Hobbit Short Stories


713 13 6

exactly what the title says. Feel free to leave request. Mainly Thorin cause he's my favorite 😙😍 I OBVIOUS... Еще

Thorin: Mute

Fili: Blame

170 3 0

*This story takes place after the journey assuming Fili and Kili survived.*

Fili's POV:

"What's wrong with you?" Kili said as he entered the room. "It's your coronation, you should be happy." Kili sat next to me on the bed.

"I shouldn't be king." I told him. "Thorin should."

"Fi-" He started but I interrupted.

"It's my fault he's dead Ki!" I told. "I should have listened to him."

Kili sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Fi, we were both at fault, not just you. Thorin died valiantly. He died a great king, so the least we can do is honor him." Kili told me. "He taught you to be a great king, so stop blaming yourself. He would be happy to see you king."

I gave him a smirk and sighed. "You're probably right." I said and stood.

"Plus Maya will be there." Kili told me.

Maya? She's basically my best friend. I haven't seen her since before the journey. "She will? How do you know?"

"Because she's standing at the doorway." And female voice spoke. I turned around and smiled once I saw her. Her blonde hair was in messy braids as usual, her face shaven. She never did like facial hair on her. She often shaved so, as she put it, she looks more human.

She smiled and practically ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm so happy your safe." She said. "I fear something terrible would happen to you."

"Well Kili almost died, and Thorin..." I sighed and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I'll miss him too." She said. "He practically raised me as well." She turned Kili, hugging him as well. "You almost died?"

"I got shot with a poison arrow." He said as if it was nothing. "Tauriel saved my life actually."

"Tauriel? Oh that elf girl I saw." She said and turned to me. "You should be ready. I don't think a future king appears in a long shirt and sleeping trousers."

I looked down at my apparel, and gave a shrug of my shoulders. "I wish I could honestly."

"If you do that you will be wishing you were dead because your mother will never let you hear the end of it." Maya said with a laugh. "You haven't seen your mother yet have you? Kili go get her. She got stopped by Balin and Dwalin on her way here." Maya said. Kili nodded and left to find mother. "You should have heard her on the way here." Maya gave me a smile. "She was both thrilled, proud, but also sad."

I nodded. "That's the second brother she lost... not even counting Father. It seems like we've dealt with too much sorrow."

Maya sighed and sat down on my bed. "Remember that day we got stuck in the mud pit?" She said. "We were all so little we couldn't reach to get out."

I smirked at the memory and went sit down beside her. "Thorin is the one who got us out, but not before we covered him in mud."

"I remember that day because it was the first day I really ever saw your uncle laugh." Maya told me.

(Flashback in 3rd pov)

"Fili look!" Maya shouted as she saw the big mud pit. Fili came running over, little Kili not far behind. "I bet this is a lot of fun!"

Fili laughed and didn't hesitate. He jumped and slid down into the mud pit, Maya and Kili following.

Fili grabbed a handful of mud, throwing it to Maya, and getting her dress all dirty. She threw some back to him and it didn't take long for a mud fight to start.

Fili grabbed some mud and smothered it into his little brothers hair. "Fi!" Kili screamed with a laugh. "Not nice Fiwi!" The toddler said, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

Nightfall had soon come, and the three decided they had to leave. There was one problem though... they couldn't get out... they could get Kili out thankfully by pushing him up onto level ground. "Kili go get Uncle Thorin." Fili told.

"And hurry!" Maya added.

Little Kili nodded and ran towards the house. "Torin!" The toddler shouted. "Fili, and May, come!" He grabbed his uncles hand and dragged him to the pit.

Thorin sighed as he looked to the children covered in mud. "I'll yell at you later." Thorin had mumbled, jumping down into the pit to get the children.

Fili and Maya giggled, tackling him to the earth, getting him too covered in mud. They tickled and splashed mud on him, and in the first time in what seems like forever, Thorin let out a throaty laugh, tickling the children as well.

(End of Flashback and back to Fili's POV)

"Why think of that time?" I asked with a chuckle. "He laughed a few times "

"Yes, but that was the first." Maya said. "I loved your uncle almost as much as you did." She told me. "So don't grieve alone." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You'll make a great king."


"Oh Fili you look so handsome." My mother told me as I wore 'the proper attire.'

"How long is this going to last?" I grumbled.

Mother rolled her eyes. "You are just like your uncle." She said placing her hand on my cheek. "He never was one for social gatherings. You have a bit of your other uncle as well." She smiled. "Frerin was always cheerful. So why don't you honor them both and smile and be proud to be the next king."

I smiled to her as she kissed my cheek. Kili nudge me forward with a laugh. Maya gave my arm a squeeze, kissing my cheek like my mother did.


It was supper time, but I couldn't find myself to join the crowd. I was leaning on the balcony wall, looking to the city of Dale. It was a city again, not just ruin.

"A king is to be strong, loyal, and always to put his people before himself. He is to keep his head up high, and never back down from a fight." I heard Maya say as she walked over.

"Thorin told me that." I said and gave her a smiled. "You should be enjoying the party." I told her.

"As should you." She countered. "Fili your king now, do you actually realize that?" She giggled at her statement. "You should be meeting people."

"It hasn't really sunk in that I'm king." I told her. "It still feels wrong."

"Fili," Maya whined with a laugh, wrapping her arms around my waist from the side. "Stop blaming yourself. I know you do, so don't try telling me you don't."

"I can't help it May. Thorin told us 'do not engage' and to just report back, and I didn't listen! If it wasn't for that He probably would still be alive. He died saving Kili and I. It was my responsibility, and I failed him." I told her, clenching my fist.

She sighed. "Fili look at me." She told. I sighed and looked to her. "You did as you thought was right. Thorin would be proud. So please, forgive yourself."

I sighed and leaned in, resting my forehead to hers. "I hate it when you're right." I told her.

She giggled. "I'm always right." She pulled away and grabbed my hand. "Now come on, let's join the party."


It was a bad idea going to the party. All I heard was "King Fili! This, or King Fili that." Just because I became king doesn't mean you have to address me by it. What's wrong with just Fili? People didn't say 'King Thorin' every time they spoke to him. If I hear one more person say 'King Fili' instead of just 'Fili' I think I'm going to go crazy. More just I wish people treated me like they normally did instead of holding me up on some pedestal.

"You look like you need an escape." Maya said as she came over to me, trying to hide behind a pillar.

"You're the one who made me come down." I told her.

"And we learned to not always listen to Maya." She joked, grabbing my hand and pulling me down hallways. She pulled me into a room, checking to see if anyone was in there first, locking the door behind us as we entered. "You can breath now." She said.

"You, Kili, and mother seem to be the only people who still treat me as me. Just because I became king doe-" I was venting but got stopped when Maya's lips were suddenly on mine. "Wait, wait what is this? Since when d-"

"Would you shut up and just kiss me!" Maya said and put her lips to mine again. "I wanted to kiss you goodbye before you left, but got too nervous. Seeing you again after nearly two years tends to bring back old emotions." She told me, pushing my down onto the table behind us and climbing on top of me.

She kissed down my neck when we broke apart for a breath. "Maya, explain." I said stopping her and making her look at me by grabbing her chin.

"Are you saying you honestly didn't notice?" She asked. "Fili, I've loved you since... I don't even know when." She played with the buttons on my formal shirt as she spoke. "The questions is, do you lo-"

I didn't even let her finish. I kissed her, flipping her over so that her back was to the table and I was over her. "Yes." I said to answer her question. I did love her back. I've actually loved her for a long time now, I just never had the guts to say it.

Maya practically ripped my shirt open, pushing it off my body as I removed her dress. She kissed at my neck and chest, as I did the same to her. I was about to enter her when a knock came to the door. "You have got to be kidding me!" Maya said in frustration.

"Fili I know you and Maya are in there." Kili spoke through the door. "And before you knock her up, get back to this party before mother goes crazy."

"I swear Kili, did you time this right as we're both naked?!" Maya asked.

"I didn't need to know that." Kili said. "Just hurry up."

Maya and I let out a laugh. "Alright, I'll be right there."

"To be continued." Maya grumbled, but laughed.

*it seriously might be to be continued, but idk?*

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