Magic Theory

Von Afictionwarrior

1.1K 56 18

At age 11, many young witches and wizards are excited to go to Ilvermorny, the North American school of witch... Mehr

Four Houses, One Choice
Chubby Bunnies Really Break the Ice
Outfit examples
The Raven like the Writing Desk
Two Years Later
The Curtain Falls

The Condiment Question

182 10 2
Von Afictionwarrior

Professor Cavaille had asked Matthew to stay behind after class. He thought nothing of it at first. Perhaps she wanted to see how he was coming along in preparation for the Fall Play, or to get back to him about the extra credit he asked about despite it only being October.

He was very wrong. Now he wished he had not sat across from her as his classmates filed out. Matthew sat across Azalea with his shoulders slumped over. "So, what's going to happen?" he asked.

    "You know I can't say." The term was only a few days in, but Matthew felt ten years older. His teacher would not look at him, but simply continued grading papers as if she had not just told him hell was upon them. "You look upset."

    "You're leaving! Are you coming back?" His voice was higher than he would have liked.

    "I've foreseen two possible outcomes," she disclosed, "and neither has me coming back anytime soon." She set her quill in ink and folded her arms on the desk, finally looking at him. "Why does it matter to you so much?"

    "You knew it would matter," he tried to explain. "That's why you told me, right?"

    "Yes, but I still don't understand why you care." Professor Cavaille set her chin on her hand. She raised an eyebrow as he furrowed his. Why did he care? How could he not? She was his favorite professor, he considered her a mentor and a friend. She was really not much older than him. How could he just let her leave to fight a war and not care? Wars were for soldiers. They were for grown-ups. They were not for young, petite women. She often said herself that she still felt like a child. Azalea related to the students more than her own co-workers. She spent more time among his peers than her's.

    Matthew met her bright eyes. They were hazel, like the Frog Pond in the greenhouse. They were also impatient and fiery. She was ready to go, always ready for the future to be the present. "One of those outcomes... You die, don't you?" He could barely get it out. He had not dealt with death much in his short life, but to imagine it was too painful.

    She stared at him with sad eyes. "Does it matter? Why do you want to feel the sting of death before you should have to? Just don't worry about it. One day I will leave, and when I do, I just wanted someone to know what I've seen. I wanted to leave something behind."

    "Why leave it to me?" Matthew's hands felt shaky and his chest heavy.

    "You like to know things," Azalea said. "I want you to know things, but you should also show caution towards knowledge. Some power is to great to wield. Do you understand?" Matthew nodded, but still felt he had not been told the whole truth. "Good. Stay vigilant, Matthew. The troubles plaguing Europe are closer than you may think. You should go now." He knew the professor well enough to do as she said. Matthew stood and prepared to leave when she caught him at the door. "That Thunderbird girl... Interesting, isn't she? Someone like her only comes around once every decade... Maybe? If I were you, I'd be curious." Azalea continued on with grading papers.

    That was a strange thing to mention, thought Matthew as he walked out of the classroom. He adjusted his glasses as he went to the dining hall for lunch. They were only a month into school, but Professor Cavaille had told them on the first day of class that she would be leaving them with a substitute towards the end of the year. She had to return to England for personal reasons.

    Over the summer, he had taken to writing Azalea after he sent her questions about the homework she assigned. At one point he brought up what his father had mentioned about the dark tone the papers had recently taken. With her next letter came a copy of what he assumed was a British newspaper called The Daily Prophet. All her letter said was "Muggle= No-Maj."  He had not been aware of the atrocities consuming the UK. Generations of families were being extinguished, children were being slain, unwitting No-Majs tortured in their own homes all in the name of blood purity. This had hardly been mentioned in his father's favorite paper, The Sorcerer, The worst headline Matthew had seen in The Sorcerer was "War Rages in Europe," but it hadn't touched on the extensive torture and near genocide occurring. What was worse was the fact that the world's fate rested on a boy hardly older than Matthew.

    His parents could not understand Matthew's sudden fascination with Hogwarts, but now the war had made its way to him. He could lose a friend to it. The entire school would be impacted. It would lose a good teacher who cared deeply about each student that walked through her doors. Matthew promised he would not tell though. He would steel himself for whatever was to come. He felt bad for his classmates; they would not be so lucky.

    He sat at his table for a while mulling over things until he realized he was still alone. Straightening his glasses, he stood up to look around. Courtney and he usually met up for lunch after his Defensive Magic 115 class and her Potions 212 lab. He had been late, of course, but he expected her to have met up with him so they could walk to Native Magical Practice together as usual. He caught her at the Thunderbird table taking up a little more of the bench than whoever she was talking to did. Their backs were too him so he could not see her acquaintance, but she did not have any Thunderbird friends that he knew of so to see here there was odd. Whoever she was, the girl was small with dark hair that went to her waist.

Making a disappointed face, Matthew sat back down to finish his meal. He thought about the homework he had to do that night and decided to take something with him now and skip dinner later to study.  The room was still bustling with students who came and went as they pleased. Matthew checked his watch and decided now was as good a time as any to head to class. He would get a good spot in the front. Courtney would groan about it, but he knew she always did better when they sat in the front. He waited by the front door for a moment to see if Courtney would come and meet him. He watched as she chatted. Her friend would often twirl her hair around her finger, and once when she did Courtney grabbed her wrist to look at it. Courtney hopped up, bumping the table and grabbed her bag before bounding to the exit. She greeted Matthew with a red face and was self-consciously pulling her shirt down.

"We're sitting in the front today, aren't we?" Courtney huffed as they walked up the stairs.

"I didn't know you knew any Thunderbirds," Matthew said, grossly curious.

"That's Stephanie. We have potions lab together and we just started working on a project today. When you weren't at the table I asked her if she minded me joining to talk about it."

"She's in potions 212? I thought first years had to take 101 of everything to be assessed for which classes they took next," Matthew said with a note of jealousy.

"Azalea apparently told Ginreedy that Steph was advanced. After about a week, he agreed and switched her into my class. She's really good. I'm glad he assigned her to be my partner. She's cute, too," Courtney said with a far off look on her face. "If we become better friends, I might invite her to the Winter Ball. As friends," she added quickly,

"Right." Matthew winked.  "Friends." She shoved his shoulder and laughed as they entered the room. Matthew took notes during class while Courtney doodled on her parchment as she usually did when she was not sleeping in class. Matthew knew that at least she was absorbing information while she was conscious.

They split for their other classes after agreeing to meet in the third floor of the library after Courtney finished dinner. Matthew went back to his room during break between classes to feed Sunny as was his routine. His last two classes of the day were a breeze as one was Magic in Theatre and the other was Alchemy 109.

Matthew went to the library to begin on his homework for classes he and Courtney did not share. The first floor of the library was allowed a certain amount of noise for casual study groups and classes. The second floor held rooms where students could practice physical magic such as duelling or potions that tended to explode if done wrong. These floors were charmed so that their noise didn't affect the rest of the castle. The third floor was saved for the more studious groups who were working together but still tended to prefer silence. It had a few soundproof rooms along the walls for those who wanted to study in absolute silence. The fourth floor was restricted for teachers and advanced students, although going in without permission was punished leniently. The school did not want to censor their students but knew that knowledge was a powerful weapon. They preferred not to punish students for trying to learn.

Matthew went to the third floor and picked out a study room which, to his surprise when he first started going to the library, were often empty. Another thing he liked about the library was that they did not restrict eating. He often skipped a meal or two to study, so he was grateful he could bring something with him so as not to starve. He had nearly finished his first assignment when Courtney knocked on the door. He got up to let her in. They sat down at the table and she took out dessert from dinner. He took it gladly. She started on an assignment while he finished his so that they could start to work together.

They had a quiz in Charms 106 the week and an essay due the next week for Native Magical Practices. Matthew had promised he would read over Courtney's first draft so he did, biting his tongue to keep from chastising her about procrastinating. He felt confident enough for Charms so he let her study, planning on quizzing each other when he finished with her paper. However, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Matthew stood up, going to see what their visitor wanted, but Courtney grabbed his arm. He watched curiously as he watched her get the door.

    "Hey, come on in," Courtney said, ushering their guest into the room and pulling out a chair for her. Courtney glanced up at Matthew who looked thoroughly confused as to why this new girl was sitting in front of him. "So, it turns out Steph is on the swim team, and she has practice a lot. Right now was one of the only good times for us to start on our project since we wanted to start brainstorming today. I told her you wouldn't mind."

    "You didn't think you should tell me beforehand?" Matthew said, not trying to be rude, but feeling justifiably upset.

    Courtney pulled at her shirt as she sat back beside him, something Matthew knew was a nervous tick of her's. From the corner of his eye he noticed Steph twirling her hair looking as if she wanted to say something. "I know I said we would study, but you already know all the material. I know you do, and I know you have better things to do than help me study."

    Not liking the tense atmosphere, Matthew simply shook his head and turned to face their new addition. He held out his hand. "Matthew Patrick. If you had to drink a condiment, which would it be?"

    Stephanie had taken his hand but lingered mid-handshake as his question hit her. "Um... What?"

    "What condiment would you drink if you had to?"

    Stephanie glanced at Courtney, who rolled her eyes, then looked back to Matthew. "Um... duck sauce?"

"Interesting," he said. "What's that and why?"

"It usually comes on Chinese food. It's a little sweet and savory so I think... it wouldn't be too bad." Stephanie, while thoroughly confused, was not feeling half as shy as she normally was in the presence of new people.

"Oh. I've never been to China," Matthew said thoughtfully.

Stephanie laughed, "Neither have I." Again, she looked to Courtney who said, "Forgive him. He's pureblood. Matthew, No-Majs have much more food readily available to them. Remember how we had pizza delivered to my house? And my whole family was able to have something they liked and someone else made it then drove it to us?"

"Yeah! That was cool. I think we should have that, too. So can you also do that with Chinese food?"

"Sometimes, but we usually just go out. They have more ethnic restaurants. I don't know why we don't, but whatever."

"Okay," Matthew said as he watched Stephanie take a quill and some parchment out. "So are you No-Maj born then?"

"Not me," Stephanie said, "but my mom is so she's still very in touch with that world, and whenever I see my grandparents I'm sort of doused in No-Maj things." She shrugged and waited to see what he would say next. Stephanie curled a strand of hair around her finger.

"Cool," he said finally. "If you were a muffin what kind would you be?"

She laughed, revealing a mouthful of crooked teeth. "Ummm... I don't usually eat muffins, but I guess gingerbread because gingerbread cookies are my favorite, they're sweet with interesting spices, and they make my heart feel warm, which is how I like to make other people feel," she finished with red-tinged cheeks.

"I'm glad you continued. Most people usually would have stopped after the first sentence. You're not disappointing. What about an animal?" Subconsciously, Matthew had his chin in his hand, leaning forward on the table.

Stephanie's eyes were crinkled at the corners and a little wet, "A turtle. I like to stay in my shell. I don't really talk to a lot of people."

"Okay, MatPat, she's answered your stupid questions. Can we start working on our project now?" Courtney said with a smile and shove of Matthew's shoulder. He raised his hands in surrender. His eyes lingered on Stephanie for a moment as she and Courtney began their intense discussion. He ripped his eyes away and continued to edit Courtney's essay. When he finished, he slipped the parchment back to her quietly so as not to disturb her, and continued on his own homework.

"Um, Matthew?" Stephanie's voice piped up after a while. Matthew looked up to see the girls staring at him. "Did you hear what we said?"

"No, I'm sorry. What happened?"

"I said we should probably head back to our dorms," Courtney said. Matthew checked his watch and agreed. They all stood and began to gather their things. Matthew offered to carry Stephanie's schoolbag as it looked to be heavier than she was. "You've never offered to carry my things," Courtney teased as the three of them walked out together.

"That's because you try not to carry anything more than quills and ink. Once in awhile, you have some parchment but that's usually the extent," he replied with a laugh. She continued to tease him as they walked towards the Pukwudgie common room. "You sound like a hyena."

"You sound like a mermaid out of water."

"I can't believe you just said that!" Courtney said in mock offense.

"Is that bad?" asked Stephanie who had not yet heard Professor Lewald's Choir of Merpeople.

Courtney said, "The worst," as she shuddered at the thought. "Stephanie sounds like a mermaid in water. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning, MatPat? I'll see you in class on Friday, Stephanie." They bid her adieu, and walked away as she entered her common room.

"What house are you in?" Stephanie asked.

"Horned Serpent," Matthew replied. When Stephanie tried to start taking her stuff back, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Well isn't your common room just up ahead? Mine's on the other side of campus, so I can just take this and you can go to your house." She reached for her things again, but Matthew moved them away from her.

"No," he said, "your house is in the other side of campus, it's night, and your stuff is heavy so I'm going to make sure you get there safely." Matthew was not much taller than her and probably could only do so much if anyone crossed them, but he still thought she might be safer with him than on her own.

Stephanie did not argue mostly because she was not yet comfortable enough with Matthew to contradict him. They walked silently for a few moments before Stephanie could find it in herself to say anything again. "MatPat?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah," Matthew chuckled. "Courtney combined my first and last name and thought she was clever. My 'big brother' as it were, started using it, too. It ended up catching on. You can call me MatPat if you want to."

"I think I'll stick with Matthew, but thanks." Stephanie giggled quietly. She doubted she would even meet with Matthew again considering she had no classes with him and there were so many other students in the school. Besides, Stephanie was already too focused on her studies and swimming to go out of her way to try to see him again.

    "I'm going to ask you a question," he said, pausing for a moment. When she raised her eyebrows and nodded, he continued, "All four houses choose one person once every decade. What made you choose Thunderbird?"

    "Oh." That was not what she was expecting, although she supposed she should have. "Well... I don't really know. It was a gut feeling. So far I'm glad I did though. I want more than anything to travel the world. To go new places. I think to experience new things is the best way to learn and to live life."

    "Wow. Was definitely not expecting that response from a 12 year old." Stephanie rolled her eyes. "I didn't say that how I meant it. Sorry," Matthew said as Stephanie stopped beside a statue of Porpentina Goldstein. Stephanie reached for her things once more and this time Matthew let her have them. "I really am sorry," he repeated as his voice grew higher in pitch. "I'm only 12, too, it's just that most kids our age-"

    "You don't have to be sorry. I'm not mad or anything. I get what you mean." Stephanie smiled as she hunched under the weight of her bag. "We're just at my stop."

    "Oh," he sighed. "Goodnight then. It was nice meeting you, Stephanie."

    "You, too, Matthew. Goodnight." They nodded to each other and she waited until he had walked a few feet away before rubbing the statue's foot for luck and slipping behind it to get to the door of her common room. She approached the portrait of Chadwick Boot who smiled as she approached and held out his hand as if placing it against a window. Stephanie held her hand against his, and the portrait swung open. She made her way to the dorm to put her school things away and gather some clothes so she could take a shower.

    Lark, Stephanie's roommate and teammate, got out of the shower as Stephanie got into the Thunderbird girl's bathroom and said she would wait so they could talk and walk back to the dorm together. Lark was a tall girl with dirty blonde hair that just passed her shoulders. She sang to herself while Stephanie took her shower. "You have late classes tomorrow, right? Want to have a quick swim after breakfast?" Lark asked as she watched Stephanie braid her hair.

    "You're going to have to wake me up," Stephanie laughed. Stephanie went on to braid Lark's hair quickly as Lark often asked her to. They gathered their things and walked back to the dorms together. She dropped her laundry in a pile on top of the chest at the foot of her bed. Lark did the same. "Remember, I don't know how easy it will be to wake me up early."

    "Don't worry, Steph," Lark chimed as she climbed under her golden sheets. "I'll just drag you to the pool if I have to." Both girls laughed, although Stephanie did so more sarcastically, and bid the other goodnight. Stephanie pulled the rope near her head to let the bed curtains fall around her and shroud her in darkness.

    Matthew, meanwhile, had meandered in his common room and played Exploding Snap with Jason once he made it back. Having expressed his fears of the war in Europe to his friend, Matthew decide to divulge some of what he and Azalea had discussed after class. He did not tell him about how Azalea planned to leave. Instead he merely said he was afraid things were going to come to a head very soon, and how that might affect them. He also told Jason about having met Stephanie. He may have continuously told Jason about Stephanie. "She sounds nice," Jason sighed as it felt like the 20th time saying so. "Definitely interesting. She sounds like she has a brain. I'm going to bed," he stated and hurriedly picked up his cards before Matthew could comment on Stephanie again.

    Once in his dorm room, Matthew tugged off his uniform quietly. It was late enough that a few of his roommates were already asleep, but early enough that one had not yet come to bed. Matthew folded his dirty clothes and placed them neatly on the floor beside his bed. After changing into some clean pajamas, he sat on the edge of  his bed. He reached over and took Sunny out of his cage, scratching his rabbit behind the ears and petting it absent-mindedly. His pet was the only thing that could calm his fears recently. Not being able to communicate with anyone how scared he was, or having anyone he tried to talk to try to demean his fears made him feel isolated in a way he had never faced before. Matthew was not interested in his worries being simply shrugged off. Once Azalea left, he would have no one he could talk to about it anymore.

Matthew snuggled his pet, the rather large black and white bunny, for a moment before putting Sunny back in his little home. He cast a quick spell to refill Sunny's water for the night. Matthew took his glasses off and put them beside his rabbit's cage. Before he turned out his light, he lit the tip of his wand.

When sunlight shone through the windows, his bedding looked silvery blue, much like the scales of the Horned Serpent. In the night, however, the sheets looked pitch black. In some ways it was a soothing way to sleep, but for Matthew it swallowed any light. He always had to prepare himself to lower his bed curtains and extinguish the light from his wand. Once the curtains were down, he felt secluded, something he never did like. He laid down and closed his eyes, still gripping his wand beside his pillow. After a few deep breaths he shut his eyes, whispered, "Nox," and the world was dark.

Over the next month, things outside of Ilvermorny became darker. Most students remained ignorant to the danger as the professors chose not to talk about it. Matthew's anxiety increased whenever he read the news, seeing names of more wizarding families being killed off. The list was growing even in America. Azalea would not even bring up the madman now in charge of the British Ministry of Magic. There was no trace of her savior. Matthew feared her only hope had been killed without a word. "That would never happen," she quietly told him one day they prepared for rehearsal. "If Harry were dead, everyone would know. Voldemort needs to show off. Besides, I know Harry. I was part of Dumbledore's Army. I joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as I left school. I can see Harry's next moves. If he were about to die, I would be the first to know." She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Even if he were dead," she offered, putting her hands on Matthew's shoulders, "I would not let anything happen to you, or anyone here. They'll have to get through me first."

That did not help to assuage his fears. If the war came here, she would be the first to fight. He worried she would be the first to die, too. He was not ready to face loss. Not like this.

His birthday being only a few days after Halloween, his friends decided they should use the Halloween feast to celebrate. It still felt fairly nice outside so they spent their time before dinner out in the quad enjoying the weather. During the feast they gave Matthew their gifts. Jason gave him a new series of books documenting the families of Scourers in the US, hoping knowing where the real danger was might make Matthew feel safer. Courtney gave him a muggle drink she knew he liked from his time visiting her over the summer. Matthew was excited to try Diet Coke again.

On his actual birthday he got a nice pile of presents from his parents and their siblings. This included some casual winter robes, and some dress robes for the Winter Ball. He had not decided yet if he was going or not, but he appreciated the thought. His last gift, however, was another pair of dress robes. These, however, were for a girl. Was this one of his uncle's pranks? He looked at the note the came with it and immediately recognized the curvy writing. You're going, it read. Someone is going to need a dress. This is for her. This will ensure a good time for you. Happy Birthday. - A. P. C.

Why his professor had gotten someone else a dress as his present, he could not understand. He threw it into his trunk before any of his roommates could see it and a few days later, he had almost forgotten about it.


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