while athena shot daggers. "i'm sorry," i apologized. "i'm just super tired." i rubbed my eyes as i fell back upon my bed once again. emery did the same and eventually so did athena. minutes later the lights were off and we passed out once more.


my eyes fluttered open to reveal i was completely alone in an unknown bed at an unknown time. i jolted up, attempting to take in my surroundings. the fact that it was pitch dark besides the light radiating from the cracks in the door made it nearly impossible to view my location. it wasn't until i reached over to the side table in order to grab my phone just to realize that i didn't have it did i comprehend what was happening.

i was on the bachelor.

athena and emery must've woken up earlier and abandoned me in our new room. i couldn't say i wasn't grateful. distant giggles resonated from outside the doorway. after a struggle, i managed to get out of the heavenly bed and slipped on some yoga pants and a plain white shirt. the bitter cold of the air conditioner made me wish i packed a throw blanket.

i cracked open the door, warm yellow light blinding me. i followed the echoes of laughter downstairs and crept towards the kitchen. four girls were huddled around a bowl of chips. judging by the darkness outside, it was night. they noticed me approaching and turned their heads.

"what time is it?" i asked no one in particular. they all shrugged expect for a tall blonde who checked the time on her watch.

"one forty-two." the blonde answered.

"am?!" i questioned. my sleeping schedule was totally out of wack. the blonde nodded in response and then went back to snacking.

i paced around the mansion grounds for a while, attempting to find something that will occupy me. as i was sauntering around, i noticed that almost all of the other girls were up as well. some had their doors propped open and were sitting on beds talking while others sat alone snacking. it's 2am and almost no one was asleep.



the note must've fallen out while i was sleeping. i speed walked back towards our room, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. when i entered i immediately went to brush my teeth. after i somehow miraculously completed that task without getting toothpaste on my shirt, i rummaged through the gift the producers gave us and slipped on some diamond earrings. during that process, i discovered some perfume that actually smelled pleasant. i hastily sprayed some on my neck, slipped on some slippers, and began my journey to the pool.

i tried to look as casual as possible but ended flinching at any sudden noise. if i get caught doing this i could be eliminated. what if that's his plan? set up this whole meeting just to tell the producers that i attempted to assault him or something? well, if that's true than i'll be glad if i get eliminated.

eventually, i made it to one of the glass doors that leads towards the backyard. the pool radiated a aquamarine light. besides the distant house lights on the horizon, it was the only light source.

i peaked out side, glancing both way but i couldn't seem to make out anyone.

suddenly, a pair of hands grasped my hips and yanked me back from the doorway. my body was pressed up against theirs as they lead me away from the entrances to the house. i elbowed the figure in the stomach and they released me with a yelp.

"what the hell!" daniel exclaimed, clutching his stomach. i placed a hand over my mouth, attempting to muffle a laugh at this situation.

"sorry!" i apologized, stifling a giggle. daniel straightened and managed to get out a laugh as well.

"do you want to get caught?" he whispered. "almost all of the doorways and windows in the house lead out to the pool. anyone could've seen us."

it was a relief to know that this whole situation wasn't a plan for me to get eliminated. i muttered an apology once more before daniel took my hand and guided me to a spot on the side of the house.

daniel leaned up against the wall of the house, his eyes glued on the horizon. "it seems like you've done this before." i commented, filling the silence.

"only with rachel." he responded and i immediately regretted speaking. he seemed to notice. "it's okay (y/n), rachel isn't some taboo subject around me." daniel nonchalantly placed a hand on my waist. he seemed to do that quite often.

i cleared my throat, "are there any cameras or microphones out here?"

"of course not. why do you think i've taken you here?" daniel stated like it was obvious.

"why did you take me here daniel?" i asked, tilting my head slightly. he turned his eyes from the skyline to look at me. his murky brown optics met my own.

"please, call me dan."

his eyes wandered to the left slightly, eyeing my earrings that the producers gave me. "are those real diamonds?" he asked. dan took one in his hand to examine.

"probably." i laughed as i brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. dan rested a hand on my shoulder, leaning into my neck. my eyes widened, thinking that he was going to kiss me until he took in a deep breath.

he grinned as he stared up at me from his position. "i like your perfume." he admitted, his breath tickling my neck as he spoke.

i attempted to reply but all i could make out were mumbles. dan's hand fell from my shoulder to my hips. both hands were grasping my waist. he pulled me in and his rosy lips were inches from mine. i couldn't tell if my heart has stopped or it was racing so fast i couldn't tell it was beating. his breath was scented of coffee and spearmint. all i could think about was how thankful i was that i decided to brush my teeth.

my whole relationship with daniel, which now consists of three semi solid conversations, was so fake but oh god, how much i wanted to kiss him right now.

the tension disappeared immediately when i cleared my throat. i glanced down at my slippers and his hands slid away from my hips, dropping down to his sides.

"is there something wrong?" inquired daniel, sounding genuinely concerned, not for himself but me.

"yes," i admitted. "the fact that we're on a tv show and there's twenty nine other girls you're kissing kind of ruins the moment."

he chuckled, "you'll get used to it."

"you sure seemed to have." i stated. i leaned up against the building as well, our shoulders touching.

"it's getting late. you should get some sleep for our date tomorrow." daniel suggested, disregarding the topic. if i had a drink, i would've spit it out.

"date?!" i exclaimed before he clamped a hand around my mouth.

"please don't yell like that love. they have security guards patrolling the place that could hear you." he informed and slowly dropped his hand from my lips. "you'll have fun, i promise." daniel ushered me back towards the door i came outside through.

"could you at least tell me what it is?" i questioned, halting momentarily for daniel to glance around the corner.

daniel hastily grabbed my hand and fast walked to the door. he opened it for me and playfully pushed me inside. "no spoilers. now please get some rest."

"okay dan."

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