Being Caleb's Twin Sister {Ed...


28.1K 438 26

Catrina is Caleb's twin sister and his best friend. They do everything together. She's Annie's role model and... Еще

Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39


1.7K 19 0

Caleb's POV

"Cat it's 12." I say shaking her. 

"So." She says. 

"You have that date with Jake." I say. 

"It's not a date." I laugh. 

"That's not what he thinks." 

"What do you mean?" She asks. I show her the text conversation between me and Jake.

"He thinks it's a date?" She squeals. 

"Yeah but act like you don't know." I say. 

"What should I wear?" She asks. 

"Um. I don't know or care." I say. 

"Please help." She says.

"Fine." I say.


I try on about 10 outfits. Then I put on a white sweater crop top, tights and a maroon skirt.(In media) I walk out and Caleb says, 

"That's good. I like it." I smile and hug him. 

"Okay now hair." I smile. "Oh I know. Curl it." He says. I do what he says. 

"Now makeup." 

"Do you really need it?" he asks. 

"Have you seen my face?" 

"Sis, your beautiful trust me, you don't need makeup." 

"Okay.. But only because makeup takes a long time and I only have 5 minutes. Go pick out a pair of shoes." He goes to my side of the closet and picks out a pair of sandals. 

"You have good taste." I laugh putting on the shoes. 

"Cat! Jake's here." Mom yells. 

"Coming." I yell. I run down the stairs. 

"Why are you so dressed up?" She asks. 

"I'm not dressed up." I say. 

"Hey Jake." I smile. 

"Be home by 3." My mom says. 

"Yeah yeah." It was at the moment I realized there was a camera in her hand. 

"Vlogging? Really? For all you watching we are just friends..." I say walking away. 

"You look amazing." Jake whispers so my mom doesn't here. 

"Thanks." I smile. When we are out of view of the house he slowly intertwines our fingers. I lightly blush. 

"So I have something for you." He says as we walk through the grass to the park. 

"What is it?" I ask. He runs to the nearest platform and grabs something. Then he comes back with a rose. 

"Aw. Thank you." I say hugging him. 

"I got something for you too." I smile. 

"You didn't have to." He says. I pull out a Xbox gift card out of my purse. 

"Thank you so much!!!!" He yells hugging me tightly. 

"You're welcome." I say. 

"So. What do you want to do?" He asks. 

"I would say gymnastics but I'm in a skirt so that ain't happening." I smile. He laughs. 

"We could walk through the Pleasure Garden." He says with a smile. 

"I'd love that." I smile. He grabs my hand and we walk to the garden. It wasn't far from the park. When we get there my phone buzzes. 

"I'm sorry I have to take this." I say. 

"Okay." He smiles. 

"Hello?" I ask. 

"YOU TOOK MY XBOX GIFT CARD??!!??!" An angry Caleb yells. 

"I'll buy you another one." I smile.


I could hear Caleb scream through the phone. I laugh. She comes back with a smile, her award-winning smile. I really like her. Everyone does. She's a lovable person.

"So. Where were we?" She asks. 

"We were walking through this garden and I was thinking about how beautiful you are." I say. She blushes. 

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asks. 

"Yeah." I say stopping her. She looks at me. 

"What?" She asks. 

"You're just so beautiful I wanted to admire you. and ask you something." I say. 

"What?" She asks. 

"Beat me to the park and I'll tell you." I say. 

"Oh your on." she says running. 

"HEY!!" I say running after her. She beats me to the park. 

"Okay fine, you win. So I have a couple places I wanted to go for a scavenger hunt for you. You want to do it?"I ask. 

"Sure. Where's my first destination?" She asks. 

"Here. Look around the park there are 3 emoji pillows hidden around the park with secret messages on them." I smile. She walks around the park looking.

I look around the park and see an emoji pillow I walk to it and pick it up. On the tag there was a note. 

"You're smile lights up my world - Jake" I read aloud. I walk around some more and find the money face with the money tongue. 

"You're worth a million dollars - Jake." I continue looking until I find the last one. It was the heart eyes. 

"When I'm around my eyes turn to hearts -Jake." I walk back over to him and hug him. He had a backpack on his back. 

"Here we have a lot more places to go so you can put everything in here." He says opening it. I put the pillows in it and hug him again. 

"That was really sweet." I say he wraps his arm around my waist and we walk to another place. 

"Place 2 out of 3 is Starbucks." He says. Starbucks is like my favorite place. When we get there he orders and I sit down. When he comes back he puts my drink a napkin and something else under the napkin in front of me. I turn the napkin over and it says 

"I like you a latte." Under it was a gift card. I hug him again. We head out. 

"Place 3 out of 3 is my house." He says. When we get to his house he goes inside and comes out with a phone case. It was a picture of Minnie kissing the edge of the case. 

"Will you be the Minnie to my Mickey?" He asks holding a case with Mickey doing the same thing. 

"Are you asking me out?" I ask trying not to blush. 

"Yes." He says trying not to smile. 

"Let me think about it." i joke. "Okay. I respect that take all the time you need." He says. I smile. 

"Yes." I say. 

"Yes you'l be my girlfriend or yes something else?" He asks. 

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend." I smile. He picks me up and spins me. 

"You actually said yes!!" He squeals.

" Why wouldn't I've. I've had a huge crush on you since 3rd grade." I smile. 

"No way I've had a crush on you since the time you kissed me under the basketball hoop." He says. 

"That was in 2nd grade." I say. 

"Yeah." He blushes. 

"What we going to do next?" I ask. 

"We could walk slowly back to your house since it's almost 3." He says. 

"Okay." I smile. When we get to my house I say goodbye and then we hug. Then He kisses me. I scream inside. 

"Bye C." He says walking away. 

"Bye J." Say walking into the house. I run up to my room and shut the door. I slowly slide down the door with a smile. 

"HE KISSED YOU?!?!?!" Caleb yells. 

"Yes and shut up!" I say. 

"He told me what was going to be going down between you two. So are you the Minnie to his Mickey?" He asks. I show him my phone case and smile. 

"After 4 and 5 years of crushing you guys finally get together." he says. "How cute." He smiles. Life is good Life is great. I love life.

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