Sometimes Our Minds Work Agai...

Af lilmonkey13

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Ever wonder what happens when the Demigods and people around them do or feel in their free time? What they do... Mere

Chapter One: Percy Jackson
Chapter Two: Nico Di Angelo; Monster
Chapter Three: Leo Valdez; We all have to die someday...
Chapter Four: Annabeth Chase; The life that should have happened
Chapter Five: Sally Jackson; My Love
Chapter Six: AU Nico Di Angelo; A Strange Death
Chapter Seven: AU Luke Castellan: Good-Bye
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine: Hazel Levesque: The Replacement
Calypso: Left Behind So Many Times
No One is Aboard, No One Has in a Very Long Time
No One Will Be Here for a Very Long Time
Piper McLean: No What My Dear?
Jason Grace: Another Mess Up
Dwelling On Dreams
Percy and Annabeth: All Grown Up
Millie and her friend
Thunder Cracking Me
Leo Valdez: We All Have Those Days
Chapter Twenty
He Left, But I'll Be Okay...
The Exchange of Notes
Nico Di Angelo: Ohhh Death
Leo Valdez: Crashing, Smiling, Breaking
Chapter Twenty-Seven; Revenge
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hazel Levesque; Music
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Echo; Silent Cries
Chapter Thirty: Valentine's Day; Leo Valdez
Chapter Thirty-One: Valentine's Day; Leo Valdez
Chapter Thirty-Two: Percy Jackson; Carry On
Piper McLean & Jason Grace: There, there
Chapter 35: Future AU; Lilly
Percy Jackson; I'm so Sorry
Hazel Levesque; Again
Frank Zhang; Moonshadow
Leo Valdez; I See Fire
Piper McLean; Say Something
Chapter Fifty
Chapter 51: I--I'm Fine
52: Nico Di Angelo; Longest Conversation
53: Jason Grace; Hey There
54: The World Doesn't Revolve Around You pt. 1
55: The World Doesn't Revolve Around You pt.2
Fifty-Six Delivery Service
Fifty-Seven I was only a child
Chapter Sixty-One: Fun at the Circus
Part 63:
Part 64: Don't Take a Drink
Untitled Part 65
Part 66: Premeditated
Part 67: And if You Just
Part 69: When Ghosts Fix Pacman Machines
Part 70: The Happy Questions

Percy Jackson: High School Gone Wrong

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Af lilmonkey13

Sometimes Our Minds Work Against Us...

Chapter Twenty-Five: Percy Jackson; high school gone wrong...

Warning: Drugs, bullying, self harm, and thievery are all in this chapter and I condone none of them, please do not attempt ANY of the material below, thanks!


A/n: So this has been an idea of mine for awhile, from all the PJO goes to High School stories, you know the "Oh Percy he's so hot and oh my god will you go out with me Percy?" And "PERCY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" and well, this is my take on those, and yeah don't hurt me kay?


I walk the halls, the gray sky pelting down through the tall windows of the modern school building and I watch as they catch a glimpse of me. Some were of pity, some were of disgust. I hated those looks, if they didn't like what they saw they could keep it to themselves. Sure, I had scars, that didn't give them the right to look at me like that. I pull my long sleeved shirt down over my thumbs and pull my hood up, not in the mood for more looks. However, it's quite hard to hide when you are six foot three in a high school where most people top out at five nine.

I slide through the lunch line, pulling down the sleeves three times and put in my code with one sad look from the lunch lady. I grab a fork and walk out of the cafeteria, and out beside it around a corner and away from prying eyes. I sit down at the loading dock and taste the stir fry. Ew.

Shaking my head I let the paper tray slip from my fingers into the mass dumpster along with my carton of milk. I hop off the concrete slab and walk past the large green dumpster. Walking towards the 'ninth grade academy' I take a left and head on towards the track. No one was out there, of course. Track didn't start for another month and football season had been over for three months. The place was a waste land.

Hoping easily over the fense I skid down the hill and do a tumble roll onto the big brown field. Walking towards the home stands I already see the smoke of the other members of my small group.

I climb down underneath the stands and take my seat at one of the benches looking at the other kids. A goth kid who hadn't told his name and was a freshman obviously, a sophomore who went by Piper who was here only for a free smoke, and the other sophomore Frank, he was uncomfortable here but he was nice.

They pass me the joint and I take a long drag holding it and passing it to Piper. We did NOT give any to the Freshman, he's to young. Plus he was already on a ton of drugs, we didn't want to add any.

"So, you gonna tell us your name?" Piper asks the short boy across from me, he shakes his head and pops another pill from his orange container. Frank rolls his eyes, he has a serious anxiety problem so this helps him for the day.

Piper is really cool, and pretty, but she just kinda hides out in this place not doing anything. If she really wanted to I'm positive that she could be one of the popular kids. Heck I've seen the football players looking at her, but mostly just one. Jason Grace, he's the perfect little 'all American boy'. Blonde, blue eyed, captain of the football team, and of course one of the 'hottest guys' in school.

His sister is pretty cool though, but she doesn't like guys, actually she despises them, at least after her boyfriend committed suicide. She's older than Jason and all of us actually, she's a sophomore in college. Her boyfriend's little sister is nice. Quiet, distant, but extremely smart, she goes by her dad's last name like her brother went by his, their mom...well yeah she wasn't the best lady. She was a wreck after Luke, the boy, died. It was actually Annabeth, the little sister, who found him.

It's crazy it really is, we were all in Elementary school when it happened, fifth grade, so really it was the first time any of us had known about death other than our pets. She was gone for a few days and her older sister would pick her up from school instead of her mom. We had been friends, but that had been a long time ago.

I take another hit and look at the group, it sure was a weird group to be with, I get a little annoyed and look at the freshman. "Listen kid, if you want to keep hanging out with us you gotta give a name, kay Freshie?"

He glares at me, I chuckle, Piper smiles at him, and Frank falls on the ground laughing, "Please?" Piper asks sweetly, and you just can't not do it when she uses that voice, you just can't.

He sighs, hanging his head a little letting the greasy mop of black hair fall into his face, "It's not important." His voice is barely bigger than a whisper but you can feel it's impact like a punch to the gut.

"Please...?" Piper prods again. His head shoots upward with a deathly glare, but it settles, and becomes a small frown that lets out another sigh, "It's Nico, Nico di Angelo." He looks at us as if we were going to laugh, but we just look at him.

"Cool, nice to meet ya' Neeks." I say clapping him on the back. He jumps slightly at the contact and glares at me again.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I nod, and chuckle again, "Otay Neekie Neeks." He frowns at this and leaves without another word.

Three more bells go off, the late bell, the bell for second period, the late bell again. When the announcements start we walk out from behind the bleachers and walk to our own third periods.

I don't know where Frank or Piper go but I have to go to gym. I hate gym. I walk into the boys locker room and slide past the big room with the lockers and slip into one of the bathroom stalls. I pull on the mandatory t-shirt and shorts, the shirt is school bus yellow and the shorts have the same yellow running up your thighs and the rest is a dark purple that's stiff and likes only to be in cardboard form.

I step out stuffing my blue bookbag into the purple lockers that match my shorts. I walk into the freezing gym and stand in line with the rest of the class, we're in alphabetical order of course.

I wait with my hands behind my back, a black haired freshman to my right and a junior to my left. The junior comes to my shoulder, he has black died hair with blond roots at the top of his head. He wears sweat pants and a 'Green Day' t-shirt. I know he's going to get points deducted from his grade for that, but I don't say anything. The coach is going down the line and you don't want him to get mad.

His thick gelled hair is broken into four strands across his forehead, almost like he had a four bristle comb and it was lackered to his head. He goes down the line, "Jameson!"

He looks at the black haired, fair skinned boy and writes down a fifty on his chart. The boy rolls his eyes and slips on of his ear buds in.

"Jackson!" I nod, "Here." He looks at me then sniffs, I take a deep breath in, oh yeah principal office for sure. He shakes his head, "See me after class Jackson." I nod and he goes onto the freshman. "New student, nice to meet you Miss Levesque." She looks up from her feet and nods, she only comes to my elbow, she looks adorable. She has cinnamon brown hair with patches of gold, and her eyes are almost a golden brown color.

She looks back at her feet and at the small outfit she was given, her shorts were too short for her and her shirt was at least a size too small. She tucks a loose hair behind her ear and scuffs her feet against the wooden floors. I lean over and say, "Don't do that to loudly, this dude is crazy about these floors."

She stops in mid scuff, and nods, she straightens up from her slouched position. She doesn't look up at me but I decide to introduce myself, she'll probably be to scared to respond. 1) because I'm a senior, 2) I'm a giant and 3) because I smell...well not sweaty that's for sure. "I'm Percy Jackson by the way, welcome to high school."

She looks up at me, "I think you mean hell," I see a flicker of a smile then she sticks her hand out, "Hazel Levesque." I take her hand and give it a firm shake, "Nice to meet ya," She nods and we start the hell frozen class.

When I leave I flip my hoodie up over my head, I walk towards the doors then remember coach's request.

I walk over to the smelly man in the bleachers and he stares at me, "Were you high in my class today?" I shake my head, "No sir." He stares at me, his eyes closing to mere slits. "Are you lying to me boy?" I shake my head again, of course I'm lying to you you crazy twat, but he just settles into the stands. "Show me arms," I stare in confusion then pull my hands out of my pockets and show my sore arms limply to the coach. "Roll up the sleeves boy." I shake my head stuffing my fists back into the pockets.

"You can either show them to me, or we can go the councillor, show them to her, she can then call your mother and we can show them to her as well. Show 'em boy." Slowly, very slowly I roll up the gray sleeves and show him the tops of my arms. He takes them and flips them to the under side. His head drops, he shakes his greasy comb and looks up at me with sad eyes. "You're a good kid, you work hard, now why would you do this to yourself." I shrug. "You have to have a reason don't you?" I shrug again, he sighs, "Get to class you're going to be late."

I nod and exit the gym annoyed at the coach as I shove the sleeves down and pulling the hood up. By now my high has become a low and I'm pissed. I plop down in the middle of the math room and listen to the teacher lecture about formulas and how we 'are absolutely going to be using these in real life'! I snicker and lay my head down.

When I wake up to the bell I grab my bag and get out of that room as fast as possible. I'm heading down the stairs, on the side that looks over the first flight, and well I take a flight test thanks to one of the jocks. I fall onto the third step from the top step and roll onto the area where the outside door swings in. Everyone stops in their tracks when I land, and am then hit with the outside door. I don't hear anything after that, but I think I see some kid with really curly brown hair running towards me.


I'm walking to Science when I hear. "Yeah, like, Jacob and Jason shoved him off the stairs!"

"Oh, my, god, I know right! Did you see all that blood!?"

"YES! That was totes scary," I turn around and look at the two girls, "Who?"

"OMG Why are you listening in on our private convo!?" The stupider of the two yells.

I turn back around ready to walk all the way to Science, the only class I can stand, when I see Frank running towards the 9th grade academy. I run after him and grab his arm, "What happened, I heard someone fell off the stairs." I search his eyes and I already know, Percy.

We run towards the building, by the time we round the corner we know that there is an ambulance and the administrators are all there. We see about fifty kids being grouped in one section, all the people on the scene, about ten teachers and one kid being put into the ambulance. We walk towards the building but a teacher stops us, "Listen go on to class, if your class is in here please just go to the library," I shake my head pushing against the elderly lady who had stopped us. "No, that's Percy, that's our friend." She stops and motions for us to follow her, we have to go to the principals office.

Frank has to wait outside while the middle aged man and I speak, I guess to get two different opinions.

"So you're Perseus' friend?"

I nod, "What happened?"

"Was he taking illegal drugs on school campus?" The man asks leaning back in his chair.


"So is that a no?"

"I don't know, not that I'm aware of," I lie, because I know that if I said differently that it would suddenly be all of Percy's fault that he was pushed off the stairs.

"Well, did you know that Mr. Jackson self harmed?"

"Yes," I nod, he had been good for a whole month and I was proud of him for that.

"Have you told an adult?" I shake my head.

"Why not?" The man asks an eyebrow raised in question.

"He asked us not to,"


"Frank, another student and I," I say not sure if Nico would be counted as a friend, or if he would really want to know.

"Ah, I see, now why do you think he would jump off the stair well?" The man asks.

"He wouldn't."

"Why do you think so? He's self harmed, maybe he was done with everything."

"If he wanted to kill himself, like he has in the past," I say leaning towards the stupid man, "He wouldn't jump off a one story stairwell, he lives in a ten story building, has easy access to pills, and as you have seen and pointed out, he self harms. No if he wanted to kill himself he wouldn't have done it like this." I state sitting back in my chair. For a moment the man in front of me is speechless.

"Who would he get the pills from?"

"A junior sells them out of their locker, well one of them, since there are so many empty ones they have nine," His eyes widen, "But he could also get it from this group of freshman, because their mothers or fathers are all on all sorts of drugs they can just snag a few and bam they have a cartel, but then there is also this group well they are a club but I can't quite remember the name they are all just drug dealers. Then there are all the teachers who practically give the stuff away! But I digress, I'm sure you have more questions about how someone tried to kill one of your students." I bat my eyes sweetly and look at the man.

He doesn't say anything for a few moments then clears his throat, "Okay, whom do you think pushed your friend?"

"Well I heard four or five kids saying that they saw Jacob and Jason, the football players, shove him over while he was walking down them. So I would start with them." I stand up and leave, not really wanting to deal with the idiocy of this fool anymore.

We're not allowed to leave and go and check on him. Hell, we're watched more closely and are moved away from each other so we can't talk. It's insane!


I'm walking down the hall when I see Piper running towards me, "Nico--" She pants out of breath.

I stare at her, she must be insane. She learns my name today and suddenly is tracking me down, no this is to weird, but I don't leave. She looks panicked and ready to throw up, so I wait for her to continue speaking. She doesn't. She grabs my arm, and pulls me out of the dark hall towards the old gym in the center of the school. She drags me behind the stage that occupies the same area. Swishing the once purple curtains away she shoves me behind it and holds them still to not draw a scene to us.

"What is going on?" I ask thinking about how I'm currently missing my Honor's English class, which kinda pisses me off. It's the one class I like, it's the one class I get to learn about things that are actually interesting, but who gives a flying fuck. Just drag me into the gym like a crazy woman, not like it's interrupting my day.

"Percy was pushed off the stairs and is in the hospital because his brains were almost scrambled in the ninth grade academy, that's all." She states sarcastically in a whisper.

"So? What does that have to do with me?" I question back in a hushed tone knowing that if caught back here we would get in a tone of trouble.

"What does it have to do with you?" Piper whisper shouts. I nod jutting my chin out my eyes bugging and muscles tensing for a second trying to tell her I didn't know what she was talking about it having to do with me.

Piper rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "You think I can't tell?" My eyebrows knit. What is she talking about?

"I know, hell I think everyone knows, that you are in freaking love with him!" My eyes open in shock, along with my jaw. How could she say, why would she, how could she know?!

"I've seen the way you look at him, the way you've been trying to stop as long as he has, and how you've been less successful and how you have been trying to deny it, to yourself and everyone else. You don't even dare try and tell me you don't because," She kneels down to my height, "Little Pinocchio, your nose will grow quite long if you do."

I stare at her for a long time, and right before I'm going to respond the curtain parts, a senior is standing there looking at us and it just happens so fast. Piper is kissing me, I was so surprised all I could think was, hey the score for the basketball game is 36 to 17. The boy blushes, hard, and lets the curtain fall back, we can hear him call out, "No, Coach, no one is back there."

Piper breaks the kiss and stands up straight. She grabs my arm again and in numb shock I follow her.


When Jacob pushes the kid I didn't know what to do, sure he had done it before but it was always this kid and it was always for the same reason, but this time he went to far. He pushed him to hard and he wasn't on the right side of the stairwell. When he went over we screamed for him, but it was much to late. He was going over and falling towards the hard gray stairs. They didn't give, not an inch. We heard three distinct, and equally sickening, cracks.

Blood stains his lifted hood and we watch as what was gray becomes a red brown, the blue book bag sits in the small pool having slipped from his shoulders, and his leg is twisted in a strange way that shows the marrow of his bones that should be inside. The door swings open and hits his cracked skull, the girl who opened it screams. Her eyes are wide open her hand clasping her mouth.

A boy comes running out of the main hall and screams for help, his thick brown curls cover his face but he is checking for a pulse and yelling at the kids standing in shock on the stairs to go and get help.

"GET HELP FOR GODS SAKE!" Slowly the girl who had hit him with the door scrambles to the main entrance to the building and darts to the teachers' lounge.

When the adult shows up its the health teacher, her mouth drops. The boy starts directing everyone like he has just stepped out of the health class. "You," He points to a dark haired girl with a long black braid dressed in a purple and white dress, "Call 911 and get an ambulance here, do you know the address?" She nods and whips out a small green cladded phone dialing and speaking hurriedly to the operator on the other line. The kids are moved back upstairs and we are pushed along with them, the teachers upstairs are told to hold us all up there until the boy's body is moved.

We wait and when we hear the sirens we know that they are going to be moving him soon. I look at Jacob, hoping to see worry, regret, or even fear of being in trouble. I see none of those feelings, he is smirking, and nudges me in the rips, "Beats that math test don't it?" I stare at him. He could have killed that kid, heck that kid could be dead and he is worried about a MATH TEST?!

I wait patiently with the rest of the group which is soon joined by a curly brunette sophomore. His hands are bloody and he stares at me and Jacob for long moments, he is accusing us with his eyes.

Jacob's small frame, he was a runner that was usually benched, was starch white when he went into the principal's office after Piper. She was the boy's friend, I'm hoping not his girlfriend... He slicks his blond hair back and straightens his blue t-shirt, but I can see it in his crazed blue eyes that he doesn't give a crap either way if the boy was dead or alive.

When he leaves, well he is smiling.

After an interview of what happened and telling the man that I did see someone push him he lets me leave, while I'm leaving I see a second group being filled in from the outside. What would they have even witnessed?

I head onto my next class not wanting to think about it anymore.

When I take my seat in science class the teacher collects my note from the principal and heads back to her desk continuing with the lesson. I look to my side and stare at the boy in a letter jacket, his smug face telling the story. He had been planing on him, counting on him, to fall off the stairs.

"Roll!" She goes down the list and calls the people she can't see, "Jason T, Grace?"

"Here." I call back.

She skims down saying 'here' repeatedly then stops, "Octavian J. Howard," She looks up glancing over her oversized seventies glasses, Jacob scowls sucking his checks in. "Here, and Mrs. Higgins?" She does her little check mark and looks up lazily, "Yes?"

"I go by Jacob."

"Yes, yes, yes, that's right." She scribbles on the small list of names then starts going over the bellwork.


I wake up to the blinding light of a hospital, the stale air, and the smell of death. A note on yellow and black lined paper sits beside me, I gingerly pick it up. Mom had been here. She had to go to work. She would see me at five.

I look at the red flashing clock and read the time, "7:30". I sigh. She probably had to work overtime and missed her train. I feel like I'm going to either float away or fall again, wait again? It slowly comes back, I had just pulled my hood up and was walking down the stairs mad. Then someone's boney hand shoved me forcefully. I go over the rail trying to grab hold but the air is the only thing that meets my grip. I see those two, the boy who likes PIper he's in utter shock, and another with a smirk spreading across his lips.

Then the sharp stairs meet my soft head. I'm flickering in and out but I see a boy who is trying to help, the health teacher her mouth agawk, she's acting like she has never seen blood before. I remember not feeling anything, maybe my brain was just overloaded, or maybe I was still a bit high.

I don't remember anything after that, well till now. I lean against the bed and wait for someone to notice and explain what I'm still doing here. No one comes. I sigh, and curl up for the night not expecting to see anyone till the morning.


When I get home I dump my bag out and stuff some candy bars and a liter of soda along with a bottle of blue food dye. I sling the now heavy back and head towards the town house front door but I'm stopped by the call of my dad behind me. "Piper, where are you going?"

"Out." I state rigidly.

"It's dinner time, come on have some food then you can go out." He says trying to pull me back into the house. I pull my arm away, "No, I already ate and I have to go." He shakes his head and slams the door. "No. You're having dinner with me, then you can go and do your homework." I glare at him, he stands still looking down at me. He rips the bag off my back and shoves me towards the room with only two chairs at the long table. I take the hint. I sit down at the far end staring at the empty seat at the other end. He sits down and looks at me, then starts on his food.

After five minutes of his silent munching he looks up at me, "Are you not going to eat?" I shake my head.

"Piper," He sighs, "You think I've not noticed that you're skipping lunch, and you eat breakfast only once a week. You think I've missed where you just push your food around and don't touch it at dinner? Please," He sighs again putting his fork and knife down, "Please just talk to me."

I glare at him, "I'm. Not. Hungry."

"Yes you are."

"I am not," I hiss standing up slamming my hands against the hard wood table.

"Young lady you will not speak to me like--" I cut him off. "I will speak to you like this. You don't listen, you never have listened. Ever since Mom left you've been like this. You try to act like you care but I know you don't, so if you don't mind I'll be leaving." I shove my chair towards the table and walk into the hall snatching the bag as I go and slam the white door behind me.


When I get home I put my stuff neatly away and walk to the room across from mine. I knock lightly on the door, "Who is it?" I sweet as syrup voice asks.

"Nico," I reply back. Four locks slide open and cinnamon brown hair and golden eyes peak around to make sure. She slides the door open and I walk in looking around the newly painted room. Gold and black stripes line the walls with drawings diagonally cover them as well over the stripes. They're in depth of all the things that Hazel has gone through and sometimes they are really quite sad, but others are so moving you can't help but smile.

"What's up?" She asks plopping down on the small twin mattress that hides in the cubby area of the room against the slanted wall. "I just wanted to ask how your first day went."

"Better than I thought, I meet your friend," I look at her taken aback, I don't have friends.

"The one you doodle, Percy Jackson," She giggles a little at my blush, "And yeah, he was nice. I was just wondering why you didn't go to the hospital."

"I don't know which hospital he's at," I mumble kicking at the diamond shaped rug.

"I do," She goes into her wardrobe and pulls out a silver laptop clicking the key's rapidly and showing me a google image with directions. She clicks the print button and from a wireless printer that sits in the wardrobe also she hands me the short list. "Here you go." I stare at her and she smiles.

I know she knows, along with apparently everyone, that my feelings for Percy. I know she knows because I've told her in a fit of absolute pits. I had cut to deep and I had been trying to stop it, when she came in. We had a long conversation, hours at least about it and finally she asked, 'do you like someone?' and I told her the story of Percy Jackson. She had comforted me and not made fun of me or disowned me as her brother, as I had feared.

Hazel had grown up with an abusive mother, with a common father who couldn't be a faithful husband, when the mom died she was sent here. Heck I'm only here because of a previous marriage gone bad, my mom and older sister died in a car crash, he then married my very kind stepmother. She was welcoming of me, and when they found out about Hazel she was welcoming of her as well. She is very kind but unable to have her own children with our dad, so we're all she has in that regard.

Hazel shoves me towards the door but I pull her with me, "I can't--I can't do this alone Hazel." She has a small smile on and nods walking with me out of the apartment.


I wake up at nine o'clock to the sound of two voices. A girl and boy, both are young and seem uncomfortable with the idea to be in the room with me when my mind was obviously not. I sit up quietly and watch the pair whisper to each other not looking at me. Their hazy forms are hard to make out but I can definitely tell its two of them.

"You should wake him up," The girl with cinnamon hair whispers, a smile darting across her face.

"No, he's sleeping, we should just come back in the morning," The boy says letting his black hair fall in eyes.

"You'll chicken out by tomorrow, and I'm not letting you leave until you talk to him." she says crossing her arms.

"Mhm," I say clearing my throat, but my head spins forcing me to blink four or five hard times.

The boy obviously jumps and the girl smiles waving at me, I blink one more time and they slowly slide into focus. It's Nico and the girl from my gym class, oh what was her name...I scrunch my eyes trying to remember but it just jumps away from my tongue.

"It's Hazel, don't worry you had a hell of a fall I wouldn't expect you to remember." She says with a smile putting her hand out. "I'm so sorry about that, it's Hazel Levesque second period gym with coach comb and it's frozen hell as you said." She laughs, "Don't strain yourself."

I chuckle, but it hurts to much to move my head so I'm forced to stop. "Hey Neeky Neeks," I say to the boy on the other side of the bed. His cheeks dust lightly with a blush and he swallows hard, "Hey, Percy..."

"So whats up?" I ask looking at the pair.

"Well, I was actually going to ask you that," A red head nurse says leaning in the doorway. She has on paint splattered scrubs and her hair pulled into a tight pony tail, but a few small curly ques escape. "Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm your nurse."

"Should we go?" Hazel asks, Rachel shakes her head making the wild curls bounce behind her. "No, this should only take a moment." She takes my blood pressure and my temperature then pats me on the head leaving the room for us to talk.

That is until two other people come into the room with scared faces. Piper and Frank, I smile at them and Hazel introduces herself. Piper has to elbow him and remind him that, "You have lips to hold that drool in you know."

Piper passes out the candy to everyone and passes around the soda, after putting the blue dye in it of course. We chat and have a good time till slowly everyone has to leave. Frank has to leave first, he had promised his grandmother he would be back before ten, then Piper leaves to get back before the last train. Hazel says she'll wait outside for Nico and walks towards the desk for directions back down. Nico stands awkwardly next to the bed in silence then finally asks, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah dude, what ya' want to know?"

"Um...Well, I wanted to ask--" He's cut off Rachel knocks on the open door and smiles at me, "Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to introduce you to the night nurse who will be helping me, she's a trainy but she's good. And kid, I'm sorry but you'll have to come back tomorrow and chat some more, we've got to get this one to sleep."

Nico nods, "Ask me tomorrow okay?" I ask. His cheeks blush feverishly but he nods nevertheless. Rachel slowly walks him out whispering something while leading him with her hand on his back. The trainy is left standing awkwardly in the doorway. I smile at her and she blinks her big doe eyes. They're gray and beautiful, but she stands in a way that makes her look like she is trying to disappear into her dull gray scrubs. Her blond hair is pulled into a long fishtail braid all the way down the side of her head. The little strands left at the bottom form little blond waves against the back of her shoulder blades. When Rachel comes back she looks at the girl and pushes her into the room softly.

"This is Annabeth, she'll be here with me if you need anything call her or me," A pager goes off and Rachel looks down at the small box on her waist, "Got to go, I'll be back in ten okay?" I nod and she turns to Annabeth, "Don't go anywhere, just go over the stuff with him okay?" Annabeth nods and watches Rachel run out of the room.

She goes to my charts and adds three new pages and looks at me, "How do you feel?"


Mom is talking to me and feeding me oatmeal as we talk about what we are going to do with the school. I tell her that I know who pushed me and she nods, but she seems more worried about the subject of my self harm. We have a long talk about it with lots of tears from her part and a lot of sad silences after I tell her specific things, like how long it's been going on. When I tell her I've been good for a month she nods. She hugs me and tells me how sorry she is and I nod.

I hate that that is what the school is doing. Trying to say it was a suicide attempt; it's insane and impractical. The day goes by relatively smoothly they give me more meds for my head and Piper and Frank comes to visit.

When I tell them about Annabeth and how I think I might like her Frank claps me on the shoulder, Piper doesn't really react she just nods. We hang out for two hours and then they have to go for ACT practice and tutoring, well Frank did, Piper didn't tell me why she had to go.

Hazel and Nico don't visit again. Heck I don't see them till I go back to school. Hazel doesn't talk about that night and Nico goes back to being silent during first period ditch, that is until he stops coming completely.

We don't see him for almost a week, then Hazel says that he has gotten to like his classes more now and is really interested in his studies that he almost never is doing anything else than studying.

Frank asks Hazel out a month after they first meet and go to the movies, they saw Frozen and threw popcorn at Hans.

Piper has meet this kid, he was the one that helped me, and he has started coming to the group in the mornings. He's pretty smart but acts like an idiot.

The kid who pushed me, Octopus, yeah he's been expelled and is currently in a lawsuit and the lawyer defending me and my mom, yeah it's my new step dad.

The other football player actually asked Piper out, it was funny because she just turned him down and told him to go screw himself. Yep, we've not dealt with him since.

And I've gotten to see Annabeth three times a month for the check ups for my head injury. I'm almost not scared to ask her out anymore.

A/N: So yeah that's my high school PJO crossover. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for enjoying my stuff for 365 days! Yes that's right, Jan. 24 2014 is the anniversary of joining! Thank you guys so much for all the support love ya'll!

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