Legend of Zelda: Blue Maiden...

Από Frozenbeenie

11.1K 312 55

The Future Hero of Time, Link's Triforce within his left hand has broken off into 12 pieces. Because Link's T... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: A Dream
Chapter 2: Hope
Chapter 3: Devotion
Chapter 4: Fear
Chapter 5: Curiousity
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: Songs
Chapter 8: Pretend
Chapter 9: Loneliness
Chapter 10: Sages
Chapter 11: Affection
Chapter 12: Disappointment
Chapter 13: Quest
Chapter 15: Happiness
Chapter 16: Lake Hylia
Chapter 17: Dark Link
Chapter 18: Love
Chapter 19: Truth
Chapter 20: Nightmare
Chapter 21: Confidence
Chapter 22: Gerudo
Chapter 23: Regret
Chapter 24: Spirit
Chapter 25: Time
Chapter 26: Lost
Chapter 27: First Day
Chapter 28: Second Day
Chapter 29: The Final Day
Chapter 30: Snowfall
Chapter 31: Romani
Chapter 32: Pirates
Chapter 33: Stories
Chapter 34: Giant
Chapter 35: Deity

Chapter 14: Sorrow

214 9 2
Από Frozenbeenie

I stared down at Link the Goron crying in front of me. 7 years had pass and Darunia had a child named after Link. This little one is the only one that hasn't been prisoned by Ganondorf wanting to feed the other Goron's to volvagia, the dragon that had been revived and  taking over death mountain.

Link the Goron said Darunia had went out to fight the dragon while Link was out freeing the trapped Gorons. The sense of evil had grown stronger, I can feel it. It was awfully hot outside for my comfort... So I used the Moon song to cool the place down. It's going to last for 12 hours, so I better hurry or I won't be able to handle the heat here. The cool air outside had magic within thanks to the song it came from. It follows me and is now covering the air around me. Even Link the Goron made a comment about it, but wasn't bothered

I lifted my hand to let the cool air brush off, turning into steam when touching the hot air. Strange... "But... I know Link and my dad will save us" Link the Goron put on a smile. Poor thing... He doesn't know what's going to happen to his father

"Of course" I kneeled down to reach his height "but listen to me Link... If there will be a day something may happen to your father, you must be strong and lead your people" he softly nodded. I stood up "Link is wearing the Goron Tunic... Right?" He nodded, sniffling

"Yeah... I gave it to him after taking it from the Goron shop... No one was there so I took it" I smiled

"I'm sure it won't be missed..." I yawned strongly, almost loosing my balance. I was so tired... I shouldn't have left Link. He wouldn't had just went up here to find me. It's good that he came though... The evil surrounding us is growing by the minute

"Will this ice keep me protected..?" I stared at my glittery skin and the frosty air surrounding it "I have to go now and help Link..." I looked around to look for Sorrow, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I couldn't even feel his aura. Did Link already take it? No, only I can give him his pieces... Where is Sorrow..?

"You're going out..? No! It's dangerous! We have to stay here! It's more safe for us!" Link the Goron took my hand, having steam escape between our touch. I smiled, petting his head

"I have to... Please, I have a question. Do you know of a boy who looks like Link? Who lives here and is always sad?" Link the Goron stared before nodding

"Oh! You mean Sorrow!" I nodded "I was a surprise to see that Link the human looked  like him. Dad said they look like each other, but he knew that Sorrow wasn't really him! Link's eyes are blue, Sorrow's eyes were... Red"

"Take me to him, please. It's a emergency" Link the Goron pointed behind me. I turned around to see Link with glowing red eyes... Wearing nothing but shorts and paint on his skin. I cupped my cheeks as I blushed like crazy. I felt hot all over, even if I was surrounded by frost. Oh goddess! His abs! When did he get those?!

Link stared at me with a sad look on his face. He rushed to me to wrap his arms around me. All I could think about was his naked body holding me. Steam surrounded us... And I don't think it's because of the frost... It's hot!!

"S-Sorrow..." My hand ran in his hair "how are you..?"

"I thought something happened to you!" I frowned as he sniffled on my shoulder "why did you just leave!? I was worried!" His pieces were connected to him, so I'm not surprised that this Link knows what happened

"I-I'm sorry..." His eyes widened and he pulled on his roots, shaking like mad like he just remembered something "tell me, what are you wanting to express... What's wrong..?" He started sobbing

"I'm not really a Kokiri... My whole life was a lie... Saria and Fado left... Everything hurts... I'm so devastated!" I held his cheeks

"There you go, don't hold it in... I'm right here. Don't be afraid to cry"

"Real men don't cry..." I pulled him back for another hug

"Man or woman... We are human and we have feelings we must express in order to feel better" I rubbed his back "let it out... Please" he gripped on the back of my shirt to sob on my shoulder "it's time for you to return... So that Link can stop holding in his anger and frustration and just relax" He looked back at me

"Keep me close... But please take me back until we're alone... I won't show anyone else my real tears besides you" I blushed a little.

"What are you talking about, Sorrow? You're always crying all the dang time and happy! You're the most bipolar person I have ever met!" I looked at Link the Goron surprised


"Yes. I'm his best friend, I know him better than anyone! He's often sad about everything, but there are times when he's happy. But I'm a little confused about your conversation..." I smiled and took Sorrow to create him to a piece "w-where he go!?"

"He's going back to the hero... You see, Sorrow was a piece of Link's heart. Thank you for taking care of him for me" he nodded happily "I must be going now!" I did everything I had to do around the place. I took out my ocarina, played the Bolero of fire and made it to the pedestal in front of the entrance of death mountain. Walking in to see the lava, I felt someone staring at me.

Turning around, I saw Sheik staring at me. I frowned and faced her, or him as a alter ego... "Sheik..." Her eyes softened from their sharp stare

"You know who I am... But we never even spoken. I'm sure the hero of time told you about me?" I didn't say anything. She looked at the lava "you came here very quickly... By using the song that was created by friendship. Friendship that grows over time, and a feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time..." She walked closer to me "the passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power, and through it, you will know which way to go" she closed her eyes, looking down "but you already know where to go... I have found out your secret" my eyes widened "of you returning the pieces of the Triforce back to Link, even if you never known him when you first started. That takes heart... You seem to know everything, even the songs that only the royal family may know... The warping songs that can be used by holders of those who were touched by the goddesses in ancient times"

"W-what..?" What is she talking about? "how do you know about the pieces..? I never told anyone but Link about the Triforce of courage" she turned away

"Because I was in your house when you told him" I gasped "it was the time you returned as a adult... I found you walking with Link to that very house... I followed and over heard your conversation. You hold a very strong heart... And such power within your body. You know things that no one could know. I've been wondering if you know who I am" her eyes softened more before backing away

"You..." I reached my hand to reach for her, but she used a Deku nut to make herself disappear. Frowning that she just left like that, I had to focus on finding Link... This Moon song's frost won't stay on forever

I remember giving Link his hook shot and he got a fairy bow from the forest temple, so he shouldn't have too much trouble getting around.

"Link... You're such an idiot" going to a fight when he doesn't know he has all his supplies. I hope he found himself some stupid bombs. The entrance was just up ahead. I could see Link fighting a large dragon that looked like the dragon from the cave paintings in Goron city

Link looked weak from my view point. What did he do to himself?! Not only is he badly burned, but he's pale beyond what he looked like back when we were staying in Kokiri Forest! I groaned and ran over towards him, which may not be the best idea, but I had to

"Link!" I shouted. He turned around surprised. Volvagia shouted, making the cavern shake when seeing me. I gasped when it blew fire from its mouth, aiming at Link "watch out!" I lifted my arms, making a blue light between them before throwing it at him. The light surrounded him, but he got hit anyways. I fell forward, staring in devastation. No... Please tell me that did something!

The fire rises up and showed Link and Navi surrounded by a blue barrier... Like Nayru's love. I don't remember receiving that power... Link stared at me. I coughed, weak to the knees like crazy. I'm tired as ever and I still used magic. I had to... I had to save Link...

"Hurry... Kill Volvagia and awaken the sage..." My head collapsed on the ground weakly before light surrounded me

"Blue maiden! Blue maiden!" I tried opening my eyes, but it seemed like I was floating around nothing. I feel something trying to find me... Who was finding me? My ocarina flashed in my hands. I felt like I knew what to do at the moment... Something is looking for me... A light, my light...

I played my lullaby, when I could finally open my eyes and see myself in the sacred realm of time, I stared at the fire sage's spot. The red light appeared, showing me the most adorable creature I had ever laid eyes on! It was a cute baby dragon! We stared at each other before it burped fire and giggled. That's when I discovered who this was

"You're... Volvagia..?" It nodded happily


"But I don't get it... I heard that Ganondorf revived the evil Volvagia. How does this make since? How are you part of my power?"

"I was never dead... I was hidden in the lava for so long. The evil dragon legends spoke of isn't me at all. I was born when you were born... I was born without a background of a family. I was created from the mountain. I am alive because of you. The evil King thought he revived the evil dragon, but his dark magic only made my body grow and made me evil. I was under dark magic. I never wanted to fight. I hoped for the day my blue maiden would come and find me... I felt you 7 years ago and felt you coming when we were in battle and I cried for you" it cried "thank you... I finally got to see you" I cupped my mouth. Volvagia...

"You poor thing... You had to suffer like this even if all you were doing was waiting for me. I'm so sorry..." It wiped away its tear with its tail and smiled again

"It's okay, because I'm able to be one with you again and give you this!" It's tail wagged around, creating a red light to throw at me, circle around like a fairy and became one with me. Making my body feel light again, even if my body out this sacred realm was weak...

I turned to the side when getting flashed by a red light. Link was leaving the sacred realm on the other side. Darunia and even Saria turned over to me and smiled. Saria... Darunia... I smiled and waved before leaving the chamber of time

"You feel alittle chili!" Baby Volvagia's voice echoed though my head as everything turned white. Saria and Darunia... They waited for Link all this time and got to speak to him. I want to know the day when I'll get to speak with them as well

I was somewhere warm... But I was also very cold. I knew I was in bed. I wanted to kick off the sheets because it was hot, but throw them back on because it was cold

"Mom.." I groaned "it's too hot..." I kicked my sheets "goddess... I'm cold!" I flipped around my bed before waking myself up. Link was laying on the other side of the bed downstairs in my house. I turned to my side to stare at him

"Link..." I lifted my hand to make the piece I found in Goron city appear and place it in his chest. His eyes balled out tears, even if he was asleep "there you go... Now you can feel better soon" I took his hot hand, cooling it with my cold one and closed my eyes again, falling asleep next to him and ignored that knowing someone was in my house. Impa and Shauna must've been in the room. I could feel them, but I didn't care... I wanted to be with Link to make up all that time I was away from him

I was dreaming this time. I stood in the middle of the chamber of sages just like I wanted to. It's been a long while since I've dreamed about this. The last time was when I was told... That world I grew up in wasn't real

I sighed and faced Darunia appearing before me "sworn sister!" He laughed. I smiled happily, putting my hands together "look at you! You've grown to become a beautiful princess!"

"Awe, thanks!" I looked to my side to see if I could see the chamber of time, but there seemed to be a wall covering the area I usually turn over to see Link talking to the sages "I'm so sorry about what happened, but at least everyone is safe" he nodded, crossing his arms

"Yes. It's disappointing that I never got to say goodbye to my boy, but I know he'll grow up to become a leader one day" I nodded "Blue maiden... Have you seen that young man in Goron city who looks like Link?"

"Yes..." I started explaining him everything about what I know about the missing pieces

"I see... He showed up about a year ago and became best friends with my son. He's very contagious when it comes to his emotions. When he's happy everyone's happy, but when he's sad everything becomes gloomy in the city, so he usually likes hiding. No one would know where he is" so he likes hiding. That doesn't explain why I wasn't able to feel him before

"He's so much different now because of you" I looked to the side to see Saria appearing before me

"Saria..." I frowned

"Lina... I can't tell you how happy I was to see Link carrying a bag full of emotions. He's like a real person now! To think it was on 7 years ago that I was taking care of him and walking him everywhere. Thank you... Lina" I smiled shyly "I always knew Link and I couldn't live in the same world, but that's okay... I'll help him save Hyrule as a sage. Right now, I want him to know what it's like to be happy and love..." I blushed. There is a emotion somewhere in Hyrule called love, but I'm not really sure if I'm ready to collect that yet. What other emotions could it hold behind it..? Thinking about it makes my heart burst

"You have grown to become a wise young lady" I looked at Rauru "you're close to finding out who you are, aren't you?" I frowned

"Who she is?" Saria asked. Rauru closed his eyes

"I've been in the sacred realm for a long time... But when I was alive, I took care of the temple of time along side Lina's parents" I gasped "they were fine people... They trusted me to meet their young one and bless her with them. When I finally met her, she had the heart of a pure Hylian. I had died before she had awoken. Even if I don't know what her true calling was, the sacred realm's power made sure I'd find her and keep her asleep here to process many things she knows now"

"About the sacred realm..." He nodded

"The sacred realm is a realm that keeps the Triforce protected, and is where the 6 sages are kept when they are needed. This realm is not one single realm, but a split in many parts. The one you're in right now is the sacred realm of this generation, but the sacred realm of your in  makes up the entire thing. I don't have the knowledge to know what it is... And I don't think I'm allowed to" the other sages looked back at me

"You've been in the biggest one?" Saria asked

"I have" she put her hands together

"That means you have a destiny bigger than what Link can have!" I frowned

"I still don't see what's so great about me... I don't know who I am or what I am. I have magic and am Link's guide, but why me?" I looked down

"Do not talk down on yourself sworn sister" Darunia said "you have made it this far. You have helped Link in every way. Be proud of what you accomplished" I smiled at him

"You're right..." I looked at the wall to the other side "that sacred realm with my sages... They gave me their power when it was their time. My power is incomplete... a few lives that have to be taken in order for my power to be given back to me. I don't want that... Fado and Volvagia and my own mother lost their lives... But they said their life was always theirs and I gave them the opportunity to live"

"Fado?" Saria asked

"Volvagia..?" Darunia flinched

"Yvonne?" Rauru was shocked. As much as I can tell them what happened, my dream was wanting me to go to another. I said my goodbye before opening my eyes... And saw myself in the middle of what looked like clock town in the middle of a snowy day... Why am I here?

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