A Brand New Day

由 _syd__lovatic_

9.3K 371 15

After Demi's world tour starts, there is a lot of tension in the house. Meadow broke her arm. Demi wasn't act... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49

Chapter 5

463 15 0
由 _syd__lovatic_

Rivers pov
Mom and dad left in the night which was nice because we all had dinner together well everyone except Maddie. Which was cool with me considering she attacked me. Mom and Marisa talked and giggled in the kitchen while Meadow, dad, and I watched the Advengers. I texted Corrbin throughout the movie. We ended up sending silly pictures which the last one mom and Marisa photo bombed. Then as get the five minute bed time  warning. Which is really for Meadow but I take my Meds at that time. I get ready for bed and there's a knock in the door, "yes?"
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Mom asks peeking he head in the door with puppy eye.
"Me too?" Meadow asks doing the same.
"Only if mom sleeps in the middle and sings."
"Agreed." Mom says.
We all snuggle up and mom sings nightingale. Mom tucks me in and kisses me on the forehead before she left at about 3am.
That's why when I wake up to whispering and giggles outside my door at 5:30am I am somewhat concerned but not enough to investigate. My alarm goes off at six and Marisa shouts "first warning!"
Meadow and I turn over and groan. Seconds later my door flies open and the light flashes on. "Come on! You only gave one warning." I whine.
"Good morning River." Julia says.
"River shut up, we have two more warnings." Meadow growls.
"Sorry Meadow, but we would like to congratulate River for her nomination as homecoming queen."
"What?" I gasp.
"That's right."
"Wow, really?"
"Wow thank you."
"Would you like to say anything to the camera?"
"wow, um, well... My name is River Jordana Mendez Jonas lovato and I have a really long name, I am very horrified because I am in my pjs..."
"River shut up!"Meadow shouts.
"With my cranky baby sister shouting at me. But I am very honored to be the first freshman nominee of Rose Wood high homecoming."
"Congrats. I'll see you later."
I smile and I feel so good. I get into the shower, then put my uniform on. I wrap my fair in a twirl and go down to the kitchen. "Good morning!" I chirp.
"Someone's happy." Marisa says.
"I am. I gotta call mom."
"Okay, here's your coffee." I peck her cheek and take my coffee upstairs. I FaceTime mom.
She answers with her eyes closed. "Hm?"
"Guess what!" I shriek.
"Woah, what? You're excited."
"Guess who's the youngest homecoming canidate?"
"No way!" She says as she sits up.
"Yep." I say as I do my hair.
"When's homecoming?"
"Two weeks, I'm gonna need to get a dress." 
"Breakfast!" Marisa yells.
"Go eat. Love you!"
"Love you too." I hang up and take my coffee down stairs and sit next to Meadow. "Where's Madison."
"She is still in bed." Meadow says with her mouth full.
"Ew, don't talk with your mouth full."
"Why you don't like seafood! SEE FOOD!" She screams with her mouth wide open.
I laugh, "weirdo."
We finish eating while Marisa goes to get Madison up. "Get up!" Marisa yells. I cough. "Uh oh." I mutter.
"I'm not going today." Madison yells. As the door slams.
I go up to my room after breakfast and get my backpack together. Then I decide to try and get Maddie up before we leave. I knock on her door then go in. "Madison get up." I say calmly.
"Get out, bitch."
"Stop acting like a bitch and get out of bed. Now."
"Or what."
"Do you really wanna know." I say stepping closer to her bed.
"Yeah, what is your skinny ass gonna do?"
I don't even say anything. I flip her mattress and she launches to the floor. "Get ready for school if my perfect attendance is ruined because of you I will be pissed."
She jumps up and I run to the car. Marisa is in the car waiting on us. She usually drives us on Mondays. "What'd ya do?"
"Got Maddie up."
I smirk, "I flipped her mattress."
She gives me a high five and laugh till Maddie gets in the car. "Bitch." Maddie whispers. I turn up the radio and if ignore her.
We are about half way to the school when she starts kicking my seat. "Stop acting like a damn toddler." I snap.
"Or what?"
"I'll tell dad."
We get to the school, "Maddie, you need to walk Meadow home then to dance. River you have practice then dance I'll pick you and Meadow up at 8. Maddie you need to walk straight home. If I get to the house and you are not there we will have a big problem." Marisa says. I nod and give her a kiss. I drop Meadow off in her hall but when we get to her locker there is a group of girls waiting there.
"Meadow you have a good day." I say as I hug her, I whisper into her ear. "If you have to text me 911 if it's an emergency. I will be here in a flash. I love you." I turn to walk way and put my headphones in but I over hear one of the little girls say, "what's up, fatty. Did sissy have to drop the baby off?" I double back, "excuse me, what is your name." I ask the little girl.
"Why do you want to know."
"Well, I'm just wondering if you're aware of the no bullying policy?"
"You don't need my name and I am very much aware."
I turn to Meadow, "What is her name?"
"Sarah." Meadow whispers.
"Thank you. Meadow come with me." She nods and grabs her bag."
"I thought you were gonna punch her." Meadow chuckles as we walk down the hall to the office.
"There's  no need, we will report it and then the office will take care of the rest." She nods and we enter the office.
"Can I help you ladies?"
"I would lie to report some bullying." I say to the secretary who has yet to look up at me.
"Alright, I have just emailed Mrs. Jasper, take a seat and she will be with you in a moment to take your report."
I nod, "thank you." I say as Meadow and I take a seat.
About five minutes later Mrs. Jasper comes out, "River, Meadow, please come to my office." We follow her into her office and take a seat. "So which one of you us reporting."
"Well Meadow is being bullied, but I'm reporting it because I've witnessed it."
"Who is bullying you?"
"Sarah Carpenter."
"And what did she say or do?"
"She's been calling me names and sometimes she pushes me into the lockers before school."
"Anything else?" Mrs. Jasper asks. Meadow shrugs and I speak up.
"She called her fat, today. Meadow has brought up how people pick on her at school several times but I witnessed it. How long has this been going on?" I ashes Meadow.
"Since school started." Meadow whispers.
"Alright, ladies, here's what I am going to do. I'm going to fill out the paperwork. I will then talk to Sarah. I will also have to talk to your parents then go from there."
"Thank you."
"Here's a note so you are not counted as tardy. You have a good day."
"You too." Meadow and I both say. I walk Meadow to her class then head to math.
"Hello, River. Nice of you to join us."
"Hello, Miss Darwin, here's my pass.•
"Thanks you, take your seat. Corrbin give Riv your notes." He nods and slides me his notes as well as a note just for me.
We are the youngest homecoming nominees.
I smile. I finish the notes and the bell rings. I grab my bag and Corrbin's hand. "I love you." He whispers when we reach my locker. I turn and face him. I kiss him. Then something hits me in the head. We jump apart a there's a apple sitting on the ground. Maddie is laughing and walking away. My eyes well up and I call mom, "hello?"
I hiccup, "Maddie just threw an apple at my head." I sob into the phone, "what do I do cuz I wanna hit her."
"No, just stay away from her, she's just jealous because everything is going right for you and not her. You'll be okay."
"Fine, Meadow and I just reported some little bitch for calling Meadow fat. I feel like Maddie is bullying me."
"Hey now, I know you're upset but watch your moth."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry baby but I have to go, I'll call you later. I love you."
"Wait mom!"
"If Maddie is still mean to me or Meadow I'm gonna hit her."
"No you won't."
"If you say so. I love you too."
We hang up and I fix my makeup and Corbin and I go to biology. we finish out the day with Maddie throwing shade at me. The final bell rinds and I go to the locker room to change for cross country. "Hurry up ladies, if you wanna be done early."
I change quickly but just as I'm about to leave my phone rings. "Hello."
"Maddie left me." Meadow sobs.
"I can't find Maddie."
"Where are you?"
"Outside the school."
I sigh, "okay, I'm on my way." We hang up and I change back into my uniform. "Julia." I holler as I jog to her, "I have to take Meadow to dance."
"I thought Maddie did that."
"She usually does but she left without Meadow and so I have to do it, cuz I can't let Meadow walk alone because of the paparazzi."
"Maddie's kinda a bitch."
"I know."
"I saw her throw an apple at you and I almost punched her."
I chuckle, "yeah me too."
"Go on, be a good big sis."
"Thank you."
I grab my bag and run out front where that Sarah girl has Meadow cornered. "My moms gonna kill me! You tattle-tale. Your gonna pay."
"River!" Meadow screams and sprints to me.
"Leave her alone, or I'll report you again." I say as I take Meadow's hand. We begin to walk home and I try to call Maddie but she sends me to voicemail. So I call Marisa, "hey, Maddie is gone. She won't answer her phone and she left Meadow at school. I'm taking her home then to dance. I'm pissed."
"Thank you. I understand. I'll see you later." I hang up and text mom and dad.
Madison left Meadow at school. She called me a bitch this morning and threw an apple at me. I have to miss practice because Madison is being a brat, inconsiderate, and irresponsible. I'm not very in happy right now.


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