New Girl

Od flowerchildDF

107K 1.8K 463

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

3.9K 73 19
Od flowerchildDF

Full of Surprises

Chris and I left his and Lesly's belongings at the new apartment. It's a 3 bedroom with two bathrooms. It's really nice, not as fancy as their old place. This apartment - I'm sure, will feel more like a home.

After he got settled in, he dropped me off at school to pick up my car. I'm home now and it's 4:30 PM. We agreed that he'd pick me up at 5:40 PM, so I have about an hour to get ready. I got a small snack meanwhile, that should keep my stomach satisfied for a bit. Now, what to wear? I can't wear a dress because it's too cold, so that's out of the question. But I don't want to wear something too casual. I want to make a good impression.

"Hmm... nope, nope, cute, but no."

Found it. A cute long black coat with a belt around it along with a fancy looking black and white shirt, and silver denim jeans.

Now shoes... Sneakers are a no no. Heels... closed or open? Closed most definitely, the weather is too cold for open heels. I took out my black heels and set them aside. Done. Now my hair. It isn't too messed up, so I'll just curl it a little bit.

About 10 minutes later I heard the front door open. That's weird... I unplugged the wand since I was finished and went to see who came in. I stopped walking when I saw my dad.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have students to teach?" I remember him being at Uni this morning which is odd since he works night shifts.

"Finals are this week so the schedule is different. Now my turn to ask: Where are you going?" He asked putting his work material on the kitchen table.

"I'm going out to eat with Chris, Luke, and Donna." I said causing him to look at me confused.

"Luke? As in the Dean of the university?" He asked. "My boss? Whom I call 'boss' and you're calling 'Luke?'" He asked sounding surprised and annoyed at the same time. I snickered.

"Uh yeaaa," I said dragging the yea in an awkward way, "He told me to call him that and he's Chris' dad. And Donna is-"

"His secretary. I know Mels." My dad said interrupting me. He chuckled. "So you're dating Chris?" He asked making my heart skip a beat. Even people saying his name causes my heart to do flip flops.

"Something like that, I guess." I said at the same time there was a knock on the door. I looked over the stove to check the time. 5:35 PM. A bit early, but I'm not complaining. I felt a smile grow on my lips as I walked towards the door. From my peripheral vision I saw my dad giving me a knowing smile with a shake of his head.

I opened the door to see Chris standing there, his hands rubbing the back of his neck. He too changed his outfit. He had a black coat alike mine over a white flannel and black jeans with dressed shoes. After I finished checking him out I looked up to catch him doing the same to me. He smirked and leaned in.

"I like your socks." He whispered into my ear making me shiver and blush at the same time. I forgot I had no shoes on. I was wearing a baby blue sock on my left foot and a lime green one on my right foot. I blushed.

"Oh yeaaa... I couldn't find a pair... I'm going to go put on some shoes." I said stepping back so he could come in first.

"Hey Chris." My dad greeted him from the kitchen. Please don't embarrass me dad! I kept chanting in my head. Chris walked towards him and shook his hand.

"Hey Dave." Chris greeted in return.

"Uh, I'm gonna go put on my shoes." I yelled louder this time, already walking towards my room. I hope my dad doesn't say or do anything to embarrass me. They already know each other so it shouldn't be bad. I put on my closed heels not worrying about the height since I won't ever get past Chris. I went back to find them laughing. I crossed my fingers in hope that they weren't laughing about me. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Chris looked at me still smiling.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yea. I'll be back later dad. Call me if you need anything." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Chris said bye to my dad as well, promising he'll bring me back home safely.

"Be careful!" My dad hollered out before we closed the door.

We spent the drive to the restaurant talking and getting to know each other more. He talked about his cousin, Daniel, and Lesly. He told me a little bit more about Donna as well. As we stepped out of the car I admired the cities lights. This honestly has to be the best thing about New York.

We went inside the restaurant and spotted his dad and Donna sitting down already. They were smiling at each other in a mesmerizing way and talking.

"Hey." Chris greeted, giving them a hug each. Donna stood up and came over to me to give me a hug as well. She must love giving hugs to people she just met, or is it just me?

"Hey Donna. Hi Luke." He too got up and gave me a sideways hug.

"Sit." He instructed. A waiter came over and asked us for our drinks.

"So, Melody, tell me about yourself." Donna said smiling. I looked over at Chris whom was giving me an amused smile; he knows I suck talking about myself. I'd rather people ask me questions.

"What do you want to know?" I asked in return.

"Are you in the same grade as Chris?" She asked.

"No. I'm a Junior." I gave a small smile. I remember Chris telling me - well not exactly telling me, I kind of figured it out for myself - that he was a senior.

"You just moved here recently?" She asked making me nod my head. "Where did you live before?"

"San Diego." I replied making her gasp.

"Really?" Luke asked intrigued.

"Yea, we moved up here because my dad got offered a job."

"What about your mom?" Donna asked.

"She's still in San Diego." I said. I put pressure on my finger with my nail causing an inch of pain. I do this to avoid myself from getting emotional. I focus on the physical pain instead of the emotional pain.

"I'm sorry." Donna said giving me an understanding smile.

"It's fine." I said shaking my head.

"Do you have any siblings?" She asked next.

"Yes. A little sister and an older brother." I smiled.

"Do they live with you?"

"No. My little sister lives with my mom and my older brother is married, so he lives with his wife."

"Where does your dad work?" Luke asked making me smile amusingly since my dad works for him. I heard Chris chuckle softly as well.

"He works at your University as an Architecture teacher." I smiled.

"Dave?" He asked surprised.

"Yep, that's my dad." I chuckled along with Chris. The waiter came back giving us our beverages. I already looked at the menu so I knew what I wanted to order. Once she wrote down our order she collected all our menus and left. The rest of the dinner went by really quick. I have no idea what I was nervous about in the beginning. I had lots of fun.

I'm hoping this dinner got Luke and Donna to start developing a relationship. I'm just going to have to keep my fingers crossed.

"I kind of have a surprise for you all." Donna said standing up. We all looked up at her confused. "I'll be right back." She said making Luke stand up.

"I'll go with you." Luke said. Aww, that's so cute.

"No, stay. It's a surprise. I promise, you'll love it." And with that Donna left. We looked at each other confused.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked Chris discreetly.

"Nope." He replied. I looked back towards the way Donna had left to find her coming back with someone else. She had brown hair that was long and a nice slim body. Her face looks so familiar... "Lesly?" Chris asked behind me. Lesly! That's who it is; she looks exactly how she did when she was younger except now she's older - obviously. She is really pretty. Ok pretty is an understatement, she's drop dead gorgeous.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be back by Friday?" Luke asked already giving her a bear crushing hug. Chris got up as well pulling me up along with him. She laughed - more like a muffled laugh since her dad was still squishing the life out of her. 

"I wanted to surprise you and my loser little brother." She said smiling.

"Well you surprised us Munchkin." Chris said giving her a big smile while she gave him an annoyed look.

"If you call me that again I'm going to make sure you regret it like you did the last time." She said threateningly. Donna and Luke sighed and sat back down with a smile on their faces. They looked anything, but annoyed.

"Such an evil person for such a tiny little girl." Chris said smirking.

"Shouldn't you be welcoming her back?" I asked Chris bemusedly.

"Thank you! Where have you been all my life?" She asked me, making me chuckle. Chris rolled his eyes.

"Yea yea yea. Munchkin this is Melody, Melody this Munchkin." He smiled, but it ended up turning into a smirk. I laughed. She glared at him.

"It's nice to meet you. Ooo I love your coat and heels." She gasped. "Where'd you get them?" She asked making Chris grunt in annoyance. Lesly noticed and shot him a stern look, but that look then turned into an evil smirk. "Melody... has my dear brother asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" She asked. I'm pretty sure I had shock written all over my face before it turned bright red. Chris shot her a very dirty look which she brushed off. Was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? Oh god this is embarrassing. Luke and Donna were still smiling.

"Uh... no." I said awkwardly. She fake gasped, still looking at him.

"Damn, sorry I didn't know. But hey, at least I didn't tell her-"

Chris didn't let her finish because he dragged me outside. He was probably angry that she said that because he wasn't planning on asking me to be his girlfriend... I frowned sadly, stopping myself from crying. He's probably going to take me home now. I didn't even say 'bye' or 'thank you' to Luke and Donna.

"And that was her getting back at me." He chuckled. Wait, what? "I told her I was going to ask you out tonight." He said rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while he held my right hand with the other. What? "It was meant to be a surprise, but she kind of ruined it. So Melody, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I can't help, but giggle at his nervousness. It's cute. I had butterflies all over my tummy. He was staring into my eyes still waiting for an answer. I leaned in - not having to get on my tippy toes since I'm in heels - and gave him a small yet meaningful kiss. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" Chris asked smiling, still a few inches away from my lips.

"Yes." I said. Once I finished he enfulged me in his arms and spun me around making me giggle and get awfully dizzy, but before it could get too bad he put me down and steadied me with his hands on my waist. My heels weren't helping either. "Don't do that I get dizzy." I frowned. He chuckled and kissed my lips.

"Let's go back inside before we freeze out here." He said. "They probably already know we're together."

"How could they know? I could have turned you down." I teased. He laughed

"Well then it's a good thing you didn't." He teased back making me laugh as well.  

 We went back to the table and they each gave us a knowing smile. Lesly squealed. 

"I told you! Oh and sorry about that, it has nothing to do with you. I just had to get back at him." She said smiling.

"Not cool munchkin." Chris said with his arm slung around my chair.

"See what I mean?" She says.

"I'd probably do the same thing." I said to Lesly. Their relationship reminds me of Allan's and I's.

"Well I am happy that you two are together." Donna said. "You guys make a great couple."

"I agree." Luke said. Their comments of course caused me turn red again.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yes they do. And now it's your turn to get together with Donna, dad." Lesly said smiling.

She likes to get straight to the point. Donna blushed and shot Lesly a 'stop it' look.

"True." Chris joined. I smirked.

"And you guys would also make a great couple." I added.

"Agreed. Anyways, Chris do you mind taking me home? I have to unpack. Plus I'm exhausted." Lesly said.

"Sure." Chris said.

"We can take you." Donna said. Lesly shook her head.

"No no. You two enjoy the rest of the night. Get some desert. There's no curfew for my dad anyways. Behave. Love you guys, I'll see you tomorrow." She gave them both kisses and hugs. Chris and I did the same, not letting them have a say.

Once we were outside Chris smiled at Lesly.

"You think it's going to work this time?" He asked her.

"Oh, definitely." She said.

"Wait, you've done this before?" I asked Lesly

"Yes! A dozen times. It's never worked before." She shrugged. "But I'm a very persistent person." She said cheekily. "Plus there was something different tonight." Chris scoffed.

"Yea, dad's no longer with cruella." He explained.

"That's true." She said before yawning. "I really am tired though. Can we go home?" She whined. Chris nodded his head and put an arm around me.

"Speaking of going home, did you remember to get my car out of the old house?" She asked.

"Shit." Chris said. "I forgot." She groaned at his comment.

"You forgot about my baby!? If there is a single thing out of place when I get it back, I'm kicking your ass!" She said angry.

"Why would there be something wrong with it?" I asked.

"Because it's in the witches layer and once she finds out about the divorce she is going to trash a lot of things in the house. That's why dad wanted us to move out, especially because he lives there." She said shuddering. I'm guessing he is Drake. I felt Chris tense as she spoke of him, meanwhile I shuddered. 

"Why don't you go get it tomorrow when Dra- uh, he is in school and when Anastasia leaves?" I suggested. I was going to say Drake, but Lesly shot me a glare.

"She's not going to leave anymore. Now that we moved - which I'm sure she's noticed by now - she's going to bring her affairs over." He grimaced in disgust. Does Drake know that his mom is a cheater? Probably, they both have too many things in common.

"Ugh, we'll figure it out later, let's just go home. I'm freezing!" Lesly said.

We got in the car and he dropped me off first. "See you at school tomorrow beautiful." He whispered in my ear after giving me a kiss good night. I felt my heart swell at the compliment. Being around him makes me forget about everything. Chris makes me feel warm, safe, and secure. 

He's starting to plant himself more and more into my heart.


Not edited.

Picture of Lesly on the side.

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