The ABCs of Yandere

Oleh KillKissRepeat

125K 1.9K 1.9K

ᗩ ᙖ ᙅ ᗪ, YOᙀ ᙎIᒪᒪ ᗩᒪᙎᗩYᔕ ᙖᙓᒪOᑎᘜ TO ᙏᙓ! •Twenty six letters, twenty six yanderes• •This is a horror anthology... Lebih Banyak

(Y!MxF) "A" Is for Alpha (Act I)
"A" Is for Alpha (Act II)
"A" is for Alpha (Act III) 🍋
(Y!FxF) "B" Is for Bully (Act I)
"B" Is for Bully (Act II)
"B" is for Bully (Act III) 🍋
"C" is for Cannibal (Act II)
"C" is for Cannibal (Act III) 🍋

(Y!MxM) "C" is for Cannibal (Act I)

13.2K 169 212
Oleh KillKissRepeat

Okay y'all, as you could probably guess from the title, there will be gore in this short story. Lots' o gore. Gore gore and lemons galore!


P.S. Sorry it's taking me frickin forever to update, and I apologize if this chapter sucks. It's because I have a severe back injury, and the pain distracts me from writing, so if I make any mistakes or if there's anything I need to work on on this chapter, please let me know!!

Ok, enjoy the latest installment in the ABCs of Yandere series, "C" is for Cannibal~

↹ • ↹ • ↹

Cannibal: A person who eats the flesh of other human beings

Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

Cain's heavy eyelids fluttered open at the obnoxious tone of his alarm clock, the buzzing of the chunky plastic machine echoing inside of his ear canal like a mosquito on steroids. The seventeen year old boy released a soft grunt before gradually sitting up and sliding out of the average-sized bed, landing on his two feet before stretching his arms over his head, extending the rippling muscles that aligned his perfect athletic body.

The mildly exhausted boy glanced at the irritating alarm clock which was still emitting its horribly annoying monotone buzzing before slamming his large hand over the snooze button, the noise having crossed his thin line of patience.

"Shit..." Cain ran his fingers through his messy, coffee colored hair before trudging out of his bedroom. "I need to hurry, or else he'll leave without me." The pale-skinned boy mumbled incoherently to himself as he continued to occasionally stretch his tired muscles. After tilting his head to the side to crack his neck, the tall teen's gaze floated towards a certain window that was located beside his bedroom door. Peering through the glasses that was slightly foggy from the brisk Winter air, his heart began to beat swiftly once his eyes fell upon a surfacing figure in the house next to him.

There you were in all of your glory, getting ready for another mundane day working part time in retail at a clothing store nearby. You were currently in the midst of running around your room, rushing to get all of the articles of fabric on your body in under two minutes. "He must have overslept..." Cain mumbled underneath his breath, reaching up to touch his fingertips against the icy window, the cold feeling branching off to his fingers the longer they remained on the glass.

After you had briskly tugged on a neat, clean pair of light blue jeans and slipped on a white button down shirt, you had suddenly turned to face a mirror which was positioned next to your window that Cain was currently peering into. "Oh fuck..." The eerie boy chewed on his lower lip slowly as his eyes trailed down to look at your exposed torso, silently admiring how your pants hung a little too low on your waist without a belt, revealing the indented "V" line. Oh if only your pants fell a little lower than that....

Cain's breathing slowed into heavy, shallow pants as he continued to peep at you silently from behind his own window, biting his lip so hard to a point where it had begun to bleed a bit. He wanted you so terribly bad. He wanted to tangle his fingers through your soft (H/C) hair and stare deeply into your (E/C) eyes as he fucked you senseless....

You had recently made the bold decision of purchasing a condo directly beside Cain's after your final year in high school. The community found it unusual for such a young man to be interested in settling down in a new home while juggling the responsibilities of paying bills without any reliance on family members, however you had gained some respect from your peers as well as family and friends for having a newfound reputation as the mature high school grad who made the decision to live by himself.

Although you had only been living there for almost a month now, you had already won the hearts of an abundance of the inhabitants of the condominium for being such a kind and respectful young man. Your sweet and pure attitude had intrigued Cain, tugging and tempting at his conscious. Perhaps it was because the two of you were complete opposite personalities that Cain had taken an obsessive interest in you. The mentally wild and deranged boy saw you as a clean slate, and had the impulsive urge to soil your innocence as much as possible. And for four weeks he managed to craft the perfect plan to get you tangled within his poisonous grasp.

The boy was planning on inviting you over to his lovely abode for dinner. And from there, he would be sure to mark you as his. Was it a simple plan that didn't require much thought? Yes, from an outsiders perspective it would seem like it. However, the details of the scheme that brewed in Cain's mind were anything but ordinary once it was activated. You see, Cain was not your average nineteen year old boy. He was such a destructive and chaotic individual that any idea he concocted with a seemingly innocent and harmless notion turned out to be the plans that were the most harmful of them all.

Snapping out of his own thoughts, he realized that you were getting ready to leave as he peered through the window that connected the two of you so fatefully. "Shit shit shit!" Cain grumbled to himself before swiftly dashing back into his room. Due to the fact that he was in a hurry, the regularly cool, calm, and sexy individual was tugging and yanking on articles of clothing in a sloppy fashion, sufficing with a sweater and a pair of jeans that he had worn the day before. Since he was wearing socks, it was extremely difficult to race back out of his room and down a flight of stairs leading to his front door, endangering him as the chances of slipping increased.

After running his fingers through strands of his thick coffee colored hair which were sticking out on end due to the stressful situation, he swung open the door and jogged outside. Planting his feet right in front of your front door, he arrived just in time as you swung open the long slab of peeling white wood, startled by Cain's uninvited presence.

"Oh!" You exclaimed in surprise at the sight of your underdressed neighbor standing at your front door on a miserably frigid winter day. "H-Hello Cain, you scared me." You laughed awkwardly before glancing up at the tall, broad shouldered boy with a bright smile. The warm smile that thawed Cain's icy heart and drove the other male absolutely crazy.

Cain's breathing hitched at the sight of your perfect lips curling and tilting up into a warm smile. He certainly hoped that you weren't smiling like that in front of anyone else. "Sorry about that....I was....I was wondering...." Cain dug his fingernails into his palms as he held his hands behind his back, feeling the sharp nails sink and break the surface of his slightly calloused skin. This familiar sensation was followed by a familiar dull stinging, a warning from his brain alerting the male that blood would be seeping onto his large hands sometime soon.

Cain cleared his throat and blinked a few times in order to regain composure. On the outside you didn't notice due to his calm appearance, but on the inside the sinister boy was buzzing with anxiety, sincerely hoping that you would accept the offer that he was about to bestow upon to you.

"Will you join me for dinner tonight?"

Cain blurted out the question quickly, as if he had been concealing a bad taste inside of his mouth and desperately wanted to be rid of it. His heart pounded ferociously inside of his chest, like a prisoner begging to escape his rib cage as he nervously awaited your answer.

"For dinner? Yeah, I'd love to." You responded without hesitation, the grin on your face growing larger. "I don't have any plans, plus this is a good way to get to know you, right? You are my neighbor after all."

"Y-Yeah..." The feeling of tension that had begun to fester inside of him burst, a wave of relief washing over him as he was pleased with your answer. "So...come over at eight--"

"Is this that neighbor that lives next door to you, (F/N)?"

"Who just fucking interrupted me...?" Cain thought to himself, his eye twitching as a young girl who seemed to be no younger than sixteen, but no older than eighteen popped up from behind you. To his horror, she wrapped her arms around your arm, bringing you close and trying to tug you away from the man who sincerely loved you the most. "Who is this ugly fucking whore and why is she clinging onto MY (F/N)?"

"Yes, he just invited me to dinner." You respond with a soft sigh, watching helplessly as the girl rolled her eyes at Cain. "I apologize, she's got a bit of a....brusk personality....this is my friend Annabelle. She came to visit and spent the night last night."

Cain felt as though he was going to explode with anger and black hatred after hearing your blasphemous comment. "That bitch....spent the night....?" Although the tall, dark, and handsome individual was trying to contain himself, he found it rather difficult to not rip off her head right then and there once the girl had begun to speak again.

"So this is your neighbor, huh? Sure, he's good looking, but couldn't you have moved next to someone...I don't know...less weird? Look at him, he's not even wearing shoes and it's freezing out here..."

Cain's eyes trailed downwards to where her obnoxious neon yellow painted fingernail was pointing. Sure enough, his feet were only dressed in a simple pair of black socks. It was then he began to feel the cold, numbing sensation on the soles of feet that had been seeping through the thin cotton, failing to protect his now cold toes.

"Ah...sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry to tell you about dinner, (F/N)..."

"Dinner? You're gonna have dinner with this creepy loser?" It was clear that Annabelle was trying to contain of series of chuckles that threatened to spill from her plump pink lips. "Please tell me you're saying no, (F/N). Wouldn't you rather wanna hang with me instead?"

You felt your lips tilt into a frown and eyebrows crinkle in embarrassment. "Annabelle, why are you always so rude towards everyone else? He's a nice guy whom you seem to have judged too quickly. I'm going to have dinner with him tonight, sorry."

"Psh...whatever. Let's go to work." Annabelle released a large yawn without covering her mouth, running her fingers through her messy, knotted hair. In truth, she didn't look too presentable either, however Cain managed to contain his opinion about her appearance for the sake of seeming polite.

Cain bit his tongue harshly at Annabelle's words, a familiarly sweet metallic taste of vermillion liquid coating his tastebuds. "They...they work together? He works with this disgusting sow?!" Cain's temper was similar to that of an overflowing volcano, and he was beyond ready to burst. Although the boy was completely passed his boiling point, he managed to calm down by gazing at the sight of you, your kind presence instantly soothing him the further he examined you.

You suddenly released a small yelp after glancing down at your watch, the time making your eyes bulge out of their sockets. "W-W-W....We're going to be late! Cain, I'll make sure to see you tonight at eight." You grab onto Annabelle's hand before she could utter another disgustingly rude word out of her venomous lips and wave goodbye to the other male with your free hand as the two of you began to dash to your car. "Bye Cain!"

Cain couldn't help but grin at your sweet and innocent smile despite the fact that your departure caused him to feel as though his insides were coated in boiling black tar. "No matter..." Cain mumbled underneath his breath as he slowly sauntered back into his home, "He'll be mine after dinner tonight, I just....need to make a few adjustments...."

↹ • ↹ • ↹

Cain shot his deep, coffee colored eyes open at the sound of an earth shattering, ear piercing scream. The shrill noise abolished his peace of mind as it echoed irritatingly through out his ears, causing a swelling bubble of annoyance to expand uncomfortably across the insides of his muscular chest.

"Shut. The FUCK. UP!!!!"

Cain slammed the palm of his hand against the basement wall, the drywall rattling and vibrating underneath the raw, harsh, and forceful contact that his hand has bestowed upon it. Although the wall was currently shaking from his angry blow, it wasn't nearly shaking as much as the person restrained helplessly beside him....

Glancing down to his left, he gazed opaquely at the innocent victim that he had captured in the wee hours of the morning. His face wore a mixture of pure fear and desperation, body slick with sweat as he desperately tried to yank and tug himself out of the restraints that were tightly fastened on a dingy mattress that used to be an off-white color, but was now soaked a deep scarlet color from the blood of his previous victims. Cain couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at his appearance. The poor boy looked like a fish out of water, writhing and flopping around while gasping for a sweet release of fresh air.

"You see, I'm really angry at the moment because I'm supposed to have my lover over for dinner." He hummed, clearly seething with anger. "However, there's this....putrid girl....that he currently has over at his house....and I do not want her to be an uninvited guest....therefor I need to change plans on how I'm preparing dinner."

Cain began to briskly pace around the dimly lit basement, his heart pounding with excitement and frustration. A small slapping sound rang from the blade of the knife as he tapped it against his thigh anxiously. However, once a sudden flash of brilliance clicked into his mind, he suddenly stopped pacing, and in result, the tapping sound ceased. "That's it...I'll just cook that filthy witch for dinner...I bet she'll taste like bitter poison, but I can cook her to a point where even someone as trashy as her can taste delectable...."

What seemed to be some sort of evil chortle rumbling inside of Cain's chest quickly turned into a string of maniacal giggles that ruptured out of his throat. "Mm....yes...." Cain brought the tip of his knife to his lips before biting down and sucking on it with a sideways grin. "To be chewed up...swallowed...then shit out...what a perfect fate for that fucking bitch...."

As if he was like some sort of alarm, the whimpering of his poor victim suddenly snapped the dark haired cannibal back into reality and reminded Cain of his presence. "Ah, but don't think you're in the clear...I haven't had lunch yet!!!"

Without warning, Cade swiftly got close to the sobbing male after a few long strides before plunging the knife he was holding into the man's eye socket, a sickeningly terrifying smile creeping up against Cain's slightly chapped lips. Not only were his victims agonizing cacophony of screams music to his ears, but the delightful, slimy sound of his eyeball being punctured followed by the tearing and ripping noises coming from his optic nerve sent pleasurable shivers down his spine. As he twisted and pulled the now bloody orb out, Cain gazed at the eyeball in absolute awe. "Man, you have pretty blue eyes....the color of cotton candy....I sure hope this tastes like cotton candy...."

Gently wrapping his lips over the circumference of the severed eyeball, Cain's teeth pulled and tugged at it before the entire thing popped into his mouth. A soft crunching sound could be heard as Cain's teeth mashed against the spherical body part, blood escaping from his lips and running down his chin as a couple of veins burst underneath his sharp teeth. Cain closed his eyes as he savored the delicious taste before allowing the pile of mush to slide down his throat slowly.

"Scrumptious...I was going to have you for dinner tonight, but I suppose you'll suffice as my afternoon snack instead~"

"No....p-please stop!!!! IT HURTS!!" The man shrieked, sobbing uncontrollably. Tears poured out of his one remaining eye, while a copious amount of blood streamed from his eyeless eye socket. The mixture of tears and blood that coated the victim's face sent Cain absolutely giddy with excitement. "PLEASE LET ME GO!! IT FUCKING HURTS!!"

"Silly boy, I'm not letting you go. Not after I've had such a sweet sample from you." Cain laughed loudly as he silently soaked in the other male's desperation in despair. "Now...I'm really hungry...I'm running low on meat so I wasn't able to eat dinner last I can have a delightful feast~"

The man's screams in sheer terror were soon silenced by the sounds of flesh being shredded, sliced at, and hacked at, followed by the sound of blood spilling and organs plopping down onto the already bloodstained ridden basement floor.

Cain released a few breaths before sitting back and admiring the pile of flesh he had just mounted beside him, his bloody lips curling into a deranged smile as he licked the vermillion liquid off of his knife slowly. Out of the pile of body parts, he grabbed onto the still beating heart and examined it closely with a happy grin. His fingers tightened around the throbbing vital organ before a happy sigh escaped from his esophagus.

"I don't want any of these hearts....I just want yours, (F/N)....your heart is the best out of innocent and pure. And tonight, not just your heart, but...all of you...every organ, every pound of flesh, every breath, every drop of blood, every appendage....will be mine."

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