Jason Todd/Red Hood One Shots

By cait-writes-stuff

656K 17K 1.3K

This is a collection of the various one shots involving Jason Todd/Red Hood that have been featured on my tum... More

You and I - Jason Todd x Reader
Dead Flowers - Jason Todd x Reader
Unexpected - Jason Todd x Reader
Solace - Jason Todd x Reader
Comfort (Part 2 of Solace) - Jason Todd x Reader
Devil's Backbone - Jason Todd x Reader
Doomed - Jason Todd x Reader
Vigilante Book Club - Jason Todd x Reader
Safe (Part 2 to Taken) - Jason Todd x Reader
True Love - Jason Todd x Reader
Return - Jason Todd x Reader
#3. Pick Up Lines - Jason Todd x Reader
#7. Illness - Jason Todd x Reader
#9. Cooking - Jason Todd x Reader
#17. Valentine's Day - Jason Todd x Reader
#21. Support - Jason Todd x Reader
#27. Nightmares - Jason Todd x Reader
#29. Meeting the Family - Jason Todd x Reader
Makeup - Jason Todd x Reader
Great Minds Think Alike - Jason Todd x Reader
War - Jason Todd x Reader
Leather Jackets - Jason Todd x Reader
Wrong Place, Wrong Time - Jason Todd x Reader
Hangovers and Confessions
Flirting and Battle Maces
Ghostly Affection
All I Need
Falling on Deaf Ears
Sex Voice
The Show Must Go On
Heaven and Hell
The Cook
Teachers Pet
Power Couple
The Horror!
The Other Woman
Christmas Dinner
Drying Off
I Got This
Fresh Air and Literature
Close Call
Santa Baby
Christmas Spirit
Christmas Morning Cuddles
Angel With A Shotgun
Young Gods
Forgotten Outlaw
Man Hunt
Proud of Your Boy
Artistic Development
Resting Murder Face
Little Wingman
Car Shenanigans
Double Lives
Potty Mouth
Cute Librarian

#24. Taken - Jason Todd x Reader

12.6K 287 25
By cait-writes-stuff

It's day 24 of the 30 day challenge! Forewarning: I rewatched Under the Red Hood last night so yeah ... prepare your bodies for all the angst. For the full list of the prompts I will be doing for this writing challenge and the ones I have already completed, go Enjoy!

"Jason you - you need to see this." Dick called from across the Batcave. His eyes were focused on something that was on the Batcomputer. Whatever it was it wasn't good. Jason stood up from where he was working on his bike. He walked over to where the others were huddled around the desk. His feet felt like they were made of lead as his mind dreaded the worst. He wished to whatever higher power there was that his fears wouldn't be realized, but he's never had that much of a lucky streak to begin with.

When he rounded the corner of the console the image that he had been dreading came into view. The image of you tied up, bruised and battered assaulted his eyes. The Joker's ugly mug posed with you lifting your limp head up towards the camera with a rusty crowbar. You were unconscious but it looked like you were still alive. That didn't make Jason any less furious.

"NO!" He cried in fury slamming his fists down on the console when he processed what he was seeing on the screen. "I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him!" He growled storming across the cave to grab his hood and his guns. He had every intention of obliterating this motherfucker off the face of the Earth and nothing was going to stand in his way. It was one thing to attack him, or any of the others but you? Jason is going to fucking make. Him. Pay.

"Hold on Jason. Think this through. You can't just go in guns blazing and not expect him to do something drastic." Dick said catching up to Jason and blocking him from heading to his bike.

"Like hell I can't." He snarled cocking his gun and holstering it on his belt.

"You don't even know where they are! I'm not telling you not to save her, I'm telling you to go in with a plan. He wants you angry and irrational. Don't play his game. Think this through Jason." Dick tried to reason with Jason. He was angry, irrational and in pain. If Dick hadn't stopped him he might have gotten them both killed tonight. Deep down Jason knew Dick was right. To save you he needed to stop for a moment and formulate a plan.

"Find her." He commanded darkly.

"We'll find her Jason." Dick reassured him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. Jason glared at Dick's hand and shrugged out of his hold before going over to loom over the monitors, ready to leave the moment you were located.

As soon as the computer found your location Jason was speeding out of the cave towards you. The others followed along closely to make sure Jason didn't do anything drastic but he wasn't about to let the Joker get away with this. He was going to save you and then he was going to beat the Joker to a bloody pulp. By the time Jason was done with him, they're going to need dental records to identify his body.

When he got to the abandoned shack where you were being held he sprinted in with his gun drawn. Every minute you were in this fucker's hands was a minute closer to him tiring of his game and ending you. When he burst into the shack (against Dick and Bruce's reminder to proceed with caution) his eyes searched widely for you to come to rest on where you were chained in nothing but your torn underwear to an electric chair in the corner. The Joker was nowhere in sight. The slimy bastard probably slipped away before Jason and the others arrived.

Jason quickly ran over to your unconscious beaten form and untied you from the chair. You fell limply into his arms and Jason brought you to rest in his lap. He removed his leather jacket from his body and wrapped it around you in an attempt to cover and warm your form.

"Jesus Christ [Y/N], what did he do to you?" He whispered angrily brushing away your blood clotted hair from your cheek. Before he had left the Joker painted your face white and crudely painted your lips into a red grotesque smile. The sight sickened him and he wanted nothing than to track him down and subject him to the worst kind of torture his mind could conjure up before he filled his skull with lead. Your moans of pain brought Jason out of his vengeance.

"Jay?" You moaned weakly.

"I'm here [Y/N]. You're safe now." He whispered earnestly, holding you securely against him. He caressed your cheek softly and wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb. "He's not ever going to hurt you again." He promised his voice turning dark.

"Don't - don't kill him Jay." You whispered, trying your hardest to stay conscious.

"[Y/N], he deserves what he has coming to him." He argued. You weakly brought your hand up to feebily grasp at Jason's hand resting against your cheek.

"Please Jay ... you're better ... than he is. I know you are." You gulped and coughed painfully. "Please Jay promise me. No matter what happens, promise me." You murmur a single tear slipping down your cheek.

"Don't say things like that [Y/N]. You're going to make it through this. You're going to get better and then we're going to kick his ass together." He insists taking you in his arms and carefully rushing you out of the building to the Batmobile. His desire for vengeance was pushed aside. You needs far superceded his own.

"Mmmm. That sounds nice." Your lips twitch slightly upwards as Jason carefully secures you in the passenger seat. "I love you Jay." You whisper. Jason's eyes sting with unshed tears at the finality that was implied in your words. He leaned over the seat and gave you a passionate kiss as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Don't say it like that, [Y/N]." Jason whispered a hard lump rising in his throat as he rested his forehead against yours.

"Please ..." You whimpered tears sliding freely down your cheeks. Jason pressed a soft lingering kiss against your forehead.

"I love you [Y/N]. You're the strongest woman I know. Just please - stay strong for a little while longer. Please [Y/N] ... I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered intimately. Bruce jumped into the driver's seat waiting for Jason's signal to take you away to safety.

"Take care of her ok?" Jason said, stepping away to make room for the car to speed away.

"No one dies tonight, Jason." He promised before speeding away to get you the medical attention you needed. He found himself standing there minutes after you disappeared into the distance paralyzed by the thought that he might have just said goodbye to you for the last time.

No, he thought. You are just as strong and stubborn as he was. He had to believe that you would pull through tonight. He needed to believe it.

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