The Away Story

بواسطة kjones1126

219 10 13

You know in those cliche high school stories a girl or guy leaves and comes back a few years later to be a co... المزيد

August 25, 2011
September 1, 2011
September 8, 2011
September 15, 2011
September 22, 2011
September 29, 2011
October 1, 2011
October 15, 2011

October 6, 2011

9 1 0
بواسطة kjones1126

I will be in Florida on Saterday sooooooooooooooooo here ya go.



So it's been a week. I don't know what to write about. I should've waited to write about the party. Oh well. I just thought of something that should've been explained. I got my hair dyed a couple weeks ago because my dad was tired of my mom's bullshit. He asked me "Squirt, you want a your hair dyed?" Of course I said yes. I have been wanting my hair dyed for monthes. So we went to a local hair salon, and now my whole head is purple. I love it. Jacob has started pestering me again. I guess I can't call it pestering. He just says hi to me in the hall and likes to sit within earshot of me at lunch. I have really broken my promise about not making friends. I met this one girl in my gym class from Mexico and she is the total opposite of me. Her name is Kayla and we are like two pees in a pod. She can't  replace Kathy, but it is nice to have someone at school who is glad to see you other than obsessed stalker boys. My science teacher gave everyone science fair projects to do too. I don't mind much. Mine is going to be so awesome. I'm going to see if music affects your emotions. My stepdad, mom and brother have been forced to help me. Aren't good parents supposed to take an interest in their kids education? Mine don't. Mom doesn't get home until seven and all she does is complain about her day when she gets home. My stepdad is no help because he just sucks up to my mom. I'll have to be good though because they are taking me to Florida next week. Oh well. Bye 4 now

Ravin B.

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