Sportacus x Reader - Is this...

Von Romanox123

50.5K 855 331

Starting a new life was going to be difficult, yet something change that made you curious. Meeting him was on... Mehr

Chapter 1: Starting fresh
Chapter 2: New Friend
Chapter 3: Coming Around
Chapter 4: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 6: Thoughts and Moments
Chapter 7: Feelings and the Past.
Chapter 8: Returning Home
Authors Note
Chapter 10: The Past Comes Back
Chapter 11: What was Lost and than Taken.
Chapter 12: Finding Him and Whats Forbidden
Chapter 13: Lust and Search
Chapter 14: Promise Me
Authors Note
Chapter 16: Just in Time, Before the Trial
Chapter 17: Let the Ceremony Begin
Authors Note
Authors Note

Chapter 5: Between Two People and the Struggle of Understanding.

2.8K 53 25
Von Romanox123

No matter how much the look on his face was, Sportacus looked at Robbie's. The  crystal was still beeping,  seeing her with him, no he couldn't, Robbie wouldn't of.

"Robbie what did you do?" he said angrily. Robbie lifted you up to your feet, letting go of you. He looked at him,

"I did nothing wrong."

"Than explain my crystal, Robbie." his crystal was flashing ever so brightly. He walked up to you, seeing if you were okay and all. Pulling you away from him, Sportacus was face to face with Robbie. You tried to say something, but your mouth was dry,

"I didn't hurt her, Sportaflop. You know I would never do such things." Robbie never seen this side of Sportacus before. He saw his fists were getting ready, Robbie was actually frighten.

"Why are you here than?"

"My home was flooded, where was I supposed to go?" Sportacus was really close to him, Robbie didn't move.

"Enough!" you shouted as the two men looked back at you. You walked in between the two. Sportacus looked at you, "He's telling the truth, Sportacus. He didn't hurt me, I just...started crying for some reason. He was trying to calm me down, and he did that." Sportacus calmed himself, his crystal stopped beeping and looked at Robbie.

"I'm sorry, Robbie."

"You're forgiven." You smiled at the both of them.

"Now Sportacus, he's going to stay here for awhile, until his home is back in order." he understood that. "I'll get you a towel to dry yourself off, I will be right back." you spoke, as you walked down to the basement. Robbie looked over at Sportacus and snickered.

"Someone's really jealous of me."

"I'm watching you, Robbie. She was mine first."

"Possessive are we or is that the elf in you." Robbie knew Sportacus was a elf, he had for a long time since he moved here. Sportacus fowned a little,

" didn't tell her, did you?"

"No,  wheres the fun in that, if I did. Like you said, you like a challenge." they stopped talking as you started to approached them. Handing Sportacus the towel, while you looked over at Robbie.

"Your clothes are in the dryer now. So it will be awhile before they are all nice and fresh." with a smile on your face, Robbie found you adorable. As Sportacus was drying himself off, he spoke.

"Anyways sorry, I'm late. It rarely rains here in Lazytown, ___________." you nodded understanding him, before looking at the clock.

"Well if you want I was going to make some lunch. You want to stay?" With Sportacus looking over at Robbie, he knew if he left, who knows what will happened, yet he can think of something.

"I'll stay. It's not like the children are out playing, so they should be all safe and sound." This made you happy as you went into the kitchen. Both Robbie and Sportacus looked at each other. "I don't have much, but I think I can make something for the three of us."

"That's alright, _____________. I'm sure we will love it." Robbie spoke up, before Sportacus took off his shoes setting them near the door.

"/Shit/" they were getting stuck, pulling them as hard as he can, Robbie couldn't stop chuckling.

"/Watch that language, if I were you. Than she will start to get suspicious that you're speaking, Elf./" With Robbie heading into the kitchen, he finally got his boots off and sigh to himself.

'I'm so determine yet sometimes I feel this will not work out, she's...' his thoughts were broken when he heard laughing in the kitchen. Heading over there, watching you he felt the want, the need to be with you. 'She's a human...I'm an elf....will it work..I want to believe it.' Sportacus has been wanting a mate for sometime now, just with being the hero and all he hasn't found the right one. Yet meeting you...he just,

"Sportacus want to come help with the vegetables? Robbies making the pudding." Sugar...he kept eyeing Robbie with that. Shaking the thought from his head, he nodded walking over to you, he grabbed the carrots and started cleaning them, before chopping them. With lightning speed, you were amazed. "Wow, thats amazing Sportacus!" he was pleased, Robbie looked over grumbling silently, continue to make the pudding. Finally after finishing everything, you'll began to eat. Robbie on the other hand, didn't seem to care for the healthy stuff, but at least he still had some junk food on the side. You looked over at Robbie, eating the junk food, but you didn't mind. So he wasn't the healthiest person, it didn't matter to you. Sportacus on the other hand, least tried to get Robbie to eat better.

"So.." with being finished. "Who wants some pudding?" Robbie of course didn't mind it, yet the other hand.

"None for me thank you." Sportacus spoke, before Robbie gave him the look.

"I worked really hard on it, Sportaflop. You sure you don't want to disappoint her." Sportacus frowned at him, he knew better that he couldn't have sugar.

"That's okay, I have my mom's applesauce. No sugar whatsoever." Robbie frowned, but Sportacus smiled.

"Than I will take the applesauce." he spoke, with getting that. Leaving the two of them alone Robbie leaned in closer.

"Why aren't you telling her, if you have sugar you will have a meltdown. I know I would enjoy seeing that." he chuckled.

"If she saw me having a meltdown, it would freak her out."

"You need to open up more, if you want her, Sportacook. Some secrets have to be told." He couldn't believe Robbie was giving him advice. When you came back, you gave Robbie the pudding, while Sportacus got the applesauce. With tasting one spoonful of the applesauce. Sportacus's eyes widen, this tasted like his mother use to make. He looked at you and gave him a warm smile.

"What do you think?" you asked him. Sportacus curled his lip.

"Reminds me of my mother.." You couldn't tell if he was happy or sad, you saw he was still eating it, but you wondered.

"_____________, are you going to have some?" Robbie asked. You blink your eyes for a minute.

"No...I'm good, Robbie." Sitting there, watching them eat in silence, a cough was heard. Looking up, you can see Sportacus was getting your attention.

"__________, if you like tomorrow. I want to take you somewhere." Robbie got the look on his face, like what, really?.

"Really where to?"

"It's a surprise." Sportacus saw the look on Robbie's face.

"Sure. I don't mind a little adventure." giving him a smile. Robbie sigh to himself.

'Of course he would pull a move like this..unless..'

"Robbie, would you watch over the house for me."

"You trust me?" he asked. He was shock to ask of something like this.

"Of course why wouldn't I? Besides, while I was getting the desserts and all. I called some people to clean up your home. If that was alright, apparently you're famous." Robbie was surprised, nobody ever help him, his home would be clean for once.

"That's very kind of you. I'll be right back." he got out his chair and left the room. You looked over at Sportacus.

"Was it something I did?"

"No, he appreciates it." He took your hand, you looked at him. You felt him giving a squeeze, which made you calm. Staring into his eyes, you couldn't help it, they were beautiful.

"Sportacus...I...I-" his crystal started beeping. Letting go of his hand, you were sadden. The look in those eyes, he knew you would understand."Be careful." you spoke, seeing him putting his boots on and running out the door. Seeing the lighting coming down, you were afraid he was going to hurt himself. Running out to the door, you watched him dodge the branches that were falling. Before you even thought of running after him you were being pulled back inside, door closing. Struggling in the gripped, you knew it was Robbie. He held you close,

"He wouldn't want you hurt, _________________. He has dealt with this before." Resting your head on his chest. Robbie calmed you down, "Come on, let's be lazy for a little. Get your mind out." You nodded, with him following you to the living room. Your thoughts were only on Sportacus. Holding yourself together, you hope he made it out okay. Robbie noticed this, but let it go as he cupped your cheek.



"Has he...ever been hurt before...?" Robbie knew he came close to killing Sportacus.

"Once...but...he made it out okay. I rather not talk about it." Robbie leaned in close once more, his lips were close to yours, eyes widening, but he pressed his lips against your cheek, giving it a kiss. He pulled away from you, you didn't know what to do. "Feel better?" you only nodded, before he turned on the tv. You mind kept racing, you looked at him,

"Would you be alright, if I work on this project?" He nodded as you began to walk away from him. Once he saw you were gone, he mentally slapped himself.

'____________.... I'm so stupid.'


With closing the door, staring out in the window, the winds were blowing really fast, the branches breaking off of trees and hearing the thunder made you jump. Calming yourself down, you sat down on the stool. Staring at the painting, it was almost complete. You figure you got time to finished, even with a guest in the house. Picking the brush and dip the paint on it, you began to finish and while you were finishing, you spoke to yourself.

'Sportacus...I think I love you...'  


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