I'm Not Who You Think I Am (A...

Από EmilyWalker9

137K 2.3K 2.9K

Jack is shown to be a player, but that just isn't the truth. The real player is his brother, Conor. Jack has... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
I'm Sorry
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52 - Alternative Ending
Character Ask Information

Chapter 25

2.6K 43 57
Από EmilyWalker9


"I'm sooooo hot" I groan as I sit myself on the sofa once we get home

Literally we was at the park for hours

Luckily Conor didn't lose the football this time

Sorry "have it stolen" should I say

"Take your jumper off then" Jack says as he sits down with his phone in his hand

"I would but I don't have a top on underneath it" I say making an excuse not to take it off

Conor sits down next to Jack but there was still a gap between them

"Can you guys just talk please because you look like two awkward penguins that can't live in the same igloo" I say looking at how they was both leaning away from each other

Jack looks at Conor and Conor looks at Jack

"Penguins don't live in igloos" Conor says

"Shut up, I don't care! It's been over 10 weeks now since it happened, the bruise has cleared up, Jack you had a go at Conor, Conor said sorry, stuff happens now, can you both get off your high horses and talk to each other?" I say

They both nod

"Good, now hug it out" I say clapping my hands together

"No, we don't do that" Conor says and Jack nods

"We're to manly for that" Jack says showing off his muscles

"Bullshit! I see you 'bro hugging' all the time, so do it now before I punch you both" I say sassily

"You wouldn't dare" Jack says raising an eyebrow

I get up and I lean my knee on the sofa and raise my fist above Jack's arm

"Alright, alright, we'll hug" Jack says fake crying as he pulls Conor into a hug which Conor happily accepts

"Good! Now, how about we watch a film" I suggest

"Sure" Jack says

"Your choice" Conor says looking at me

"I know the perfect movie" I say with a smile as I turn Netflix on

Jack and Conor look at each other and shrug simultaneously

Prepare for this boys, bet you I'll be crying by the end


"It's so sad" I sob wiping my eyes on my jumper

"Em it's ok" Jack says rubbing my shoulder

"His dad lost him" I mumble looking down

"Emily, it's an animated movie, it isn't real, don't cry" Conor says sympathetically

"He was only a baby" I sob again

"Em it is a cartoon fish" Jack says looking at me

"I can't wait for Finding Dory" I say with a smile on my face

"There is no way you're seeing Finding Dory if you are like this at Finding Nemo" Jack says as he gets up

I get up

"Don't tell me what to do!" I say childishly

"Young lady you go to your room right now!" Jack says with a smirk on his face as he folds his arms

"No!" I stamp my foot

"Right that's it your grounded, you march yourself to your room right now and don't come out till I tell you!" Jack says in a fatherly tone, obviously joking

You could tell by the smirk on his face

Conor was now in stitches with laughing so much

"Fine I'm going but I'm not coming out! I don't want to see your ugly faces I'll be sick" I say pointing at both Conor and Jack

I walk away but I am suddenly grabbed and throw over someone's shoulder

"What did you just call us?" I hear a voice ask

I look over the shoulder and I see Conor sat down on the sofa laughing so clearly I was on Jack's shoulder

"I called you ugly" I say in a sassily

"Right that's it" he says as he starts to walk

"CONOR HELP ME!" I squeal as Jack carries me away

"No I'm going to my room, save yourself" he says back with a laugh


"ALREADY DID!" he shouts back, I feel Jack tense up a bit

As I couldn't see where Jack was carrying me, I had to work it out myself

He stops and I hear a door open, I knew it was my room because mine is the first door in the hallway

He walks in with me still on his shoulder and he closes the door behind him

I gulp wondering what he is going to do

Suddenly I am thrown down on my bed and Jack is hovering over me

"Am I really ugly?" He asks with his lips inches away from mine

I look down at his lips with a smile on my face

"In no way, will you ever be ugly, not on the inside or the out" I say as I look up at his eyes

I couldn't believe I could form a sentence with Jack's lips this far away from my lips because I seriously can't think straight

"Good, glad we got that cleared up" he says before he gets off me and walks out

Jack closes the door behind him after he walks out

He fucks with my head so much!

Fuck you Jack!


I check the time which was 6:55pm

I sigh as I send out my tweet which read...

@ConorMaynard: New video in 5 mins but it isn't what you expect...

I decide to watch the video over again, it was a sit down video, not a cover, I need to put things right

Here goes nothing, I hit play on my MacBook

"Hey guys so I know a lot of you was expecting a cover like always but this week I thought I would do something a bit different, I do a sit down video once every blue moon but I think this one is very called for. So I'm sure most of you saw it but earlier on today I shared a video on my Facebook page called "A Message To My Ex" now I looked through the comments and most of you thought it was because of Victoria that I shared the video, well it wasn't, I shared it for another person. As you may know I was going out with the gorgeous Miss Emily Pearce but stuff has happened and the purpose of this video is to put all the things that I have done wrong, right, if that makes sense" I say

I go silent in the video as I pause for a moment and take a deep breath

"So me and Emily was perfect together, she was my princess, I loved her so much, well I still do, I love her so much, she means so much to me, she always will, anyway. I thought I would tell Emily on a romantic holiday in Cancún in Mexico that I loved her, you might of seen pictures on both our snapchats and Emily put a picture of an outfit I brought her for this special day I was taking her on, on Instagram. Well whilst we was in Cancún I took Emily on a yacht and she had a panic attack which I managed to calm down by reminding her of the time she had a panic attack when we was on a little pedal boat with Jack and Mikey when she was 16" I say smiling to myself in the video, clearly remembering the memory of the boat trip

"We did a bit of sunbathing after that and I laid out a romantic meal for all us and I had brought Emily another outfit and let me tell you, she looked gorgeous, there should be a picture on screen of Emily on the boat, after we had eaten the meal we sat hand in hand drinking Rosé wine and I told Emily I loved her and she said I love you to, I wanted to make it special when I told her, so I did that for her" I admit

"One thing lead to another and the rest of the night was full of passion, which I thought was completely safe like the rest of the passion filled nights but something could of happened, which leads me into my next point, just under 3 weeks after we come home from Cancún on the 29th of August, I found out that Emily was pregnant with my child, let's just say in the moment it didn't go down very well" in the video I look down at the floor

"After Emily told me, I got mad because I didn't know how to react, now I know after you say this I may get a few of you unsubscribe to me and everything but I know I was a complete arsehole and a dickhead but I hit Emily, well smacked her in the face leaving a big purple bruise on her cheek, that was the worst thing to do and I won't ever do it again, I will be the first person to admit my mistake and that is one of them, Emily didn't come out of her room for a few days after that and you might of seen her video, where she looks like she has a patch of light foundation, yeah she tried to cover the bruise up with the wrong shade of foundation that Oli brought to make a video for you guys" I say making a hand gesture towards the camera

"I didn't in anyway get away with it, I didn't expect to, Mikey made a dive for me but Joe and Josh caught him and held him back whilst Jack got up pushed me against a wall and told me brother or not that I would know about it if I did it again. Which was completely understandable, then Emily collapsed and she was taken to hospital whilst driving there the paramedic who was called Martin told me that his wife kept it a secret from him till she was 11 weeks pregnant incase she miscarried which got me worried incase Emily had, but it wasn't me that Emily hadn't told, it was everyone else that it was a secret from" I say into the camera

"This is where we come to the end of the road, whilst Emily was laying in a hospital bed she asked if I was ready for a child, I said no that is when Emily told me that we couldn't be together because her and the baby come as a package, I kissed her and told her I loved her and walked out of that hospital room and didn't look back, "A Message To My Ex" told the story of how I felt, I have been going out a lot lately and drinking, I have been hooking up with random people because I'm trying to get over the heart break of loosing Emily, who I love and loosing my dignity because I hit her and I'm not man enough to be ready for a child" I say rubbing my face

"I'm really sorry Emily, I love you so much, I am so sorry for everything that has happened and I want us to go back and I know you won't take me back because of the baby but I want to be here for you and I won't hold my love back, I will show you how much I love you because you mean the world to me, you always have, you always will. I'm sorry that this video wasn't the cover that you was all waiting for but that will be out tomorrow, I'm sorry if you are going to unsubscribe now because of what I have done, it is understandable, I love you Emily and I love all of you out there, bye" I say before the video ends

I check the time and I see that it is dead on 7pm so I unprivate the video and publish it to my channel

I let out a sigh as I see that within 30 seconds it had posted to my channel

I close the lid on my MacBook not wanting to see the comments coming through on the video

Really I only wanted Emily to see the video but it would be awkward if I just emailed her the video like a dork

I turn my on and I sigh as I look through what is on

Absolutely fucking nothing

I settle for watching the re-runs of Criminal Minds on Sky Living

I lay back in my bed trying to get comfy


My door swings open and bangs against my wall and I am being grabbed my t-shirt

"What the?" I ask as I see Emily grabbing my t-shirt

I could see tear stains on her face

Oh shit!

I'm guessing she's seen the video

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" She shouts at me

"Look I did it to say sorry, that's all" I say putting my hands up in defence


"I just wanted to put things right" I say looking into her eyes which I could see were filled with tears and anger


I look down, I tried to put stuff right, not make it worse

"I'm sorry Emily I'll take it down" I say reaching for my MacBook but Emily smacks my hand away

"It's too late" she sobs

I try and pull her into my arms but she pushes me away

"No, just don't" she says before she runs out of my room

Fuck shake, I can't do anything right


I sigh as I put my phone down on my bed after watching Conor's new video

Emily is pregnant with my brothers child

He doesn't want to be a dad

I get off my bed and I walk towards Conor's room, I see that the door is already open

I stand in the door way and lean against the door frame

I don't say anything

Conor turns his head towards me

"What's up? he asks

I walk in and shut his door behind me wanting to have a private conversation with him

"Just saw your video" I say as I walk towards his bed

"Yeah?" he says with a raised eyebrow

"Yep" I say casually

I don't want to get mad but on the inside I was boiling with anger because he left Emily and his unborn child alone

"Can't believe Emily is pregnant" I breath out

"I know it came as a shock to me as well" Conor says

"I can't believe you hit her when you found out she was pregnant, that should be the happiest time in her life" I say looking Conor dead in the eyes

"I know I was a completely dickhead but I just didn't know how to react" he says with sorry filled eyes

"I had a thought about it as well" I say remembering the thought that popped into my head after I watched the video

"What was that thought?" Conor asks

"That if you hadn't messed with me, I could be with Emily right now and that could of been my child" I say looking at him

He doesn't say anything

I shake my head and look down as I turn around and walk out

I need to see Emily

I walk down the hallway and I stop outside Emily's room

I can hear her sobbing from outside her room

I knock on the door but I don't get an answer

I walk in and I see Emily laying face down on her bed

"Emily?" I say as I shut the door behind myself

She doesn't move

I go over to the bed and I lay down on the bed next to Emily, I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me

"Hey it's ok" I say

"I-it's not, being pregnant want my secret and Conor went and told everyone so Mikey will find out through a video and I wanted to be the one to tell him" Emily says

Emily sits up and wipes her eyes, I sit up as well

I shuffle to the top of her bed against the decorative pillows she has at the top of her bed

Carefully, I pull Emily up with me and make so her back is leaning against my chest

I wrap my arms around Emily's and my hands find there way to hers

I intertwine our fingers together and I place them on Emily's stomach

I couldn't believe that inside this precious girl was a little baby with a dad that wasn't ready to care for it

After a few moments of Emily being in my arms, she gets up

"Where are you going?" I ask watching her walk towards her dressing table

"I need to sort my make-up out, I look such a mess" she mumbles as she walks over with a pack of wipes to her full mirror that was hanging on her wall

"You don't look a mess, you never will" I say getting up and walking towards her

She starts to wipe her eye make-up off, I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist

As my arms reached her stomach, I could feel a slight bump, obviously her baby bump

I fingers reach the bottom of her jumper and start to fiddle with the hem of it

I lift it up slightly and I see Emily look at me through the mirror

"Can I?" I ask holding the hem in my hands

Emily nods and she drops the pack of wipes, that were closed, to the floor

I lift the jumper up and off her body after she lifts her arms up

I throw the jumper on the bed and I turn my head to see Emily stood in a black vest top and the baby bump was more visible

"This is what you have been hiding under those jumpers?" I ask marvelling at the small baby bump in front of me

"Yep" she says looking down at the bump

I kneel down on the floor, Emily watches me with wide eyes as I do this

I become eye level with her baby bump

I grab the bottom of Emily's vest top and I look up at Emily for permission to lift it

Emily blushes and nods as I lift the vest top just above her baby bump and I put my hand just on the underside of it

My heart is beating out my chest as I do this

I look up at Emily and her sky blue eyes meet my eye line and I smile

I look back down at the bump

"Hey baba, if your daddy won't be there for you, I will be" I mumble

I lean forward and place a kiss on her baby bump above her belly button

I look up to see Emily in tears, I get up from my knees

"Hey don't cry" I say before wiping her tears away with the pads of my thumbs

She looks into my eyes and I look into hers

We seem to get impossibly close for the second time today

I pull her as close as I can by the waist and by this time our lips are inches away from each others

I place my lips on Emily's and I feel sparks fly through my body

I had waited for this moment for years and it didn't happen as I thought it would be but this moment was much better than I thought

The fact that I knew that someone else's lips have been on Emily's before mine made me want to kiss her more

I wanted to make my mark

I needed to make them mine

I needed to make all of her mine

Even that little baby inside of her

I wanted it all

Emily pulls her lips away from mine which left me pining for more

I lean my forehead gently on hers

She looks as looks down

I gently stroke the side of her face

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time now" I mumble

Emily looks into my eyes

"Your lips are so inviting" Emily mumbles and I smirk

"Oh really, wanna try them again?" I ask cheekily wiggling my eyebrows

She pushes me away

"Nice try" Emily says as she turns back to the mirror and she bends down to the floor to pick up the wipes

I shake my head and laugh

As Emily straights up, I pick her up bridal style and carry her over to the bed

I lay Emily carefully down on the bed and I hover over her again like I was earlier on in the day

"We need to stop doing this" Emily mumbles

I look from her lips to her eyes

"Personally, I think we should do this more often" I smirk before kissing her again

She kisses me back softly but I pull away

"What are you doing?" Emily asks

I get off the bed and take Emily's hand in mine

I pull her up and off the bed with me

I walk us out of the room and into the living room

I pick up a light pink bomber Jacket off Emily's peg near the from door and I throw it at her

"What the hell are you doing?" Emily asks as she catches the jacket

"Me and you are going out" I say picking up my black and white bomber jacket and I put it on

(A/N: This is a photo of Jack's jacket)

"Shit hold on, stay here" I say running off into Emily's room

I grab the sunglasses that I brought Emily and I go to my room and grab my sunglasses that are exactly the same as Emily's

(A/N: Jack and Emily's sunglasses in the photo above ⬆️)

I slide my glasses into my pocket as I walk into the living room, I have Emily her glasses

"Thank you" She says with a smile as she puts them in her pocket

I see that she has got her shoes on, which just happen to me be the Adidas Superstars that Conor got her but I'm not going to say anything

I slide some shoes on and we leave the flat

"Where are we going?" Emily asks

"Me and you are going on an adventure" I say with a smile as we get into the lift

Once down to the ground floor of the flat building, we leave and I feel the warm evening sun that was setting hit me

I see Emily pull the bomber jacket over her baby bump, she holds it closed by folding her arms

"What are you doing?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Oh, I'm just a bit chilly" Emily says clearly lying

"Em, you don't have to cover it up now, people know, it's out in the open" I say holding both her hands forcing her to unfold her arms and let go of the jacket

She looks down and nods, I let go of one of her hands but I keep a firm grip on her other hand

We walk the way to the park that we walked earlier on in the day

As we walk, it is silent but it isn't an awkward silence, I think we are just enjoying each other's presents

We walk towards Starbucks and I stop

"I really need the toilet, I'll be back in a minute" I say as I walk into Starbucks


There isn't really anyone in Starbucks as it is late evening, so I get served pretty quickly

I put the drinks down on the table and I take a snapchat of them

(A/N: This is the picture that Jack put on snapchat)

I walk out of Starbucks with mine and Emily's drinks

I turn slightly and walk towards Emily, who was stood near the front window of the shop

I hand her a milkshake

"I didn't know you was getting anything, I thought you was going to the toilet?" Emily says gratefully taking the drink of out my hand

"Well I thought why not" I say with a cheeky smile and a shrug

Emily hadn't noticed the writing on the side of her cup or mine

"Well thank you for buying me a drink" Emily says placing a kiss on my cheek before taking a sip of her milkshake

We continue our walk to the park, hand in hand

I smile as we get to the park and I see that there actually isn't a lot of people there

Me and Emily wonder over to the place where Emily sat whilst we was playing football

We sit down and sip at our drinks not saying anything

"Why did we come out here? Not that it isn't nice or anything" Emily says

"I just wanted to take you out, so it was just me and you" I say as I lift my drink up so I could take the straw in-between my lips

I make sure that the writing is facing Emily

Out the corner of my eye, I could see Emily looking at me with a raised eyebrow

"Ummmmm what is that?" she asks pointing at my cup

"What do you mean?" I ask as the straw falls from my lips

"The name well writing on the cup, it says 'kiss me?' with a love heart" Emily says pointing at my cup

I turn the cup around and look at the writing in fake amazement

"Oh, so it does! What does it say on yours?" I ask pointing at her cup

She turns her cup to look at the writing

"It says 'okay' with a love heart" Emily says

"Ok" I say with a smile as I lean over to her and kiss her


She did say okay, like she was answering the question

Obviously surprised, she doesn't kiss me back at first but when she does it is soft and sweet

As I am kissing her, I put my Starbucks on the grass and I take Emily's drink out of her hand and put it next to mine in the grass

I pull her down and we lay back in the grass, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close

"Put your sunglasses on" I mumble in her ear as I get mine out of my pocket

She does the same, she opens them up and slides them over her eyes

I get my phone out of my pocket, once my glasses are on my face

I quickly open snapchat and hold the phone above Emily and me

My arm is around Emily, our fingers are intertwined and our hands are resting on her baby bump which I clearly show on the selfie

(A/N: Tried to make and edit of it but I'm not that talented 😂)

Once it is taken, I save it to my phone and then post it to my story

I close the app, lock my phone and put it in my pocket

Emily stays laying down with my arm around her for a while saying nothing, just looking up at the sky, I could tell she had her eyes open because I could see them underneath her glasses

She leans up on her elbows

"Can I have my drink please?" she asks but I shake my head

"Nope" I say still laying down

"Why not?" she says taking her sunglasses off

"Because" I reply not really giving a reason but I had something in mind

Emily leans over me to grab her drink but I push her back so that she is laying down and I lean over her

"If you want it, you have to kiss me" I say with a smirk

"Hmmm, sounds like a good offer" Emily mumbles with a slight smirk on her face

"The best" I say winking at her

Emily laughs before she pulls me into a passionate kiss, I felt the sparks running through my body again

I put my hand on her cheek as we kissed as a way of keeping her close

She rolls us over in the grass so that she is leaning above me as we continue to kiss

Suddenly she pulls away, I take my glasses off and sit up to see Emily sat with up drinking her milkshake

"Don't mess with me and my milkshakes" she says playfully glaring at me

I hold my hands up in defence, I pick my drink up just to have it taken off me

"I'll have that as well" Emily says holding both drinks

"That isn't fair!" I protest

"Life isn't fair, you shouldn't get between a pregnant woman and something she loves" Emily says with a smile

I roll my eyes and lay back down in the grass

The things I do for Emily...


I smile taking a drink of my milkshake that I had managed to get back of Emily

I made a deal that if I got my drink back, I would give her the cup once I was done

She wants to keep them as memories, is what she told me

When we got back to the flat, we decided to watch a film in Emily's room

I got to choose it this time, so I chose one where Emily couldn't get emotional over an animated fish

The movie had just finished as we was now cuddled up on Emily's bed and she was on her MacBook going through my old facebook photos

"Oh My God, I can't breath" Emily says between laughs

"Shut up it isn't funny!" I say nudging her

There is a sudden slam of a door

Me and Emily both shut up and look at each other

Whoever just came in the front door sounds like they are on in complete rage mode....

A/N: So Conor made a video telling the whole world everything, Jack wants to be there for the baby and Jack and Emily finally kissed and they kissed A LOT!

Sorry this chapter took forever to write and I'm sorry it is so long

I was also wondering what you lot thought about me doing a character ask, where you can ask me and the characters anything you want and they will answer it

Comment what you think about me doing a character ask and if you want me to who would you like to ask some questions to? -Emily

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