Leah X Jacob

Από Mysbetty

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Leah X Jacob
Leah X Jacob II
Leah X Jacob III
Leah X Jacob Part IV
Leah X Jacob Part V
Leah X Jacob Part VII
Leah X Jacob Part VIII
Leah X Jacob Part VIIII
Leah X Jacob Part X
Leah X Jacob Part XI

Leah X Jacob Part VI

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Από Mysbetty

"Jacob" was all I was able to say as I continued to look at his pain stricken face. I can't believe how torn he was. I can't believe he's contemplating siding with the bloodsuckers - with Bella of all bloodsuckers, over me. Has the past couple of months meant nothing to him? Did I really mean so little to him compared to Bella? Jacob gave me a final look of apology and looked towards Edward and Bella. I saw Edward nod at Jacob once and instantly disappeared along with Bella. "You warned them" I said stating a fact rather than asking."You thought it loud it enough so that the mind reading leech can hear you!" I said in disbelief. His betrayal felt like a knife in my chest. "Please Leah, we'll talk about this later" he said then quickly phased. Jealousy consumed me as I phased to run after Bella. I took one step forward but Jacob's words stopped in me in my tracks.

"Please Leah, I need you. I need you here with me" he said in a pleading tone. As much pain as I was in, I couldn't bare leave him knowing that he needed me.

"It was Bella and Edward. They were just visiting Charlie. They didn't come here to cause trouble" Jacob said obviously talking to Sam.

"What was all that howling then?" Embry said concerned. "Leah, what happened?" he knew to ask me instead of Jacob knowing that Jacob was talking to Sam.

Before I could even "speak" Jacob continued talking to Sam, ignoring everyone else. "There's no need to come Sam, they're gone.....Honestly you can turn around now. I have things handled."

"I'm on my way" Quil said.

"I'm coming too" Brady said sounding enthusiastic.

I heard panting and heavy foot steps behind me knowing well who was behind me. I turned around to see Sam in his wolf form along with four other wolves. I couldn't hear his thoughts or the others. It can be quite annoying not being able to communicate with Sam's pack even when we're this close.

"They're gone Sam....Like I said, they came here to visit Charlie" Jacob said trying to convince Sam not to attack. Why does Jacob trust the bloodsuckers so easily? His loyalty should be here, with both his pack and Sam's pack. His loyalty should be with me.

"Almost there Leah" Embry said as I felt him push himself to run faster. He must have heard my thoughts.

I looked down trying not to look at Sam knowing that once he looked into my eyes he'll know exactly how I felt- how betrayed and angry I was. I looked up only to see Embry in his wolf form now jogging towards us with Quil and Brady on his flanks. He stood beside me and nudge my shoulder with his nose.

"I'm fine Embry, really." I said trying to hold myself together.

"Leah, its no use for you to tell me lies. You know I can read you like a book." Embry said trying to comfort me.

"We all can Embry. Now leave her alone." Jacob said with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Jacob? Jealous?

"Why does she need to talk to you?...I know she was here when it happened Sam, I was too.... No, I'm not being biased....fine!" Jacob said sounding irritated.

Jacob faced me "Sam wants to talk to the both of us in human form." I stared at him not being able to hide my anger towards him. "Fine" I said then walked behind a bush and phased. I felt Jacob and Sam phase, the other stayed in their wolf form. I guess they're still anticipating an attack. I walked towards both packs, all eyes on me.

"What happened Leah?" Sam said. Though he was in "Alpha mode" he still looked concerned. I obviously didn't hide my emotions well enough - even Sam can tell I was hurt. I looked at him trying to keep a straight face. "I got home and saw the lee-" Jacob caught my eye. He was obviously trying to calm the situation. I was not going to betray him even though he easily betrayed me. "I saw Bella and Edward in my living room" I continued. "They said that they were here to visit Charlie. Everything was fine until Paul came. Paul lost his temper as usual and that's when all hell broke loose" I said trying to keep my voice monotone. "Is that all that happened Leah?" he said suspiciously. "Do you think I'm lying Sam?" I said raising an eyebrow. I could feel my facade shaking. "Why were you howling then Leah? I heard the pain in your howls. Leah, I'm not asking you this just as an Alpha, I'm asking you this as a friend." He said as he walked towards me. Concern was written all over his face. "I'm fine Sam. It was nothing" I couldn't hide my true emotions anymore. The way he talked to me, they way he looked at me, it reminded me so much of how he was when we were together. He raised his hand and was about to put a hand on my shoulder "Leah tell me-" "That's enough Sam." Jacob was suddently in between Same and I. "She said she's fine. She told you what happened, now leave her alone." Jacob said with a stern voice. Is that jealousy I hear in his voice again? "I'll talk to the vampires tonight. I swear I'll tell you every single detail. I know what you're going to say, this is as much your problem as it is mine. But the fact still stands, I'm an Alpha as much as you are. Let me do MY job." Jacob continued. Sam and Jacob stared at each other as if they could communicate with their thoughts even in human form. "Alright Jacob. Just remember where your loyalties stand, if not with me or my pack, at least be loyal to YOUR pack." He said then walked away with the rest of his Pack.

"Alright kids, why don't you all phase back. There's plenty of food in the house. Give Leah and Jake some space." Seth said as he walked from behind a tree. Seth is really maturing. College is actually doing him some good. I looked at him and mouthed the words "thank you". He just nodded at me and smiled. The rest of the pack hid behind trees and bushes and quickly came out fully clothed. Embry gave me a sympatric look as he walked by me, I was about to say something until I caught sight of how Jacob looked at Embry. He looked at him with what seemed like anger, maybe jealousy. What's going on with Jacob? Embry finally took his eyes off of me and followed the rest of the pack into the house.

"Leah" Jacob said as he walked towards me. "You chose her over me." I said as I took a step back. Jacob stayed where he stood with a pain stricken face. He bit his lower lip, I guess trying to figure out the right words to say. "Bella..." Jacob hesitated. "Bella will always be a part of who I am Leah. She was a part of me even before Nessie came into the picture. I'll always love her." I looked at him in disbelief and took another step back. He took four steps forward and we were now only a couple of inches away from each other. "I'll always love her. I'll love her as a friend- always as a friend and nothing more. I love you Leah." He said as he cupped my cheek with his right hand. "And Nessie? How about her Jacob? What if she comes back? Will you also just love her...love her as a friend?" I asked as tears of anger and sorrow started to run down my cheeks. I hoped and secretly prayed that he would give me the answer I wanted, that he will forever love me and me alone...but he didn't. He didn't answer me at all. He just stared at me as tears started to fill his eyes. "That's what I thought." I said as I slapped hand away from my face. I turned away from him and started to run into the forest. "Leaaaaaaaaaaaahh! Wait" Jacob shouted after me. I heard his footsteps running after me. "Just leave me alone Jacob." I said then phased without stopping. I felt him phase only a second after I did. "Leah please, let me explain." He pleaded. "Leave me alone Jacob. If you have an once of respect for me you will give me my space. Go home and tell everyone to just leave me ALONE!" I said shouting my thoughts. I felt him stop running, I felt him phase, and I was finally alone. I ran as fast as I could without an idea where I was going. I just had to get away, get away from all the lies, all the pain and everyone the came along with it.


OH SNAP! Here's comes the drama.

I was thinking about having Leah just snap Bella in half, but that would ruin the plot (it would have been cool though )

And Jacob? Jealous? You'll find out why next chapter.

I hope you guys like it!

I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. This is a Fanfic. All Character belong to Stephenie Meyer

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