The Companions of Time

נכתב על ידי abbsofsteele02

1.1K 108 23

You must not question the story you are about to read. That is if you are courageous enough to in fact read i... עוד

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 21

29 5 2
נכתב על ידי abbsofsteele02

Dear reader, irony can be a terribly dreadful thing. The actual definition of irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

In our case, it was not humorous. Rather, it left us unprepared for what lay ahead.

It was the morning of the ball. Every morning in the days we had stayed were all the same. The nightmares came every night as well. The morning of the ball was different however, it was cheerful.

Too cheerful.

I awoke, acheless from the sleepless night, perfectly rested and my hair was cooperating.

But something felt off.

Just as Grey had described.

I was dressed, and made my way downstairs.
Bright morning light filled the whole manor, and out of open windows I could hear birds singing in the trees surrounding the manor.
A fresh spring breeze sweeping through the house, made the small curled pieces of hair around my face sway.

I made my way to the dining room, a hot breakfast awaiting.
Grey, and Ben sat at the table and looked up with smiles on their faces.

A calm settled, maybe it was just a cheery day.

"Delightful morning isn't it?" I asked sitting.

"Yes the weather is cooperating quite nicely isn't it?" Said Grey with a smile.

Poached eggs, bacon and beans filled my stomach, and I happily sat outside in the garden with a book.
In the sun it was warm, and I was absolutely content.

As I read, my mind drifted.


Quickly I gathered my skirts and took off running to find Grey. Surely he had seen Lucas.

I made my way into the house and found Grey immediately, engrossed in another novel.

"Grey, have you seen Lucas? I just remembered that he wasn't at breakfast."

"He wasn't here this morning, but don't worry I believe we will be fine, nothing bad will happen tonight, so just focus on this beautiful occasion. It's totally out of my character to say this, but let's just enjoy tonight, and worry about it tomorrow."

I nodded at Grey's words, hoping I could believe them. I did for a bit and a small amount of excitement replaced the worry.
It was going to be a great night.

The house was abuzz. Preparations for the ball tonight had commenced, so early in the morning. Chairs were set, a place for musicians, the ballroom was opened and aired out. Decorations were put up.

I was sitting in the library with Grey, when the butler came with a familiar box.

It was a box from the dressmakers.

"For the Miss," he said setting the box down on the table, and scurrying off with a bow.

Grey and I made our way to the box, and I opened it excitedly.
A sea of unfamiliar fabric filled the box.
A small note lay on top of the dress.

I felt this would be more suitable. You do seem to have simple taste and I think this would be most appropriate for the special occasion.


"Of course," huffed Grey.

I pulled out the dress in awe. A delicate blue-green fabric flowed into the box. Underneath the high bodice was gemstones, beautiful and polished.
Tall white silken gloves accompanied the dress.
(A/n: check out the picture above)

"My goodness," I breathed "look at all the richness."

Grey's eyes were wide.
"That's a lot of..." he made a motion with his hand.

"I hope it didn't cost too much."

----- time lapse to before the ball-----

I was in my room getting ready. It had already taken a considerable amount of time, and I didn't even have my dress on.

As instructed by Lucas, the maids gave me a milk bath, and put rose oil in my hair, causing it to curl a bit. I was then given a few other treatments while I sat helplessly.

Then I was put in my undergarments, while they perfumed me with rose scented products.

It was way too much pampering if you ask me.

Finally after a long time, I was helped into my dress, and my hair and makeup was finished.

I smelt like roses, and my skin felt soft, while I was getting ready, all the guests had arrived.

Great, more attention.


"Where are the servants stairs?" I asked one of the maids that had helped me.

She directed me to the stairs, and I made my way down them.
The stairs led me to the kitchen, and as softly as I could in the delicate silk shoes, snuck my way around trying to be unnoticeable.

Immediately I was found by Ben, and a group of white haired men.

I received many compliments on how ravishing, healthy and blah, blah, blah I looked.
Having to reply civilly, I added smiles to the complmentors faces, drawing more attention to my self

I uncomfortably looked around for Grey, trying to get out of this awkward situation.

I finally spotted him, with Lucas and some other people.
I walked directly throughout the crowd, hearing whispers and receiving looks.

"Hazel, you look amazing," said Grey when I finally reached him.

"May I talk to you for a moment? Excuse us," I said, leading Grey into a dark room that was unoccupied.

"What's wrong?" Grey asked, seeing my face.

"I don't know, I'm just really awkward and I don't know anyone here, and I think I just saw Elizabeth. I'm just really stressed and awkward that's all," I said heaving my feelings out into the open.

Grey grabbed my shoulders, and looked me dead in the eye "you can handle this, I know it's awkward, but go find the girls you met earlier this. Just enjoy yourself, and just pretend it's just Comic-Con, minus all the nerdy stuff we're into."

I looked down "how can you be so calm?" I asked softly.

We looked in each others eyes an intense stare.

"I guess it's just the way I am, but you are too, you just have to be confident and get out there."

My eyes started to water, I knew I really had to do it, but only didn't want to, I wanted to cry.
I missed sweatpants and Netflix.

I leaned forward, forehead on his chest, and arms hanging, about ready to sob, I actually genuinely missed home now, I was tired of corsets and speaking properly. I longed for peanut butter.
Unless guess all the stress of realizing we weren't going back hit me.

Almost sobbing I was able to complain " I miss home, I'm tired of corsets, and I want junk food. I miss pants for goodness sake. And I know that we aren't going back. I don't want to die in this time period, I wanted to travel and see the world, and now I can't because I'm a 'lady'," I whimpered.

Grey pet my head a bit.

"Hey, if you really want to travel, we can do it. Just deal with this one night, and we will be nomads. Okay?" He asked lifting my head a bit "I know you're totally stressed out, and that's okay. Everything will be fixed soon. Tonight will be just chatter and dancing, can you survive one night of that?"

I nodded my head, and then he pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks," I mumbled "I feel a bit better."

We went back to the party, and to Lucas.

"Ah, there you two are, I have an announcement to make, I'm glad you made it back in such a timely fashion."

Lucas cleared his throat, and with a knife and champagne class, made a loud clinching sound that silenced every one.

"I'm glad all those in attendance will be able to witness this happy event."

With that, he looked at me and got down on one knee.

"Miss Hazel Matthews, you have my highest regard and affections, and so now I would like to make us happy forever," he pulled a ring from his pocket. It looked to be!

Why, it was Ben's ring!

"Will you make me the happiest man on the earth, and marry me?"

Gasps and chatter went through the crowd, then silence fell when my mouth opened to say something.

"Sir, I did not mean to grab your attention so, or lad you on in any way. I'm sorry everyone here had to experience this," I said looking up to the crowd, then back to Lucas' shocked face "but I'm certain that you will not make me happy. Though you are very pleasing on the eyes, and have an enormous fortune, you do not have the qualities I look for in a husband, one that I must spend the rest of my life with."

"So is this your answer?" He asked sadly, still on one knee.

"I'm sorry but my answer is no, and will always be."

I took my hand out of his grasp, and ran.

Through the crowd.

Out the door.

Down the stone steps.

And onto the grass.

I made it to the grass, and sunk to my knees and began to weep bitterly.

Soon after, Grey came running out and hugged me as I wept profusely, embarrassed at the whole spectacle.

I thought that was the worst thing that could've happened that night, but many other things went wrong...

המשך קריאה

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