In love with a Jackass (Bam M...

Autorstwa HollsMags16

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Hollie an 18 year old girl has a profession of being a personal assistant for famous groups. She is called to... Więcej

Chapter 1 Leaving Australia!
Chapter 2 England!
Chapter 3 Meeting the gang!
Chapter 4 First day of filming
Chapter 5 Camping!
Chapter 6 Jackass v's Janoskians
Chapter 7 The party
Chapter 8 Castle Bam!
Chapter 9 Secret sister!
Chapter 10 Family outing!
Chapter 11 The brother!
Chapter 12 Battle of the Sexes
Chapter 13 Day 1 of BOTS (Battle Of The Sexes)
Chapter 14 NYC
Chapter 16 Worth the wait
Chapter 17 Fun Fun Fun
Chapter 18 Halloween Disaster
Chapter 19 Enemies & Loss
Chapter 20 The Note
Chapter 21 Coming home
Chapter 22 The Funeral
Chapter 23 Blast from the past
Chapter 24 Discovery and Forgiveness
Chapter 25 Bam's World Domination Part 1
Chapter 26 Bam's World Domination Part 2
Chapter 27 The Tough Guy Competition
Chapter 28 Collab creations and a new formation
Chapter 29 Last Days Of Filming
Chapter 30 The Premier And An Unanswered Question

Chapter 15 Double date

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Autorstwa HollsMags16

"Ryan where the fuck are we even going?"

I ask taking another swig of my beer.

"I don't know...I thought you were deciding on that?"

Ryan slurs wow he is so drunk. Why is he even driving?

"Anywhere as long as its away from that cheating bitch!"

Bam says in an angry tone. They were driving pretty fast, I'm sure they will probably get pulled over by the police.

"Ryan look out-"

A crash! Petrol was pouring out and the engine started to smoke, no one moved.

I gasped for air as I shot up from my dream, I felt tears building up in my eyes. Knox woke up and wrapped his arms around my body, rocking me slightly.

"What's happened Holls?"

Knox asks in concern, by my reaction I don't think I want to share such a traumatic dream.

"Bad dream. A really bad dream."

"What was it about. If you don't mind me asking?"

I laid down on the pillow and laid on my side so I could face Knox.

"I could see Bam and Ryan in a car going really fast.They were both hammered and christ knows why they were driving. Anyway Bam said that he wanted to get away from that cheating bitch...and with that they crashed! There was petrol spilling out and smoke everywhere and no one was moving."

"Oh Hollie that will never happen."

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. Knox is the brother my mum never had, he is so caring and sweet.

"Come on lets go and get some breakfast in that belly of yours."

He poked my stomach which made me giggle, I got out from under the covers and grabbed a bag from my new collection of clothes. Written on the bag was 'Gucci', I closed the bathroom door behind me and began assembling myself to look presentable. I pulled out a black and gold skirt that came above the knee, I also pulled out a black and gold peplum top to go with it. Your probably thinking I'm a little overdressed just to be going down to have breakfast but I was a PA, I had to look smart. I slipped on a pair of fresh underwear and a black bra before putting on my new skirt and top. I took off my make-up and decided to go natural today, I tied my hair up in a tight pony tail and brushed my teeth before emerging from the bathroom. Knox skipped past me and ran into the bathroom, I put on some perfume and body spray to finish off. I slipped into my Louboutins and decided to start packing some of my stuff up.

I sat down at a table with Knox opposite me, the restaurant wasn't all that busy which was just how I liked it. It was a breakfast buffet this morning, there was a range of different foods on the counters ranging from hot to cold, sweet to savoury. I followed Knox up to the counter, god there was so much to choose from I didn't know what to have and I was really hungry so maybe I could fit in seconds? I picked up 3 pancakes and put a few strips of bacon on top with a finishing of syrup on top.

"Ew that's a weird combination. "

Knox says turning his nose up at my food.

"Cant knock something 'till you've tried it."

I poked my tongue out at him. I make myself a mocha before sitting back down on the table and tucking into my food. Knox sat down in front of me with a bowl of cereal and coffee.

"Wow what's up with your appetite today?"

I smirk looking down at his breakfast choice.

"Don't diss my cereal bitch. Your combination put me off a cooked breakfast."

He smiled back. I cut up a bit of pancake and put some bacon on top of it, I gestured it in front of Knox.

"Just try it I promise you won't regret it."

He rolled his eyes and took the fork from my grasp, he put the combination in his mouth. His faced turn from screwed up to impressed, I told him not to knock it before he tried it.

"You were actually right for once. That was really nice."

"See I told you would like it...hey what do you mean for once?"

He chuckled, I picked up my mocha and through it all down him. Everyone turned their heads to look what was going on. Knox had a shocked expression on his and not going to lie so did I, what came over me to do that? He picked up his coffee and was about to throw it over me when I spoke,

"Wait! Wait! Wait this is Gucci."

"Yeah but your face isn't"

With that he threw the coffee all over my face, it was a good idea that I didn't put make-up on this morning.

"I guess all that make-up your wearing is going to be smudged."

He chuckles to himself.

"I'm not wearing any make-up actually."

I dived over the table and crashed straight into him causing us both to topple back in the chair. We landed with a giant thud that echoed around the whole room, everyone gasped that caused us both this time to break out in hysterics. The manager walked over to us and looked extremely pissed off.

"I want you two clowns out of my hotel now!"

He pretty much shouts at us, Knox and myself pull up off the floor and run out the restaurant.

"I'll grab the bags and you meet me outside in the car."

I chucked the keys to Knox and ran for the elevator in my heels. Once I arrived at my level I skipped to my door and unlocked it as fast as I could. I grabbed all the bags and essentials that was ours before locking up behind me and running again. I gave the key to reception and dumped the bags in the boot of the car before hopping in the passanger seat.

"I take it I'm driving then?"

Knox says putting the car in gear, I nod in response and look out my window as we pulled away from the curb.

I ran upto the door of Castle Bam and opened them. There was not a sound, was anyone in today? Most probably still asleep seeing as its only 9:30. I ran back outside to help Knox in bringing in the bags, well mainly bags that contain everything of mine! I ran them up the stairs and tiptoed across the landing and into my room well mine and Ape's room. I opened up the door to find she wasn't there, I shrugged my shoulders and dumped them on the bed. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, there was coffee stains all over my face, neck and even in my hair, I couldn't help but break a smile.

"Yay your back."

I turned around and saw Bam standing in the doorway of the bedroom. He was in a pair of pink boxer shorts, a white tank top and he had his hair going in all different directions.

"Well don't you look pretty this morning."

I smile, I blow him a kiss and he blows me one back, its what we do now seeing as we can't properly kiss each other.

"Do I dare ask what happened to you?"

He tilts his head to the side and examines my body.

"I can answer that."

Knox answered pushing past Bam and throwing the bags on the bed.

"Oite throw my designer clothes on the bed again and I'll throw your ass out that window understand?"

Knox and Bam broke out in laughter and kept pointing at me.

"So come on whaf happened to you two?"

"Well I said a funny comment to Holls here and she decided to throw her mocha over me. Then I threw my coffee over her face because she was like don't this is gucci and I said well your face isn't gucci. Then she jumped over the table and crashed into me causing us both to topple backwards then the manager got pissed off and told us to get out!"

"Jesus! Trust yous two to get into a food fight infront of everyone."

"That's us."

I laughed. We all got out the room and crashed onto the sofa.

"Bam where the fuck is everyone?"

I ask, Jess wasn't here, Phil wasn't and neither was April.

"They went out for the day and didn't bother to wake me up."

"I guess they wanted someone to be in when I arrived home."

"It's funny how you two have got the whole house to yourselves and yet you can't do shit with each other because of this bet."

Knox comments. Both Bam and myself pick up a pillow each and threw it at him. It was true though, Bam and myself did have the house to ourselves, the only real oppotunity we have and we can't even do nothing.

"Fuck off Knox."

Bam says folding his arms and stared down at the floor.

"He is right though Bam."

I reassuee him. The doorbell rang, I got up off my arse seeing as no one else had seemed to move to get it. I opened up the door to find Rhi, we both screamed and hugged each other.

"Finally your home."

She says as I bring her into the house.

"Yeah got back about 20 minutes or so ago."

I sit down next to her on the sofa, we were both between Knox and Bam.

"You two look like shit. What happened?"

Rhi says pulling a crumb of pancake out my hair.

"We got into fight in an accurate way to say it."

"Trust it to be yous two."

She shook her head.

"That's exactly what I said."

Bam says leaning forward to get a better view of us all.

"Enough talk about me and Knox. How is everything Rhi?"

She looked down at the ground and played with her thumbs.

"What do you mean? What's happened Rhi-Rhi?"

Bam says wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Well...Steve and I split up a few days ago. He said that we rushed it but I think thats a load of bullshit. Then after the cinema I went back to the Janoskians hotel room with Luke and we had a nice evening chatting and watching films. Anyway the next morning I woke up in Luke's bed with us completely naked."

"Deep shit. Steve hasn't told us about your break up."

Knox says frowning.

"Have you spoke to Luke since?"

I question, I decided to sit on the floor so I could get a better view of the 3 of them.

"Erm...yeah. He wants to take me out on a date."

"Aw really? We should double date! Me, you, Luke and Bam."

I say with excitement.

"I'm down if you and Luke are Rhi."

Rhi seemed to brighten up a bit, maybe a double date might help.

"Yeah I'm up for it. I'll text Luke now and ask him."

"What did you want to do for a double date then? The day is still young."

Bam asks.

"Well seeing as I am not part this date I'm going to fuck off home. See you gays later."

Knox says standing up and giving us girls a kiss on the cheek and heading out the door. We all wavec goodbye to him and continued on with our conversation.

"So where's good around here?"

Rhi says putting her phone down next to her.

"Well what do you mean. Activity or food wise?"

"Well both."

She questioned. Bam and I looked at each other trying to think of what we could do for our double date.

"Well we could go to a theme park? There's one local around here."

Bam says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sounds awesome I love rollercoasers!"

Rhi said in a cheery tone. I thought it was a fantastic idea, I could spend quality time with my boyfriend (well just being in each others company not exactly hold hands or kiss), my sister and my best friend!

"Luke got back to me."

"What did he say?"

I ask sitting down next to her on the sofa, my bum started to become numb from sitting on the floor.

"He said he's up for it."

Her face lit up the room, her and Luke should definitely get together. They are two alike and obviously like each other after the other day.

"We could to a little italian place down the road where Bam took me for our first dinner date."

I suggested, Bam grinned, our night at the restaurant was really good and quite funny. Bam was trying to be all posh and was making snide comments about people in the restaurant. 

"Sounds good. A well thought out date yous two."

She says wrapping an arm each around mine and Bam's shoulder snuggling us.

I thought I'd better change my clothes and try to wash the scent of coffee and breakfast out of my hair and face. I rummaged through my bags and pulled out a navy blue playsuit that I picked out from Forever 21. I had a quick shower and washed my hair as fast I could making sure I could smell herbal essence and not coffee and bacon. I wrapped the towel around my body and rough drying my hair with another towel. As I stepped out the bathroom I screamed in fright as I saw Rhi sitting on tne edge of my bed.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

She chuckled, I held my hand over my heart and let out a large breath.

"Don't worry about it."

I smiled.

"Can I possibly borrow some clothes. I don't think I look date-dressed."

She says looking down at her clothes then looking back at me with a smile. She looked nice as she did, she was wearing a black skater skirt with a white vest top and a pair of high top converse.

"Rhi you look gorgeous as you are."

I say to her sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Please? I want to look impressive for Luke."

"Okay yeah that's no problem. You can borrow something from my new collection of clothes."

I say pointing to the various bags. I get up off the bed and slip on a white strapless bra and a pair of briefs before setting the hairdryer up.

"Shit Holls how much did you spend?"

Rhi questions looking at all the various clothes, shoes and even bags that were spread out across the bed.

"Hm over a thousand dollars."

"Fucking hell. I might just have to come on a shopping trip with you."

She laughs. I brush out my blonde hair before drying it. I looked in the reflection and saw her picking out an outfit, she settled for a thin strapped black floral dress that I got from Dior.

"I have even got the perfect dress and heels for you to wear for tonight."

I speak over the roaring of the hairdryer. She gives me a wide smile and claps her hands together in excitement. Once my hair was dry I put it up in a tight pony tail and did my make-up; applying mascara, tbick eyeliner and pink lip gloss. I put on slipped my feet into the leg holes of the playsuit and pulled it up my body, placing my arms through to secure it. I put on a pair of trainer socks and placed on my purple converse.

The pair of us emerged down stairs, Luke was on the sofa with Bam chatting away. I cleared my throat and the pair of them turned around, both had their eyes directly on us. Luke stood up and gave Rhi a hug;

"Wow Rhi you look gorgeous."

He says giving her a kiss on the cheek. Her lips turned red at his sweet comment, he smiled and pulled out two packages from behind his back; he handed one to me and the other to Rhi.

"What's this?"

I question confused.

"A little gift. Beau treated you and I treated Rhi."

He smiled, Rhi and I looked at each other and shrugged before tearing open the bag and pulling out the contents. In our hands were a snapback, a beanie and two different shirts that all had the logo dirty pig on it.

"Are these the clothes from your clothing line you recently produced?"

Rhi questions placing the beanie on her head.

"Oh my god you made the clothing line?"

I asked shocked. It was always the boys dream to produce their own clothing line and I guess they achieved it!


"Aw thanks Luke."

Rhi wraps her arms around his mid section and squeezes him tight, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"I'll text Beau later and thank him."

I say out loud.

"So what's on today's agenda then?"

Luke asks as we headed out the house.

"Well we're going to a theme park and then going out for a meal at an Italian place Bam and Hollie have been to."

Rhi replies leaning against my car, we were taking my car today because it was faster and everyone voted on taking mine without me even knowing!

"Sounds like a kickass day!"

Luke smiles. I unlock the car and allow Luke and Rhi to sit in the back while Bam and myself sit in the front. I put the address of the place and set off on our journey.

I had my phone plugged in and playing through the speakers of the car, Bam put the roof down on the car as we were driving along.

"Holls what's this? Dubstep mix."

He clicked on the playlist and started to scroll through the names of the songs.

" don't want to play them."

I say turning my face away from him.

"Did you make these?"

He questions. What the boys didn't know is that I created my own music, dubstep to be precise.


I gave him a smile and turned my attention back to the road. He clicked on the first song which was animals, my face turned red as is hear the music began to play. They were all bobbing their heads along to the beat, even moving their arms in the air.

"Hollie you actually made this?"

Rhi questions dancing around in the backseat of the car with Luke.

"Yeah. In my spare time I like to make music."

I reply looking in the mirror of the car.

"You should really get this published."

Luke says making various shapes with his hands and arms. I smiled and waited as the next song to play. The songs we listened to was Animals(again), Tough guy, Booyah, Rocksteady, Turn back time and Tsunami. They were all pestering on at me to send the songs over, they wouldn't take no for an answer so I gave in and said I would.

As soon as we got our wristbands we picked a route to follow before running off to enjoy some rides. We decided on hitting some rollercoasters and then doing some water rides before lunch.

"Photo time."

Luke pulls out his phone at takes a picture of the 4 of us huddled together. Luke and Rhi took some more photos together on each others phones. We were going on a ride called vampire, its a fast rollercoaster where you sit in it and your legs dangle over the edge. I was excited for this one because it looked so cool! I took my seat between Bam and Rhi, we all held hands as the ride edged up to the highest point. We were screaming at every turn, the wind was blowing in our faces which made us scream even more.

"What next?"

I say looking at the map.

"Ooo how about that one? "

Rhi grinned. In front of us was the tallest and fastest rollercoasters in the park. It did 80mph in a matter of seconds, probably about the same as my car.

"Let's do it."

Luke grabbed hold of Rhi's hand and the pair of them went running off to get into the line. Bam and I looked at each other and ran after them racing each other. The line was pretty short so we sat down in our seats pretty quickly, I buckled myself in and held onto my barrier. I watched as the traffic lights counted down from red, red, amber, amber...GREEN! With that we all shot backwards as the ride zoomed up the tall track and back down. It was a good idea that Bam suggested this place, we were all getting along great and everyone was either screaming, laughing of chatting away.

We left the park around 3ish, all our clothes were still damp from the ride tidal wave whicb got us soaked to the bone! We were standing in the dryers for about 10 minutes trying to get dry but had to come out because we were holding up a queue.

"I've got towels in the back that we can put down on the seats seeing as I'm not having damp patches in my car."

I say as we walk around trying to find the car, Luke and Bam's feet were squelching from having water trapped in their shoes.

"Did you have fun today?"

I link arms with Rhi and walk on ahead of the boys so we could have a girly chat.

"I did thank you. What about you?"

"I most certainly did. We will have to do this more often."

"For sure."

"So you excited for dinner?"

"Yeah. I love Italian food."

She said with excitement.

"So what's this outfit you have planned for me then?"

"Well its a black dress with a gold strip around the midsection. It is low cut and comes above the knee. And I have a pair of Louboutins you can borrow."

"Oh my god sounds perfect. You know dad would ground me for life if he saw me in it."

She smiled.

"Come on slow coaches."

I turn around and shout to the boys, they were trailing behind. I unlocked the boot of the cad and grabbed the towels out the back, Rhi helped me lay them out while the boys were walking at a snails pace. By the time we had finished setting the towels up, we were ready to get in the car; we sat in our normal spots except me and Bam swapped.

"Can we have your playlist on again please B-Girl?"

Luke pouts giving me puppy dog eyes, I ruffle his hair and click on my playlist. It made me smile the fact they wanted to hear my music, I was afraid to share my music with anyone because of the way they would react to it. 

"Maybe we could do a song together Holls?"

Rhi says, Rhi was an entertainer, she had an amazing voice and could dance so good.

"Yeah that would be great. I've been writing lyrics to some of the songs I've made. I could show you sometime if you'd like?"

"Yeah sounds cool."

We all continued to bob our heads to the music and wave our hands in the air every once in a while. We couldn't properly dance because one we couldn't move our feet and two well we were in a car so there wasn't much room!

Rhi and I was in my room whilst Luke and Bam was in Bam's room getting ready. I had laid out both our outfits on the bed so they were ready for us to get changed into. I let Rhi jumo in the shower first, I looked down at my outfit, it was a black strapless dress with a red lip bow around the middle. I had out my patent black Louboutins to go with it along with my black Thomas Sabo bracelet.

"Bathrooms free."

Rhi says walking out the en suite brushing out her hair. I grab a towel off my bed and head into the bathroom to get showered. I had a quick shower, we had dinner reservations at 7 and it was 4:45 now. When I came out the bathroom Rhi was in front of the mirror straightening out her hair. I took some rollers out my draw and start to roll strands of my wet hair around them.

"I love your outfit."

Rhi says straightening the last strand of her hair.

"Thanks. I saw it and fell in love straight away."

I finish of rolling my hair and plug the hair dryer in. This will speed up the process of curling and my hair will dry a lot quicker too. I dried my hair and left the rollers in, I planned on taking them out once I'm dressed. I took my make-up bag into the bathroom so Rhi could use the mirror in the bedroom. I didn't bothrr applying any foundation or blush because my skin was perfectly tanned as it was, I applied mascara to my lashes, eyeliner to my eye lids and red lipgloss to my lips. I sprayed on some deodrant and returned into the bedroom.

"Can you do the zip up on the back of the dress for me please Holls?"

Rhi questions. I nod and pull the zip up to the top. She twirls around to face me so I could get a better look at the outfit. It looks gorgeous on her, it hugs her figure perfectly. Luke will definitely not keep his eyes off her at the dinner table. I put my feet through the dress and pull it up my body doing the zip up at the side, I twirled around in the mirror to look at my dress comletely. I loved it, it was such a pretty simple dress that couldn't just be left on the rack. I pulled my Louboutins from under the bed and slipped my feet into them, I pulled out my rollers letting each strand of curled hair land as they pleased.

"I think this calls for a twitter pic don't you Rhi?"

"Oh absolutely."

She giggles, the pair of us huddle in together in front of the mirror and take loads of photos of us pouting, smiling and pulling funny poses. As soon as we opened our bedroom door so did Bam, we all stood there boggled eyed staring at each other. Bam was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a purple button up shirt and Luke was wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans with a white button up shirt and a bow tie.

"You girls look nice."

Bam and Luke says to us.

"Thanks. You too."

Rhi and myself said in sync.

"Shall we go? I'm starving."

Bam says clutching his belly. Luke linked arms with Rhi as we all walked down the stairs and into the car.

We were all sat down at our table in the restaurant, I had Bam opposite me and Rhi next to me with Luke opposite her.

"Hey guys what can I get you to drink?"

Our waitress comes over with a notebook and pen in hand.

"I'll have a red wine please."

I speak first.

"I'll have a JD and coke please."

Bam speaks next.

"I'll have white wine please."

Rhi asks.

"And I'll have a whiskey please."

"Okay guys I'll come back with your drinks and take your food order."

She left the table allowing us to have a look through the menu.

"So Rhi are you more of a main and desert kind of girl or a starter and main?"

Luke questions leaning forward.

"Well depends really. I love my sweet but I do like a savoury on the side."

"Well that pretty much describes my personality."

Luke jokes causing Rhi to giggle.

"Luke your a sweetheart."

She places her hand in his and holds it there for a while.

*Luke's Pov*

I looked down at her hand in mine, it felt so soft and it felt like it was meant to be there. I was such an idiot and don't know what came over me to end up sleeping with her, that's not me at all! I couldn't really remember much but it was because of the alcohol; I am a nightmare when it comes to alcohol.

"If you say so."

I wink at her. Her smile is perfect, I want her to be my girl but after my actions I don't know if I even come close to having a chance.

"What's everyone going for?"

Hollie says breaking me out of my thought bubble.

"I was think pizza."

Rhi says putting down her menu. Her hand was still attached to mine, whether she had forgot it was still attached to mine or she left it there for a reason?

"I was thinking of Cannelloni with salad."

Hollie replies. Everytime we go out for a meal she always has to have a salad of some sort, she has to be careful because she could end up with loads of problems. I'm not saying she doesn't look great but she should just be cautious.

"I fancy a calzoni."

Bam speaks. Bam and I have become quite good friends, well he is dating my best friend so why shouldn't we?

"What about you Luke? What are you going to order?"

Rhi questions, in all honesty I haven't taken much notice of the menu. I quickly scanned the menu and decided on the first thing that I saw.

"I'm going to go for the chicken with green beans and creamy sauce."

I say folding my menu up and placing it down in front of me. The waitress handed our drinks and took our orders before leaving us again. It was nice us all being together for a double date, we were all getting along fantasically and Rhi and myself were getting along so much and finding out so much stuff about each other.

*Hollie's Pov*

Rhi and Luke were getting along so well, I really want them to get together! Rhi deserves someone like Luke in her love life. The food was delicious, I always ordered a salad with my food, I liked to keep healthy and keep my weight the same. I know Luke gets concerned but i'm not doing any harm to myself just trying to stay fit.

"So are we all chipping in for the bill?"

Luke says playing around with his napkin.

"Well Bam and I will pay for ours."

I say because of the bet we couldn't pay for each others meals.

"I'll pay for your Rhi."

Luke says digging out his wallet and laying some money out on the table. I put my money on top of Luke's and Bam put his money on top of mine before handing it to the waitress. We grabbed our coats and walked out the restaurant, Bam and I got into the front of the car and Luke and Rhi were in the back. Rhi had her head rested on his shoulder and Luke wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"Thanks for today you guys."

I say turning around in my seat and look back at the two loverbirds in the backseat.

"It was fun."

Rhi chirped, playing with Luke's hand.

"Yeah will have to do this more often."

Luke says resting his head on top of Rhi's. Back at the house was where we said goodbye to everyone. Before Luke and Rhi headed off in their cars Luke pulled Rhi to the side.


"Yes Luke?"

"Will you consider being my girlfriend?"

Ooo what is she going to say? Here it is the next chapter please vote and comment love to here what ypu guys think!
Love ya
Hollie ♥

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