The Boondocks~My Other Half

By Xolsolz

27.3K 964 295

~•~ He was SUPPOSED to be a cold blooded assassin. He was SUPPOSED to kill her. He was SUPPOSED to move pas... More

Chapter 1: Reminiscing
Chapter 2: Where Are They Now, Part 1
Chapter 3: Where Are They Now, Part 2
Chapter 4: Resistance / Surprise Surprise!
Chapter 6: A Painful Reunion
Chapter 7: The Missing Model
Chapter 8: Motel Troubles
Chapter 9: News & Threats
Chapter 10: Roadtrip
Chapter 11: Issues
Chapter 12: Meeting Mafia
Chapter 13: A Short Trip On The Other Side
Chapter 14: Safe Mansion
Chapter 15: Finalised
Chapter 16: Back To The Bar
Chapter 17: Hooking Up/The Game
Chapter 18: Let's Focus On The Gangsters
Chapter 19: Sulky Comedians / Secret Work
Chapter 20: Jack Shadow / Drinks
Chapter 21: Sneaking Out / Interrogations / Found
Chapter 22: My Instincts Don't Lie / It's Dejà Vu
Chapter 23: Death At The Mansion
Chapter 24: Riley's Mirror_Huey's Reflection
Chapter 25: The Breakthrough
Chapter 26: A Fist Kiss
Chapter 27: You're My Brother
Chapter 28: Setting It Straight / Feelings? / Its War
Chapter 29: Huey's Alternative / Caesar & Angelica...?
Chapter 30: It Was Never You
Previously On My Other Half..
Chapter 31: Ain't Over 'Till I Say
Chapter 32: No Secrets, You Say?
Chapter 33: Under New Management

Chapter 5: Fights

940 40 17
By Xolsolz


Chapter 5: Fights

"It was awesome seeing you again!" Caesar chuckled as Jasmine hugged him like a teddy bear. He was the last one to leave. Riley and Cindy had left earlier around ten that night with Hiro and Ming. "Please visit soon."

"You know I will." He pecked her on the forehead, being taller and she giggled. At that moment, a car pulled up in the curved driveway and Jackson stepped out. Caesar and Jasmine pulled away from each other as Jackson walked up the steps, nodding at him. Caesar nodded back and they shook hands.

Jackson smiled. "This is a surprise. Good to see you, man."

Caesar made a crooked smile. "Likewise. Anyway, gotta go. See ya, Jas." Caesar walked down the steps to his sports car in the driveway. He saluted before climbing in, starting the engine, and driving away.

Jackson frowned at Jasmine and she crossed her arms. "What?"

"I leave for a few hours only to come back and find you two kissing?"

"Oh God." Jasmine rolled her eyes and walked back into the house. Jackson followed, kicking the door shut, "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, Jas!"

Jasmine whirled around, throwing her hands in the air. "It was a friendly peck on my forehead, Jackson! What the hell is your problem?"

He jammed a thumb into his chest. "You don't give me the chance to kiss you and your my fucking fiancé, and yet you let him?! Y'know what that fucking makes me look like?"

"You're complaining about a fucking peck on my forehead?! Boy, I'm not the one who went sleeping around with one of your friends!"

Jasmine was screaming now.

Jackson's jaw dropped. He inhaled sharply and looked at something to stare at, then finally he looked back at her again, running a hand through the front of his hair. "I thought you had--"

"Forgiven you? You thought I had forgiven you for cheating on me after you proposed?!"

"I ended the affair, what more do you want from me?!"

Jasmine shook her head as she looked out the window. "You know, you're unbelievable, Jackson."

Jackson glared her. "You know what I think? You're over that whole thing."

"Really now?"

"I know you, Jasmine, you don't hold grudges. I think you fight with me every night on purpose just to avoid having sex." He chuckled and pointed at her, backing away a bit. "You're the one that's unbelievable. Didn't you ever think a baby would fix us? Clearly I'm the only one thinking about this relationship."

Tears built in her emerald eyes. She pointed at him. "It takes two to make a relationship work, Jackson, and its clearly not going to happen in this case. I'm done."

He blinked at her. "What the hell do you mean you're done?"

"I'm done with your sorry ass you cheating prick." Jasmine pulled off her ring and tossed it at him, he blocked his handsome face with his elbow as she marched out of the room.

"Jas! Baby, wait!"

He jogged after her to the bedroom, but she slammed the door in his face, so close it nearly broke his nose. He hit the door with his fist. "Fuck!"



Cindy had run a bubble bath in her abnormally large tub. The lights were off, but the candles were lit. She was wearing nothing under the red silky robe that hugged every inch of her body. Her hair was pulled over her shoulders.

It took her a while to find Riley's drawing room. They owned a mansion in Bel-air so big that it took five minutes to reach a room most times. It had a pool, a private gym and even a court. There was so much space that even Riley had a room for only his artwork. Cindy was amazed by him, the dude was a basketball player, he was sensitive and yet...rough at the same time.

Cindy leaned on the doorframe and knocked jokingly. Riley glanced at her. "Oh, hey." He was sat on a stool in the centre of the room with a brush in his hand. An easel was set up in front of him, the painting was half done, but Cindy still couldn't tell what it was. He was dressed homely in baggy sweats that he had changed to and a white muscle top that showed off his, obviously. He liked painting late at night for some weird reason.

"It was great seeing everyone, huh?" Cindy walked up to him.


"Jassy looked good."


"Nigga the fuck am I? Chopped liver?"

"Mm-hm? Nah nah! Sorry, damn. I'm just a lil' busy."

Cindy walked up behind him and rubbed his shoulders, leaning down to his ear only to whisper. "Too busy for me?"

Riley smirked and swung around in his stool, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her onto his lap. "Never." She laughed softly and the two kissed for a whole minute before Cindy broke it. Riley frowned against her lips.

"We could continue this in the bath..." She teased, getting off his lap and taking his arm.

Riley didn't hesitate to get up and trail after her. "Hell yeah."



Ming and Hiro had booked rooms in the same five class hotel. He drove them there. They took the elevator to the top and walked down the hallway. Ming stopped at her door before his. Hiro smirked and leaned on the wall next to her as she inserted her gold card. She squinted at him. "What?"

"How about a nightcap?" He suggested, with a dazzling smile.

"Were from a nightcap."

"Just the two of us this time. Won't that be nice?"

"Not interested."

Hiro sighed. "You've said that since we were seventeen, when will you be interested? You know you want me."

Ming looked at him, rolled her eyes and opened her door. She turned and started to close it, but he stopped it with his foot. "Ming! You said you wanted to concentrate on your career, baby were all the way up now! All of us! When will you be ready, huh?"

Ming sighed. She did want him, but she was told her whole life something else was more important. "Kickball is my focus right now, okay?" She said softly.

Hiro shook his head. "Its been your focus since birth. should try branch out." He looked at her. "Good night." He didn't hear her respond before walking over to his room. Ming listened at his door shut, sighed again and closed her own door.


The water ran down Jasmine's body as she stood washing herself in the shower. She usually sang, but she wasn't that night. She wasn't in the mood. She closed she eyes and sighed. This feels good. The bathroom was linked to the bedroom, and she still hadn't let Jackson in. After a whole ten minutes, she turned off the water and walked out, grabbing a soft towel on her way out. She ruffled her hair dry as she glanced at the wall clock. 2:30. She didn't like sleeping late, beauty sleep was key, but she couldn't cry herself to sleep.

She dressed up in a white tank top and pink plain pajama shorts. She then pulled on her ugs and didn't bother tying up her hair before unlocking the door and walking out. "Jackson!" She called.


She frowned and walked down the long hallway to the living room where she last saw him. "Jack--oh my god!" She covered her mouth. Jackson was laid on the floor, like he had collapsed, a wine glass had shattered and the pieces of glass glew under the light. "Oh no no no!" She rushed and kneeled to his side, shaking him furiously. "What happened...Jackson!"

Behind her, she heard a click and froze. Tears stung her eyes. She didn't have to look back, she didn't want to see the gun. She knew what it was.

"Stand up slowly with your hands up, and your eyes closed."


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