|Sorry Daddy|✔️

Par Olivia5Hemmings

936K 14.6K 9.7K

>>5SOS Ot4<< "D-daddy please." "What do you want princess?" "Please. I need you. Please just do anything." Bo... Plus

Charcter Answers
*I saw Ashton's Nudes*
Tag #2
Lashton Is Gay


22.6K 505 490
Par Olivia5Hemmings

That's Josh or you know, Josh dun because idk apparently people want him so 😂 it doesn't matter who you imagine really 😆

The door flew open and I opened my eyes. Josh was standing there, looking pissed once he saw what was going on.

I yelled behind the mans hand but he just gripped my throat. Josh practically growled at that, he always was a protective friend. He ran over and ripped the guy off of me.

I quickly got up and grabbed my shirt and jacket that he had managed to take off. Josh was on top of the guy who almost raped me, beating the crap out of him.

I started to cry some more when I saw the guys face, it was gushing blood and I was scared.

"You fûcking bastard! If you ever touch him again I swear to god Dylan I won't hesitate to kill you!"

Josh looked up when he heard my cries and quickly jumped off the guy, running over to me and engulfing me in a hug. I held on tightly to his shirt and cried some more.

"I'm so sorry for bringing you here. Let's go." He whispered into my hair. I just sniffled and clung to him tighter.

My legs were shaking and I didn't think I could walk. He seemed to realize this as he scooped me up and started to walk out of the room.

"This isn't over. I'll have you." The man whispered, looking straight into my eyes. I shivered and dug my face into Josh's shoulder.

He carried me out to the car and set me down gently. He got in the seat with me and pulled me on his lap.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, rocking me slightly. I whimper and he nods. "Stupid question, I know."

He sighs heavily and I look up to see tears in his eyes. "I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry. Next time we go wherever you want to go."

I just nod my head and snuggle close to him. It's comforting, I just needed someone to hold me. I'd prefer my boyfriends but they weren't here right now.

He holds me until I stop shaking and my tears have dried. Then he gets in the driver side and starts the car.

"Do you want to go home or to my place?" He asks softly.

"My place please. I just want to go to sleep." He nods his head and starts the 15 minute drive to my house. It nerves me that I know I'm only 15 minutes away from the man but I'm 100% sure the boys will protect me from him.

He pulls up to my driveway and I stay in the car, just sitting there silently, looking forward. I can feel Josh staring but it's a few minutes before he speaks up.

"You know you can always come to my place, you just got to give me a call and I'll be here."

I just nod and quickly make my way to the front door, stumbling slightly, as I'm still tipsy.

One things for sure, I never want to drink again.

I stumbled into the house, only to be met with my 3 very angry boyfriends.

Before I could open my mouth to ask for forgiveness and request endless cuddles, Michael started yelling at me.

"Where the fuck where you?" I cowered at his voice but couldn't form an answer.

"Ashton..." He said in a stern voice.

"I-I-I was o-o-out." I stuttered and they all gave me an incredulous look.

"Oh really? Because I thought you were in the house." Luke said, dripping sarcasm.

I flinched and my eyes started to water. I couldn't deal with this right now. I just needed my boyfriends' love.

I needed them to tell me everything was going to be okay, even if it was a lie.

"Is that...alcohol?" Calum suddenly asked, sniffing my shirt as I had walked just slightly closer.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin...were you drinking?" Michael asked, anger dripping from his voice. I could see the flame in his eyes as well.

There was also...disappointment?

He clenched and unclenched his fist many times before taking a deep breath and clenching his teeth.

"Answer me." He said slowly, through gritted teeth.

"Y-y-yes I had a f-few drinks...but Mikey..." I whimpered trying to tell him what happened.

"Over my lap. Now." He said and I started to shake.

"Mikey..." I tried again, hoping he'd get the hint since I was using his real name. I never did that. Not unless there was something so important, like this.

This was really important.

"Now!" He yelled and his voice scared me so much that I shut up and quickly ran over and bent over his lap.

"Maybe this will sober you up." He said. He didn't waste any time in pulling my pants and boxers down and bringing his hand down. Hard.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

He just kept going. I stopped counting at 25. I was sobbing but the worst part wasn't the physical pain. No, it was the emotional.

I needed him. I needed them all. But they wouldn't even listen.

Was it my fault? Did I deserve what happened?

When he stopped his assault on my ass, I could tell it was definitely going to be bruised in the morning, he quickly pulled my boxers up and pushed me up, so I was standing.

Then he got up and walked away. He didn't give me a second glance. I started to sob harder but he just walked up the stairs, probably to go back to the sleep that I had interrupted.

"C-Calum. L-Luke." I sobbed, turning to them. They both had hard expressions.

"You'll have the rest of your punishment tomorrow." Calum said before giving Luke a look and walking away as well.

I fell to the ground crying my eyes out. My ass was on fire but it was nothing to the hurricane raging inside me.

Luke walked over and hugged me tight, cradling me to his chest. "They didn't mean it. You just scared them sweetheart, we woke up and you were gone. Imagine how you would feel. Breath baby." He says and strokes my arm.

My breath hitches and I suddenly can't breath. Baby. No. It's not okay. I don't like it.

I quickly push him away and curl into myself. My breaths come quick and I can't breath.

Air can't seem to reach my lungs and suddenly everything's spinning. "Baby?" He asks and I start to shake. It's not okay. All I can hear is his voice.

Then all of a sudden I can feel him. I see it all happen again. Disgusting. I need to get rid of it.

"Ashton?" I hear Luke but can't focus on him. I'm still having trouble breathing. "Ashton! Michael, Calum!" He yells frantically.

I hear footsteps before I feel hands on me again. I start to thrash around. He can't touch me. I can feel him. It's not okay.

"Breath baby!" There it is again.

"No! No! No no no no." My fault! It's my fault!

"Ashton! Breathe! Come on." I hear Michael? I can't tell. I try but can't get the air in my lungs. My breaths are quick and fast.

"Ashton. Look at me. Breath with me okay? Match your breathes with mine." Calum suddenly says, taking my head in his hands. I look into his eyes and try to do as he says.

"In. Out. In. Out." He says and breaths with his words. I follow him and soon my breathing is back to normal.

When I can finally breath, he pulls me to his chest and rocks us back and forth.

"What was that?" Michael asks quietly.

"Panic attack." Calum mumbles.

"I know that. But why?" He asks and they all turn to me.

But the feelings still there. I find no comfort in Calum's arms, I can still hear his taunting voice. They didn't listen. It's my fault.

"I need to wash it away." I mumble and they all raise their eyebrows. I can still feel his touch. I need it gone.

I try to get up but Calum won't let me go. Let me go. Let me go! He wouldn't let me go! Why is everyone stronger than me?

"Let me go." I whimper but he still holds me and cradles me to his chest. What don't people understand about 'let me go'?

Silent tears run down my face. I'm so tired.

Luke came over and started rubbing my back, Michael took me into his arms and I finally relaxed. Calum joined the hug and I finally found the comfort I was looking for.

I closed my eyes but before I fell asleep completely I heard Luke.

"I'm scared." His voice cracked along with my heart but I couldn't open my eyes or my mouth to tell him I was fine.

Because I wasn't fine. I was tired.

Tired of what? A lot of things at the moment.

That didn't go as planned AT ALL.

But I guess I'm okay with it.

TO CLEAR THE CONFUSION THO...The guy didn't rape Ashton, he was going to but then Josh walked in and saved him. So the guy only kissed him and like groped him. But Ashton's a mess right now, I mean I would be too, poor baby.

QOTC: Most embarrassing moment ever?

A: I have so many embarrassing moments it's not even funny, but I guess I'll go with the one time my friends trunks fell down at the beach. It definitely changed our friendship and now I always tease him that I've seen his ding-a-ling.

I'm so awkward.

Stay lovely🌹


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